

Attached: 2013-11-08-Man-At-Extra-Large.jpg (900x582, 234K)

Other urls found in this thread:

why does that guy have an m on his head

he couldn't even wear a size large as a kid?

the character encouraging him is supposed to be the one who abuses him

it stands for mom

>tfw obese
>tfw can't enjoy anything in public without looking pathetic
How do I lose weight without making a fool of myself in public, like running?


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don't get obese, you're already too late

just exercise at home and eat right, tubby

>water fast

it stands for mario

>made to abuse him
>realize he does a better job of abusing himself than you ever will

There's no point when he does it to himself for free

Dieting. Not meme shit, but no snacks, no soda, nothing. Water. More fruits, more veggies, more water. Walk atleast a kilometer a day, more if you can, and keep a steady rhythm. Maybe get a dumbell.

I like that in the fifth panel the shirts are hanging from a katana that he has on his dresser.

Get a home gym. I managed to lose 15 lbs a month just with a rowing machine and some weights. The trick is staying motivated. Ever since I dropped under 190 lbs I couldn't bring myself to exercise again.

god shed his grace on thee

To add to this, don't starve when dieting. Eat full, but eat the right things. Hunger is catastrophic for both your metabolism and your motivation.

Count calories. There are apps that will basically do the work for you now. I use Lose It.

If you can do some exercise, that'd be good too. I use an under-desk elliptical so that I can do cardio while working and playing vidya.

Part of the joke is realizing this torture is too far even for him

Have good genetics and a stressful job

Dude its less embarrasing to be obese and running that be obese and just lumber around like a tub of shit. People might scoff at you, but overall they will respect that you are trying to get fit.

Star fox members don't fucking have legs god dammit they all had them replaced with prosphetics

I actually think his comics are funny

respect is an awfully strong word, either people will laugh at you or they simply wont give a shit

Get your ass to the fucking gym.
Everyone started out as either a twink or a fatass.

Intermittent fasting

Cut sugar, industrialized products, pasta, and anything fried. Done, you will lose weight even by just doing nothing.

It is what you eat.

Yeah, but depending on 'how' obese he is, running could wreck his joints well before burning his kilograms. If you're a real lardass, go swimming instead.

>like running?
Don't go running, your knees will get fucked up from it.
Take up biking instead, you don't even have to go fast - just bike around in the forest an hour a day.
But most importantly cut down on your food consumption.

One meal a day for the next 360 days bayybe
2 months in and 20 pounds lost

you will never make a fool of yourself if you try to improve yourself. go to the gym my man. you will be surprised that the most juiced and pumped up gymbrahs will be supportive and helpful if you have any questions.
just take it slow even if you might get super motivated. otherwise you will end up with slabs of skin hanging down and ugly stretchmarks.
do it right, ask for advice and help.

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This. Losing weight when stuff like MyFitnessPal exists makes it insanely easy, I'm shocked people even have a hard time with not being fat fucks

This comic is so bad but I love it. As far as guilty pleasures go I'm not so ashamed of this one.

>eat things that taste like shit
Better to just go water and bread diet at that point

t. got from 130kg to 50 on it

are you a grill

>if it isn't deep-fried processed garbage full of sugar it tastes like shit
I'm genuinely sorry for you

>Better to just go water and bread diet at that point
>t. got from 130kg to 50 on it
enjoy your braindamage

I wish i was

Good try at an edit,but the shine around his foot brings the focus on it,like it was on the original comic.
Which,now that i think about it is quite a simple and subtle trick.

>le sad obese manchild comic
Fuck off

wait until you rebound lmao

>ahhh steak and eggs so yucky!

hit too close to home, huh?

We were too late. Babidi has possessed him.

How do people even become obese? Don't you realize you're getting fat early on? Everytime I notice I'm getting a little bit of fat I start a new diet and that's it, I'm fit again

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More like hit too close to your mom's cervix


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What the fuck happened these threads used to be fun

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wish i was jon in this pic

We grew up

Very easy, especially when it starts at a young age. Either you gain weight through having a shitty lifestyle to begin with, or because of stress eating.

Garfield is so fucking bland and uninteresting that he might as well be whatever the fuck you want

lol, you haven't even seen your own dick in more than 15 years

nigger what are you doing? Please tell me you're 1.5m tall.

No, you still need vitamins and other shit to keep yourself healthy. Just stop eating GARBAGE and you will stop getting fat, is that easy. Fast food is your enemy.

>boil beet, potatoes, and carrots, cut then in cubes
>make a salad with two tomatoes, one onion, lettuce, and cucumber
>the peels of everything above I shove in the blender with some peper, use it as water for beans and rice
>if I have money I trow a boiled fish on it, if I don't, I just put two spoons of linseed for omega-13
>in no moment I fry anything

That is what I eat most days, and I'm thin even though I'm lazy as fuck. I completely changed my diet as soon as I hitted 22, and my metabolism decelerated because of my fat family genes.

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>physical violence is the same as making a youtube video

That's because it is stuck inside your moms vagoo 24/7

Where's the protein? Are you a girl? Who wants to be a noodle-armed faggot?

I kinda wanna lose weight but I also want to keep the chubby thighs... Idk what to do here

Well when I was 13 I realized I was a fat fuck then I started eating healthy and excersing, why can't others do the same? It's not like I'm a special snowflake

I'll tell you what to do. Post your thighs.

