Name a game genre that benefits from pc gaming besides FPS and RTS? You cant. Its a waste of money.
Name a game genre that benefits from pc gaming besides FPS and RTS? You cant. Its a waste of money
Maybe you console players should stick to "fighting" eachother instead. You're just embarassing yourself this way.
Mmorpg but they are dead so nothing
All of them
Roguelikes. 4X. Simulators.
>name a game genre that benefits from pc gaming apart from the genres you play, you cant? i win!! yes!!
Basically any game which demands solid performance like a racing game. Consoles are too obsessed with making everything as pretty as possible to make sure the game actually runs well.
Pretty sure third person shooters can benefit from KB+M just as well as FPS.
Also Sim games. ever tried playing X3 with a controller?
Every game genre. Are you talking about the control scheme? PC supports every controller.
I think you meant kb&m. Unless theres a console specific gimmick that can't be properly emulated any game benefits from being played on a pc because of better graphics and performance and free online.
grand strategy
flight sim
mil sim
city sim
the sims
RTS-FPS hybrids. Shame only three of them exist and they're all indie asset flip cash grabs
All of them except fighting, sports and shitty jap button masher hack and slashes.
A.K.A shit games
Anything isometric.
Only game types that don't work for PC are rythm games and certain platformers.
Except Natural Selection 2. But we don't talk about NS2.
>console retards still think you can't connect a gamepad to PC
Xbone controllers have been natively supported in windows from launch user, 360 controllers are natively supported for like a decade now
>Consoles are too obsessed with making everything as pretty as possible to make sure the game actually runs well.
And they never succeed in both departments.
Literally any game on the planet, better frames. Visuals and no motion blur
Anything with online components since online on PC is free. Or anything without online components since offline games are free to pirate on PC
Anything in third person is always better with a controller because of the sharper turning and strafing movement.
Gaming in general is a waste of money
every game with an open world. every mmo. any game genre that has a massive amount of enemies and effects on screen
There have been game controllers for computers since the 80s at least.
It depends on how important precise aiming is. Gyro can close the gap sometimes.
Name a genre that benefits from being on console first.
Yeah but none were native to windows the way 360/Xbone are. The fact that the button prompts are correct in every game you play is pretty nice, the rumble works as intended, it's the same experience as the console one.
every single genre, but youre so used to consolized kiddie shit processed and fed to you from the snoy grinder that you couldnt possibly comprehend a game not designed for the baseditch 5 button controller and how that affects every facet of the games systems
The fuck are you on about? Modding, better performance, and emulation benefits every genre.
Control scheme is irrelevant. PC normally reaches higher FPS in most if not all games, don't require you to pay a subscription and tend to have mod support.
I'm getting carpal tunnel just by looking at that picture.
I recognize that whore!
Name a game genre that benefits from console gaming.
Performanceposters can gtfo
The only reason you need is ever wanting to play the game after the console manufacturer decides producing more units isnt going to net as muvh of a profit to make it worth it any more. Once a console reaches its end of life plan and starts degrading its only a matter of time
>inb4 muh snes from 30 billion years ago still works
Your snes didnt need a bunch of extra shit to manage thermals and stop it from burning itself to death, newer hardware is generally going to be less durable, sorry consolefrogs
MMOs and Simulation games.
Anything that needs online multiplayer.
every single genre
Wii fit
good eye stroke brother.
There's third person shooters too, kinda. I realised when people were sooking about Control having mediocre gameplay they were playing it with a fucking controller and treating it like a cover shooter.
Basically any game which benefits from more accurate input is better on PC. Having better FPS and looking better is a bonus too.
Thanks for my copy of the game, Tim.
How does that benefit from console gaming? All the retarded Nintendo input devices can be made for PC.
it's opposite day today?
All of them
If I had a brainlet wojak picture saved on my pc I'd consider using it for this post
>play multiplat on PC
>higher resolution
>higher refresh rate
>option to tweak shit
>not benefiting
Every genre so you can have anti-aliasing and 60 fps.
>60 fps
>not at least 144 fps
All of them since I can pirate and use a controller if I have to
here OP, this'll show those dirty pc pirates
Rolling and constantly turning around are more comfortable with dual analog. Also using the third person camera to peek around corners is easier when you can control your movement speed by lightly tilting the sticks.
If consoles aspired to be anything but shitty PCs these days maybe. On my pc I have significantly reduced load times, hardware control, I can use the controller of my choice regardless of game. I can choose what platforms to use or not. I can work, play games and watch shit at the same time with instant control of all of it at all times. The only company that realizes this is Nintendo which is why they went gimmick town with the switch, and have really been doing so since forever.
>more comfortable
Are we talking about souls games here? Because I'll admit that stuff like Dragon's Dogma, Dark Souls etc I play with controller. I'd say that's because it IS more comfortable and the precision of a mouse/keyboard isn't needed for it.
Flicking your mouse to do a 180 to check behind you is easier than full tilt analog stick IMO, and you control your camera speed with the mouse smoothly.
One thing faggots who put games on PC need to get back in their heads is WALK button for console ports. Not having an answer in PC games for analog stick movement is fucking annoying.
Anything that requires aiming most of the time I use M+KB for.
For 3rd person melee action games and 2D sidescrollers a gamepad is obviously always the better choice.
all of them because even those genres that are easier with a controller can be played on pc with a actually acceptable framerate and graphics
Anything moddable. Officially supported or otherwise.
puffy vulva
1. Thats fucking gay
2. Do you seriously want fucking retards to jump ship and shit everything up?
>Not having fps and rts as your most played genres
CRPGs. DOS2 is a chore on console.
All of them
>Shorter load times
>customizable performance if you have a shitty computer
> superior graphics if you have a beefier computer
> free multiplayer
> choose any controller or just KB+M whichever you find comfy, no need to stick to the hardware manufacturer
> no need to bring your PC to get repaired if a harware component gets bricked
Do you really need 5 more reasons to leave your console?
Good taste op
porn games as they mostly don't exist on console
Fighting games
Why not post the full image
Oh right...
Point and click adventure games
Strategy games of all kinds, from tbs to wargames to grand strategy to 4X.
Simulations, from Milsims to Racing to Flight sims.
RTS of all kinds.
Management and tycoon games.
aRpgs and cRpgs, as well as most roguelikes.
Most FPS.
Moddable games in general.