Performance problems probably. Sounds like a solid game to pirate
I heard it's exact copy of the first game with the same problems
That's still too high for a Deck13 game.
I heard you're wrong
elaborate, are you a big fan of first game?
can you monkeys learn how to blank post
>expecting quality from the sequel of a really barebones, shitty and at times literally not working Dark Souls clone
I haven't played the new one, what's there to elaborate. I just heard reviews say that there's a bigger variety in environments and the enemies don't have as much health which already makes it a much better game for me
>I haven't played the new one
i see
So is this just diehard soulsfans bombing it or is this game actually mediocre? I thought the first was decent enough, at least for like 15 bucks
It's better than the first.
is it good though?
Report back soon user, I wanna know too
Decent game but runs like dogshit. Pirate it.
Read the German test.
Apparently it's easier than the first surge.
The levels are a bit monotonous.
All in all it improves on the first game though
If it's like or better that first, then it's an alright game. I don't know why some souls fans rabidly attack games inspired by their favorite game. Mimicry is flattery as they say.
I love souls games and I don't have a problem enjoying spin-offs or games that take direct inspiration from the series. Nioh, Salt&Sanctuary, and Remnant for example are great games that I would put above DS2.
The amount of shitposters and angry soulsfags that plagued Remnant and Nioh threads kind of impressed me. It's like they believe good games can't spawn other good or better games. Maybe some people need to see that word "Fromsoft" in order to not shit-fling.
looks not so bad as a western game tb h even though its overdesigned. it just lacks something special and cool. maybe its too serious and ended up being obscure. i feel similar to the new prey game which bombed hard.
>is this game actually mediocre?
Have you not played the first fucking ga-
>I thought the first was decent
Never mind.
Bodied by Code Vein and Remnant.
It's just so fucking dumb that they have a sci fi setting yet all you do is lug around your weapons like a caveman. Be creative you fucks. Stop making shit melee just because of muh soulslike.
>melee only
You get what I mean and I eas mostly applying it to Surge. Imagine getting a fucking buzzsaw but instesd of using it like a saw, you go UNGA BUNGA SMASH instead
I will never understand how that garbage pile Surge got a sequel.
The score matters less than the number of reviews.
I think they get some kind of funding to make it.
Which wasn't Epic apparently. Now that's a mystery for the ages.
Anyone know how this plays on Xbox One? I won't be getting my copy until sometime this afternoon. Excited though, one of my most anticipated titles of 2019.
a shame that games like this are hated and cant get attention.
its not so good but at the same time not so bad as a western game.
western trash is eventually all about fucking shooters and cinematic garbage, and nobody plays any other genre than them. "diversity" in western games are a fucking joke. it really resembles western woke comics like marvel and dc.
I don't get it, why did this game get a sequel? The first one was tedious and slow as fuck
If CV end up being better I'm going to laugh at Yea Forums forever.
maybe state funding?
well it was supposed to be a sequel to lords of the fallen, but the surge outsold that game and here we are. then they restarted development of lords so who knows if, or when that will release.
>Idle my character viewing my camera to fire particles and lighthings.
>99% GPU usage
>moved my character on a empty darkened room
>60% GPU usage
is it even possible to have a good launch on PC if you have pre-orders up for months in advance?
will the devs learn that if people buy the game months prior, they expect quality and decent QA on launch?
totally forgot about lotf. that game was entirely unremarkable. it's so mediocre it hurts.
it's the remember me of souls-clones
>western garbage gets a pass when it's a clone of a nip game and is shit
Fucking weebs, man
The very first humanoid boss is better than any Surge 1 boss even if he's a directional parry tutorial
the series and lord o f the fallen are all garbage, dont waste your time and wait for code vain or sekiro
I actually enjoyed my time with it. It was a little short, but it didn't overstay its welcome as the result. It needed a little more of development time to fix some QoL issues.
It's just really fucking uninteresting
Remember me had very memorable art direction and sound I don't know what you're talking about. The gameplay was shit though
I just hope the fixed the weapons in the second game. It was pretty weird that one of the first weapons you can obtain can carry you through the entire game without problem.
I love seeing developers forced to shill their games on Yea Forums cause it's doing so bad.
the issue with remember me, is that it's hardly remembered lol
the average person or even gaymer will have no idea what remember me is.
>notice the devs are german
>actually went through the selected EU video game funding list to see if this shit is there
I'm disappointed it wasn't there.
That's not the issue, that's the consequence
The first game felt like it had way too many enemies that hide behind boxes for you to walk past
Also why didn't the security/soldier guys have any dialogue or radio chatter, I didn't realise they weren't insane for the longest time since they sound exactly like the zombiefied guys
they will stop doing preorders after you will stop preordering like a retard.
>finally get sci-fi souls
>it's the most boring kind of sci-fi possible: near-future industrial
I wanted Metroid Prime style techno ruins for fuck's sake.
>sci-fi souls
you're playing the wrong game user
>shovelware studio shits out a sequel to a mediocre clone of games known for being clunky
I felt like the enemies had too much health and could armour through you while attacking way too much.
Lots of progressive groups pay for their propaganda to be pushed in games.
I haven't played this but I'll bet there is some message there that someone paid to be added.
what did he mean by this
this game actually good?
it's rough on edges but it's the best souls inspired game out there.
real issue of the first game was barely having any bosses and so little things to do in combat
everyone knows the only thing people truly remember from DaS is anal londo and the bosses.