I'm 52kg and 178 cm tall.

>quoting arnold cucknigger spicfucker

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Don't need it, as I said, I have fat family genes. Just this is enough for me to look normal.

You went overboard with your weight loss, user.

What's the joke?

Can you post a pic of your thighs please?

Hello Mr Skeltal


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That's actually a hilarious garfield parody.

Look up the /fit/ fasting thread.
Its easier then mainstream diet and healthier

loz more like lolz

Depression but Meta

>Just stop eating GARBAGE and you will stop getting fat
The amount of disinfo and broscience up in here.

Think of the body as a system, if you put in more energy than is expended, you gain energy (weight), if you expend more energy than you put in, you lose energy (weight).
A very simple, yet effective way, to control your intake is to weigh your food - and weigh yourself at a consistent time (like morning before breakfast). This will give you a feel for how much food you actually consume, and if you gain weight - reduce serving size until you begin to lose weight.

The amount of fatties or skeletons that VASTLY overestimate/underestimate what they eat is baffling, so get a kitchen-weight, and measure shit - it only has to be a rough measurement, no need for calorie-counting.

I've never intended on losing weight throughout my life, just always been very skinny and I have no appetite

Never hit obese, but my mom early on just let me have whatever junk I asked for when I was a kid. Took until mid-teenage for me to start feeling shit enough to finally fix it. Some people might just have very poor decision making skills and enablers way later into life.

You dont rebound on fasting foccussed diets nearly as bad as on 6 small meals a day diets.

Fasting fixes your body

We're the same height, and my resting weight is 66kg, and I'm borderline skeleton, what are you doing?

I misunderstood and thought you were that other dude who was at 130kg before. I'm similar to you but not that extreme.



>likes to get others in trouble like a sociopath
I guess they aren't wrong about Garfield being a feminist icon

>boiled beef and carrots
Fucking disgusting, i rather eat nothing than that slimy shit.

BEET, not BEEF. Increase your page zoom.

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Is Ronnie popular at all online? I'll always just see him as STAR_'s twitch mod, the one with very little social skills.

Lift and eat right.

Nothing can save you. You're a failure forver now. The only option is suicide, I hope those hamburgers and soda bottles were Worth it.

Its like plaing game: each day you have to eat any combination of food which will results in a number closest to your TDEE minus 500. Thats it. You lose half of kilogram of fat per week.

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Because there's a lot more to it than that. When I was obese it was because I was a stress eater and grew up with a mother who had a feeder fetish and would feed me absolute trash and beat me if I didn't eat all of it. That's an extreme example, but shitty lifestyles run in families all the time and stress eating is one of the most common addictions. Most people can't imagine life wouthout their shit diet and will slip off of a healthy diet immediately when the stress hits.

I'm not entirely sure. I've got practically zero bodyfat around my tummy and waist and I'm fairly lean. Arms are like sticks though. Most of my fat's probably around my legs since I've never done any leg workouts in my life, except for running I guess.
I don't feel 52kg.

Hamburgers and soda don't make people fat.

Wait until you get past 30 and the diet that kept you in shape before no longer works.

I'm a skelly trying to put on weight and I have to basically force down enough food to reach a daily calorie limit, and even then I'm still not getting enough protein.

Why does a calorie counting app need access to my phone, media, identity, location, contacts and camera?

>not stir-frying or steaming
enjoy your lost nutrients

This sounds more like retarded broscience than anything

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Because if you go over your calorie requirements they show up and shoot you. It's good motivation

Get the fuck out of Yea Forums, Ronald McDonald

It's not a real guy, it's supposed to be his conscience

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most kids don't get to choose what they eat, they just have to accept whatever their caretakers serve them.

t. Amerilard who thinks 300lbs isn't fat

user, "energy in, energy out" is a retarded metric for losing weight. Food is not an RPG item, there are components and nutrients in some kind of meal that is not present in many others, and you need it all to be healthy. You could easily get thin by just avoiding pasta, even bread, sugar, and carbs overall as if it was the plague, and still eat a lot. It's not the quantity alone, it is more the quality if food you ingest.

If you just use "energy in energy out" and continue to eat garbage, but in low quantities, you might lose some weight, but you will also feel like complete crap in the process. And losing weight itself is not the only objective, you also want to be healthy.

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>advocating for giving homeless people money
They're just going to buy drugs or booze. I can understand buying them a sandwich, but you can't trust them with money.
They're also ungrateful as shit. My grandma used to buy them mcdonalds or give them a $5 gift card to some food place and they'd usually try saying that they don't like mcdonalds and ask for money instead

>brainwash everyone who doesn't share my opinions
The true face of the left

People make people fat.
That obese woman waddling down the street toward you? Cannibal.

This is what 66kg looks like at around 13% bodyfat, if you're at 52kg at even less bodyfat then I worry for your health.

Which part?

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You sound like a bully making excuses. Not your fault though. Someone made you feel weak, and now the the cycle continues.

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They sell your data. How else do you think they make money?

lol threads are so trash now
it's either normalfags blogposting or baitfags posting stonetoss to rile up trannies

I also love how he's apparantly a bad person for using the hashtag #drugsarebad. Yes, injecting yourself with fucking heroin in a public restroom is bad and people will think you're a fucking loser for it

Probably because of datamining. Feel free to find different app. Theoretically all you need is a calculator and notepad, but fancier apps show fancy charts and various stats.

