Did you pick your copy?

did you pick your copy?

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no, I'll wait a year or so, it's not worth playing at lunch with bugs and missing content even from that site.


No, the first game was utter trash so I have no interest in the sequel.

i thought people didn't like the first one? how come there are so many threads being made for the sequel?

Oh its out

Sweeney didn't pay for this game user.

did you actually finish it? it gets really good towards the end

I dropped it once the stave weilding security guys started appearing.

I loved it though, but played it only recently with all the updates.

It never gets "really good" outside the DLC.

Oh it's preordered alright.

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I played it to death, did all the dlc (both park and augmented), found everything there was to find on a first playthrough and became overpowered at fuck. But then dropped it in the last dungeon because I was bored and watched the endings on youtube instead.

Not that this stops me from saying I thoroughly enjoyed the game until then and looking forward to the second game. And I mean, "still" because I am not playing it at launch.

>games you wish were epic exclusives

Who here made the patrician choice instead of playing another soulless german husk?

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>not just playing both
step it up

Like one person can do that user.

because a sequel can be better

Oh shit it's out?
How is it? I have the first one but stopped playing it halfway through.

Is one worth playing if it's free? I'm not starved for games right now but if it's decent I'll pirate it

Because anime tits do not make a game good. They are a nice addition but if the game is trash, a waifu wont change that. If you disagree you are literally the reason gatcha is ruining things.

Oh that explains everything.

This game is so mediocre it's not even worth it for free.

This game will be shit too, i don't think i've seen any soulsclone be good yet

>How is it?
Steam reviews are "mixed", so it's probably shit.

>anime weebtrash
no thanks

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I've played the demo, it's surprisingly fun.

network test was fucking shit

I don't have time to play bad games.

no thanks

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Imagine the demo except with a different art style. Try to be objective as possible. Would you still think it was fun if it wasn't anime?

I'll wait for the day 2 patch to fix the performance

If anything I don't like over the top anime artstyles, but this one actually looks more subdued in person than on screenshots.

Well I'm slightly more interested now. I'm still taking your words with a grain of salt but maybe theres something worthwhile there.

Steam reviews are mixed mainly because of launch bugs.

runs like crap even on low

Combat in first game is weird. Run around and wait for the dude to attack then sliiiiiide in and whoop him or lunging attack and smack.

Also, not sure if it was intended, but I was using the captain dude's Kingfisher staff and it was able to 100% break ANY humanoid enemy's stability with a single lunging attack. It could even repeatedly stagger the final boss 2nd phase to get a free combo over and over.

do you not like being an overpowered god? that was one of the reasons i liked kingdom come so much.

>We're getting a Lords of The Fallen Sequel
For what purpose

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>Soulless german husk
As opposed to yet another soulless japanese husk? Please. If anything, we should limit the amount of generic anime trash thats allowed to leave japan.

Well I used it the whole game so I guess I liked it, but it felt wrong that a little staff was the one able to do the most impact, even more than some of the biggest heavy duty weapons.

It was complete garbage all the way

I'm waiting for this one but I don't really expect it to be that great.
Nioh has some shortcomings but is overall pretty good.

>play this awful game for hours its only good for 5 minutes

lmao what the fuck

I enjoyed the first one lots, I'll buy it next week. I was thinking about picking it up once it goes on sale, but it seems worth the money.

Was in both closed beta tests, liked it and the first one enough to buy it. It's good, but I understand waiting till the bugs get smoothed out. It somehow took more effort to run the game now than in either beta. Had to go through all their troubleshooting steps before the game would even launch.

>Only 14.3 gigs

obviously you have to unpack that

No shit nigger. The gamer will still be no more than 17 gigs big.

I'm sorry but no. If it was on the gamepass would be a guaranteed play but I went with Code Vein instead because I've been waiting longer for that one.

I've heard its an improvement over the first game but still not there. Hopefully this doesn't mean the guys will quit the series.

Whos to tell its not a good game this time around?

Do i really need to risk and update drivers for this shitty game?

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that estimate is very optimistic. have you pirated anything before?

it's 15gb after installation

how can you "went" with a game?
can't a normal well adjusted person just play both?

Yeah its not like the west releases 99% of the shovelware every year right? Have you ever seen what gets released on Steam daily?

>it gets really good towards the end

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I have, in fact I do it all the time. Pirated Gear 5 the other day and I'll be getting Surge 2 off the pirate store as well.
You're just retarded.

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confirmed never pirated

Is "went" not the right conjunction of the verb "go" here? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I blew 90 euros on the limited edition of Code Vein, I want the Surge 2 as well but I'm way out of my budget for games this month. Got other important stuff coming in my life and vidya is far from being a priority atm

I did and it's awesome. Then again I'm a fan of euro jank since 2001. Gothics, Risens, Elex, Greedfall, first Surge.. I played them all

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The gameplay is fucking trash in this game. Surge 2 is great but the aesthetics are kinda shit.

Yes, there are many pirate stores.
rutracker, skidrowcodex.net, rarbg.to.
I can go on. Shit's child's play.

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I only completed the tutorial zone and its been fun so far
Don't know why so many people are complaining about performance, I can play it just fine on a 8 years old PC with a 2016 gpu


Dropped the first game after clearing the entire first area and realizing the second was still boring. I'll probably pirate the 2nd to see if they learned from their mistakes or not.

it's the cyberpunk we deserved

It's probably worth a pirate, if you like it then grab it for co-op or don't if you hate it or just wanna run solo.