>Would rather pay for a game than get it for free
What did they mean by this?
>Would rather pay for a game than get it for free
What did they mean by this?
you can get everything "for free" in gachashit too
>you can get everything "for free" in gachashit too
Like your mom?
Tim pays for a lot of my games recently so I feel fine just taking the heavy discount this time.
He wants his game to have achievements and cloud saves.
go on lads, this one's on me
Holy shit user, nice
Seems like a cult at this point.
pirate it without needing a launcher to play it
Yeah EGS is pretty cult like. Soon Tim will be giving away free dinners and telling people to drink his special koolaid.
damn. hell yeah
What features?
>The Arkham games actually use the Unreal engine
You can immediately tell how reddit someone is by their loyalty to Valve. I have found this to be a constant since at least 2011 or so, and I used it as my person compass of which posts to ignore.
So the meme is saying the EGS version has fewer features than the Steam version? Like what?
are you retarded?
it's not out of loyalty you cunt, steam is a better service and i hate having 50 different fucking launchers and accounts. it's not that hard to understand
even funnier is the fact that the steam version has Denuvo while Epic's doesn't
oh fuck user jesus christ
Seems like arkham knight doesnt have any dlc
>having their upvote button be gaben's face
pc gaming is pathetic.
I swear to god Steam purists are the best font of online autism in 2019.
I don’t use the Epic store, but more stores means better competition and therefore a better end result for the gamer. That’s it. Wanting to go back to some de facto Steam monopoly is retarded.
Imagine having loyalty to a digital games distribution platform lmao
So the steam version is full of harmful DRM? Epic store it is then.
Daily reminder that the EGS version of Arkham Knight actually performs better and has much fucking better load times but it's not about stores, it's because it has no denuvo.This is all despite no performance updates.
Fuck denuvo
okay, this is just open shilling at this point
what "steam features" worth literally paying money for? You can get fucking every feature steam has even on pirated games since there are free and usually superior third party apps for everything steam has
>borderlands 3 will fail!!!!
Imagine defending a corporation like this kek, useful idiots.
time for another raid Valvebros
This is absolutely pathetic Jesus Christ.
lol westacucks are coping with aaa capeshit trash lmoa absolutely stupid.
wouldnt play such garbage games even if they were free
>but more stores means better competition and therefore a better end result for the gamer.
Not if one of them barely functions but tries to force people to use it anyway by buying up exclusivity rights.
>Wanting to go back to some de facto Steam monopoly is retarded.
Steam doesn't have a monopoly. Origin and GOG have been around for ages.
Somehow this seems more pathetic than the nintendo review bombing
Reminds me of how i pre-ordered arkham knight on steam, played and enjoyed it on launch, then refunded anyways despite having no major performance issues unlike most people.
Good times.
>but have all features
What features though? The only thing that Steam really has after you get the game is built-in cloud saves, but anyone with half a brain should already be doing their own backups to a NASbox instead of relying on an outside source, especially since a lot of the time, Steam's own cloud saves doesn't catch everything needed to resume your game. And especially since you shouldn't be getting games through a DRM-Client at all in the year 2019
gotta praise our lord and savior
also, remember all those funny memes about him? A guy like that can't be bad
I'm more worried that it will no longer be about the consumer, and more about an unholy alliance between developer/distributor to screw over the consumer.
The game developers are entitled to sell exclusivity rights to whoever they want. Epic have done nothing illegal. I bet you’re the type of faggot that complains Bloodborne isn’t released on PC.
Just like what valve has practised over years now?
>game uses the unreal engine, so buying it on steam will actually give more money to epic that getting it for free on egs
Yeah there’s no way Valve are ‘good’
>source: my ass
Corporate cuckolds who put corporations in front of their own values. It's in the US mentality.
Okay shill. Valve earned billions from siphoning money out of the industry with microtransactions and a vital cut from every sale which should've gone to developers.
So you can have some gay achievements and cloudsaves. Dumb nigger.
What did EGS remove from the game?
are you 13 years old or just retarded?
>haha lemme give you money just to spite you! that will teach you! ;)
So zoomer features no one with a fully functioning brain cares about?
