Feel like replaying an old game

>feel like replaying an old game
>remember it's shit, so I don't
What's her name, Yea Forums? For me, it's definitely pic related.

Attached: mgsv.jpg (805x1000, 389K)

>2015 game
Also, MGSV is great, and the only problem about replaying it is starting everything again from scratch.

>MGSV is great,

>MGSV is great
Thinking about the opening sequence alone makes me fucking heave.

Attached: 1558578367353.jpg (905x881, 266K)

I go back to MGSV for the gameplay now and then, and it's usually a fun time. Can't say I enjoyed anything else.

>unfinished game


any cRPG similar to Boulders Gate
I loved them as a kid now they are just boring

This is me for Fallout 2. Must have replayed 1 and New Vegas 7 or 8 times each but have ever replayed 2. Each settlement felt like a giant check-list of quests.

Super Metroid
Even Other M is better. Yeah I've said it, what now.


metal gear soild 5 is great, I feel bad for people who cant enjoy it.

Attached: yP6DA37q3LFNhYVm58MPhnbd1PWoR7na7aoqzr0bhaE.png (991x1293, 2.57M)

I know that feel op brings me back to the good old days when i was 12 playing black ops 4

>but muh act 3

Attached: 1474924891474.jpg (600x418, 27K)

>Played MGS1 multiple times
>Played MGS2 well over 10 times
>Played MGS3 multiple times
>Even played MGS4 thrice
>Played PP once and have no desire to ever return

I don't get how people say MGSV has the best gameplay when most of the game is filler


MGSV is the best Metal Gear game


not necessarily shit but the "zombie" level in HL2 is what stops me from replaying it

and the fay (or however it's spelled) in Dragon Age 1.