Attached: riskyrainnominersallowed.png (830x740, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:


host when

Attached: 1569277605551.png (1000x1800, 798K)

an user is trying to figure out how to host a ten man, so soon. hopefully

>surely this advanced space-faring civilization won't send anybody to find out what happened when one of their ships containing large amounts of life and cargo mysteriously disappears near my planet
He's also a dumbfuck. Also if he's such a nice guy, why didn't he simply just ground the ship and not actually massacre everybody. He'd then have plenty of time to convince(brainwash) all its crew to convince the rest of humanity to leave him the fuck alone.

Since it turns out we're actually playing new people it means that there's whole bunch of random humans who can become near-death Gods from fighting around on his planet and picking up all the Contact Light loot he ended up littering all over his planet too.

Ten man Risky 2. CTRL+alt+~ connect
>Sacrifice for equips only
>Bigger Bazaar
>Enemies with items if we make it that far
>Can join at any time

Attached: 1562374232272.gif (500x364, 377K)

I didn't say he wasn't dumb. His brother thinks so, too.


Anyone why a bunch of bright particles flood my screen each run?

Attached: cat-care_cat-nutrition-tips_overweight_body4_left.jpg (505x330, 154K)

His brother also says when Providence dies he's taking the planet back. And he wants to kill every single thing on it it would seem.

Attached: 1562456159287.gif (246x382, 1.38M)

That's how you know you're having fun. When the magma worm lights up the crystal cave so red that you can't see the titan's lasers and the constant flashing of explosions is burning your eyes that is when the game is at its best.

Funballs when?


>Enemies with items if we make it that far, bigger bazaar, sacrifice for items

What do you need to edit for this in my own game?

I've asked a few time and gotten no response, how do I mod this now? Previously I used the old dll from pastebin but I assume that's no longer the way to do it?

Winter patch is 'Artifacts 2.0'.

it is a bit late. Might want to try again during prime hours?

Four people so far. Gonna at least go to obliterate.

>first patch burnt tree icon
>get scorched acres
>second patch feather icon
>get vulture level
>third patch seashell
Next level is going to be sea/beach themed it seems. Get ready to drown whorls.

Attached: roadmap.jpg (1280x720, 173K)

can't join

I'm figuring it out now if you'll be willing to wait 2-3 minutes.

Then in winter we'll finally get to play dota

Not what mean, I mean fucking disco lights covering the entire screen as soon as I start the first level and continue until they fill the screen and suddenly clear out until a few levels it starts again

Attached: funny-cat-pictures-017-005.jpg (900x645, 56K)

So the level after that is a an actual icy crystal level and then the final level is the shattered moon, gotcha.

Might be worth it to test some stuff, maybe balance any mechanics you're interested in. Making something fun, but challenging. Not too hard to the point where enemies are healing faster than players are damaging them.

Had to kill myself on an infinite run because of a shitty bug that caused my teleporter to not spawn.

Also loader is TOTALLY balanced :^)

Attached: lol.png (1922x1082, 1.41M)

>launch icon is providence's brother breaking out of the moon to come to the planet and destroy all life

how the fuck do you beat the alloy worship unit

Maybe because I've only done it before a loop, but it has so much fucking hp and one shotted me with 1000 hp after the third stage (meme altar'd into 17 shield generators and found a beetle)

That may just be the icon for the glass artifact.


Are they green and pink/purple or something?

spent ten minutes installing this shit for nothing

Are we so sure it's provi's brother? Not his sister?

Good point. Could save user some time when he gives the final boss big tits if she's already female.


Been there. I used to regularly host enemies with items. Thing is I have a pretty perfect balance for that. Now I'm trying to find a balance for "vanilla" play.
You didn't need to dl anything to join. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

wait, you don't need to install the mods yourself if you're not hosting? I remember that needing to be the case when the game first launched so there wasn't a version mismatch. In that case, my apologies, forgive my autism. Thanks user

Attached: 1554584254577.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Oof, that's going to be tough, considering how RoR2 vanilla plays. I feel like you'd have to allow people to buy items outside of the teleporter sphere, or else things are going to get unfun for a lot of people playing. Or maybe increase the sphere's distance to cover the entire map. Also keeping the gold earned constant, instead of halving it while charging the teleporter.


