Deadly Premonition Directors Cut

What's the best version? I own it on PS3 but if the modded Steam version is better I'm thinking of getting that since it'll save me the trouble. Heard the Switch version was no good.

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Cut

Play the steam version or the original 360 version

Was the 360 version really better than on PS3? I know every version introduces and fixes different bugs but wasn't there a lot of QOL changes past the 360 version?

Wait for the remaster.

ps3 version, at least the digital one, runs at a whopping 4 fps

SWERY claimed there's supposed to be a patch for the Switch version coming up, so if they manage to actually unfuck it, it could end up being the definitive version.

>it could end up being the definitive version.

Xbox 360. Works on Xbox One too. Sucks having to play each difficulty seperate since the achievements don't stack.

There's no version as yet that's free of noticeable bugs. If they do enough to fix up the Switch version to the point that it's actually reliable, it'd have a leg up on every other version.

>Heard the Switch version was no good.
You heard wrong, It's easily the best version

>It's easily the best version

360 IS SUPERIOR in stability, performance and for some in graphics.

Attached: DC VS ORIGINAL.png (1918x987, 1.62M)

That was patched 2 weeks ago you mouth breather

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>just had to check to see if i didn't dream the deadly premonition 2 trailer
How the fuck did that even happen.

The worse it looks the better it is

For lack of a better explanation, I'm going to attribute it to J.J. I hope she gets a cameo.

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Steam version with the patch is best version

DP has bugs always did.
How new are you?

Reminder that DP2 is switch exclsuive.

Switch chads rise up!!

Xbox 360 version >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Switch version (Origins) >>>>> PS3 (Director's Cut) >>>>>>>>>>>>>> PC (Director's Cut)

Everything other than the 360 version received the same shitty changes the Director's Cut made, completely removing the colour grading, forcing you to play on Liquid Easy even on hard, adding a handful of absolutely horrendous cutscenes that exist only to shit on the existing story while clashing massively with the rest of the game visually, possibly even spoiling the events of the game if you're paying attention. It also fucks up the UI and adds a ton of stupid DLC that gives you massive stat boosts and the best cars in the game, making obtaining any upgrades yourself in the game pointless.
The PC version is almost unplayable, you will spend an hour or two troubleshooting to get past the first major area and after that expect hard crashes every 10 minutes consistently through an 8-20 hour game.
Advantage of the PC version is that it can be patched to run at 60fps
Advantage of the Switch version is that it removed the bullshit bonus cutscenes from the Director's Cut and the DLC
Advantage of the PS3 version is that it's the most stable of the non-360 copies
360 version is the best release, although still not perfect.

>The PC version is almost unplayable, you will spend an hour or two troubleshooting to get past the first major area and after that expect hard crashes every 10 minutes consistently through an 8-20 hour game.

Bullshit, did troubleshooting with the patch and some setting changes I saw online and on the steam forums and only had 1 crash over the course of 31 hours playing and that 1 crash was before I changed anything because I forgot the port had issues.

You're right I suppose performance on PC varies from person to person but I've had such terrible experiences with it I can't recommend it to anyone in the off-chance they had to go through what I did.
It's worth suffering through for the increased visual fidelity if you're a fan but I get the feeling you were super lucky from the sheer number of usability guides and temporary fixes available online

Every version is awful. The game is a technical mess.

Just adding to this because it's super minor but they redesigned the trading cards in the Director's Cut for absolutely no reason and they look worse for it

Attached: SWERY card.png (483x324, 381K)

>The PC version is almost unplayable, you will spend an hour or two troubleshooting to get past the first major area and after that expect hard crashes every 10 minutes consistently through an 8-20 hour game.
>Advantage of the PC version is that it can be patched to run at 60fps
PC version never crashed for me. Certified Works on my machine sticker.

Are you on Win10? If so then don't go PC, game wont even launch no matter how I try every solution I could find.