Pic related. I started at 105kg and got to 70kg in ~9 months.

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cute face

>phone slave literally can't survive whithout his momphone anymore
Lmao you don't make that shit up.

just stop eating, you don't even need to work out
you're not a damn animal, you can control your urges, water fast for like a week and push through it, do that a few months on and off until you're down to a healthy weight

lol this shit's funny

That's just Yea Forums now.

im 56kg and look fatter :(

It's just a helpful tool. If I didn't have it I'd do the same thing with a note book and the information from nutrition tags.

Wow, you weigh yourself a lot

why does it matter how they use the money they're given? they're not children, they're responsible for their own decisions

How tall are you?

If your diet consist of candy and cakes, then yes - this method won't work.
It is assuming you eat like a slob, but not a retard.

When you start talking about brainwashing people unironically when they disagree with you, that's when you should realize your retarded ideology went over the edge.

Also, only fools give money to hobos. If you want to give them something, give them food, and see them flipping out telling you they want money, because their real craving is drugs. There's no such thing as a mentally healthy non drug abuser hobo, people who want solitude and freedom move to the woods, hobos stay on the street because they sacrificed everything for drugs.

>water fast
You were doing so well until right here


mirin' trips.
Your bodyfat is higher, you can reduce it by simply exercising.


cute manlet

>that guy at the gym who weights himself once an hour
You didn't eat anything since the last time nor did you go to the toilet. Nothing changed, you donut!

your post literally says nothing about not eating shit like that, it just says to "eat less". one can interpret this as eating less garbage which is why you sound like a moron

Just stop enjoying anything in public. I'm not even fat and that's what I did.

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ah yes, I guess if you dehydrate yourself you'll lose weight quite a bit faster than if you did drink water

Well I'm sorry that I assume that the people around here have above 80IQ.
I'd find it insulting to be handheld to such an extreme level.

This one is genuinely good

Eat less you fat fucking bitch. I hate you faggots so much.
>wahhhhh my knees hurt from walking i can never lose weight
You eat 10k fucking calories everyday, just don't eat 10k calories.

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You have to be retarded. That comic is so simple to understand it's not even funny, and still your brain is too small to understand what is going on.
He's not a bad person for using any hashtag you idiot. How did you even conclude that? The point of the junkie was to draw a comparison to the main character who is both separated from reality and an addict, just like the junkie. It's trite shit and you didn't get it. Never ever analyse anything ever again.

People generally have more respect seeing obese people exercising than seeing obese people just walking, or worse yet, riding those scooters.


>That guy who just randomly stops to kick a puppy
Always gets me


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Running is basically useless for weight loss, lift weights. But first you need a proper diet if you want to lose any weight at all.

Because most people who give to the homeless do so because they want to help them get back on their feet, not support their drug addiction.
If I ever give a homeless guy anything it's going to be a sandwich, and even then I most likely won't because they are ungrateful

I don't know man, I'm feeling pretty swole after that last pump, maybe I got some new muscle making me heavier

yeah but who is his mom, we know his dad is santa claus but i don't see mrs claus being ronnies mother

Every fat person eats like a retard, that's why they are fucking fat. You should ALWAYS assume that when talking about losing weight with a fat person: Their diet is shit, they drink more soda than they drink water, they fry even their bread, they pour the remaining fat in a cup and drink it, their coffee is 50% sugar, 20% cream, and 30% coffee, they pick separate cups for popcorn and butter, and they won't ingest anything that isn't greasy. There's no such thing as a fat person who don't eat garbage.

That's why coming up with "energy in, energy out" is a pointless idea, the first thing they need to change is the quality of the stuff they ingest.

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>I made the pie larger so I, the chef, can eat more and you poorfags can fight over the scraps while blaming it on your race/gender/politics
Fucking Dobson

>missed the part where I said also
Never reply to a post again if you can't even read it. It's incredibly obvious what the main point of the comic was, I was just adding on to it retard

A girl could probably kick your ass nigger

giving advice is literally handholding so you either make yourself clear or keep your dumb mouth shut lmao

Buh muh watur wait!

I'm from Europe so I guess I should check my privilege.

id fuck that cat

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nobody respects a fatass doing anything

Lads how do I cut down on carbs, I feel like half my staple foods are carb-heavy. What are some (preferably cheap) alternatives to shit like oats and bread?

>we are all on twitter and facebook

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>white man still has to make the pie


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Except social justice is more often than not about taking things away from white people
>race swapping established characters from white in movies/comics
>sjw reviews calling characters boring simply because they are white
>minorities can complain about any and everything, but if a white person says a word it's "white fragility"
A more proper analogy would be a chef baking a large pie for everyone else in the room but me, and telling me that I can't have any because I already have my own pie at home


I never said I was against handholding you scatterbrained nigger.
But at a certain point it becomes insulting, if I were to explain to you have to use a toilet you'd probably find it uneccessary, that is extreme handholding.