>no singles policy now being enforced in video games
Seems pretty based to me. You do have friends, right, user?
wrong, wrong and wrong you stupid shill and you know it
>"the enemy of my enemy is my friend!!!"
people need to stop thinking like this
>Not if one of them barely functions but tries to force people to use it anyway by buying up exclusivity rights
>barely functions
except it functions completely fine? Never had any crashes or whatever the fuck you pretend egs has. And it's also not like you can't get any "features" Steam has through free third party apps. I seriously never even used any of Steam's ""features"" even though that's where 90% of my games are. Everyone uses discord for social features, you can install every mod through nexus or manually (unless the makers intentionally hid it behind steam workshop), metacritic is a better place for reviews since it shows reviews from both critics and users, so only half of it is the usual one sided reviewbomb fest like on Steam
the reason egs is a good thing is because the much lower taxes on gaming, this outshines the little shits Steam offers. More money goes to the people responsible for making games, instead of just going into the pockets of a middle man. Steam will follow these lower cuts sooner or later as egs gains popularity and they will have to give in, that's the only thing i want. I couldn't give less fuck about where I buy my games otherwise, it's all the same fucking game anyway
>Steam doesn't have a monopoly. Origin and GOG have been around for ages.
Steam still had 80-90% of the pc market share. That's enough to call it a monopoly since it had no real competition. Stores like GoG had no power to affect the market in any way, EGS now on the other hand threatens Valve and forces lower distribution taxation on the whole market
the only reason I still partially support Steam is because they sell erotic games (though they still go on retarded banning rampages every now and then, and in general ban specific games for stupid reasons).
I have a feeling that they only did this because they didn't want to pay people to actually check the games Steam sells, but it's still nice that a big store actually opens up like that
>are you 13 years old or just retarded?
are you?
like how fucking stupid you have to be that you literally want to pay money just so you can get """features""" you can literally access freely anyway?
not just that, but also shill this crap to others
it's common knowledge that valve invented lootboxes and microtransactions in gaming user
also real money auction houses and paid mods. They also tried to force this shit on the whole gaming industry twice but luckily failed
Care not to pop a vessel, Gabe.
That's because the Epic Launcher is the harmful DRM
>he thinks epic is competition
Its a monopoly using cancerous business practices,if it reaches the top it will hound games and become a much worse monster that anything Steam has become,it will make EA look nice,its a cancer claiming to the cure,and gullible corporatist bootlicking retards like you think its a My Pet Store vs His Pet Store
Over the years I know a multiplat would be the least expensive on PC, especially after some time had passed. I attribute this in large part to Steam. A focus on "developers" would keep prices high. Great if you don't actually purchase or games, or if you don't care about how much money games cost. I do both.
I also trust an American company based in Seattle WA to be more consumer focused than a company based in China. I believe that Epic wants to get a larger market share as soon as possible. If Epic and Steam each had an equal market share, I would trust Steam far more. In large part because of my, albeit limited, understanding of the more ruthless business practices that I associate with Chinese companies. I'm not all that concerned with developers making tons of money. It's a really saturated profession, and it makes sense to me that salaries would be low.
I don't like achievements. If focused upon, they create a different game outside of the game you are actually playing. I like that Steam does NOT push achievements too much. They are just there.
Cloud saves are nice. Can you respond without memes, buzzwords or swearing?
they added all the DLC for arkham Knight. Came with a patch, 15gb of so.
Cool, i just went by what i read on steam. Epic really needs their own forums
PC gamers:
>Hehehe! Those stupid console gamers have to PAY for their online with dumb useless features that no one cares about
Also PC (Steam) Gamers:
I’m glad egs is showing the PC gamers true colors.
How is having more stores a monopoly you fucking brainlet? How is a dev selling exclusivity rights to a store for something that benefits them a monopoly? EGS are spending their money on something that may or may not give them a return in profit. That’s capitalism and there’s nothing wrong with it. They take the risk, they get the rewards. Steam are not entitled to release every PC game ever made.
Steamfags hate the prospect that they might have to download a free store to get a game they want.
Corporate cuckoldry
Peak reddit reply
epic store works fine and doesn't have all the blob the steam launcher has, like forums, tradeable cards and stuff. granted it could at least have a shopping cart and achievements but the rest is pretty ok
I use both, just saying my opinion
If that's what they actually mean, steamfags are worse than I thought.
steamcucks sure are weird
You are joking right? They wouldn't release a game in 2019 without either a generic client-based cloud save system or one of their own.
>it's common knowledge that valve invented lootboxes and microtransactions in gaming user
That would be EA with the FIFA series.
>more stores
One store you fuck,a store that keeps hounding games by buying exclusivity,you are absolutely blind in your faggtory and hatred for Gaben's kike practices that you let a even worse,blatant,anti-consumer store do what they want because you are just that gullible,and scream WAAAAH STEAM FAGS
Guess what you negative IQ fuck,i pirate games,fuck Steam and fuck Epic,you just keep playing My Little Master Corporation ,you are a cancer for the entire industry,devs should appease the consumer and not the other way around,or are you paying for devs and not for the games? Do they dictate what you should buy? Are lamp posts now pissing on dogs?
And then constantly have people banging on the door for that account trying to get in.
Can't have competition if you keep monopolizing other game companies to only put their games on your store. Shit, most every game company has its own store front now a days and they perfectly content with just releasing on their own platforms and no where else. Steam just lets people know that they are wanting more games on their super popular platform. Epic gets in contact with the publisher and pushes money down their throats until they finally say yes. I'm pretty sure that is all they've been doing with triple a games now a days.
Jesus, who the fuck pissed you off today, user?
enjoy the chinese spyware
>he holds loyalty to DRM software
The funny thing is that there are actually people ITT right now who spent real life money on steam cards to increase their meaningless consumer cuck level LMAO
poorfag cope
You can make money off that shit? Why would anyone buy fake cards to make money? Who would even buy fake trading cards?
>bought CS GO in like 2013
>after the first match get some retarded weapons skin
>sold it for 8 €
And I paid like 3,50 for the game lmao
go on lad
I pirate shit too Reddit-kun, doesn’t mean EGS shouldn’t be allowed to take a risk and buy an exclusivity deal for a game that may or may not sell. I’ll pose a question to you, if a person made something should they be able to sell it to whoever they choose?
people spend real money on collecting steam trading cards so their steam profile has a number 100 on it instead of a number 10. no joke.
>waaahhhh people can sell their product to the person who gives them the most money
>Lego Batman trilogy for free
can I have fun playing this if I'm a fully grown adult? which one is the best one?
This post is peak reddit
I argue the LEGO games are the better ones
I got them this weekend and am playing I’m the first with my 7 year old daughter. It’s kinda fun but insanely simple. I’m enjoying it because I’m playing it with her (she has the controller, I use the keyboard and it has the worst fucking keyboard controls in the world. The number pad and arrow keys control everything) but it’s not something I would willingly chose to play or even enjoy on my own.
>friends with a badge whore
>i was steam level 20 from various events and shit
>he was closer to 60
>this year's summer sale happens while he's away for work
>i click a couple buttons and rocket up to level 60
>his ass is chapped beyond measure when he comes back the following month and realizes his hundreds of dollars in trading card collecting has basically been invalidated since nobody actually looks at your badges
play stupid games, win nothing
You need to compensate your little weenie with archievements?
You can backup your saves, you know?
That is next level cuckdom right there. That is letting your wife fap to fake 3d men because she doesn't want to have sex with you at the moment and shrugging it off by saying "Whatever makes her happy."
Origins wasn’t free on EGS but was included in the Steam discount.
"In Modernity, civilizations with their own sign regimes clashed with one another; in Postmodernity, terrorist groups as social formations clashed; but in Hypermodernity each individual is a nation state unto himself armed and equipped with his own electronic sign regime to do battle with other suits of light in cyberspace."
YOU: I would rather get fucked in the ass if that means I am not a virgin anymore
Every fucking day there is some bullshit egs bait thread on Yea Forums. Fucking retards stop posting in these fucking things.
why is Yea Forums pro EPIC? just because reddit hates them?
Yea Forums is just reddit but with edgy pose and worse content
>mfw I got all of the games for free 4 years ago
Arkam Knight's launch was such a trainwreck they gave me every game free just for owning it, and funny enough I got it for free in the first place.
Because competitive practices directly benefit the consumer.
competition is good for the consumer. it leads to stuff like me getting all of the arkham games for free
>sucks on kike AND chink schlong
>u fuggin redditor
This is Yea Forumseddit,go back to your shitty upvote begging you cunt
>why is Yea Forums pro EPIC?
Yea Forums is half pro steam and half mature adults
People with an adult mindset don’t hold this pathetic amount of brand loyalty.
>not sucking Epicdick means you love Steam
so every key reseller is
>got the console version when I heard AK on PC was shit
>then I found out about the gibsmedats they handed out to the PC buyers
I like epic and use it because they give free games. Wouldn't trust my cc info with them though. The launcher is fine otherwise.
oh shit
lol thanks for all the free games Tim, haven't installed chinklauncher tho
there are nice torrent launchers too user
Because reddit is seething, and i don't even dislike reddit.
The spergout is really just that enormous
How does one use EGS without revealing any personal info?
