
>*Sniff* Yes, user?
>I'm sorry that I wasted my life away towards video games

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm not
Fuck people look at my fucking Gains

>your mom is younger than you

his mom stayed very youthful damn

Your mom will be dead at that point.
Hope you have siblings that managed to have kids, otherwise you'll be dying completely alone.


Who the fuck plays videogame? I haven't in monthsThe pussy drains life force

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>Yes son?
>did I git gud?
>You did son...you got gud
>then it was worth it.

>Your mom will be dead at that point.
NO. HOW can i survive this Yea Forums?

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Poor guy. Could have spent his free time on more important things like watching tv.

or working

Or wageslaving for his jewish masters, stupid goyim...

You're even too retarded to shitpost, underage

devote your life to figuring out time travel it's not too late

>wasted my life away towards
nice english skills, pedro


Attached: whit.jpg (1080x725, 82K)

why is your mom immortal?

>wasted away lif towards spelling and grandmar
LAMO ot your life

someone should make this into a wh40k photoshop

>*Sniff* Yes, user?
>why are you like 40 years younger than me what the fuck?

>they don't go out with a lunchbox

>We eventually find the key to Time Travel
>The cruel revelation comes that we can never turn back time even if you want to
>However, time dilation is possible and we eventually make literal Hyperbolic Time Chambers

Its his daughter you mindnumbed fucksticks

who are you quoting?

>discover time-travel
>get cocky and do le ebin lottery trick
>apprehended by your respective alphabet org
>turns out the lottery is a government-deployed method in catching future time-travellers

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Just invest heavily into valuable stocks instead.

We are already a third of the way into reaching biological immortality.


This year the human trials have concluded successfully for UBX0101, which is a substance that kills sentient cells and allows cells in your body to rejuvenate. It pretty much kills any age-related disease and extended the life span in mice by +25%. We only need to figure out the enzyme and protein bullshit to essentially live forever at this point.

Just like the immortal lobsters, the only way we're dying after that is either through injuries or infections or we become so jaded from living that we just starve to death.

the time you enjoy wasting is not wasted

Tell that to people who grind months for a cosmetic and don't enjoy the grind at all.

>mom dies
>its gonna ruin my straight shota fetish

It's going to be bad

I don't play shit games lie this

Those are some awful tattoos

Everyone dies alone.

if you didn't enjoy it then it was wasted

They're not enjoying wasting the time. You just said they don't enjoy the grind at all.

>We are already a third of the way into reaching biological immortality.
>in the year 2019
Okay, so it took us 20,000 years of human history to get a third of the way...

i dont want to live forever

I do

You're fucking retarded.

you know full well you are being disingenuous here
why bother replying

Wow! Just imagine, a world full of billions of immortal africans.

>sentient cells

Time Travel is impossible according to RealLifeLore:
