Recommend non-eceleb game channels

Recommend non-eceleb game channels.

Attached: de1c91788be0d791135736995109272a.png (2084x2084, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The Examined Life (of Gaming). He researches obscure games and under 10k. comfy

badger goodger
gamehut (doesnt upload anymore)

summoning salt

The Glowing Bigger
>actually skilled gameplay
>mostly streams at night to increase contrast
>challenges people on streets
>surprise streams

Here is my shitty channel.

Attached: Screenshot_20190924-050032_Gallery.jpg (1080x1152, 571K)

Jesus that cursed image

lambdadelta has a VERY cute accent

red pepper


i'm fairly certain that mass on the bottom right is a cropped picture of the back of somebody's head, complete with mullet and a dark scabby wound

>3 videos in the past 6 months
>1 is a trailer about more videos "coming soon"

I love pics like this where at first your brain thinks an image makes sense but the longer you look at it the more you realize you have no idea what you're looking at. A lot of computer vision shit produces images like that which I'm guessing is where this image came from.

you look like the kinda nigga that does hot glue shit.
unsure if thats an insult yet.

GameTrailers did a series called Pop Fiction, which is basically Myth Busters for video game urban legends/rumors (did Michael Jackson do music for Sonic 3, is Mew under the truck, is there a nude cheat for Tomb Raider, etc.)

Sometimes there's some surprising results (unlocking Master Hand in melee), but generally the most interesting part of the videos is when they chart the origins of the myth.

Why say such hurtful things. I have 3 more in the can right now. Editing them. Life gets in the way of youtube.

Your voice-over room/closet/under the sink has a bit too much echo, but is otherwise pretty good.
Also noticed the energy at the start of sentences fades about halfway through, it makes it seem like you aren't even interested in your own content.
Not saying you have to be 200% shrieking every word but just something to be mindful of.

>Life gets in the way
>Things have been hard
>I've been refocusing on more important aspects of my life
>Lots of studying to be done
>Been putting in some extra hours at work
>Good news, I got engaged!
>Sometimes life throws you a curveball
>Things have been a little hectic lately
>We've got a kid on way, so I'm afraid my updates are a little sporadic
>I'll be back and bigger than ever, I promise
>Last online 2 years ago

I've heard this song & dance so many times. It was good knowing you.

Attached: ligma.jpg (720x751, 100K)

God damn it's like you know me.
Well, in trying. Watch and comment whole you can, buddy.

What classifies one as e-celeb? And non e-celeb?

Its something you can tell. Gut feeling sort of thing.

Mandalore Gaming does fantastic reviews

I wouldn't call MechaGamezille an e-celeb, even though he's Yea Forums's Irish darling.

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Sleepy bear selling jewelry