How does your country view video games? A valid pastime, or an addiction to be cured? Is there any major gaming legislation that stands out from that of the rest of the world?
How does your country view video games? A valid pastime, or an addiction to be cured...
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isn't playing video games a disease now
Denmark is fortunately quite lax when it comes to video games.
I did not know South Korea was this bad.
I wonder why the news portray them as good when they are clearly as deceitful as northern korea, perhaps even less so - north korea doesn't seem to be afraid to tell what their agenda is.
North Korea truly was the best Korea, huh.
>an addiction to be cured?
no one does this
go outside
stop fighting imaginary enemies
Islam is RIGHT about women.
>The DSM-5 does include a section to help people and doctors know the warning signs of problem video gaming.
Germany is a huge market, the entire population of Germany compared to how many of them play games regularly is fairly high IIRC
Censorship used to be really fucked (TF2 or L4D corpses fading away, less blood) with games being outright banned too (most recent one I think was Dying Light which I still don't understand, I didn't play it but isn't it just zombies?). It's gotten better overall if you compare to how cucked you were like 15 years ago to now where a lot of games are sold here uncut and we might actually get swastikas without having to mod it in since that seems to be progressing that way too.
Game output here is pretty pathetic considering Gamescom is hosted annually in Cologne and the market being this huge (I think a lot of have really old Steam accounts still in use today according to some older Steamspy blogpost).
>leaving out the title of the page
>no one actually does this
mostly ignored by general public
You don't know the half of it, man.
>I wonder why
Dude, are you serious?
Mexico absolutely doesn't give a fuck about games, they were trying to tax them but nothing came up in the end
>it's actually far-right ultraconservatives
>but let's still blame sjws
Has this not began to change since it was discovered South Korea was being ran by some cabal shadow government? I remember reading about all those kids who died on a yacht, and the weird circumstances surrounding it. Also It's weird, despite all that shit SK has some of the best gamers in the world.
Conservatives just get on tv and blame videos with the latest scandal, and it will amount to nadda. They're up front with shit and it's generally easy to defend against. SJWs on the otherhand, just like their demshit counterparts are extremely backhanded, and just infect your shit slowly over time. Enforcing their will and status quo on everyone, and shutting down those who don't tow the line.
South Korea sounds so weird.
It's like both their left and their right are completely subhuman in a way that 'murka Republicans and Democrats somehow manage to avoid.
Strange how we all shit on burger politics, yet majority of the world is nowhere near as sane as burger politicans. From either side.
Though I'm a polack, so envying burger politics comes to me naturally, since my own countrymen are retarded vermin who voted deranged genetic garbage into office.
no one really gives a shit
we have bigger issues in eastern europe than muh video games
Finland here. We are quite irrelevant as a market (just around five million people) but mainstream actually likes video games a lot. Esports is pushed a lot in media and Finnish game development is hyped often.
As for legistlation, games that are rated 18 by PEGI are legally considered similar products to alcohol and tobacco, and it's illegal to sell or give them to anyone underage. It's non-enforced law outside monitoring sales, and there are really no repercussions if parents give GTA to their kids.
A valid past time, and in fact, a valid career choice, even a valid form of artistic or cultural expression. In fact, our country used to take quite a significant pride in our gaming development scene, and even though our golden era is long since gone, there is still very little stigma on playing, or developing games.
Like many former-east-european countries, there never was much of a stigma on "nerd culture", in fact it was generally seen as something positive - thought today, generation later, it's more of "just" absolutely common.
People involved in gaming community were mostly people at the cultural fronts - gaming scene was deeply connected to areas like visual art designs, language education, computer literacy and safety, development of technical skills. Even today gaming keeps some traditions - such as our old, distinct traditions of animation - alive.
Of course like everywhere else in the world old people bitch at "kids staring at the computer screens all day" occasionally.
Creating games goes against the German spirit.
>It’s SJWS
>It’s Far Right Ultra Conservatives(tm)
Funny how SJW is one missing letter away from the poweful malignant political group that falls into both those categories
>Videogames? Nah, those aren't real. The americans must have made them up.
>Wait, there's money in videogames? Ok, let's steal some.
>The youth like videogames? Let's take picture pretending we are playing. That will get us votes in the next elections.