I've been playing the PC version with dgvoodoo and only had 2 crashes i dont think its as bad as you say ngl but its still nowhere near the 360 version thats for sure
have you tried installing the included PhysX? that fixed it for me on w10

They really nailed the look of Western Washington

The 360 version ran pretty well and had some nice colour grading. Out of the posterior versions, Switch is the best because it cuts the stuff from the DC and runs better than PS3. However it crashes a LOT and has some weird graphic glitches (black eyes in some places).

Both of these are good.

Original PS3 version in Japanese

The only major issue I found with the PC version was when I was revisiting older chapters to finish up the remaining side quests. Since you couldn't save during a replay of a chapter until you finish it completely, it was always a roll of the dice if you could finish the side quest, make a beeline for the end of the chapter and pray to not crash. Emily's cooking missions seemed to have the most consistent crashes too depending on what chapter I attempted to do them

So if you're completionist with games I'd recommend to do all the side missions throughout the actual playthrough when you got the chance, rather than leave it to the mercy of replaying chapters and the headaches that can bring

Wait what? Did that game succeed in any way? I thought it was very good.

>mfw I gave Emily eggs twice and broke the mission

Thankfully I had a prior save when I knew what the issue was

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No way of knowing. I don't think I've seen any sort of sales estimate anywhere.

PS3 version is the best because it doesn't have the ugly color filters.

I mean it's the worst possible version available to the general public but ok

>available to the general public
Are you saying SWERY is holding out on us? He has a stash of stable 60FPS copies of Deadly Premonition without any game breaking bugs that he keeps for his pals?

>not having the SWERY reserve edition of the game for his drinKING buddies already
Pfft look at the pauper here

I heard the Wonderswan version runs flawlessly

>likes Deadly Premonition
>not enough threads on Yea Forums to my liking so join a discord
>it's full of trannies and faggots

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Ah yes, a fine version. The 3DO remaster, however...

What did you expect?

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user you knew what you were getting into.

What should I do besides DPfix to get this game running reliably without crashes every 20 min's_Cut
tldr: save often

did you have any luck with disabling the intro? i used the hex editor like it said and it just doesn't launch anymore. i really won't mind having to save often if i can get that into disabled, it's like 5 min of waiting

I think Deadly Premonition is the only game where it has a working fuel system for cars.

>did you have any luck with disabling the intro?
Dunno, my backlog is huge and DP is not on my go to play list right now.
Also did you make sure that you change the right values depending on your steam/gog version?

>PC Version Crashes so frequently it can literally be called unplayable
>PS3 Version runs at 10fps
>Switch version has sound bugs and crashes sometimes
>360 version still seems to be the best version

I love DP on 360 and have played through it 5 or 6 times.

I couldn't get more than a few chapters in on PS3.

PC version straight up never booted for me, and it was a gift so I can't return it.

No, not really any Qol. 360 still prolly the best

The Switch version doesn't have sound bugs anymore I think.

Still no car sound

Jesus Christ, that awful 360 puke green filter. Sony always wins baby.

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I don't know what kind of fucked up PCs you have for Deadly Premonition not to work. Stop installing whatever stupid shit you dumb zoomers keep installing to break your shit. Stop installing all the updates Microsoft push out for Win10

I have Windows 10 LTSC and Deadly Premonition just works aside from two issues which are unavoidable. One is a potential crash in a certain chapter, you just need to the skip the cutscene. The other is an unavoidable memory leak that will happen no matter what. Out of the box the game only uses 1gb or ram or something so it will crash after approx 45 minutes, more or less depending on how many interiors you visit. 4GB patch the .exe (Has to be GOG version, cracked versions don't work with 4gb patch) and you can play for 4+ hours without a crash. Just save and reload before then to be safe and you won't have any issues.

I'm saying this from VERY recent experience, this is a game I'm running right now and not vague memories from a few years ago. I will be happy to answer any questions

My experience was random crashes when loading into new areas, one crash that would happen every time in a cutscene after leaving the art gallery.

The final thing that made me stop playing the pc version happened in Harry's Mansion where I finally couldn't find a way around one part that would crash the game every single time.

I will be waiting for the pc patch