Thats all there is to it. Discuss the game, GP, the Bandibabes whichever dont matter. Threads here were here.
CTR Nitro Fueled
how many more days till the Nina trailer?
pls no shoot
some fag on reddit worked out in a 10 hour playtime he spent 4 hours and 10 minutes waiting
the loading times in this game are atrocious, some of the worst I've ever seen
OP's pic sums up the type of drooling morons who actually play this game. Unfunny overdone gimmick, but it's okay because it has le secksee girls xd
I'm not a furry... but.... LOL FUNNY MEEEEEMEMEMEMEE
Reminder that jannies are butthurt Sonic fags that can't handle the fact that a orange marsupial is as of recently more popular/successful than a blue hedgehog.
This post sums up the drooling retards that believe everything about girls is sexual and therefore cannot be discussed.
Go ahead and report the thread and just shut the fuck up already.
Play Turning characters.
When will the Bandibabes be available again? I got the game mid-second GP.
Tawna will probably be available next month since she has a datamined skin
This. Based and Lizpilled.
Theyve been promised to be available again down the line but that could be anyones guess when.
not only that but the lobby takes too long to start the race too.
man u turnig is so much fucking easier with speen. i can never make that jump with turn or balanced but with accel and speed i always make it first try. same thing for that polar pass shortcut
Well shit, I'm a furfag now. Thanks OP
Assuming Nina, Joe and Brio are not part of the same GP place your bets on who the other two characters will be. Who'd be the most fitting?
I'm betting it's actually a Twinsanity GP so Nina, Amberly and Twins. Evil Crash & Evil Coco as skins.
Fortunately Nina, Joe and Brio are coming in the next couple days. Eleven I think? Beenox would be downright foolish to make 1 character in the GP. The characters we will be missing are Koala Kong and Rilla Roo who are being used for the reruns.
Where is the sfm porn?
Asking for a friend
I guess animators are just waiting on those patreon bucks
Theres SFM porn...but its horrid.
Does anyone else feel disgust when they look at those characters? I feel the same way as when I look at this goofy guy. I'm not one of those anti furry people but if you think those characters are hot there's something wrong with you.
>insert liz farting pics
>insert megumi with a gun
>insert liz webm winning against people who cant play
>no one cares about isabella
>nina and yaya shitposting
there,thread over,saved you about 300 posts of uploading pics,you are welcome,now go home
Wow they have the same nose. It's totally the same design!
I've got somewhere for you to go, too.
/repic my friend
Habe they found any new exploits?
Only Tawna for some reason.
Your first point doesnt even exist and the rest or any extended media is part of CTR Yea Forums threads. Acting like any of its a bad thing. Well maybe Yaya, but who pissed in your cereal this morning?
Jesus Christ, I knew it took some time to get into a race, but since I never play this game without doing something else in the meantime I never realized it was this fucking much.
And it gets worse the better you are since you end races faster.
Hey guys, pop quiz! You get one answer per post. Ready?
Who's best grill?
There's a prize
Megumi and Ami look pretty cute; the rest has really bad profile pics and the actual models are no better aside from Liz's.
Liz's mugshot is perfect fuck you
I honestly enjoy the turbo pad reserves nerf. People have to really grasp the reserve system now.
Already posted her
Wrong! Try again!
>yfw you realize the host is a Tropy, Penta or Dark Spyro
You just know that lobby won't be alive after a race if anything happens to them.
Beating them with anything other than Speed usually works too
its just the same thread over and over again,dont you ever get tired? you dont even use new pics
Why don't you post any
Any actual screenshots of supposed Dark Coco yet, beyond pic related that may or may not be legit?
Debunked. Someone was just being a faggot on reddit and made a texture edit.
So when is Beenox gonna just patch in Retro Kart coloring and stop being dicks about it
Kill yourself liznigger
Nice inspect element edit newfag
Post content
Werewolf Tawna, please Beenox.
>Posts normal unimpressive gameplay
>with a shit class
You have aspergers.
Git gud faggot
Glad someone made this. I was just thinking the other day “I’m pretty sure half of my time in this game is just sitting here waiting” and now I know I’m pretty much right
I can use Speed, faggot.
Why? I can do that with speed and be even faster.
It's worse when the host leaves
>webm of normal SF and unoptimized newfag routing
No you clearly can't use speed faggot
They will never buff anything you stupid nigger
The bars need to be updated and engine swap needs to be in. They're not going to ruin little timmy's character just for the sake of "balance". Retards need to realize buffing just isn't a option because it's removing the feel that some people enjoy
Because being a metafag in a kart racer is just sad. Use whoever you want. I guarantee not every character you like is Speed.
No shit it's unoptimized. I would have hit the train.
>he thinks I'm just talking about the train part
I thought you were an average player, but now I see you're just shit at the game.
I bet you can tell the future with enemy items too right?
Yes, you mean the section where I went wide exiting the highway. I know what a fucking line is.
The fans in Deep Sea Driving are just a roll of the dice right. No matter how much better I get I will just never do good there and I"ll always hit them,.
I think the worst part is not being able to see the fan blades ahead of time when you have your blue flame roaring, it almost feels like a QTE on those last 3 ones
Fuck you and fuck your engine swap bullshit
Liz is one sassy bandicoot.
Remember the first set. It's a tell for the last two.
If you hold that line you are guaranteed not to hit them. It may not be the fastest line, but it's foolproof.
>I know what a fucking line is.
Based on your gameplay footage, you clearly don't
>it's free real estate
Now do that with a speed character
You have aspergers.
And you have no skill
Ewww, "big sister" cooties.
I'm really fucking good considering just how little I play. Post your times.
>I'm really fucking good
Post your WRs
>Immediately flips it
Oh you're THAT retard again
>Talk shit
>Get asked for proof
>n-no I'm backing off
What a fucking little bitch you are.
When are you gonna stop crying and git gud?
>Talk shit
You're literally the only one talking shit.
The only shit I'm talking to is you
once you figure out the turn skip at the end, HAS is probably the most kino track, followed by Tiny's Arena
prize is still up for grabs
What's the prize?