Why are games so shit now?
Why are games so shit now?
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too many graphics
Because of the cost of making them and also political regulations
Because you only own a PC
but literally every game ever made is either on PC or will be eventually whether the studio likes it or not.
PC gaming almost killed my love of gaming. It was a waste of money and time. PC exclusives like lol,DotA, CSGO, StarCraft all fucking suck.
You're jaded. Do something else.
Name the last 10 games you’ve played and then we can talk about it
Ah yes cinematic experiences and games for soccer moms is exactly what I want.
Just forget that most modern AAA games exist and stick to playing old shit and indies.
Every game is a pc exclusive
Because you save and post 2019 Wojakedits from tumblr
Fool, PC is for emulating games from 2006 and below. Not for faggot exclusives.
>lol,DotA, CSGO, StarCraft
Play something else, you dope.
I have a 190 games on my steam account and not one of them is any of those.
>Because you save and post 2019 Wojakedits from tumblr
Deus Ex
Planescape Torment
Fallout New Vegas
Baldur's Gate
Splinter Cell
WoW Classic
PC, Switch + Hacked 3DS. There, that's literally all you need. PS4 is a nice Persona 5 and Bloodborne machine though. I still won't buy one despite having money to burn.
PS4 gaming almost killed my love of gaming. It was a waste of money and time. PS4 exclusives like uncharted, TLoU, Detroit: Become Human and horizon zero dawn all fucking suck.
Switch gaming almost killed my love of gaming. It was a waste of money and time. Switch exclusives like pokemon let's go, mario kart, mario+rabbids and botw all fucking suck.
>games are bad now
>le depressed gaming man
The issue is you, not the games.
This. Just forget about AAA gaming. Everything is about money and pleasing SJW scums now. AAA gaming is worthless except in Japan where there still are some good games releasing.
Stick to indie and Japanese AAA. That's it.
>muhhhh exclusivesssss
This is your brain on shilling.
EVERY game is a PC game in the end.
>60 FPS
My 144 screen disagrees with you.
You should try Pathfinder Kingmaker with turn based mod. It's so fucking good with this mod.
internet, mostly
studios and publishers saw how much money WoW and Phone Games were making off of forcing you to use online and MTX and smelled blood in the water
the only alternative is console
This is a joke right. The others I kinda get. But fucking Quake?
Now post the last 10 games you really played
>his monitor only does 144hz
you don't want the 60fps patch anyway, it makes the animations go weird.
the point is that P5 can be comfortably played on PC.
shitter detected
Greed fuels today's games rather than passion
It's not the games, it's you.
but also the games
>only recent game is a rerelease of a 2004 game
>why muhdren gaem bad?
Great shitpost
>muh higher numbers
>My 144 screen disagrees with you.
>muh higher numbers
Seeth PC mustard faggot.
Yea Forums is zoomer central no point complaining about how shit new games are here this board eats them all up
Tenth thread I've seen over the course of two days.
Have you considered the fact that you can spend upwards of 10 hours of every day (even on weekdays) making these threads may actually answer your question?
Also economics. It’s not the whole story, but videogames went through a subtle, but noticeable change post 9/11 (compare Starfox 64 to Starfox Assault).
Dilate tranny
There are midcarder games anymore. Just indie and AAA
They're not made by talented people for a niche hobby anymore.
You grew up
Because you didn't try Titanfall 2, user.
they were always shit, you just grew up
I fell for the PS4 meme. It had zero fucking games and I found myself constantly looking up games I liked only to see they were only on PC.
Fuck PS4
^. with the advent of polygonal graphics came larger teams of drones needed to do shit work. and since faggots are graphics crazy the teams just get bigger and more bloated, resulting in bloated shit
The world turned to shit, and you can't push that outside of your mind while you're playing anymore.
Time to whip up that backlog then.
super bingo
>I can't read filenames
>Better post more wojak, that'll show em
Retarded wojakposter
Devs deprived of the Oxygen you're wasting.
Xbox gaming almost killed my love of gaming. It was a waste of money and time. Xbox exclusives like and all fucking suck.