From an outsider's perspective, traditional 2...

from an outsider's perspective, traditional 2.5D fighting games like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat are just spamming quick moves until someone accidentally gets hit and gets combo'd with the same muscle memory combo the other player spent a few weeks memorizing. it feels too "solved" to be a compelling game to play.

i'm sure there's more to it, but the barrier to entry is fucking enormous if you aren't someone who played fighting games as a kid.

can someone who plays this type of fighting game help me understand what the genre has to offer that games with softer learning curves don't?

Attached: a vaping fan.jpg (1300x866, 302K)

Should ask on /vg/
Also Yea Forums is filled with cowards who're afraid of ranked.

Just play tekken, it's more based in fundamentals like defense, punishing, and less on long ass combos. It's a pretty deep game with a lot to it but you can go pretty far with the basics until you want to try more advanced shit.

git gud scrub, there's more to it than luck.

You mean a game that can combo you to death?

>barrier to entry is fucking enormous if you aren't someone who played fighting games as a kid.

It's really not. A lot of people view fighting games this way but that's just not the case. Nobody remembers shit about a game from years ago, and anyone will be shit if they haven't played in years. All you do is get a game, play story to learn basics, have some fun, do tutorials if you want, pick a character you like, learn some basic shit, move into more advanced shit, etc..

The fact that there so many blacks playing fighting games should tell you how brain dead the genre is

Any game can combo you to death.. But I got a lot of wins and success in that game by just knowing basic ass shit.

>and less on long ass combos

You obviously haven't played tekken 7.
While its not as bad as DBFz or most anime figthers when it comes to combos its still more combo focused than SFV.

Yeah but sfv is just too basic if you ask me. I hate seeing fags that just do the same move for the whole round. And it happens a lot. SFV is the epitome of safe spam.

The worst thing to ever happen to fighting games was how combos went from the highest source of damage to the ONLY source of damage.

Games like SF2, VF2, Tekken 3, etc were hugely popular and I think on overlooked reason was simply because the damage was high. Even simple shit like normals or throws did a ton of damage and that meant that the games still felt good to play even for novices.

Nothing is truly safe in SF everything can be punished if you see it coming if not on block.
SF is art its core a game about the fundamentals and reading your opponent.
The safest thing you can do in SF are normal's on block and a handful of special moves but still those normal can be punished on whiff or intercepted.

Go get shat on by the trashy AI in Dark Souls or something, you're not cut out for anything more complicated.

A good 2D fighting game should allow long-ranged pokes/projectiles, mid-range pokes and combo/rushdown to all be viable playstyles, in my opinion. Combo-based play can be better, since it has a higher execution barrier - but yeah, it shouldn't be the only 'right' way to play.

The problem is starting out NOBODY focuses on defense. Decent defense shuts scrubs who spam down completely, but few people will teach you how to defend

I hate this so much in DBFZ.
In that game a single special move deals like 1/20 of your hp in damage.
Only a handful of more powerful ones may even deal 1/10 of your hp in damage.
And you have like 3 opponents and and they can also regenerate health.
This makes special moves literally useless as anything but combo starters extenders or endears.
Unless you can vanish attack after it zoning is completely pointless in DBFz.

It's a Marvel-style game, user. The whole point is very long combos.

>from an outsider's perspective, traditional 2.5D fighting games like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat are just spamming quick moves until someone accidentally gets hit and gets combo'd with the same muscle memory combo the other player spent a few weeks memorizing. it feels too "solved" to be a compelling game to play.

because it's not actually like that when you play them

europoors are autistic, more at 9

Look, fighting games are THE superiority defining genre. Most people are mediocre and subpar, most people will fail at fighting games. This is you. You're part of the average, as so are countless billion people. It's just statistics.
Don't feel too bad, not everyone has the god gene, it's just life.

If you have the manual dexterity and mental response time to play any other competitive game, you can be good at fighting games. Maybe not pro-good, but they're not ridiculously hard to play. It's more like people want to be good without effort or practice.