Gotta hate when that happens with your pocky haha

Anecdotal so you'll just dismiss it but when I was fat I ate healthy, round meals. I just ate a lot of them because I had no concept of not eating when you feel hungry. I probably ate basically 5 meals a day.
I did admittedly overuse condiments, though. Even when you're eating right, ranch will fucking get you.

We all know all of Garfield's dialogue actually come from Jon because he's a fucking schizo. It was him whistling at those couples

>13% bodyfat

How do you even measure this?


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either give them some money or don't, being a moralfag about it and thinking what they really need is a sandwich is gay as fuck


This shit makes me so anrgy

who made this and why

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>Dude old bad new good

It can be done by analyzing conductivity.


Halloween is coming up, user is just dedicated to his costume

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based and hard for normies to swallow

Shut up fag

Unironically make a fool out of yourself by running in public.
People who laugh at you do it to feel better about themselves and are actually not worth your time or attention.
We're all gonna make it.

Some weights have build in bodyfat-calculators.

You are literal brainlets.

What is that last line supposed to be saying?

>What are some (preferably cheap) alternatives to shit like oats and bread?
There are none. Especially for bread. You just have to get over it.


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Wow poor wittle baby's pokemans are getting mocked

That's not called being a moralfag, that's called being a realist. Also the majority of panhandlers are not homeless. They end their shift on the curb and drive home in their mercedes. That's why they get indignant and upset when someone gives them food instead of cash.

They're leeches.


It's an objective fact that a sandwich would help a homeless person more than heroin.
And maybe if the homeless weren't fucking retarded with the money they get given to them they could manage to get back on their feet

Go back to r/pokemon

Last panel is so true. Literally leftards and poltards.


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Pick up a treadmill on craigslist or some other internet flea market you fucking retard

shoo shoo dusty old donkey, regression into fiction is pathetic.


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Poor faggot, nobody bought him a phone.

He's unironically right though.

>food analogy

all that projection, yikes.

What you don't see is the chef using a gun to steal his ingredients from an off-screen group of individuals


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Based Tim minchin. Comic is shit though.

Count calories using Cronometer
I’m doing 40 pounds over 3 months now it’s really easy.


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Every Zen Pencils is hilarious but this one is my favorite because it's a quote that the artist made up himself.

This makes no sense.

you definitely weren't around for the first, and probably weren't even around for the second

just because its not a demographic yet doesnt mean it cant be on in the future. Both are annoying


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Well during the diet i weighted myself daily. It was like grinding mmorpg. Autism helps in this a lot. Nowadays i use weight like once per month. Calorie counting kinda teaches you what to eat. And everytime you fail you get hunger. And funnily enough the only thing which distracted me from hunger was vidia.

I am not even sure what you tried to tell. U mad because i am phone poster?

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Why should I tell you, you creep?

I was holding it together until Geodude

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10/10 post.

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Humanity should evolve into Gods

Read the sticky


"I also threw in a bunch of clashing ingredients some of you said you'd like, it tastes like shit, but it sure is bigger!"

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Gettin fit is fine and all, but that place is a tad too homosexual for me.

M dude exists to push him into working harder on his comics. Staring at shirts isn't drawing comics.


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I have infinitely more respect for fat fucks that seek to atone for their past sins by running and trying to lose weight than for fat fucks who just continue to sit in a car all day.
Prove you're better than your past self, you can do it!

nice sperg out retard

She cute!

you're lying about your height, its physically impossible to be 5'10 and 110 pounds, that's a fucking absurd lie


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Damn, that kid went from childish to based jrpg villain in two panels. We should all strive to be as Gods. Ethics is for humans, not enlightened beings.

tfw no ronnie bf


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>It's an objective fact that a sandwich would help a homeless person more than heroin.
how do you know that? are you a heroin addict?
a fix can keep one out of getting in all sorts of trouble, getting a sandwich with so many moralfags like you around is trivial


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>can't decide between eating a 150 calories snack in the middle of morning and eat nothing and endure hunger

I mean supposedly it's better to eat every 3 hours to keep metabolism running but I always end up eating those 150 calories in the form of carbs, different varieties of crackers to be precise


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Child B gets the flute, she owns it.
Child A can buy it from her if she wants to.
Child C can get a fucking job.

>quotes himself

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It's not a deviantart joke, it's always been a direct and deliberate reference to DBZ.


why is this thread still up

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The point is that you can't produce more resources from thin air, the amount you have now, is still the amount you have to divide, or how practical cases showed, Zimbabwe even less, because most people don't like to work their asses of just to have it taken from them and distributed to others.

So, the second panel should be a smaller pie, not a bigger one, and the guy who is making wouldn't be happy, he would be mad that the fruit of his work is being taken from him with no compensation, because he is expected to do it just out of good will.


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If Child B owns the flute by all rights how did we get into this scenario where I'm deciding who gets it?

He is Motivational Guy, or Motivation Guy.
It represent his inner Motivation to do things, to no surprise his Motivation to do things is not healthy.