>But remember, videogames are not real, and we should not develop a healthy, profitable industry in that field. Or any new technologies/science field, for that matter. We should keep focusing on construction instead. That will make us rich!
Germans do make games, though.
Almost always badly designed shit, as if they saw tedious work as desirable.
Many countries have their specific game design principles.
I noticed that russian games have this thing I call "russian difficulty": the game is literally unwinnable when played ironman, but lets you quicksave+quickload every nanosecond, so the difficulty only depends on how much you savescum.
My country "banned" minecraft because it was too violent :)
Pepik here, sure is weird having a former communist secret service agent and embezzler as PM.
Germans are making fun of us.
I like Blasphemous.
>South Korea government has official ministry of women
>Yes, ministry of women
Is this supposed to be shocking? Most developed western nations have a government department devoted to women too. In fact, they probably have multiple, e.g. the US has the Women's Bureau, The Office of Global Women's Issues, Office on Women's Health, etc. They are almost always staffed by quite a few batshit crazy feminists and their policies usually reflect that. Also, government department's devoted to "family" are almost always really just devoted to women too.
It was more that their president was having her every move dictated by a fucking cult leader.
this was from 3 years ago. Any updates?
the source of evil corrupting the youth and prime influencer of murders, self degredation, and social suicide
And they're all in jail now. The quote "In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve" comes to mind.
You know the right can be SJWs to you know they just dont have the power to get away with it like they do in the 90s to early 2000s
>like they do in the 90s to early 2000s
What are talking about? That was when the left was running things too. The PMRC was a left wing organization. They are the reason why music had warning labels slapped on them. The investigation into video games that led to the formation of the ESRB was done by the democrats. To have right wing moral guardians being the censorial pain in the ass with power you have to go back like half a century.
Just like Republicans
>quote marks around the ball on the flag
the signs were always there...
Democrats are right wing, user.
the demcorats aren't leftist. they're left of republicans but still more rightwing than even the main conservative party in most democratic nations.
the democrat policy is to take a centrist policy and make it more rightwing so it'll appeal to more americans
The big orange bastard isn't the one doing spirit cooking. If anything only democrat so far has been ousted as major drug/sex fiend, Ed Buck for a recent example.
>Has this not began to change since it was discovered South Korea was being ran by some cabal shadow government?
I live in Ireland I don't think 1/100 people heard of what is probably the most fucked up thing to happen in zoomer lifetimes. Nothing iwll ever change.
Italy here.
Although the market here should be as large as the UK, a wide margin of the population here is completely illiterate when it comes to electronics.
At the same time, most people here don't speak a word of english, thus limiting the market even more.
Our gaming output is barely there, although Ubisoft does have a studio in Milan (The rabbits mario game was developed there), there are only a handful of indie developers around, at most.
Videogames are generally ignored by the public here, unless you're talking about Fifa. They are still regarded as a niche, kind of nerdy hobby to have at best; a waste of time or a childish hobby at worst.
It's a shame because I could really see my country being a relevant european market.
As it stands today we are kind of like Spain, except translating games in spanish at least lets you reach the latin america market.
Translating games in italian is mostly a waste of time and resources that you must do if you want to sell here, since nobody understands english.
Basically, we are stuck.
At least in multiplayer games we have some top tier bantz.
Not that you guys will ever understand it, it's in italian only so you're missing out.
I'm romanian and everyone who played videogames and learned computing early also learned english on top of the greatly valued computer skills. Those of us who pursued these things as children then continued studying in the field are the new rich, I am 23 with a better pay and career options than all my relatives and my friends who work outside of this great field. Also, being the classroom/family computer nerd put me in a great position where people would trade stuff to me in exchange for getting them a game cd/a copy of Windows/an account on the biggest national torrenting site. Our internet infrastructure is the best in Europe because nerds in the 90's wanted better bandwith in their internet cafes to enjoy matches of CS 1.6 and StarCraft. Every man has played Fifa, NFS and CS once in their lives. Our network subscriptions are cheap because an idealistic almost anonymous nerd controls the biggest ISP. Video games are only a problem to boomers, yet they shut up once they see little Vasile's first programming paycheck at 19, while his cousins who study medicine are forced to flee westward. Also, nobody cares about piracy, everything is free.