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Other urls found in this thread:


What a fucking drama queen.


Games for this feel

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Yes I bought it twice

That's kind of like drawing porn without having the slightest grasp of human anatomy.


>Female who never experienced love
"so sad... i must protect her..."
>Male who never experienced love
"Fucking incel kill yourself faggot"

What the fuck is wrong with nips? If an adult never having been in a relationship then he’s not an adult.

The former doesn't exist.

That's a great way to market your game.

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>a member of incel harasses gamer girl online
I have your click bait title ready

>Tfw discord fags fall for this shitty fake bait

such is modern society unfortunately.

not if they're overweight

Ikr? They should just like. . .get executed, you know like? *sips on latte*

Isn't the developer a guy? If it's a woman I'll refund it asap.

It easily can.
There's a difference between loving someone and getting laid.

Attached: Thank you for your encouragement..jpg (810x898, 106K)

being in a relationship doesn't ensure you'll experience love, especially if you only got into a relationship to escape the social stigma of being single and/or not being sexually active


Your best friend loves you and your mother unconditionally loves you. What else would you be seeking in life.

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Physical affection

Your mother doesn't hug you and tell you that you're the best thing she ever could've wished for?

Do you have sex with your mom?

Not surprising, what's the chink male to female ratio again?

Why yes, of course.

Attached: 1547867032291.webm (1280x544, 2.16M)

Even a fatty girl can get a boyfriend. There are ton of males who are attracted to fattieis.

That's my biggest fetish.

Attached: Mamamama ~Musuko no Chinpo wa Haha no Omocha Page 36.jpg (1144x1600, 423K)

That's a chink.

>If an adult never having been in a relationship then he’s not an adult.
40+ here. Does it mean that I'm not an adult? Then it's fine for me to play video games all day right?

Whoever this actress is, she perfectly emulated the creeper vibes, shits so unsettling

>Manhood rituals then
Slaughter your enemies, kill a wild beast with your bare hands, endure agony and prove yourself to your people and your gods.
>Manhood rituals now
Appease women.


>implying that exists outside of anime

"Shoo, bitch, I'm trying to find the map"

>he doesn't know kana at the very least

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Incesteous behaviour is actually pretty common. On average it's something like 20% and as high as 40% in some regions. That means if you're in a classroom of 20 kids, 4 of those had sexual contact with their parents.

Also, did you know that as long as you are not inserting your dick into your mom's cunt, having sex with your mom is legal in most US states (if you're an adult)?

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haha wow thats pathet-
>tfw same

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user, asspulling isnt appreciated

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Don't make retard assumptions

Sources for those figures?

Ah bloo bloo.

>tfw no cute chinese incel bf

Damn, I better buy a skateboard, a cap, and learn some fortnite dances then. Don't matter if I'm already 25.

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Why would you write something you have zero knowledge about?

Are you me?

are you implying everyone that made a war related game know how it feels to be on a battlefield?

>"In some non-Western societies, marriages between close biological relatives account for 20% to 60% of all marriages."
>"Among women, research has yielded estimates as high as 20%."
>"about 50% in regions of the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia"

They would at least study to make it as accurate as possible

>close biological relatives
Literally fake news that have no bearing on momcest

>In some less advanced societies that don't care about the high likelyhood of genetic complications caused by lack of gene diversity

Oh, you are talking about abuse, now those numbers make more sense.
Also, not to move the goal post, but

But Japan brought us some of the best games...


Yes. We are the same, user. Search in your heart, you know it to be truth.

Attached: zoomers get out.webm (1280x720, 1016K)

Are you retarded? Incest is always abuse, since they can't consent to it.

Genuinely if you’re 40 and have never been in a relationship you’re a Chris-chan level loser in my opinion.

Consenting adults can still commit legal incest what are you talking about?
Its even on the link user posted.

You're a fucking moron

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You can have healthy off-spring with a cousin though. Inbreeding doesn't become a serious threat unless you are fucking a sister, a daughter or mother.
Another risk factor is living in a small town where the genepool is already small, so that cute girl that lives across town is actually genetically a relative because everyone shares the same genes from the 6 founding families.


