Bought this game because people told me it was great and very comfy

Bought this game because people told me it was great and very comfy.
19 hours in, and it's not, it's just very boring, ugly, crafting is shit, watering shit is tedious, everything is just bland.

Attached: Stardew-Valley.jpg (1000x1000, 111K)

Why the fuck would you play a game you don't like past the 10 hour mark?

You sound like a whiny faggot better kill yourself.

why didnt you pirate first and look if its truly your thing?

The opening title screen, music and character creator should have been a big red flag to you already.

Because I thought maybe it'll get better at some point, maybe there's a reason to gather all this shit, maybe there's a reason to upgrade your stuff and give jewels to the museum but there's none. It's just a pointless shitty farming simulator with a very shitty dungeon crawler and uninteresting waifu simulator.
It seems like a game where the devs tried to appeal to everyone but failed everywhere.

That's what you get for playing a shitty indie clone of Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town

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Why the fuck did you shill this game so hard back then if you all agree now that it's shit?

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It was all a ploy to make you feel bad.

>it doesnt appeal to me so it failed!!11


It's a great game tho

Which is the best Harvest Moon?

Only contrarians think it's shit.

Back to Nature

It's such a joyful hopeful game, maybe people that don't like it are in a bad place or have never known happiness?

Imagine having no taste at all.

I only it play it for multiplayer with my girlfriend.

We both agree that rune factory and harvest moon are better, though.

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That's a big assumption to make.


And we can agree that Pia es best girl.

it is a decent game but it becomes a pile of shit once the community building is finished, there's literally nothing left to do to keep you playing, just borderline collectfag shit

Different people. There is more than one person on Yea Forums.


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Frankly, somewhere down the line I unironically started believing that there's something wrong with happy people.

it's good but it doesn't have as much replay value as it seems

just get starfruit and max that shit out and you basically won the game, nothing else to do once you figure that out

Then give it a rest for a few months and start again.

>being this much of a broken human being
a-user are you okay? do you want to talk about it?

No doubt

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>just be insane!
i'd rather there just be more content

Obviously, it's intended to be a christian game, this is why you absolutely have to install the Jesus mod.

The game is shit without Jesus.

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no, fuck off

Attached: pumped up kicks.jpg (1200x1200, 174K)

can u romance jesus

You doing alright, buddy?

Love for Jesus is strictly spiritual.
(This game is shit, why would I put more time into a shitty meme for shitty game?)

Jesus loves everyone.

The game is good tho

What a whore.

Play Rune Factory.

Happy people have goals the are striving for, it doesn't just happen. Is someone surviving a tsunami in Thailand depressed? no because they are fulfilling their immediate goal of staying alive. Strive, challenge yourself to things that scare you, even if that means failing

nu-Yea Forums
fucking normies ruin everything

nu-Yea Forums indeed

They say one's own hell is meeting the person they could have been. The tendies toll for thee user

an image you made is not a meme