Genius. Mastermind

Genius. Mastermind.

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More like Paul W.S Anderson. Not sure why people are comparing him to Kubrick or Lynch. He's a subpar writer and director.

Bring back Kojima, Hideo.

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>comparing Kojima to based Kubrick

Social Strand System™

How original can he get?

how do you guys even diferentiate hideo from kojima? i can never tell who is who for shit

jesus fucking christ

I fucking hate both obsessed fans and obsessed haters. can you please stop posting trash threads ?


Their writing is equally incomprehensible.

I thought Kojimafags were a joke?

Like always, a joke turns serious when actual retards think they are in good company

Can't be worse than Pokefags.

Name one Hideo Kojima Game that wasn't a brilliant and mind blowing experience.

MGS4 and 5.

you're mom

Well technically he is correct. Also who is this? Is this OP's twitter account? Some guy that makes tweets just to make people mad? A celebrity I haven't heard of?

Cucked hard by based Konami

>Not sure why people are comparing him to Kubrick or Lynch.
Mostly because he talks the talk and people believe he's an auteur instead of just a hack.

A Korean writer of some mecha novels.

This but unironically. I am a kojimafag and I know it's akin to being a snyderfag, but I just like his wierdness.

Anything that has received an adaptation?

They had their moments.

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Everything is part of the S3 plan.

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Objectively fact.

>makes /pol/ mad
>makes Konami mad
>makes reddit mad
>makes game journalists mad
>makes tumblr mad
>makes Josh Sawyer mad
>all the while just eating random shit, going on holydays, watching movies, listening to David Bowie albums and befriending hollywood actors

I love these threads.

I'm gonna buy Death Stranding on day1
and I'm going to have fun with it

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What is your favorite Strand game?
I love that Kojima is making a new genre. Only people who hate fun will complain about Strand genre games.

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>>makes /pol/ mad
/pol/ has mostly been having fun posting Norman in his MAGA cap.
libs however art writing outright false articles about Kojima saying things about Brexit.

>buying death stranding at launch
fucking idiot, I can't believe that I am too

Why do you hate Kojimbo Yea Forumsros?

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Falseflagging gets tiring user.

Just imagine a Kojima game without the heavy chains of Konami. Death Strangelion is going to be a life changing experience.

More than anything else I'd describe Kojima as a 'fucking weirdo', but that's why he and his team makes such interesting games.

I'm not false flagging anything. I am getting DS day 1 and love the idea of a new genre in gaming.
Why is that considered false?

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it's always SEAmonkeys or spics that glorify japs like this, why?

that’s a gook

>SEAmonkeys or spics
I never seen one of those tbqh.
It's mostly professional redditor tier normalfag in my experience.

Not really. Most of Asia still hates Japan for WW2. Sure they produce a lot of media, but really Taiwan is the only country that comes to mind as far as Asian countries and worshiping beyond a source for entertainment.

I don't but he clearly made some mistakes with MGSV. Despite which it's still better more fun than most games out there.

I don't, because I'm not a contrarian.
That said I don't worship him either. He has made some horrible choices in some of the projects he has led. But he has a lot of hits too, so it's not as if he can't make a good game. Hopefully Death Stranding will be a fresh start, since MGS ended on such a low note.

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I saw this shit game journalists were trying to pull in another thread and got unreasonably upset at it.
Just look at this horseshit. This is outright lies and falsities. They're clearly trying to pull some dumb agenda thinking if they tell people Kojima says Brexit is bad they'll trick his fans to dislike Brexit too and join their political side.

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>this thread
I bet a good chunk of you would pay top dollar for a chance to suck off Kojima huh

I don't, it feels like he is starting to get a bit full of himself which I don't like.

Talentless. Hack.

I know /pol/ is full of retarded tweens, but they really get triggered from "information" from sources like that?

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They did the same thing before.

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Unironically cope.

(You) unironically rope

Falsely printing misinformation is wrong no matter who does it.


Why are you so angry? You can't deal with the fact that you will never amount to even 1/10th of what Kojima achieved? And that is while he is a talentless hack, what does that make (You), I wonder?

Is that an outright false quote he never said like the Brexit one or are they twisting around context?

>Is that an outright false quote

All you fucking losers would get yo caps peeled if u talked to me like you talk to the genius Kojima

It's tabloids. I'm sure you don't care about the gossip magazines at the check out lane. It's the same tier of publication, but digitally.

He has a point.

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Konami had him on a short leash, when he had complete creative freedom he made fantastic games, as time passed and Konami shoehorned him to make games to appeal to a wider audience he shrinked, his early games are still the best he’s made for this exactly but DS looks like he’s unleashed again.

Who is Josh Sawyer?

He wrote the Gay Fish character in Pillars of Eternity 2.

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Didn’t he stole the whole idea for his game from fallout new vegas?

He also took 5+ years to complete a game. And yeah yeah they had to make the FOX engine, but other companies have made engines and completely games in less than half a decade.
I would say they gave him too much freedom during MGSV. If it weren't for Konami then who knows when or if MGSV would have ever released. He is on THEIR dime, not the other way around.
MGSV mostly falls mostly on Kojima, but fanboys will never accept that. Konami isn't guilt free, but they had to call the shots and force a dead line.
It was their investment after all, not Kojima's.

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>Searching for posts with the filename ‘1512745449124.png’. 32 results found
rentfree lmao

Hes not going to fuck you user no matter how much you suck his dick online

Maybe stop projecting.


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Kojima Derangement Syndrome is a very real problem.

Even if you hate the man those are true facts

As an indie dev, one of my fave devs is kojima but saying he's a genius is kinda off. Visionary perhaps but not a genius. The things he created especially in older gens wouldn't be possible without good coders.

He asked for freedom. They cut him off early yet the game made bank on the first 24 hours
I assume wanting "more freedom" didn't imply doubling the budget
Sadly konami adopted the easy money strategy, prioritizing low cost, big reward shit (PES, pachinko) over other projects that were developed through a bigger period of time, even though they still make money

I gonna blast my ass of when hyped normies are gonna get boring playing the game and Kojimbo is gonna be bashed into oblivion by the industry.

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>drops david hayter
yeah he made some fucking bangers but genius is an overstatement

Business-wise it is ridiculous to invest a huge chunk into a project taking over 5 years to make, especially after the reception of MGS4 and the PS3 in general.
Konami has a right to not give a Hollywood budget and 5+ years to any development team, even God Kojima.
I don't know why everyone expects every publisher to do this. Sure it is now a trend in America to do, but look at the giant games that take years and hundreds of millions to make.. only to not reach the required sales to justify the means. Anthem is a great example of this, or even Destiny. From a consumer's perspective a lot of people playing it must mean success, but the corporations need to reach a very high level of sales to justify the development time and costs.
>tl;dr Konami didn't own Kojima shit, not does any publisher. It is their money to spend how they want.

Your ass will indeed be blasted when DS ends up being GOTY and everyone will love it.

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>/vp/ defending masuda and praising the new games after the gen 5

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