Video games with this feeling?

Video games with this feeling?

Attached: Bloodborne™_20171227220221.png (3840x2160, 2.98M)

Death Stranding

dark souls 1-2-3

I dont remember bloodborne having this

I hope.

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Frazetta really hated drawing feet, didn't he?

>that checkerboard
so this... is.. the power... of 4K... ... ... on PS4... ... ... . ... ... --- .... . . . .

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Most artists do if it plants the subject on the ground, either by standing or sitting, they tend to break the illusion of depth. Still he painted amazing asses.

Bloodborne doesn't use checkerboard.
This is just regular upscaling.

still one of the coolest discoveries in a videogame

cut content for a different version of the moon presence

is this just someone fucking with the game? or are they mad enough to make this absolute kino do something like this?

its an unused boss you could find on a specific seed in the chalice dungeon
its pretty cool to think someone might have found this on accident


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You can get into the dungeon yourself by getting the seed of /bbg/.

>tfw no Bloodbourne 2

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its a shame the boss doesnt actually float

isn't it literally in the game just very hard to find?

Explain my good Sir.

It hurts brö.
You need more insight.

Attached: chikage_moonlight.webm (960x540, 2.87M)

>tfw this thing was just chilling undiscovered in every version of the game for years
that's so fucking cool, stuff like this never happens anymore

To to /bbg/ and ask them how to get into the 3rd phase moon presence room.

There's 3 more bosses hiding in the dungeons.
There's even a murder chalice where every single chalice enemy spawns and it's just a massive long corridor with potholes in it.

I really love bloodborne

based retard

It was impressive enough that they managed to hide half the story, but the fact that people are still finding shit years later is a testament to the amount of work that went into this game. Hell, even the act of players finding these secrets by searching for long lost runes is one of the most meta things I've ever seen.

those oil monster things look tight as fuck. hope there's a fuckton of them

It was a genuine eldritch truth, uncovered. I felt a very special moment at the time, like early Demon's Souls.

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>bloodborne is a finished and polished game

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Glad they cut that. Moonlight magic is like a direct opposite to the blood arts of Cainhurst.

Jesus Christ, that's really unnerving.

Bloodborne is regularly very unnerving.

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I don't understand what you're implying with this post

i'm quoting hundreds of bb drones who think bloodborne is polished and wrapped up when fromsoft since millenia dumps fucktons of unwrapped abandonware in the background of its files, and sometimes even recycles them for upcoming games.

*muffled screams of charging madman in the distance*

ok man

But BB has a complete plot and structure? If you think abandoned ideas for chalices are a sign of a unfinished game then I don't know if there ever was a finished game according to your standards.

The Void

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Every single video game does this, are you new or what?

spelunking with /bbg/ was top comfy

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Doesn't it hurt to be on fire?

It's in the game files and you can access it by jumping through several hoops, but it's not finished and it was clearly never meant to be found in the final release of the game.

You big baka it's a glitch you get by loading a hex edited save of moonlight sword on top of a Chikage.
You can also get a green wheel the same way.
We're still going dude.
It is very painful.

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I'm glad they sort of reused this setting for Orphan. It's not totally on point though. The time of day and cloud cover is stunning atmosphere for a final boss. The night is ending, and this is the final horror.

nah it's cut

Yeah but I'm done with Bb; no more char slots, every build type tried with chalice fuck-gems, plat'd etc. Though I got a couple of twink builds ready when return to Yharnam rolls around.

The biggest feature I'd like BB had was a shared container for your gems not even weapons just those fucking gems you need to finalize your builds.

I wish they kept the mirror in to reallocate stats. Having to do new builds from scratch is offputting.

Dunno man leveling in BB is quick after you get your get the chalice.

It's still in the game and you can access it easily.
Just use the glyph on /bbg/.
When is return to Yharnam?
I would've agreed 2 years ago but it's therapeutic at this point to drink 2 coffees and bumrush to mergos with a bottle of rum.

Supposedly every year on the release date, if enough of a stir is made on reddit

some of these can be canceled ideas, or stuff that was just to be added on like chalice dungeons..... you know extra things they were just going to add.

Ehh after seeing enemies clip through walls and killing me it really doesn't sell itself as unnerving.

just say spiders, we all know it's the spiders

Spiders, werewolves and the bird the fell through the floor but kept biting at my ankles.