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Because jannies have decided to let threads live for a little longer now that fireden is dead

Child B gets the gulag.

racism against sectoids


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I will post my pasta:


First, You don’t want to lower your weight, you want to slim down. Lower weight could mean less water, less muscle, weaker bones, you just went to the bathroom, etc. The simplest metric you can do in your home is to use a measuring tape on your arms and belly. Just make sure to do it in the same place every time.
-Drink lots of water (at least 2L a day) since it improves your metabolism. Even if you’re not thirsty at the beginning, your body will adapt and return to a healthy thirst state with some time.
-Reduce the portion of carbohydrates you eat (anything with wheat or corn, rice, fructose, potatoes, milk and sweet fruits like bananas, mangos or pineapple ). The point of this is to reduce your blood glucose; if you have high blood glucose, your body will release high amounts of insulin. This hormone is the one that builds fat, but if you have an excess, it will make you hungrier and it also screws with your thyroid gland which slows your metabolism.
-Sleep! When you don’t sleep properly, your blood sugar will be high in the morning even if you didn’t eat something with a high glycemic index on the night before. Sleep at least 7 hours a day. Try to not eat carbohydrates 4 hours before going to sleep, since insulin also fucks with the sleep hormones (Technically, veggies are also carbohydrates, but you can eat them before sleep since they have a low GI (glycemic index) and most of it is fiber (it doesn’t get absorbed, it just goes through your digestive system). Your body reacts very different when you eat a bowl of salad than if you eat a bowl of cereal. By the way, do not eat cereals. They are not healthy since they are basically starch and your body turns them into pure glucose when you eat them)

I'm a hikikomori. I barely move my body at all in a day. Spend 99% of it lying in bed or sitting in front of my computer. Only eat 1 meal a day but still slowly gaining weight. Obviously because I literally never move.

It's to take the piss out on people cherrypicking pokemon from old gens compared to new gens because you can literally do the exact same thing but in reverse, you fucking brainlet.


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>say word
>5 years in jail


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why the fuck is a KKK member talking about fake gamer girls?


-Doing 5 or 6 meals a day like a lot of cheap nutritionists recommend is retarded. If you do this, you will keep releasing Insulin through all the day. You don’t want this, since when you have high insulin in your bloodstream, it also suppress the production of “Leptin”. Leptin is the hormone your fat cells produce to inform your body that they are ready to be burned to produce energy. So only make a 3 meals a day.
-Your plate basically should be made by:
>a third of meat
>a third of salad
>a third of anything else you want
For example, salad (lettuce, tomato, avocado), chicken/beef, two slices of bread. Even If you’re eating a small piece of cake (small!, and do not eat bread when you eat cake) thanks to the fiber of the salad (remember to eat even more salad), your blood sugar will not spike much (just don’t make it an habit).
-Fuck Hunger. Those diets that make you have hunger all day long are terrible for multiple reasons. If you’re hungry, try this:
>You didn’t eat enough. Add more protein (any meat. Not grains) and salad for your next meal.
>You have low amounts of potassium, magnesium, chromium, copper. For several reasons, your cells need these vitamins and minerals to create energy. If they can’t, your body will make you hungry.
>Your body produce hunger when you have need for others vitamins and minerals. Get a high quality supplement (not those cheap supermarket ones that doesn’t even have what they say on the label). This is VERY important or you wouldn’t be able to lower weight. For example, if you have a need for iodine (a lot of fat people do), your thyroid gland wouldn’t be able to work properly and you will accumulate fat like crazy, have low energy, you hair will fall down, you will be depressed (you will be surprised by amount of depressed people that would be healed with a good supplement and by not eating some stuff like $oy. Seriously, do not eat $oy.)


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I can't sleep if I don't eat carbs like 1 hour before, am I retarded?


Every single panel gets something wrong.

Reminds me of the sweat pledge where the boss is so bad at math that he thinks everyone literally only works one day a year.

People do all the fucking time and criticis try all the fucking time, and with how retardedly easy game creation is these days with free programs that build or supply literally everything for you, there's no excuse for someone to not be able to try.

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Start doing homegym exercises. Even just basic bodyweight/calisthenics stuff if you have too. If you're a hikkineet you've got all the free time in the world, even if you have to ease yourself into it really slowly with something like 5 pushups a day and improve from there.

Northern Ireland I think


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If the guy had prejudice why did he allow a nigger to operate on him before his prejudices were removed?


>You’re not drinking the water your body needs. A lot of people with bad diet confuse the feeling of thirst for hunger.

Exercise as the other anons said is very important and it is something you should do. But if you’re fat, you may not have the energy to do exercise. Just apply what I said up there and do exercise once you’re ready. Even 15 mins of HIT will make a difference.

this line of thought concerns me
if we hypothetically ever magically somehow gain some kind of 100% indisputable proof of the non-existance of a god, does that mean people like this will go apeshit and start gunning people down in the streets?

Empathy, reasoning and awareness of reality leads to philosophies that the average "good person" would spit on because they simply aren't ready to be truly moral. Something something brighter light darker shadows or whatever.


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But they are making the changes to the products before setting up the new demographic. And even then the main issue most people has with vidya aren't the content, but the fact that they are vidya. Like animation, the general consensus is that they are mindless passtimes or childish entertaiment, and most people above 25 has no itnerest in them, even if the themes they touch are the ones they like.

You're trying to change the entire industry in a matter of years for a demographic that has barely any interest because even if you fix the first issue they are still videogames and these people don't play videogames.

catholic v protestant
lots of it in Glasgow and Norn Ire

This but unironically


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I like that they're subtly calling one of the "thus now" guys a faggot by putting a flower on his shoe and having him tie a bow around his leg. Good shit.