>posts on Yea Forums
>calls other people losers

>You might manage to love your mommy, but no matter what, you will never experience BEING the mommy, and protecting and loving your child.

What’s are you doing to get one? It’s really not that hard.


I think you’re justified in calling a 40 year old virgin a loser no matter what the forum.

So every writer supposed to experienced something similar to make a convincing story? Did J.K. Rowling actually went to magic school before she write Harry Potter?

This is very pathetic excuse for talentless writer

It's hard as fuck when you look lile Quasimodo.

Keyword is love, retard.


Hello amerifat. See you in 3 years after the divorce.

We truly do live in a society

this but unironically

No seriously, explain it to me.
Maybe I got something wrong, if so I'd like to be corrected.

I amu sorry to have disappoint you, gamer. It is honor for me to try again. Please buy next video game, I will try best.

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It’s really not. If you’re a 3 then find a 3. If you want a 6 you’re gonna have to earn like $200k a year.

kill yourself onsonybro

You're retarded.


>Incest is always abuse, since they can't consent to it
Is this, like, some sort of bizarre christian fundamentalist bullshit, or are you just high?

its called the law my dude, look it up the next time you consent to a crime

>really wish I could dress cool and pull of the aesthetics of shit like nu-nero and K from 2049
>5'9 hairy monkey man with Quasimodo's eyes

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So are you

>your mother unconditionally loves you.
yeah, that isn't always the case

Stop blaming society as if you are not part of it.
If you want change, start it yourself. Love and protect lonely shotas, instead of bullying them.


Retard, if both sides didn't consent to it, nobody would be punished. Are you high?

Exactly, you CONSENT to a crime, you choose to do so, and because of that choice you are punished. Same thing with incest, because of retarded laws based on fundamentalist bullshit it is a crime, and when you choose and act on it both sides are punished, because both consented. The "didn't consent" crap is valid only for kids, retards, and rape victims who obviously didn't agree to it.

Stop browsing Yea Forums while under drug effects.

>consent to a crime
Oh, so you agree with me that even if it's a crime, there can still be consent?
Good, glad we're on the same page. I thought it was going to be hard to convince you.

incest just means sexual relations with close family user, two adult relatives having consenual relations isn't really an abuse of any one.

user. . . .
The relevant snippet:
>While adult incest is not very common, many, many children are the victims of incest. In all states, sexual contact with a child under the age of consent (usually between 16 and 18) is a form of child sexual abuse. Up until the age of consent, any sexual behavior against a child – including incestuous sexual activity – is considered a forcible sex crime

I think he got tangled up with the definitions and is now trying to save face, for whatever good that does on an anonymous image board..

Remember: strike it rich, the key is love. Save everybody from way up above.

I can sell a bottle cap like this.

>tfw printed my phd thesis few months ago

Does this makes me child prodigy?

the magic is the weakest part of the books and often makes the whole setting fall apart if you pay more attention to it than JK did.
J.K was actually dirt poor and had experienced fucked up households and thats what gave harry potter its intense musk of authenticity
if you took out all the magic and just had a story about an abused poor kid finding out he'd been granted a scholarship at a prestigeous boarding school, finding a new family in the Weaselys, and becoming a star of the soccer team it still would have been massivly popular. many of the most popular book series in UK history have been about childhood adventures had while growing up in perfectly mundane boarding schools

Incest is only a crime in specific places user, mostly because of western cultural taboos. the actual morality of it is up for debate the same way abortion is.

Will I be able to find someone if I make 100k/year?

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Wait, so regardless of who I am or what I've achieved in my life, I'm a loser just because I never went into a relationship with a woman?

Yeah, but most likely it won't be the kind of love you are looking for.
You should focus on your cuddling and handholding skills, instead.


literally no point to being alive if you don't:

1. reproduce
2. your job helps humanity get to space

No, just with yours.

pretty much
I'm in the boat right with you
we're genetic failures, I can't think of a bigger loserish trait than that

No, by that anons logic thousands of holy men around the world are "losers". A real loser is someone that seethes with contempt for anyone more successful than they are in someway.