I got too cocky/bored

Attached: rosk of roin.png (1736x912, 1.37M)


Attached: 0 tolerance.png (1180x842, 246K)

Bandit is a meme.
Sniper is what everyone really wants.


>wait, you don't need to install the mods yourself if you're not hosting
Not for my games.
I've got some prices for Bigger Bazaar. This ain't my first rodeo, but I appreciate the tips. Been hosting ten man since Scorched Acres

>fifth icon is a broken planet

Well shit, post again when a slot's open and I'll hop in, thanks mate

Loader is the only character that doesn't feel like you're running a marathon uphill. Honestly I think she's perfect compared to how the rest of the fucking game is balanced.

merc > loader


put them in the damn game now tier

Good tier

Shit tier

Come back as DLC later tier

Attached: 1569080996416.png (484x406, 13K)

Little Disciple's lore is kino.
















Yuge fukin loader tiddy

>Acrid shit tier
You're just mad that if he gets in with an untouched kit that I'd be defacto the best kit in the game

I really Sniper more than anyone else, but Miner and Acrid both are cool. I really want to see more new characters though. REX and Mul-T are both pretty eh design wise imo, but Artificer is a fucking 10/10 wizard bitch that makes me excited to see what else they have planned.

Modanon when's the next WIP?
Are you going to upload it after golem or are you gonna work on other stuff afterwards?


>CHEF that low
Put your head between the fucking buns, idiot

Attached: PdxQNf2[1].jpg (800x450, 61K)

after titanand gold titan. the WIP after this one will have rex and touched up lemurians. and after that, worms and commando.

that wasn't a shit ranking i actually want chef but only after the actually important survivors are in
chef has nothing on based shieldman

Sounds good.
About Rex, maybe instead of having her sit ontop of the robot you could have her sort of grow out of him?

Attached: 55c9b59b34a5334b37f771d1d5a980fb.jpg (900x600, 157K)

I don't understand it

One spot open.

>tfw spiderman build of loader
Just when I thought this game couldn't get anymore FUN


I was going to do a sitting pose because it's the thing I have references for. If you've got enough good references for a good pose, I'll do it. Also, when I said plantgirl, I want to emphasize the "plant" part. It'll have a human body where it has to, but the head is just going to be a miniature version of what Rex's current plant is right now.

Mainly bright white spots that build up until they take over the screen

Look closely at the item and imagine it without the rope or obsidian. This is the Grove Tender's boss drop if you haven't seen it yet.

Attached: Little_Disciple.png (128x128, 12K)

he want's enforcer, disregard

>kill providence
>kill his brother to protect providence's life work

>the head is just going to be a miniature version of what Rex's current plant is right now
I'm not sure if that won't just look like her head exploded.

looks like someone is afraid of the LAW

Yeah, now the question is whether the road map picture is

Do the sitting pose, I liked how it looked with the Kanna setup

Someone teach me how to Rex properly. He's really fun and strong for the first few stages but I feel like he gets nuked easy cause self damage.

Attached: using_rex_s_shift_skill_be_like____risk_of_rain_2__by_lord_neox_dda8r3s-350t.jpg (260x350, 22K)

I looked at it but I still don't really get it sorry
Could you spell it out for me?

he is extremely bad early game and almost impossible to play on monsoon now

Shit, thanks for showing me this user. I'm already editing mods, I'm surprised by how simple and elegant this is.

>50 gasoline

Attached: AAAAAA~1.gif (206x176, 370K)

just get a teddy printer haha

Same, I really liked the old Kanna model.

There is a well known issue with R2API at the moment. Go to the RoR2 modding discord and go to the hook channel for a fix. It's a pretty complex issue and nobody's sure when it will be fixed, but the "hook" fix is pretty damn good for now.

never get close to anything
you're the artillery

Don't miss your CC heal

Attached: 426c18a5bcd135e835a58616a1b9325b.jpg (1144x1303, 343K)

reminder to keep an eye out for screaming cat image user as he still owes us a story about his experience fucking literal clay

It's the mask of a dead wisp
Also according to the internet 'denku' means 'gift of god' so the grovetender is likely a god to the 'little disciple'.

