Why does Ryza wear like that in front of a kid?

Why does Ryza wear like that in front of a kid?

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It's never too early to expose children to sexuality, so long as it's heterosexual.

Those boots are so ugly
>too thin
>always worn by her in dumb poses
>open toe

What's the best atelier I can play on Vita?
Asking for a friend

She pleases shotas for alchemy ingredients

there's nothing wrong with her clothes though

A man of taste.

Sexual desire does not exist in Atelier.

i wish i could have had ryza be my older friend and molest me when i was a kid

Yes it is : just like showing them violent footage too early, it might mess up their psyché.

Are the latest atelier game any good? I used to love atelier but kinda stopped giving a fuck after escha & logy being incredibly boring

>This user gave me a boner

Attached: Fired.jpg (766x750, 51K)

I've seen parents irl wear less, so this isn't bad

That's a perfectly normal outfit.

Now THIS on the other hand....

Attached: Lila Decyrus.png (1189x1126, 1.32M)

reisalin's design is perfect, and then there's this

Isn't she an enemy?

Tell your friend to start with Rorona plus

>wear like that
Dumb esl

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>Ryza has a Ecchi level body while Lila has a body that belongs in a hentai

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and reisalin's blonde (g)f has the the most innocent body to balance it out

>That pronounced belly roundness
God she should get pregnant

>wear like that
can you stop slamming your peen on the keyboard for a minute

Well she is a half beast.

Her body was made for breeding.

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I will now buy your game.

Tell your friend that Arland is absolute shit and that Totori was the only tolerable game from that series. Mysterious started off great then fell apart with Lydie.

>open toe is a bad thing now
user, I...

Only for boots.

Good god Lila's body is nuts!

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Yeah. Fang’s boots in ff13 are similarly ugly

You sir are a scoundrel,
and you are not my nigga.

>those hands
oh shit I just noticed them

>How much tit do you want

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best girl best design

I wanna say more but I don't think anyone could have that and need more.

That cleavage looks really nice.

Look at this with a phone and sway it back and forth.

Attached: IMG_20190923_000939.jpg (1536x2048, 390K)

every jrpg needs /ss/

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Psychology can be so fucking cool sometimes

I love farmer girls

I don't get it

So, how does this wizardry work?

>yet another Gust shit that won't most likely have a romance to not upset the yurifaggots and waifufags

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>most likely
That it would feature no romance is one of the first thing they confirmed about the story.

how can people unironically claim anime isn't white?

You can see her in your party in videos. Maybe you will have to fight her first or something but she joins you at some point.

>drawing her bad teeth as a fang
very nice

I've got no idea. Maybe you can find an explanation in one of the optical illusions article.

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