Considering I haven't heard anything about them increasing the number of bosses I bet they just made the same mistake
Games the size of The Surge cost tens of millions to make. No propaganda group has enough money to make a significant impact on their development
Some are mad that it has some technical problems, that's why it has mixed review, they are gonna fix them ASAP. The game is pretty good.
me? do you think I am retarded to do that?
i think the last game I payed launch price was street fighter 2 on the snes, mate
I am a certified keysite dweller now
sniper is king with kb+m
I played a couple hours and had enough fun. Haven't played the first one though.
Game supports 21:9, I'm glad more and more games are catching up.
I'm happy for you user
Why did they make a sequel that no one wanted or asked for?
>same problems
They increased the variety of enemies and bosses so you're factually wrong.
probably booty blasted soulsfags
the first one was amazing
I asked for it.
The first one capitalised on being one of the first decent soulslike games. Problem is since then so many devs have surpassed them with stuff like Nioh that there's no reason to be hyped for this at all
>the first one was amazing
>only 5 bosses
>only like 3 different enemy types in the entire game
>first decent soulslike game
How and why would anyone believe this
It had nothing original going for it
Gameplay was shit
Level design was a mess
It sucked ass technically
It looked like barf
It had no variety
It was terrible and outdated the day it came out
I wanted a sequel though
are you satisfied?
I'll let you know when I get my copy. Although I loved the first one so more than likely I will be satisfied.
>stop making games I don't like!
>game was bad
>noo stop hating what I like I need to be a contrarian
Zoomzoom, shouldn't you be at school to try and increase your IQ now?
Think about it brainlet, do you think they would make a sequel if they thought it would not be profitable?
>nobody asked for it
Who the fuck are you to say that, do you have their numbers?
Game is good. Much better than the first. It is good on its own. Without even being compared to the first. The performance will be fixed.
I like that now i can easily fight entire groups because the drone actually fucking helps reliably
Yeah, they will surely fix it, don't worry, just buy it bro haha
So since they dropped the main character for CaC will the story have less importance?
Are we silent?
Also, what's the online they hinted at? They said we can affect other players now
works on my machine
The last game had the same problem and they fixed it, so based on evidence, yeah. What you said but unironically.
>vulcan only
suprise suprise, i doesn't launch
what program is that that grabbed your specs? its on the tip of my tongue but I can't remember it for some reason.
It's absolutely baffling how people shit all over the surge but then go on to play garbage like this.
The game had fundamental issues with controls and animations, the major issues are absolutely still there
>Lots of progressive groups pay for their propaganda to be pushed in games
this is /x/-tier paranoia. seek help
I dont know about being better, but it's definitely poised to crush Surge 2 sales figures. GE3 pushed around 150k in the first few weeks on PS4 alone. Last I checked on steam last night Surge 2 had trouble pushing 2500 players a few hours after release. Retard Deck13 fanbois/shills are about to learn just how stupid it was to pick a sales war with fucking weebs of all people. You just don't do that.
I honestly remember the first game being dogshit why did this get a sequel again?
Get both of them, fanboyism is a mental disorder.
you're garbage
t. got filtered by teleporting snipers
Is Immortal something worth playing ?
It has souls vibes and bonfires/estus shit but it's purely ranged.
I'd say worth simply because there is nothing like this on a market.
user, Sekiro is already out.
>nothing like this on a market.
Remnant: From the Ashes. how did you miss that?
i tried it, it's trash. Levelscaling. meaningless loot and character progression, shit non-existent level design completely ruin the game.
It did? Where do you guys get this stuff did you play it?
I got filtered by the shitty mechanics and game design right away
As a weeb I like both games for different reasons so I kind of wish they both did well. I had no idea Surge 2's sales were this low and it's not really fair considering how polished the game is, at least on the tech side.
sounds like a typical case of shittaste and gitgud.
specs? I havent had any problems yet. I mean I only played 3 hours last night so maybe there will be shenanigans down the road
great, point is immortal is definitely not the only thing like itself on the market.
it's not co-op focused shooter with barely any rpg elements and randomly generated levels with souls elements lazily slapped on top of it.
The weapons werent the problem in that regard. The mods and armor set bonuses were. That being said you get a thrust move set spear, one handed, single rigged, and heavy duty weapon all in the first area. No doubt that, just like in most similar games, you would have no problem completing the game with any of the weapons because of the upgrade system
>level design was a mess
I'll let you argue the rest, but the level design of the first surge was the one thing they objectively got right. They clearly took notes from Dark souls 1 and BB in the manner they connected different portions of the facility and wrapped shortcuts back to the hub for areas
Level design also involves other stuff like mob placement which was a mess and boss areas
Facility being an actual singular area is alright though, yeah.I should give credit to that.
I'm playing nioh now, but I will definitely buy it later at 20 bucks
you mean pirate
>Pirate it
>Get outside the police area
>Already getting bored
Thought the first one was boring shit and this one seems to be more of the same.
Wtf i swear this game came out like last year
Cause i remember hearing it was extremely mediocre and didnt do much better than the first game, so i didnt buy it. Wtf is this shit? I'm scared
I still liked it a lot.
Sure it had its faults, but it was a fun game to play through
They only take money from the germs. hell the ecb might be the reason they'll leave the eu