Best advice is probably don't play him. Get stealth kits on him though. His self damage can trigger them.


Probably just cross armed, pushing up her boobs with it.

Attached: a468196c2f0dcbd85490de09da9d47fb.jpg (990x1400, 105K)

Honestly I don't like the plot of "We are treasure hunters" because nearly all the items you find are either broken, cheap, or/and mostly dangerous to use in the long term, and beside a few items, most of them were cargo in large bulk, so it's not possible they have any real value.

>some speedy hero zips to get the item you really really need
>immediately dies

Attached: 1539506182906.png (808x805, 1.28M)

The lighter hook one? Will do, thanks.

>oh boy I get to run strange .exes that Yea Forums recommends to me again!

stop playing quickplay user

I feel like we're more scavengers who are just trying to get their hands on whatever free shit they can before some governmental power stops everyone or something.

What do you mean we're treasure hunters? At least in the first one we're workers on a cargo ship that crash landed. Enforcers for security detail, loaders for moving the shipping containers, janitors for mopping up piss, etc. There isn't any hints as to why we're on the planet again is there? The feeling I get from the ceremonial dagger+wetland aspect lore is that we aren't here intentionally. They didn't seem to be on the planet prepared.

leave the little guys alive during boss fights, they're the fuel for your barrage. the more enemies you've got grouped into a tangle-able mob, the faster you'll be able to take down the big threats by turning the stolen health of the cannon fodder enemies into immediate damage. if you really get the hang of it you should end up being able to spam barrage the entire time the tangle is deployed and not lose any health.

oh yeah lets make the character look like a torso with no arms during gameplay

Sorry for the followup - once I've done the lighterhook thing, should I delete the base .dll or should I keep it with the .dll.bak?

>What do you mean we're treasure hunters?
It's apparently the plot in 2, the characters aren't the same ones as in RoR1 and are just there to steal whatever junk they can find.
Sucks that Commando isn't from 1, I can totally see him have some sort of psychotic episode that lead him to come back to the planet.

Keep it.

Thank you.

i thought commando used a rifle in 1

In the official art he used a pistol, but it feels like he have multiple weapons.

Wiped. Open with lower prices.

It's possible that this takes place at the same time as RoR1 isn't it? I haven't seen anything to give any sort of hint as to why we're here aside from REX. MUL-T drops down in some sort of shipping container/crate rather than an actual drop pod, and he's a construction bot not a fighter, so why would he be here on purpose? Same for Loader.

[s]Maybe Commando couldn't join earth as he was too far from human and came back to the only place he knew that made sense anymore and is a secret boss and maybe also loader will one day marry me [/s]

He definitely used double pistols. His R in 1 would shoot on both sides at once if he was surrounded.

how do I get ror2api, says ti's not on thunderstore anymore? Fuck why is this game such a pain to mod

Are you retarded

Please enjoy my shitty edit, maybe replace her clothing with leaves but you get the idea

Attached: V6tgZ0E.png (493x698, 529K)


in gameplay you will only see that from behind and it would look bad

I think I've installed it, but now I'm stuck at the load screen and can't select anything. something about null reference exception? maybe I put the folder in wrong

What's your artificer loadouts and why?
Personally I'm torn between the M1s
Don't have the m2 yet
and while the new special is useful it's a little boring compared to the flamethrower

Attached: 1564115075213.jpg (800x1000, 49K)

Various lore items explicitly reference the events of ror1, also hoppo literally confirmed that providence is super dead and this takes place well after ror1 but is a direct continuation of it.

Easy places to check this kinda stuff: Tougher Times lore. I'll update this when I remember more of the entries, I gotta boot up the game and check

Do you also have Bepinex and you extracted API to the BepInEx folder, right? You can just manually add the contents of API's stuff to the Bepin's preexisting folders, Windows 10 should merge them together pretty well. And you put a winhttp.dll from the Bepin installation process into your base game folder, correct?

All defaults except r
>m1 has a fucking 0.2 proc rate for some reason and takes two hits to kill early game wisps
>m2 is nice, but not worth the loss of stun. really good late game though with hordes of mobs
>using flamethrower in advanced monsoon runs is usually suicide

original m1 lets you oneshot wisps at the start which is pretty useful and also has an aoe effect though it's not as large as the alt's

Google how to edit save files to skip the bullshit achievement unlocks

The alt m1 was just so freaking uncreative and shitty, could not have taken them much time to "come up" with that.