I don’t go around telling people I pass on free games to buy the 15$ version simply because it has cloud saving and achievements
ehmmmm someone explain him about "owning" games
If you just want the game for free you can pirate it and not install spyware
>Thing is like thing I don't like
>Means thing bad
Modern games look like shit and run like shit. Valve games look like shit and run well. Valve are mega kikes but I'm completely convinced that all modern game developers have a deal with GPU companies to make their games as bloated and poorly optimized as physically possible.
>consumes anime styled media
absolute retard
have you never ordered a pizza using fake names to jew out a $10 off for first users coupons?
me neither but here we are
Have you SEEN just how much reddit is crying over this? I don't see how you could NOT cheer on the chinks at this point.
r/fuckepic is such an embarrassment holy shit
>valve games run well
yeah nah artifact couldnt even run on people's fucking 1070s at a consistant framerate for a cardgame
But what about if I pay for things with a card? How do I keep that from getting “stolen”?
I because an EPIC supporter after browsing r/FuckEpic once.
Sweeney is the new Jobs
buy burner visa giftcards from walmart
Reddit is the one pro epic,while contrarian retards seethe over some of the few reddit niggers that dont support it,next redditfags will claim jumping off bridges is bad and contrarian underage Yea Forumsermin will start jumping to prove them wrong
You’re trying to hard.
>Reddit is the one pro epic
thats not true at all you fucking nigger
>reddit is the one pro epic
t.the 18 year old retard who has nostalgia over tf2 and cant let valve go
we get it, you find sfms that 12 year olds find funny
>Reddit is the pro Epic
>When they are the ones who have Gaben on their voting system for the PC forum
>Yea Forums went full contrarian yet again
can't beat the (you) route
Honestly I think people would be more accepting of EGS if they didn’t have that data theft issue a few months back.
ive shat on steam ever since they ruined dota 2 and let tf2 rot
Which one is the contrarian?
Wanting free games or wanting to pay 15$ when there are free games?
>buy burner visa giftcards from walmart
Shit, those don’t get tracked?
Thanks a bunch.
Sour grapes
you can't just get a game for free thats not supporting the billionaire corporation and give them money
>reddit is pro epic
Imagine paying for shit you don't own
I pirate too.
When you Americans buy games on Steam, PSN, eShop etc. do you still have to tip?
literally no one except people here are pro epic. And my guess is they are only here to bait people.
not him but I like achievments, it gives more meaning to playing the game
you will be made to register them online usually but you can use fake info for them as well people do i
Being completely indifferent to whether or not a company has decided a game is free or $15 and just pirating whatever you want on a whim without needing to sell your data to chinks.
First off, no.
Second off, go back to /int/.
steam achivements dont mean anything since people just use steam achievement manager
>all features
what features
What is this stupidity?
>inb4 that buttmad Yea Forumstard from yesterday starts screeching again that the games on EGS don't have DLC when they got updated with them.
Honestly, your seething lies will get you nowhere.
The AK discount on EGS didn’t include all its DLCs when it first dropped, and Origins was not included in the discount.
At the very end of the event the discount did include the DLCs for AK, but Origins was still left out.
Damn, i hate steamfags.
steam powered bots really really want more performance-tanking drm in their games
No, I like it free alright.
>why is Yea Forums pro EPIC? just because reddit hates them?
You are literally retarded if you think Yea Forums is pro-EGS. They're very adamantly anti-EGS.
I'm not pro-anything, I'm just not a retard that hates on a games client because they're owned by the chinks. Gabe may as well be one.
>Pay for game
Devs get their money based on the customers getting their game
>Get it for free on Epic Store
Epic pays devs so customers and devs have no relation, doesn't matter if you play or don't, doesn't matter if you tell your friends or not, a barrier is made between creator and player which further provides stupid devs the opportunity to not cater to their audiences at all, since Epic will have their development costs cut altogether.
>I'm just not a retard that hates on a games client because they're owned by the chinks
What if I just hate chinks?
oh noooo the millioaire executive may not be able to get redbox tonight ! WTF
Then it's time to get rid of all your electronics.
then stop giving money to valve who gives china millions of dollars to hold events and codes?
How about pirating? You get a free game and a company cant claim it back from you,fucking reddit niggers,go back to worshipping your chink masters,REMEMBER TIENNAMEN SQUARE
Oksy steamie calm down
Blown the fuck out
That's right Timmy, try to pressure the lads into autistic tribal memes, because everyone is 8 years old and thus dumb enough to fall for this.