So what did I just play? Maybe I ruined it for myself by playing all in one sitting, or maybe it just didnt actually live up to the hype. The controls were tight for sure, the music wasnt bad, but it certainly wasnt good, and the art was pretty ok, but the amount of times it wanted you to "thread the needle" so to speak was kinda tedious. The story was absolute cringe and knowing a transsexual made it, it bleeds through in the writing. All in all I'd give it a 7/10. Thoughts?
Same, tight controls, very good and enjoyable gameplay, absolutely cringefest of a story, I wasn't even told it was made by a tranny but I knew after literal 5 minutes of playing all the writing was done by a mentally ill "depressed" tranny, then Googled just to confirm.
Tl;Dr decent game if you literally skip every single line of dialogue.
>seething this hard over trannies
rent free
I don't really like the art in it personally, but agree with everything else. Whenever someone asks me about Celeste I say It's good and you should give it a try, but don't read any dialogue because It's worthless pretentious garbage.
>playing all in one sitting
if that doesn't include B and C sides, you didn't play it all
It was really bad too, the story was more or less punching you in the face.
All the reviews I saw of it were praising and giving near perfect or perfect scores, but it was really underwhelming compared to what I read
I didnt play the B and C sides. Are they that different?
They are far more challenging, yes, and really push you to your limit
Though some decry it as "fake difficulty"
I'm expecting spikesfag to show up any minute now
See I felt a lot of the game itself was "fake difficulty" and was only hard because the respawn points were really far apart. I'm not knocking the sides B or C, cause I haven't played them, but shit man, like I said in my first post, the word "tedious" comes to mind. It just wasnt satisfying to overcome the challenges
how many deaths did you end up having in total?
About 1000 I think. Didnt feel like 1000 desu but a lot of the time I'd look away at my phone or my control would fuck up, thing has been messed up for a while.
I would say the same if it was a obsessed polfag story, it's not about being a tranny, it's about the story being obviously the self insert of a mentally ill person, such mental illness has been programmed to manifest as gender dysphoria nowadays.
This. The story was slapping you in the face right away. As soon as the old lady and the MC meet, something was off, then the mirror shit happened and it was blatantly obvious. It was really really heavy handed and honestly broke any form of immersion I could have had. Call me a stickler or tell me to "seethe" or whatever, but as someone who enjoys stories and occasionally writes himself, story is important to me in a game. And this one really killed the game for me
>Maybe I ruined it for myself by playing all in one sitting
You rushed the game. I'm sorry user but you are retarded.
How does playing a game made for speed running and not speed running it in one sitting make me retarded? Seriously asking. My gripes with it are the horrible and heavy handed story, not the gameplay. And neither would have changed had I walked away and came back
Don't bother, they just defend the game because it's a tranny game, they haven't even played since it requires at least a sliver of skill.
And even then a lot of the skill is because there check points get farther and farther in between. The game honestly isnt that hard. Like shit, if I cant beat in one sitting and not "rage quit" once, it's really not that hard
I heard there was supposed to be something about abortion? Whats the go with that?
just pol posters taking some dialogue about "wanting to get rid of that part of me" out of context for fun. Story is about depression and thats all
>they defend the game because its tranny
And Yea Forums shitposts the game to death solely because of tranny.
I will agree with user about the heavy handed story but as a precision platformer the story is utterly tertiary and non essential, and that goes doubly for references to trans people because the story is about anxiety and depression.
In fact the game is so good mechanically that the story could literally be about scaling abortion mountain and i wouldnt give a shit. There are a million shitty and horrendous videogame plots but this one is held to a higher standard than others because Yea Forums loves seething.
While we are on the topic, can anyone explain to me why this isnt the crowning acheivement of the genre without reference to the story? What does it better??
I ain't shitposting. I thought 7/10 was fair. Like it or not, story matters because story is part of the game. And this story was blatantly a self insert and done in a heavy handed and terrible way. Music was eh, art was eh, mechanics were good. I ain't shitposting about it, I'm asking what others thought.
go to bed,obsessed brainlet.
Nothing about abortion. To me, the whole "get rid of a part of me" shtick was the self insert of the writer trying to come to terms with his gender dysphoria
Im agreeing with you about the story and think thats a fair assessment, im posing this question in general because i think this game gets unfairly judged here
Out of curiosity though what precision platformers do you think represent the genre better
Yeah your opinion is pretty fair. I think he's generally talking about Yea Forums though.
For me it is a massive disappointment that any discussion about the last chapter was completely ruined by two tiny flags.
Pointing out that you dislike the story/pandering like you did is alright, but acting like thats all the game is about is annoying
Not a huge "precision platforming" type of guy to be honest. I saw this game was getting near perfect reviews and I got it free on EGS so I gave it a whirl. I like platforming well enough, but find precision type platform and speed running type stuff to be tedious. I just trying to enjoy the game and the story really made it difficult
i don't even think it's about gender dysphoria. It seemed to me like it is just about coming to terms with emotions and anxiety. Nothing in the story seemed to have any kind of symbolism for trans people. I think people are reading too much into the trans flag at the end of the game, which was probably just some sign of support for the community
You talking about the final stage part near the top of the mountain? Or metaphorical flags? Cause there were 2 checkpoints there that I felt were bullshit
You just Google the name of the writer and realize it's a tranny.
The thing about modern trannies is that they don't actually want to be a woman, they think they do because they failed as men, so they get trapped in an eternal hell of regretting becoming a woman AND regretting being born a man, ending up in several brands of mental problems.
Like 5% of actual trannies have real gender dysphoria, and those don't wanna get involved in tranny communities or post on the internet for attention, they just want to be a woman.
t. Psychologist
Having to deal with depression and anxiety myself, I saw more to it than just that stuff, but maybe I read too much into it because I knew the guy was a tranny before hand. And I didnt even notice the tranny flags at all if they were in the game
Stop lying, the game's writer is not transexual, just the composer.
>And I didnt even notice the tranny flags at all if they were in the game
It's a tiny flag on the desktop of the main character at the end of the dlc chapter.
Doesn't surprise that'd be in there considering how heavy handed the story was
lol you only played the A-sides and you considered that threading the needle. get a load of this loser