Why is it that even with OpenMW pretty much finished (at least, more functional than the original game...

Why is it that even with OpenMW pretty much finished (at least, more functional than the original game, according to the creators), there isn't a mass of high quality mods rushing through?

All I want is an update to the character models and animations so it looks 2011, not 2002. Maybe some world models and textures so it's not Lara Croft boob spurs.

Attached: 0000009069.1920x1080.jpg (1024x768, 131K)

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In all seriousness, Skywind.
Not saying it's better or anything, but that's the reason why.
Also there's far less people interested in MW now than there was during its modding hayday.

mods ruin the originality

Attached: mods.jpg (1280x720, 229K)

They're all on Skyrim still, even after FO4 the Bethesda modding community is concentrated entirely around Skyrim.

>there isn't a mass of high quality mods rushing through
because old mods work flawlessly on it

Old mods could only do so much with the original game's mechanics and systems

But user, you can use mods on OpenMW:

openmw has the same mechanics

I'm talking new mods though - I was hoping for more of an overhaul in terms of visuals beyond the classic "here are some nicer textures"

Not the point, dumpass
Do you not know what the "open" part of openmw means?

Reminder that OpenMW runs on android and works really well

Attached: Morrowind.png (1920x1080, 2.09M)

Hold on a fucking minute. Really? How? Is there an APK?

Yes, open-source, meaning that the source code for the engine is visible and modifiable, and everyone who downloads it has legal right to do so

so retarded. i respect the efforts of the people involved, but it's fucking stupid and unnecessary. it's just 4th grade playground "what if skyrim was morrowind" level nonsense.

I can understand the logic though. The main thing I want out of OpenMW is better visuals - which it currently doesn't offer and Skywind would.

Isn't OpenMW going to have compatibility across the board with Gamebryo/Creation Engine files and thus mods?

for me at least, the art style of morrowind with some tasteful mods is more than enough and the clash of it with skyrim's overall style is jarring.

Download OpenMicroWave on the app store
Then download the full MW game files on your phone

Thanks user, this is going to make my commute way more entertaining. What's the battery drain like running OpenMW on your device?

Yeah but c'mon man

Doing a playthrough of Morrowind on a fucking phone? That's not gonna work buddy

Don't know if I'd consider Skywind to have better visuals
And that's aside from the Skyrim gameplay and dialogue

nice vids

I don't see why not. If you can complete MW on the OG Xbox, a phone will be fucking easy.

AFAIK the whole .bsa and .esp compatibility testing was/is done by a single dude in his spare time, while rest of the OpenMW team works on optimalization of the whole project

Graphic mods are almost unanimously shit that ruin the original aesthetic of the game regardless of the game. The faster you get used to them the easier it will be to play many older games without the graphics bothering you.

Attached: fargoth city.jpg (1024x768, 227K)

I've played Morrowind and expansions through multiple times, don't get me wrong. But while I can drop into Skyrim comfortably even 8 years later, I find Morrowind more of a grind just from the general look and feel, even if I love the game itself more. I'd say it's immersion but Skyrim doesn't handle that any better. I think it's just the feel of it.

The point of openMW is to recreate the original game, not to make a remake. If shitty animations or graphics bother you, this game isn't for you.

I actually disagree with several of OpenMW's balance choices because they went too far and it makes it too different from the original game. Things like the corprus strength buff actually being permanent after getting healed, and training not being calculated with buffs/debuffs applied stroked my autism so hard I forked the whole thing just so I could fix those two issues.

Stop being illiterate, retard

Many of the original exploits are gone in OpenMW.
Like Drain/Fortify attribute spell combos resulting in them acting like a damage attribute spell.
Or knocking down an enemy by lowering his stamina to negatives while he flees makes him get knocked down forever.
Creating spells with Fortify Magicka/Drain Intelligence granting you a net magicka gain per cast (same can be done with Fatigue) etc.
I always found those fun.

>the corprus strength buff actually being permanent after getting healed
But you never actually get cured
You still have corpus, you just lose the overtly negative effects
That's literally the point of that part of the story

OpenOB when?

Attached: emperor-uriel-septim.jpg (1024x768, 86K)

See youtube.com/watch?v=CVHus2St9VE

Just use MGE XE. Everything OpenMW does, it can too

I don't think you understand what OpenMW is.