>0.2 proc rate
Fucking why? Procs are the only reason you'd take it

A nice back is nice too

all default then alternate R
honestly i found the flamethrower boring with the new R being really fun, the alternate M1 makes you lose so much damage and the alternate m2 I uh haven't unlocked yet...

yeah, R2API is now in a separate folder, I tried putting the dlls in the plug in folder on it's own but I still get stuck at the loadng screen, something about model loading? lots of red text no idea what I fucked up.

alright, moving MHOOK ASSEMBLY C SHARP to the monomod folder seems to get me into the game, but now it can't load token or something or other. Did I need to put everything in there in the plugin folder or what

New to the series, sell me this game.
Do you, like, run around and area and wait for the timer while enemies spawn or what?

You simply just collect items until you feel comfy with your power. Then you find the teleporter and do the boss.
Then do it again... and again... and again...
Until you literally become a god that one-shots anything in your vicinity.

Attached: 1569125383605.png (495x611, 325K)

Closed. Thanks to all who joined.

Attached: Risk of Rain 2 2019-09-24 03-14-30-161.png (1920x1080, 2.43M)

Good time lads. I enjoyed my sandwich and the game.

Attached: bang bang bang.gif (900x466, 355K)

>7 bazaar visits
>2 glass
j u s t

So is the ship on siren call CL or is it another ship? Also how the fuck did rex got onto the planet if they are treasure hunters? He only wants to protect the plant.

Alright, so my issue is apparently it can';t locate something called "model transform" or something, trying to get bandit+ in is a pain in the ass.

why the fuck is loader so much FUN?

Attached: 1559102825457.jpg (800x798, 95K)

>Also how the fuck did rex got onto the planet if they are treasure hunters?
From the fact that you have to reactivate him, he was probably part of the CL ship or the cargo, or a spider bot trying to fuck the ship.

>spinel tonic on merc
holy fuck
this is going to be nerfed but it's so much fun

Why does Stone Giant's laser have to be so inconsistent
one time it struggles to track you the next it will basically tether itself to you even if you blink away from it

Alright, I'm here from last thread, after having a conversation about what it'd feel like to fuck a FemGolem.
>be me
>have a discussion about fucking a stone being with 30,000lbs of pussy and ass in a Risky Rain thread
>i have a bike, and maxmat is just 10 minutes away with driving
>drive there, buy soft clay like user said
>go to continente, also buy strong condoms and lubricant
>go back home
>take a plastic cup, put a bit of clay in
>add water, start feeling for consistency
>at the end, i have something similar to silicone
>take screwdriver, make slit with it and start digging a bit to make some sort of crevice for my peenus weenus to go in
>it's finished
>go back to my room
>pull down pants, nervous at this point but get prepared
>i have a fleshlight that was also customized by me specifically for me, shouldn't be expecting much
>stick dick in
>lose myself and start pounding the clay, the screwdriver that i used make a ribbed design on the interior
>all the squelching was reaching into my ears and definitely getting to me
>not even 2 minutes in i'm already about to shoot my man bazooka
>close my eyes, which is a trick i use to not cum so soon
>brain: "nah fuck this"
>remember that image a drawfag drew last thread
>my brain imagines it in full 3d, color and filling in the blanks of where i'd be
>unleash the absolute biggest load in my life
>i'm not done yet
>go back with the clay and dump it, take some more clay and start trying to recreate a virgin female golem
>it works perfectly, another massive splooge, not even 5 minutes after the first
>go back
>add honey, trying to recreate Aurelionite's pussy
I'm not sure what happened next.
>find myself awake after having blacked out, with the honey clay pretty much just pure white
>take a nice long shower and cotemplate about what i just did

You guys fucking corrupted me. I've been STONED.com and I can't go back now. Thanks.

Attached: HATRED IS WHAT DRIVES ME.png (807x1076, 1.18M)

why model tits youre not going to see them from behind in gameplay

based, and dare i say claypilled.

