AI: The Somnium Files thread


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Other urls found in this thread:

>the dub voices singing


dumb weeb you are the cancer

>the dub voices singing even when you choose the Japanese voices

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fucking this.

>do pretty serious and coherent murder mystery
>american mercenaries get distracted by PORNO MAG! and pantsu
>loli with a steel pipe solo more than ten mercenaries with machine gun
>finish with a musical with shitty dub.
Overall the game is pretty good though.

anyone discovered the secrets in A-Set's videos or are they just bullshit with random AR codes?

>can't skip it.

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>look I posted the out of context LGBT screenshot again!
Fuck off /pol/ shitposter, unlike you we actually play video games and want to discuss them, go make your own shitty bait thread.

Anyone else getting a black screen with a cursor when they try to launch the game?

>A contrarian character in a game says good thing about a community that I hate.
>Stalk forever any conversation about the game to shitpost them to death.
You're doing God's work, user.

You should dilate instead.

>we play videogames
Speak for yourself, reditor

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Fuck off and kill yourself you fucking lowIQ subhuman, you are literally incapable of any form of intelligent communication and discussion beyond bait shitposting and regurgitating buzzwords

>that stupid Bollywood dancing ending
>can't stop grinning like a retard
Is this the most wholesome and satisfying Uchikoshi ending yet?
I recall most of his previous works end with a bittersweet note.

is there even a japanese version?

Now post the one where Aiba calls Mama a biological male and he's not a real woman.

It's ok for fictional characters, or even people, or even creators of fiction to say what they think about a subject. I don't know what LGBT is like in Japan, but this is all very telling. If you consider this to be politics forced upon you; consider this. You're allowed to disagree or disregard, it doesn't have to be this faux "get this shit out of my face" bullshit. That's so unbelievably sensitive, and I can't believe people parade around their over-sensitive ideals. I thought you were supposed to hate the practices of "sjws". Regardless, you're a cuck. And one optional dialogue prompted by "are you afraid of gay people" is enough to make you into act like a brainless ape.

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Careful, I'm sure it is against the rules to have a reasonable argument on Yea Forums.

Mizuki is portrayed as a sheltered idiot

The game itself is redpilled as fuck

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The game shows different characters thinking different things.
In that, it is hundreds of time more reasonable and realistic than Yea Forums.


I'm actually a big fan of how fucking weird everybody in the games real world is. It makes the entire thing feel trippy as opposed to just the dreams, seems almost as surreal as the games scenario could be.

Any art of Aiba?Any art at all?


>mercs distracted by prono and pantsu
>mercs distracted a second time by porno
>porn on the ground makes Date super speed to aid fight against yakuza
>porn on the rock makes Date superspeed to aid in fight against bodyguards
>porn on counter makes Date superspeed to fight SWAT
Did they really have to do the same silly joke 5 times?

Who is the best detective?

The game isn't very popular and artists only do fanart when it gives them enough attention. So no.

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Based Uchicoochie

>nearing the end
>it has those moments

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Why does Aiba look like boss?

>Mizuki's trident is a higher rank than Ota's
Did she spend that much money or is it because she's the owner's daughter?


obviously the latter one, I doubt she cares about spending money there, but remember she was moping at the time, I like to think that she never cared what rank she was so she only got that just when the mermaids want to cheer her up

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me too

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again reposting confirmed plothole
Aiba did not detect mayumi inside the forklift the first time date returned after so's somnium, and yet she was able to detect "non-living organisms" on the second time they returned later in the route.




Do you think Lemniscate had to pay for the licensing rights to use ShovelForge in the song? A-Set must be a bigger star than the game makes it seem like if they thought that was a worthwhile expenditure

>Fuck off and kill yourself you fucking lowIQ subhuman, you are literally incapable of any form of intelligent communication and discussion beyond bait shitposting and regurgitating buzzwords

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Who are you quoting?

Anyone else autistic enough to learn the whole Invincible Rainbow Arrow dance? I really want to

It is the year 20xx of the culture war. As a white male it is my duty to ensure that we stay dominant. I have tirelessly tracked through several threads on the board Yea Forums and tried to pull people to my thinking. I have told so many people to dilate and attacked several faggots. I am tired, but still I fight on.

I have not had a moment's rest for myself outside of passing out on my chair, or masturbating to my waifu every couple of hours, or talking about playing games, or looking at my desktop for hours and opening a game, then immediately closing it. It has gotten to the point I have no time to shower or shave in weeks, and the evil oppressor threatens to cut me out of the fight if I don't find a job. She would never understand the work that I'm doing in WoW Classic to keep it from becoming a living hell.