>Ronnie is actually a big guy irl

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Who's paying for the pie?

>all people are created equal
>if you're the 1/10 born today with fetal alcohol syndrome or opioid crown, it's the fault of YOUR shitty work ethic! You just need to work harder!

Imagine what the muslims will do


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Why is his mom a majin cancer goblin?

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Do you have the one where they're trapped and there's a bomb? That one is fucking amazing.

If there's one thing I'd erase from existence, it'd be furries.

Tim Minchin is not the artist of Zen Pencils my dudes

This is not what a fucking 5'7" 140 lbs girl looks like
My wife is 5'2" 145 lbs and is nowhere near that fact.

I wanna fuck that thing

That is to big of a redpill for liberals to swallow.

i guess i'll just keep going until the thread 404s since I ran out of keys to start with

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your wife's pretty fat

bet the creator thought he was being clever too


ah ah

your wife is fat man

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>Doing any of the work

What is this from?

Very carefully

sauce before it gets deleted


All you have to do is work out. Skinny lads have it worse. We have to stuff our face AND work out.

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>moot died for this

>Jim Davis is such a fucking hack that the first other guy has the exact same face as Jon Arbuckle.

some 3.5 dnd splatbook

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Facts: Pandas are bad people.

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Yea Forums used to shut them down and quarantined them. Now it's a-okay, apparently.

Rangers vs. Celtic

>Unintentional self-parody

1.Being grateful for being alive is NA brain as fuck
2.NA doesn't allow you to pursue happiness
3.Absolutely retarded and wrong, you have finite time, not all opportunities are equal.
4.See amazon and their firing policies
5.I agree with this but this is rarely viable, becoming homeless makes it much more difficult to recover than getting into (some) debt.
6.It is, but one person can't have a fucking omega mind for analysing every situation, if an engineer decided he wanted to fuck you over, you gonna get fucked. That's not your fault.
7.'Stay late' Fucking die, you're renting my time retards, rent more of it if you want more of it, and if you don't pay me to do trash ass work, why should I.
8.This is literal brainlet hours, corporations can be changed, and have been, by complaining and protesting. 'if peter down the hall touches your cock everytime enter the bathroom, find a new job and don't complain'
9.Education is your choice, people can't force you to learn, but if you don't wanna learn why the fuck should you.
10.I blame it on the autism myself, but aight.
11.I can resent success built upon others suffering
12.People are not created equal. Some people literally are just genetically lazy. The person who wrote this is genetically low morals.

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I'm not big on mecha but I'll give some of these a try. Assuming it's not one of those bait rec charts, but I can see at least a few recognisable titles.

Conditioning and environment. Same reason why lab mice won't do coke or heroin if they're in a place that replicates their natural environment, but will push the button that makes them feel good until they starve to death in a sterile, featureless, lab environment.

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technically furshit is the only thing that's legal that isn't allowed on Yea Forums.

No one gives a fuck if you're fat at the gym.
Same reason people aren't going to laugh at you for being sick in a hospital.

women that can't get men become rabid and try to ruin it for everyone else

im technically obsease, big belly, strong/fat every palce else. but when looking at my figure and the numbers i am right at 30%, it's just food habits for me, i actually made just a half portion of my asiago chicken and it was filling, killed me hunger. Then i went and did a bagel, lox, and cream cheese fucking up my whole day's calories. Once you're in the habit of eating big meals, it's hard to kick. and once you do, your body will complain for those calories.

>silicon valley and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

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Imagine writing this out and expecting me to read it
Nah faggot no one cares

Not cool, bro

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they have it backwards we thought that they would be empathetic to us because of our shared abuse but they just went full zionist gentrifyers

I like how male feminists have become the new boogeyman in these comics, it's like self-awareness is gradually setting in.

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I guess the janitors and mods on Yea Forums choose not to enforce that.

>his bastard son is more a man than his legitimate children


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it was more for my own autism since I've seen it a bunch of times and wanted to form my own response to it.

Basically brain problems bad don't do them

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youtube cook gave this advice: "nobody notices it unless you notice it. then that's all they'll notice"

>Yea Forums

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>graveler: hey, gimme a potion
>graveler: thanks for the potion buddy
>graveler: as thanks, have a potion

They do care and are quick to act on some things.

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>urban commie doesn't know shit about nature and seasons...
Yep makes sense, that's why it always ends up with famine when they are in power.

She's overweight, but no where close to that picture.

Fuck you too

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Only a little bitch would give a shit about the first three.

What if I work night shift? Does that blood sugar thingy affect if I have different sleep schedule than most people?

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live in it

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Try eating a fucking pizza from a bowl cunt

"social justice" is what the nazis did to 6 million jews

What is this image?

kulak, you yourself benefit from the supplies and labour provided to you by the workers without which you would have nothing to bake. The workers will seize your bakery and bake their own pies, large enough for all the workers.

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There's some mediocre stuff on it but none of those are real bait

user why

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this is pretty home of sexual i tell you what

Is that a casing or a full bullet, it's too blurry


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due to hunger? does your blood sugar fall often and you feel sluggish and tired if you don't eat carbs? do you feel tired even after you wake up?

if you answered "yes" to all those questions then your hormone insulin is messing with your hormonal system; mainly ghrelin (the hunger hormone), leptin (produced by your body fat so the brain knows he can use it to burn it for energy) and glycogen (it's one of the ways your body stores glucose in your cells).