I feel as though my orgasm sound was similar to the Pothead's death yell.

pics at once user

Attached: lewd breathing.gif (262x198, 372K)

Absolute (clay)fucking mad lad

Attached: latest[1].png (239x239, 2K)

I've already dumped pretty much what I had in the trash.
Just imagine fem golems with their pussies absolutely destroyed and that's exactly what happened. My fucking roommate will be incredibly confused at why there's fucking clay in the trash now.
Pic related for what's going on

Attached: 1568718133266.jpg (211x239, 10K)

Fair point, im retarded.

What does this have to do with video games and why does anyone care.

How new must you be to not know what happened in most of these threads? Last thread we... actually, go into the archives and go to the last thread and read. Retard.

Attached: 1569145928654.jpg (303x295, 27K)

when the fuck are these guys coming back?
and for that matter, when are we getting parents/children back?
i know you're lurking this thread hopoo answer me

Because the golden rule of video games is “if you can make movement fun, the game is fun”

picture of trash can, we must see clay puss

Attached: gengar.jpg (816x568, 20K)

Is it just me or is the Commando's grenade a bit underwhelming?

Attached: ror 10.png (1000x2000, 480K)

I'm the user that suggested you fuck some soft Clay
good job my dude

i don't think you're gonna see anything remotely close to a puss at this point. i just personally can't be bothered to get up and go take a pic
also i just noticed, that post ID you just quoted has "8008" (boob) in it.
for fuck's sake

we need to see the trash clay as proof!

[Error : Unity Log] MissingFieldException: Field 'RoR2.ModelLocator.modelTransform' not found.

What the fuck is this and how do I fix it. I just want to use this mod god damn it.

go to moddiscord and ask there

seems as though ClayFucker got quite fucked himself as suggested here.

It's a sign then, clay templar paizuri next.

Attached: the flight plan.gif (280x358, 2.17M)

you still haven't explained what you mean by templar you nigger

I'll find a way to do it with balloons or something similar. You know, make fake tits.
Clay Templar are the guys with the gatling gun in RoR2, user. Have you forgotten?

Attached: nice assets.jpg (470x395, 98K)

oh some dude keeps talking about a templar class
sorry maybe not the same guy?

it's total garbage

Most likely not the same guy. Also, Templar class literally exists, you can already play as the Clay Templars with a bit of Cheat Engine.

sweet jesus

Attached: 1569043633841.gif (314x232, 1.15M)

God fucking damn it, I can smell that you're Portuguese.

Attached: 1568347362818.jpg (1024x826, 50K)

This. Movement metagame is basically the cornerstone of fun in any genre. Imagine fighting games without dashing, or arena shooters without rocket jumping.

Attached: 1438305924670.png (912x720, 258K)

Won't be a stage but says "hidden realms" so more zones like Gilded coasts and obelisk

Imagine playing Risk of Rain without the risk of raining.

They're the chaingunners now. Also feels like the lore implies the majority of them became Beetles.

but what happened to the parents and children
or the flying lemurians for that matter

>Overloading Bison Horde
>one of them miss me and hit a wall
>the impact still one shot me
T-Thanks game.

>parents and children
died of grief after the slaughter of RoR1
>flying lemurians
alloy vultures drove them to extinction

god the beetle corruption just gives me such boners

An user here got corrupted to wanting to fuck stone golems.
Though I gotta ask, where the fuck is the beetle corruption art or CG?

tfw corrupt an user into fucking clay
is this what ultimate power feels like?

if the guy who hosts 10 man is still around could you list your full mod set up? was a lot of fun and would like to run the same thing but with a friend

Attached: 1563029305823.png (929x528, 323K)


Attached: what the hell am i hearing.jpg (500x500, 86K)

>beetle corruption




Attached: AAAAAAA.png (664x500, 304K)

>re-read it
>instant boner

Hotpants loader, red femerc and femmando when?

Attached: 1455498114102.png (1330x748, 31K)

>the fact some user drew Artificer showering with the same sludge
>hasn't come back with any artificer queen art
please, god, let it happen

On another note, doesn't it seem weird that we want to fuck the things that are supposedly REALLY territorial?