If you're old and have achieved great success but never have been a relationship, people will definitely think negatively of you. That's just the cold hard facts.

Whether or not it bothers you is your decision.

I'm thinking of going to go to some village in another country and finding a bride there that hasn't grown up in Western society.

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Weebs really are a genetic deadend, huh?

wtf is this movie ?

fuck off normalfag

100k of what?

With my phd in solid state physics I can expect around 36k PLN per year which is around 9k USD per year. In my country at least, no idea about the others.

>Say you think the writing is shit
Not usually one to side with a toastie, but he needs to stop reflecting

Shitty movie about a women who clones her dead husband and raises him as a son wanting to fuck him the whole time.

Burger money.

Lol. The whole idea of “humanity” is the reason why we will never get to space and instead break our backs trying to feed Africa until the sun burns out

Poor guy, the government did jack shit to find him a suitable bride.

Go outside

Sad! I get few thousand more just by being a NEET. But at least you can be proud of yourself.


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Oh. So I guess that with those 9k, it would be too low.

Any idea how people earn as much as 100k per year?

Because the former doesn't go on a shooting spree like the latter due to not having sex

femcels dont exist

Just a weird virgin bro

There's no need for that, user! There are plenty of nice girls around everywhere, you just need to look in the right places.
See, girls are just like guys: you will only find thots outside. The ones who are like you are inside their basements. Just like you.
You just need to get in there somehow, and meet them!

So, what's the solution? "Go get a girlfriend first and then write a love story"? It really isn't an excuse if it's a legitimate explanation as to why the writing could be seen as poor. Fictional romances usually aren't believable to begin with, if you go into it wanting it to be "realistic" you're going to be disappointed. Silly kawaii uguu nip stories even moreso.

Actually Im not. Family dont give a thing, they only care about kids. Im considered failure because I don't have wife and kids like my cousins.

>tfw too (legitimately) autistic for love

How do I do it bros? I get along with women fine and can talk to them and make em laugh but the second i mention liking them they dont want me at all.

People who play these games don't want "convincing" and don't know what that would be like anyway

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Have you ever stopped to wonder why it's almost impossible for a woman to be sexually frustrated?

huh, this guy posted something that is obviously and intunitively true and got a bunch of rage replies. What's up with that?

Of course not, but it's somewhat sad that people take that statement as truth.

They masturbate?

Women would rather fuck dogs than unattractive men. Consider that.

>Be female
>get horny
>go on tinder
>take my pick of pretty much any guy on there
>say "I want to fuck" or "I want to sit on your face"
>get fucked/eaten out

this, take the dogpill

They exist, but they are like 12/13yo tho.

If they're white yeah

if you're making 200k a year and nothing eating into it like stupid dumb shit you could look like a sentient trash pile and get 10's easily. The problem becomes there won't be any love there. It'll just strictly be a transaction.

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So you're saying furries have it figured out?

At least dogs can love unconditionally.

You just know

I meant about the cool sounding phd.
And you shouldn't let other people, even your family to decide if you are proud or happy with your life. Imagine if you weren't in any contact with them, like living in another country etc, their opinions wouldn't affect your life in way then.

Black women just don't fuck, at least according to statistics. Their rates of celibacy is about the same as white men.

Imagine socially isolating yourself from everyone as a human being.

The worst part about all this is that women can't love, love is a concept men invented. Women only look for safety, not love.

In the eyes of most people, absolutely

It’s that easy for a dude too. I’m like a literal 5/10 manlet and Tinder’s gotten new laid 9 times this year.

This is what happens when incels become gamedevs


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My parents were both university professors and they both made over 100K USD per year. I’m pretty sure that you could easily make that much.

Weebs need to be euthanized

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Girls that are 3s don't want men that are 3s. And why should they when they can easily get 6 and up?

