GAMERS RISE UP! fuck epic
GAMERS RISE UP! fuck epic
Based MAGA Steam drone buying games instead of getting them for free to own the Epic Store libtards
okay this is epic
retardation has reached levels we didn't think were possible.
I got most of the batman games during the humble bundles.
The Lego batman games are a nice touch.
Hows the humor in the lego batman games.
Same as the movie?
I don't get it
I can't put into words how much I despise these people.
No GOG = no buy.
>Be me, a steamie
>See Epic is offering free games
>"Wtf you can't do that"
He bought the games on Steam when they are free on epic gamestore.
Steam fags are a cult.
I'm pretty sure Lego Batman is a little goofier than actual Batman.
I don't get it either.
I mean the games are shit so even for free it's not worth downloading the Chinese botnet. Dude's a retard for buying garbage just to be a fanboy
>Be a Steamer
>See people getting games for free on Epic when they could be buying them on Steam instead
What is wrong with my fellow gamers???
Fuck Epic for giving away games for free, they are hurting the developers with this shameful practice.
>People would rather get games for free rather than give money to our lord and savior Gaben
Uh, yeah, that's a yikes from me
fun to see chinks fucking the mutt industry up. its like holywood but they actually are trying to take over the industry.
Yeah they're based off the Tim Burton films.
imagine being this much of a steam bootlicker, just take the free games
Wait, Lego bats is based on the Tim Burton films?
You're not making a funny haha jape now are you?
you newfags are really trying to push the society meme again huh. it didn't keep last time and it won't this time
>just take the free games
this is exactly why I pirate them though, why should I install chinese spyware?
YES! Why would I just play free games or pirate when I can purchase them on a billionaires store
Lego Games are your typical goof, but not the same goof as Lego Batman the Movie.
>this lie again
The third lego batman has rand heroes flying around in space at the start. Pretty sure that's not in the Tim Burton film...?
gee guys, wow. I think this is a little far. I mean yes epic is bad but come on. This is just silly.
oh. that's pretty retarded. I think the reason these people do this is because they unironically take steam into their identity as an epic gamer so epic is basically giving them an identity crisis by trying to fuck steam up
>Arkham games
There are some questionable choices throughout the series but shit? That's a (you)
I like playing the Arkham games, but they're unironic shit.
i'm talking to steam bootlickers not piratefags
can that actually be real? was this on the fuckepicgames sub or something?
>can that actually be real? was this on the fuckepicgames sub or something?
Normies hate epic with a passion dumb frogposter. Wait one more year and Yea Forums will defend epic because of that.
Classic what?
The best apart about it is how badly it makes mutts seethe while they go through extreme lengths to defend their corporate jew overlords.
What did he mean by this?
No really. What the FUCK did he mean by this?
>trackers are not spyware
天安門事件 to you, too
that aside, why install a launcher in the first place for shit you might as well pirate?
>Chong Long Fong Dong Destloy Amelica