Attached: WHAT THE FUCK AM I READING.jpg (165x157, 4K)


Attached: 1569170738047.png (454x519, 18K)

grug simple man
grug want fuck

tfw when most of miners kit is already in the game
loader m1, loader-shift, nu artificer's-r is 75% ror1 miner

Me too, Grug. Me too.

Attached: i'm dumb but.jpg (728x551, 26K)

Second to last is the contact light. That's a shipping container. Final is moon.

Lunar text refers to . N'K is a female but she's dead.

modanon, you there? how are your mod folders set up.

Ping should let you mark a target for your drone to scan for sniper in 2.

tfw when none of chef's kit is in the game
there's still hope chefbros

2/4 GET IN

still open 2/4 cmon frens

So acrid won’t be in this game right?

Fuck hopoo

>TFW Sirens call shows a lot of downed ships over the years.

how the fuck do I join vanilla lobbies with mods. I've seen other people do it, but I can't get it to work.

Fuck this game, I'm done with it, keep dying to fucking potshots trying to do those shitty achievements. I'm going back to RoR1.

>Hate playing Engineer
>Character feels mandatory in multiplayer just so the hordes of AI target something that isn't you

Attached: 1562800464899.jpg (569x599, 191K)

just use the backup

>then please show us a run there
So I returned home and did a run. Rushing had proven to be a stupid meme yet again but I won't show you the video because it's processing.
I'll show you screenshots just before teleportations, though.
>Level 1
Imagine skipping all of that because you're rushing like a dum-dum

Attached: huntressposting1.jpg (2560x1440, 465K)

Level 2
>inb4 but you got a crown!
>inb4 going to bazar

Attached: huntressposting2.jpg (2560x1440, 515K)

how long is it processing?

I just download the crack for 2
Can i post here?


Bazaar had nothing useful.

Level 3
>inb4 Bazaar again!
>inb4 the clover reee
To be fair, dropping Clover is amazing.

Attached: huntressposting3.jpg (2560x1440, 440K)

Yes, don't make the same mistake many of this did and give Randy money.
You can also join lobbies via IP

You literally made me waste some coins, user.
Almost done

Attached: huntressposting4.jpg (2560x1440, 566K)


I bet 20 dollars you get fucked up mid way through loop 2

has modanon made a new api yet?

Also, never pick up pick related. Doubly so if you have a Shard.
I got exploded by the orb boss in level 8 if you're interested. Got it down to about 10%.
But I recorded level 5 too just to show how much did farming for the chest "set me back".

Attached: huntressposting5.jpg (2560x1440, 378K)

The quality will be shit for quite a while.

Also, got a few more achievements.

Attached: huntressposting6.jpg (2560x1440, 398K)

The item you unlocked looks like the tip of an infected penis.

>cut's out the part where he gets dabbed on after the first cycle

And done.

I'd argue I had fared pretty well despite not getting anything truly run breaking. Even the Clover didn't have too many things to work with.
Not to mention that I spent the first three levels without equipment.
Getting pic related on Monsoon reads "ahead of the scaling curve" by my book so I'll stick to my opinion.

A good run anyway.

Attached: huntressposting7.jpg (2560x1440, 463K)

I literally had shown you the first level of the next cycle.
Also >I got exploded by the orb boss in level 8

How come Commando doesn't look like this in 2? He looks a bit bare without the leg and bicep armour on his suit.

Attached: ror1 commando.jpg (500x613, 27K)

Not the same character, company could have changed the standardized commando armor.
I'm a lorelet so don't take my word for it though.

Attached: play commando.png (1177x1197, 237K)

>Even the Clover didn't have too many things to work with.
Not trying to discredit your run, but I think you're underselling how useful clover actually was for you. Go back and watch your vid and listen for every time an item proc'd thanks to clover.

I'm not saying it didn't affect the run. I'm saying that there was not enough synergy to break it.
I know how powerful Clover is but in this particular run it basically just compensated for me getting not getting a lot of damage items.

different character, different suit
leg armor might not have looked good with items on it too


EU Monsoon

>couldn't even make it past loop 1
And that boys girls is why we don't farm for that red , time is way more valuable than a single red (that also may be shot)

Fair enough. I suppose I just like the blocky dulled spacesuit belonging to the survivor in 1's logs who was just constantly panicking about all the monsters trying to kill him who eventually becomes banged up and tarnished.