Just do it to me already. I'm no good anyhow. All I ever do is work.

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Realizing this is what made me give up the idea of having a family, and get into just paying for whores.

Passed my whole life believing this crap, and when I realize it is a lie, I just see no reason to engage myself on it. Seems like a prime waste of my time, and too much sacrifice for something that isn't really worth it. Passing my genes? Don't think that's worth all my salary, my personal space, and my freedom, all given in a silver plate to some bimbo. Love would be worth it, but love isn't real.

Maybe that's how things look in USA. Im little jelly now.

Especially since society hates everyone with higher education here and value only physical work.

No :)

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You guys are such dorks lol love exists, but you will never experience it if you have this mindset

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He's Chinese, this is completely normal.

post your face

Some days I wish I just drive around to somewhere and someone points a gun at me and just ends me. I know I'm crazy and fucked up, but I dont want to hurt or kill anyone, only myself.

>muh mindset

go back to your redpill copes retard

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If you looked like Lum I'd fuck you too

You retarded guy is crazy too, they just act normal. You're gonna make it.

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Go back.

Sounds like you don't either considering you couldn't even identify chinese over japanese

Would you fuck an unattractive woman user?

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i would think the former is a faggot too if they went on a steam forum replying to criticism for shit writing.... with a sob story... using a lot of ellipses....

>some of the replies to this post

Attached: getting ready to settle down.webm (720x1280, 2.17M)


Only by niggers. They love fatties

Even the most decrepit boomer there is better than you lmfao, please go back to /r9k/.

Tag you're it.

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yikes, found the drumpftard

>your mother unconditionally loves you
My mother secretly wants to kill me but she's such a dumbass she makes it very obvious. Shut the fuck up.

your opinion doesn't matter 90 iq half animal roastie

I'm 27 and it's too late for me to find love.

Attached: no fun.jpg (425x450, 87K)

Same but 24

My mom died in my early teens

Attached: 1539198132678.jpg (1024x768, 88K)

my mom told me that having kids was the worst mistake of her life

If you missed out on young love you're fucked.

>You'll never experience young love
>You'll never have the chance to go through a stereotypical teenage dating relationship
>You'll never make her get excited and write down "date with user" on calendar while thinking about you all night
>that incredible smile will never be for you
>She'll never hear you knocking at the front door and coming rushing over to answer it, stopping quickly by the hallway mirror to double-check that her hair is set perfectly in the pony-tail she knows you love
>She will never hang out with you after a tired, stressful day that made her sad and just hug you and put her face in between your arm and chest and breathe deeply and fall asleep on the bed (this is all before you guys are officially dating and are still friends) and then she wakes up an hour later groggy eyed and looks up at you deeply in your eyes and she says "user, I really like you" and you swallow in your dry throat and choke out "I really like you too" and she moves up your body to face level and you two finally kiss deeply and she drifts back to sleep again but this time with her face in your neck and you hear her mutter "I love you user, I always have...." and your eyes get all wet but you hold back tears because you don't want her to know how much this means to you.
>You'I never be able to give your life to someone who could take advantage of your opportunities
>You never get the chance to show someone how much you want to give, even if you don't know how to receive
>You'I never pleasantly surprise someone who initially underestimated you or wrote you off
>You'I never be able to speak without feeling like you're just bothering someone
>You'I never understand what it feels like for someone to want you to come somewhere, to have someone be content or cheered by just your presence
>You'I never make someone happy
>You'll never know what it's like to have someone really value you. To love you.

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Go back.

Real things don't require an specific mindset. Saying this is just admitting it is a lie, and you need to willfully fool yourself in order to fall into the delusion.

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WTF I'm a pedo now?

based romanposter saying it how it is. as soon as someone starts going on about "muh mindset" they're 100% selling you snake oil

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No matter how many times we point this out, it will never change.