To solve this, you should eat no more than eggs, meat (any meat) and cheese for 2 days. Then, for the next 2 days, you can add veggies. After that you should eat like pic related (meat + veggies + a portion of carbs). If you're still hungry, increase the portion meat and/or veggies; remember, saturated fat doesn't make you fat (a big fatty portion of bacon for example), the only way your body creates body fat is "glucose+insulin" and the food type that increases your blood glucose the most are carbs (fat barely does it).

Just don't eat seed oils (corn, onions, sunflower, canola, etc), Those really fuck you up since your body isn't used to eat them.

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The funny thing is you can read this left-to-right or right-to-left and it still makes sense.

Nothing makes my heart as proud as seeing a fat fuck exercise.
Honestly user, you're not making a fool out of yourself in public anyone who's ever done any amount of actual training will be supportive!

>wh*te "women"


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If they're responsible for their own decisions then they're responsible for their own situation and shouldn't be begging.


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is shadman still a thing

This hits harder because my dog got hit by a car and it died in my arms.

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Some scenarios have no right decision.

What kind of sauce is that on the schnitzel?

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This, bullying was always necessary see:

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Social justice.

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>less calories
>more exercise
You people act like it's fucking rocket science. Drop the doughnut fatty.

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I had a Snorlax or Munchlax in Super Pokemon Mystery Dungeon that I rescued by giving it an apple.
When it teleported out of the dungeon, there was an apple where it was lying.

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You say this mockingly, because you yourself do not aspire to be anything more but a wage slave. Even if you had the means you would not know what to do with them except consume more. You cannot imagine developing yourself as a person, only as a tool of the system.

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whomp comic is so gooood

Maybe not. In the hospital right now.

Norf vs Souf

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very nice

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This is what mental illness looks like.

Reminds me of the Michael Jordan Illuminati video.

There's something about this panel that I love

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The funny thing is that any of those stats are probably way too conservative compared to what a real neutronium entity would have.

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awful, did Yea Forums make this or something?

He died some weeks ago

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Pic related. Bodyfat ratio is a thing.

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>Strawman convention

I'd hope the good of man runs deeper than just the fear of punishment by some invisible being.

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>next to reason and evidence
What if the two categories are mutually exclusive?
Oh that's right, you get socjus.

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Through dick, unity

What's sadder than samefagging is screenshotting yourself doing it and then reposting it.

also a message to men that have their women - bone your women at least once a week, otherwise she'll turn rabid too

Handing people money doesn't do anything to help get them off the streets. Even if offered jobs, a lot of these people would rather beg because in some cases they can make $20+ an hour, tax free, to do absolutely nothing.

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Opposite problem.
Bought tshirts while fat, now they're like flags.
Gotta bulk up with exercise and protein.
About 40% back to the size.

>right: gainax
>left: jojo adaptors

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>How do I lose weight without making a fool of myself in public, like running?

you're already passed that point, embracing it is the only way out

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Losing weight is mostly diet
Yes this means eating pretty much only vegetables for however long it takes and then controlling calories for the rest of your life.

Thanks to all of you anons who gave me advice and insulted me. I'll do my best to try and eat better, drink more water, and try some biking. I don't really want to get fit, just be less fat. Thank you anons.

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She's not muscular either, that comic is just full of shit.

We could replace "Twitter" and "Facebook" with "Yea Forums" and "(You)s" and it would work just the same.

You can do it, user. I believe in you.

user that cap is almost a decade old

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It's almost as if all these comics are just the personal opinions and politics of people who are third rate artists and never managed to do anything worthwhile so they shill their political beliefs.
It's pretty sad when you think about it.

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Man sauce.

Most likely bechamel, though seems to be made poorly, might be even one of those instant versions.

Are you okay?

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confusing as fuck to read user


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This one was actually funny.

Wheres the satanists? What, are you gonna exclude them too? You fucking bigot

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Lmao he died! What a faggot

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>I want to be the guy to beat the crap out of Jon.
No wonder men are second-rate citizens whose life and dignity have no value. They turn against each other for no reason in order to please girls who see them just as useful retards. White knights are pathetic.

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easy mode: no sweets
hard mode: lift weights

>Lost 140 pounds
>people stop me to ask how I did it and congratulate me all the time
>feel even worse than I did before
There is no fucking winning, worst part is peoples expectations of you get bigger while they treat you even worse. Life is a meme

At least some of the DnD greentext stories are partially true. Like you know some guy played a bear and everyone just ignored it or some dude made a luchador. This is just bullshit.

They already do, if mass shooters had fear of God (the Christian one) they would not have committed their crimes.

>I prefer [x], thanks.
People like this are such fucking assholes, seriously

Its not fucking fair bros why wont the customer pay my wages instead of the company I work for! Walking that plate of food across the floor was so difficult

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>be in the vast, vast minority
>expect as much representation as the vast majority
if there's so many gays, why don't they just make their own movies or magazines? why ask straight people to do it for them?
in a capitalist society appealing to the minority for brownie points is the brainlet tier SJW move

look normal and "fit" are different things you lanky scimmietta

H-he just wanted to give his fren a cute hat

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He's not at all wrong; I would rather fund a program that aids people in their native country than a program that brings them here. His idea of using candy to represent things is fucking stupid though.