Attached: 1494560625495.jpg (650x450, 79K)

Dumb question but there's an item that can increase your Q item's uses right? Does it work with the radio?

>literally so mad he types 1 instead of 2
Seethe harder, drizzlet.

That might be the case user

Attached: fuel cell.png (960x1200, 1.5M)

Yes. You spawn 4 drones per uses.


Actually it's secretly god tier if you have an aegis.

What I wanna know is why the golems look different.

I mean, you can also buy 50 copies of it and it'll be good but generally grabbing it is a mistake.

Beetle queen is for human cock!

>trying to complete the 25min loader unlock
>spend an extra minute in scorched acres looking for tele because of course
>down to under a minute, portal spawns
>both portals spawned, hit the wrong one in panic

EU monsoon 3/4 overloading worm festa

Attached: 1569275554008.png (400x322, 209K)

I didn't know the condition and I unlocked her accidentally.
On Monsoon of course.
Without rushing anything of course.

Good thing you can do monsoon user, because you sure can't read/write.



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decided to try arti... had to kms twice to play with my wife but literally the daggers+behemoth+glass+gesture+tonic made me a fucking goddess that would kill everything in a second on the whole map. With the crown I net 5mil-50mil as the map was cleared and replaced by ghosts from the happiest mask. Multiple decides and soldier syringes made me fire data bombs like fireballs.

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>13 glasses
I sure hope your wife had at least 10 as well and you weren’t hording them like a bad spouse

Dentists be like...

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no this was pre-game with wife. she just got off work and I take minutes of gametime with her worth its weight in gold. we had a fantastic run until internet fucked us both out of the game. Fuck Iraqi internets

>the only one that isnt a robot

the humanity of it all.

Just unlocked the loader, anyone got any tips on how to play her effectively?

Weird, had an amazing run with my fiancee go south last night because of internet troubles and I’m a burger. Lagging all over the fucking map, then died to nothing

Superman punch anything with a pulse

To kill the boss back up a few feet, Charge up shift and then right click on them, then jump and hold forward. Crowbars and Ukuleles are god tier items on her.

>>go to continente
Bro, no. Goddamit, no, why did a fucking fellow countrymen have to goddamn be adicted to a self made fucking rock pussy, what the shit, MAS QUE MERDA É QUE TÁS A FAZER NA TUA VIDA, SEU FILHO DE UM CABRÃO.

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This game's log entries have really stepped up. This one especially. I feel bad fighting the Grovetender now, he seems like such a gentle soul. You can see more wisp masks littered around the burning acres map, usually tumbling out of the jars that are lying around, like the one the Grovetender carries. I guess grovetenders are the way that wisps are 'made', whatever they actually are.

Rex's entry is also kino, poor little bot is working so hard. And the idea of the plant being a cabbage hybrid is hilarious. Hybrid with what? A mortar team?

you guys didn't tell him that it can potentially crash his game if he gets too many though

acrid numbah one!

>not crystals and quails

How many tho? I had a run with 35 cells and spamming them all at once didn't crashed.


Rex was a hydroponics bot on one of the two ships. The crew was told to deactivate him, since he had overridden protocol. But you're right, he may be evidence the ship was evacuated, since he grabbed an escape pod and bailed with the plant.

Stack chance increasing items like sticky bombs. Similar to artificer she has high burst damage but low sustained.

N'K could be their mother, of some sort. I think Brittle Crown entry implies they had one.

They have a model and animations, they just aren't in use right now. They looks almost exactly like they did in that log art, but with a little golden buckler shield in addition to the scimitar. If I had to guess they aren't in use because they aren't very unique (gameplay-eise) with their current moveset, which is just running up and slashing. I want them back too, so I hope they end up back in. To the point about them becoming beetles, I don't think that's the case. I know the entry on aquaduct shows someone getting doused in parasite juice and transforming but I think the CHIT is supposed to be reminiscent of the dunestriders noises or something. Doesn't make sense from a worldbuilding perspective to have such divergent outcomes for bathing in the same black parasite juice that made clay men and templars, and that dunestriders are basically vessels for. I think the beetles are just their own thing.