Yeah it does my sister is fat virgin whose life is just work and viidya

>people can't consent in Incest
I'm sorry your brother is retarded

WHY? Literally, why do adult "men" believe it is acceptable to type this for a dramatic purpose? I swear to gog everytime i see this in a comment that is not made by a 15 yo dumb teenage girl i feel actual pain inside.

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I’m 28 and have been in relationships pretty much constantly since I lost my virginity at 15. There is literally nothing better than teenage love. I’ve been with my fiancée for 4 years and we’re getting married next year, it’s great, but nothing compares to dating and love as a teenager holy shit.

Fuck that's awful.
I unironically hope that guy finds someone, that's just horrible.

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You are just ugly.
I'm also good enough for them to talk to them about stuff, but as soon as it is about doing stuff together they suddenly have no time for you

>tfw want to make an RPG but have never held a conversation with another person
wat do bros?

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Wait, internet conversations count right?

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I should really kill myself but I cant be bothered

Yeah, now that I'm adult, there won't be any pure love like this.
Any affection will be instantly confronted with the thoughts of having family, kids, getting a house and car. It devolves into a investment instead of feeling.

Attached: sadcat.jpg (550x733, 241K)

That doesn't sound like my tennage love mine was
>cheap cider
>physical abuse
>cheating on eachother
Mind you there was good times like Christmas time and firework displays when it was legitimately romantic but damn the area I grew up in was a hellhole


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stop defining your personal success by your experiences with women for god's sake, it's pathetic

Dumb cirnoposter you lack the intelligence to make one anyway

But that's what a lot of people do when they define our success.

What else am I gonna define it by my call of duty kd ratio?

but im already halfway finished making it

This hyper-romanticized view on teenage relationships just shows that you don't know shit about them. Teens are dumb and they make stupid decisions. They are poor communicators and don't know anything about being a good partner. Cheating is rampant in high school/college. In some cases I'd say it's better to avoid all that shit in your teen years so you can enter your adult life without being jaded or having misconceptions about good, healthy relationships.

>just stick your fingers in your ears and yell "LALALALA IM SUCCESSFUL EVEN THO IM A VIRGIN" meanwhile the rest of the world continues ridiculing you and looking down on you as a worthless loser


Please die

Now this is a fucking GIGACOPE. I unironically envy you. God I wish I could cope like this.


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"Uuuhh, c-c-c-cope, haha..."

Nice try retard.

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+1 to the fetish list

I have sex, you keep building your lego

>go to school
>not a single girl in class
>get a job
>not a single female co-worker
>sport clubs divided by gender

>b-but just go to a bar!

Attached: 1542209776195.webm (404x346, 1.42M)

>i have never seen a woman in real life and it is literally impossible for me to find one like literally everyone else does
Ok Incel-kun

>developer's name is Rice
kek, honestly I fucking love rice.

Dumb bugman

>devote your life to not having sex, wearing silly clothes, and talking/singing/praying to/about an entity that doesn’t exist
>not the biggest loser in the fucking universe

Fuck you I was feeling good today

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Gee, I wonder why you’re a kissless virgin.

>dude just go talk to women
ew look at this creep *GIGGLE*
not him but have a (you)

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just bee yourself

And they say anime is fucked up.

Tip harder homo

Someone is giving you advice on a Vietnamese Straw Hat Sowing forum. They have nothing to gain or lose from telling you the truth. Changing your mindset is a thing that actually works. Either do so or continue being that autist who posts Blade Runner K.

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Hey I write smut for a living, and don't have a wife or kids. Imagine what my family thinks of me! Feel better user.

Make a cyberpunk RPG where all interactions happen in anonymous imageboards.

Something that requires you believing in it to be experienced, or to have effects, is simply not real. Is magic real, like wicca and color magic? Because they require that you believe on it, an specific mindset. Is every possible religion ever real? Because they also require an specific mindset to be experienced.

You are just a buffoon who willingly deludes yourself.

Attached: Battle pose.png (461x388, 284K)

Correct, literally just go talk to women.

Or sit here and keep making excuses for yourself. I don’t care.

i am making a cyberpunk RPG but its set in japan

If you want to spend your life stagnant and miserable, then you do you. Just don’t say nobody ever tried to help you.