I fight for us bros. For the god emperor. And for men everywhere.

Give me the quick rundown on this game

I killed her for AI. There that's the whole game.

And you responded with an shitty wojak edit and nothing else, good job on proving me right.

Oh shit she does
I thought date only likes flat chicks

>They are next asks what they would like to do in a sequel
>Uchikoshi says he would like the sequel to be a space opera with Date running low on oxygen and getting lost in space on the way to the moon and getting picked up by space pirates and ending up on a planet of Amazons where men have gone extinct.

Thanks, seems lame.

>And you responded with an shitty wojak edit and nothing else, good job on proving me right.

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Mama also says that himself though, he's a cross dresser and gay but he doesn't identify as female.

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>And you responded with an shitty wojak edit and nothing else, good job on proving me right.
This is the first time you posted with that IP in this thread, what are you talking about

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crazy dude uses scifi stuff to swap bodies and commit murders, gets stopped because he swaps into a body with a a bomb in it

Think of every possible way to say, represent or read AI. Some kill for love, for I, for eyes, for a person who uses the kanji as love, etc. It refers to a lot of different things.

That's because I'm posting from my phone right now instead of my laptop like earlier. Also, why does it matter?

I was disappointed we didn't get more interactions between Mizuki and Iris in the Resolution Ending. Assuming Date does actually marry Hitomi, they're going to be sisters, which I'd like to see explored more.

They do talk about making sequels so hopefully in that. (Okada's answer, not Uchikoshi's)

By any chancer is there a wojak filter?

>By any chancer is there a wojak filter?

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Is it worth purchasing? Better than ZTD? Does Uchikoshi deserve another chance?

Yes he does. Also leave right now.
My personal ranking: 999 = AI > VLR >>> ZTD

This good, huh? Alright, thanks man.

Hello black bar general, I'm still playing the game but I just got my first real ending (Mizuki) and wonder why a few things were left untalked about. I'm sure most, if not all, will be addressed in other routes, but I'm looking for good reasons that they aren't addressed at all here.
The polar bear clearly had Mayumi's unique floral knife, yet our detective somehow ignores this.
Sejima said "Killed by your own father" or something similar, how the fucking hell do both Mizuki and Date ignore this.

Yes, significantly, and yes.

I think we all know ZTD would be a lot different if Uchikoshi was given more time/budget, but oh well, it was shit.

Somnium Files is so much better it's not even worth comparing to ZTD, we need to talk about how it ranks compared to 999 and VLR.

Overall it has a better cast than your usual ZE game and the twists aren't that retarded.
Having said that the pacing can be slow sometimes. Looking at you A-Set path.

Both are addressed later

>Sejima said "Killed by your own father
I don'T remember this.

I'm sure they are, but I'm wondering if there's any good reason they're totally ignored here beyond 'Date is a brainlet sometimes'

It's just that Date is a brainlet.

The floral knife is adressed in Ota's route. My guess is that they didn't get a good look at the knife, since it didn't zoom on it during the action.
As for the "killed by your own father" I guess they wanted to keep that plot point for the true route. Didn't So said that in the bad end? I guess Date was too busy dying or something to care.

haha, I love Date!

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he definitely said that, but it's probably in the bad end you get if you choose to shoot him instead of protecting mizuki

the dub overall is actually really good though

I definitely heard it, and I chose to Protect Mizuki

It would have been great without the meme shit like porn magazines or Mizuki being fucking One Punch Man.

So do I

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>no r34

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Imagine going through so much shit and pulling so much strings to benefit someone, only to end up as what, his fourth/fifth favorite person?
Bossu had it rough.

I don’t blame Boss.
Real Date is the most handsome man alive, I bet she shlicks to him every night.

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>no Boss ending

feels fucking bad

>play the game
>Date’s design seemed off to me as a protagonist
>get to 89’s interrogatiom
>"huh he kinda looks like he would be the protagonist"
>finished just Annihilation ending

I cannot fucking believe I got it right.

Huh? What do you mean off? If anything his true body looks like an npc
Is it because Saito-Date looks like a hobo?

>tfw even the side character big boob girl has her ending
Life is simply unfair.

More like that Saito looked just weird with his braided blonde hair and had that pretty boy creep vibe from some Otome game while Falco reminded me of Sigma and looked like a depressed detective

I don't know if it's because of the writing or if i'm being difficult about it, but I have a hard time reconciling the fact that a supposed "efficient, cold blooded assassin/serial killer with a justice boner" is also a freaking goofball with brainlet moments who usually think with his dick.
Though I guess it's mostly because of the amnesia.

It's the drugs he's being pumped with all the time