Heard you like trains

Heard you like trains.

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my god
I love trains

I love Nonko.

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I don't like this picture. It's smug aura mocks me.

>no scenes with her extra-small form
I wanted a train onahole dammit

p-please don't burn my house

Reminder that this VN sold less than Starnova a EVN.

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I like trains.

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you have Reina for extra smol scenes

No, Yea Forums loves TRANS, not trains. Trannies live rent-free in most of Yea Forums and /pol/ user's heads

everyone who really wanted to buy it bought it on FAKKU


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Suzu is way cuter though.

good, it's trash

is this game praxis?

I don't trust either of these children

I like cunny more than trains.

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On Steam. No one buys loli porn on fucking Steam. All the ironic weebs who buy shit like Huniepop are scared off by loli.

>everyone who really wanted to pirated it and downloaded all the fan patches to fix up all the shit that shitka project.

I fucking love little girls and trains. Trains are super cool while lolis are cute and i want to bury my fae in their midriffs.

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FAKKU can be patched too, and it's also DRM free unlike steam one

buying Maitetsu from FAKKU makes the most sense unless

a) you're some sort of steambrain gaben loyalist who does shit like buying batman games while they're free on EGS to virtue signal to other fedora PC gamers
b) you're still mad FAKKU went legit and sent DMCA to panda for their manga

Even then no one should be supporting Sekai Project after all the terrible translations they did and admitted they hate VNs and their customer base.

i forgot what this was called

My Testicles

"I want to fuck a train that killed my parents and my little sister"

trains trains i love my station