>because you yourself do not aspire to be anything more but a wage slave. Even if you had the means you would not know what to do with them except consume more. You cannot imagine developing yourself as a person, only as a tool of the system
Absolutely. Me, your mother, your father, your friends, and 95% of the population only works because we need food on our plates, and do it only in the exact measure to reach that objective and get a little more for pleasure and leisure, the only things we really do on our own volition. Do you really think you will find great bakers in a world where they don't receive more benefits than average bakers easily? It is a one in a thousand thing. If the Star Trek universe was real, only a few people would aspire to do greater things, the hugest chunk of the population would live looking for leisure and pleasure, be it from binge watching and consuming media, or physical pleasure like drugs and sex.

You may be an idealistic driven person, and maybe you know other idealistic driven persons, but you are fooling yourself if you think the world is made of them. A society that doesn't constantly, and OBJECTIVELLY rewards effort, by consequence making tiers of citizens, and doesn't have work as a mandatory thing for most citizens, will never mass produce enough to make food for everybody.

start diet
walking/running/jumprope will make you lose weight
diet is very important, you can probably skip exercise if you feel very tired or are sick, but you can't cheat on your diet or else you'll get back on track to getting fat again

Gros con. Mais j'ai ri.

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Newer understood american point of view about tips. Tips is not mandatory, tips is when waiter\server did not fucked up.

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Waiters/servers are intentionally paid less than minimum wage because they get tips, they get screwed

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also regularly monitor your weight, buy a weighing scale and check it everyday. Seeing your weight change each week/month will inspire you to keep going

>believe you won the greatest lottery by being born in America
That's some North Korean juche tier of thinking

That's me, but also I made eye surgery and now don't need glasses.

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What am I meant to take away from this?

>went from posting on Yea Forums to posting on /fit/ and Bodybuilding forum

You are a skinni boiii

God I love these old ass images.

>eat better
Kek. You need to eat LESS. Thats the only real way how to defeat obesity. Count calories or remain fat forever.

>Waiters/servers are intentionally paid less than minimum wage
How is this a client problem?

I agree 100%, Delondra

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yet it made you think about it

I was a highschool bully seethe cucks

Even the first woman had jons face

It's a societal problem. The burden lies on the customer because we as a society have allowed that to happen. Now it is seen as rude in our culture to not tip, despite that being illogical.

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I’m glad Kyoani burned down.

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Is forced animation the artificial difficulty of Yea Forums?

You can eat boiled 3 times chicken breast almost all day long and not get fat, or you can eat less, as you suggest, and rat one chocolate bar a day

Im sorry user...

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I've never been to a gym in my life but these still make me laugh. God bless /fit/

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This but unironically


well we made it to bump limit

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Did he made 2018 and 2019 one already?

>show up
>15min to get menue
>35 mins to get food
>bitch about it
>no manager to bitch about it

I have known some rock star servers, but if you just want Jose who knows 1/2 the English language then keep not tipping.

I didn't ask for this

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It's still an improvement, and that comic is cope for scrawny fags.

yes, I don't know where I have them buried though

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Demo come back
The streams just aren't the same

That literally describes him though, he's isolated himself in a fucking little bubble of telling other. people who point out he's wrong to fuck off. Forr fuck's sake most of Tumblr hates him despite him bootlicking the shit out of SJWs.

Is there anything worse than a fitfag?

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Where is the wall anyway? Shouldn't we be seeing some work by now?

Don't worry user the wall is coming eventually
In the meantime we need to take your guns and your vapes and your video games

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It's been continually obstructed by both the Legislative and Judicial branches.
t. non-american looking on in awe

I get what he is saying but propaganda is a thing that has been used wildly

I still have an old school book my grandma had that is choc full of socialist propaganda because at the time that was the strong party that demanded it

cunny lewd will surely not make more pedophiles but "creations of the mind do not influence people" is a wrong statement

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I-I'm not degenerate...

user, I don't know about america, but in my shithole it like this - if server doesn't do his work good, or ignore you, or just talk with other servers while you wait, he doesn't get tips.
So servers try to do everything good, so they will get tips.
Your country fucked up entirely. You NEED to pay, service service provided

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how is this even a question?
what kind of sociopathic control freak do you have to be where you answer A or C

Who /cognitivedissonance/ here?

anyone have a link to this video?

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>His idea of using candy to represent things is fucking stupid though.

Does it really matter? What if it was marbles? Or coins? Or little toy cars?

You're not gonna fit 80 million of anything onto a small stage like that. Long as you're scaling down anyway, might as well pick an item with a shape that makes them easy to transfer. Plus, they spill over better during the demonstration and really drives the point home that there's a hard limit.

I don't get it

I agree with the others that restaurants need to pay their employees properly and not put the impetus on the customer, but also
>pressed for money
>goes out to eat and spends fucking $138.35

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Hey don't bully Rothbard

you forgot the part where the capitlist owns the tree

Do whores count?
If not, the denialist ain't exactly wrong.

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lol but I feel sorry for her :(

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we can have the same conversation i have with all people who ask that question

count calories
>"i dont want to"
well ok whatever then