Cool. You’ll never finish it and no one will ever play it. Cool.

Real things require a mindset you pretentious dork. For example, to dedicate yourself to working out and following a strict diet for 3 years requires a specific mindset. To write a book with 200,000+ words requires a specific mindset.
Just go back to /r9k/ and wallow in your own filth there.

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>he think that's how it goes
Oof talk about cringe, gonna be a hard pass for me buddy. Stop watching romantic comedies.

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Kek, this

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nigga not everyone who can't get laid hates or blames the opposite sex

Actually no, it's objectivity, objectivity, objectivity. If you want to believe in your own lies, do it at your own will, but don't come at me trying to evangelize me in your gospel of subservienty and whoremongery.

You could just as easily do both of those things with a whip on your back, or someone forcing you. They are real things, with effects on the real world. I follow a diet and I exercise everyday, and I don't need to specifically believe in anything unreal to do so.

Romantic love though, is just a silly hypothetical construct, and those who believe on it have the objectivity of a 12 years old girl. And telling people to go there, here, or in another board of japanese cartoon forums won't change that, it is only the cherry on top of the cake of your stupidity.

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>tfw nobody will ever love me
>tfw can't figure out what's wrong with me
>tfw don't even know what to change
>tfw tried so many different things and still nobody has ever showed me romantic affection

You have no heart.

You're arguing with a bot.

You have no taste.

thats your problem, you a whiny attention seeking faggot that thinks his life will get better once he gets pussy, when you'll still be the same clingy faggot you always were

>experiencing love


This but also 2 days after my birthday

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Thots get so fucking furious when they learn someone might not be interested.

The secret is that women are not like men, who fancies people by just looking at them. Find a girl, take her to bed, and do all the shit you learned in the internet that makes then feel good, oral, manhandling, fast fingering, and only stops when she cum like somebody having a seizure. Next time try to do something different, like putting a rope in her wrists, or shirt in her eyes, and so on. Repeat that a few times, and done, she will go crazy for you.

The fastest way to a woman's heart is through the bedsheets. In a sense, you could say they are more objective about this stuff than we are, because the partner's ability in bed is something that directly benefits you.

Nobody is preaching subordination to you at all. They're just telling you how to not be a miserable /r9k/faggot.
You can do anything if someone forces you. What is your point here? What is being spoken about is the will to do things. To do something big like writing a book, on your own, requires a specific dedicated mindset. Not everyone can just do it. Having a mindset isn't "believing in unreal".
Romantic love does exist, and just because (You) haven't experienced it doesn't mean it doesn't. You talk about objectivity but all you bring with you in this conversation is subjective faggotry fed straight from /r9k/ or other pitymongering boards. You're honestly better off there where people will agree with you. Don't bring your bullshit here, faggot.

Attached: ur opinions r gay and so r u.jpg (600x600, 72K)

This is the worst fucking thread I've ever been in.
Everything wrong with Yea Forums is on full display here.

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dev is chinese so its literaly ok

>or shirt in her eyes
>I read that as or shit in her eyes
I gotta stop watching porn

Is there anything more pathetic then a person who bitches about differences in societal expectations between genders? You understand you sound just as whiny as some slut asking why the get treated differently by guys when she is known to have had mutiple sex partners?

>start breaking into people's basements looking for NEET girls

Now I regret I didn't save one of those gondola webms because I would've used them for this thread.

>stop pointing out the objective truth that directly affects you, goy! Don't you know this is... Pathetic? And makes you look like... This group of people I'm assuming you dislike?

Kill yourself, not everyone is a subservient sheep to the public opinion like you.

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unironic cope

Blah, blah, blah. What a load of drivel. You just want to make others feel bad so you write a bunch of bullcrap telling them they won't make it.

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Fuck 3d women

>dev is Chinese
He might have no heart but that dev has no soul

Yeah, some people do

Then get accused of rape

2d is pure and will never betray you