Borderlands 3 Is 2K's Fastest Selling Game Ever

>Borderlands publisher 2K says the looter shooter sold over five million copies during its first five days on the market, making it the fastest-selling game in the company's history.

>That works out at 50 percent more sales than Borderlands 2 during the same launch window - a game which went on to sell over 22 million units.The high figures were achieved despite backlash from fans when it was announced the PC version of Borderlands 3 would be an Epic Games exclusive. A press release from 2K announcing the sales records draws attention to the store figures in particular, saying "Borderlands 3 delivered the highest pre-order sales figures to date for a 2K title, as well as broke pre-order records with the Epic Games Store. Initial sales of Borderlands 3 have exceeded the label’s expectations and, in particular, PC sales of the title through the Epic Games Store have been incredibly strong."

>Over 70 percent of Borderlands 3's sales were digital, and the game has consistently pulled views over on Twitch. 2K says it's generated more than 14 million hours of content on the streaming platform, which is more than half the viewership that Borderlands 2 generated over seven years. Our review said Borderlands 3 was the best in a series of great co-op shooters. Our full thoughts are in the video above.


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Other urls found in this thread:

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>game series extremely popular with casuals sells a lot
>news at 11

Sssteambros... I thought... We had... More power than this... Nooooooo

>70% of sales were digital
why? you can't even resell it..

this thread is literally up 24/7 get the fuck out of here already jesus christ

they are counting epics 30 million payoff

Fuck off, shill.

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>make loader bot a playable character
>don't call him loader bot

Attached: 534.jpg (1200x746, 194K)

Kinda funny how some of them come across as too on-the-nose. Almost makes you wonder if they're not actually shills, but false-flaggers trying to make it seem shilled.

it's convenient
I got a bunch of physical games I don't play anymore and don't plan to resell either because I don't care enough to

and yet I'm seeing less people than ever playing borderlands

reminder to never trust the source coming from the game creator

epic bought that. not actual consumers.

this announcement is pretty much bs.

Fucking kek

Gearbox are full of shit

Yes, 5 million is more than 4.5 million

It's take two, not gearbox.

All bought by Tim


Absolute cope.

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Release numbers then.

Well, i'm happy for them I guess, but I still hate Randy Pitchford and i'm not touching it until it's out in it's GOTY form

Take-Two Stock Falls as New Game’s Sales Merely Meet Street Views

The reality is harsh

>wanting to play a Borderlands game in the first place



They just bought them up themselves, it includes the copies they give away as prices, what you receive with a subscription of something etc.

>rumors of epic buying copies
>a major release on egs
>in a popular series, from a big publisher
>lots of promotion offline and online
>disproportionate amount of digital sales compared to physical compared to every other major title
Anyone has that leddit screenshot of tim denying it? Or rather, saying that the exclusivity payout is not done by buying copies, but not denying that they're buying them.

>schizos on Yea Forums make up le epic shill conspiracy
>bunch of autists start spamming it for the lulz
>suddenly everyone thinks it's true
You guys just get baited 24/7 and some guy is jerking it to every reply. No paid shills, just autism at work here. More power to the guys who spam this shit, because you hate this game just because of epic and muh sjws. It's a good game and people bought it. Nothing wrong with that.

>They just bought them up themselves


Couldn't they just buy infinite copies since they get all the money back?

epic bought exclusivity, that's a set number of copies sold guaranteed

>Borderlands publisher 2K says
>Borderlands publisher 2K says
LMAO cus they don't like right? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Borderlands 3 had """""""""""""""""""sold-in"""""""""""""""" more than 5 million units in its first five days on the marke

>70% is digital

So what happened here? Did they get it right with marketing? I mean, Borderlands is a popular franchise but i didn't think it was beloved enough for it to be a runaway success like this

>Sweeney tells Steamies the truth
>They downvote his post

Why do redditors love Steam and hate Epic?

Attached: tim sweeney epic.png (1566x796, 92K)


>you have to be a steamdrone to dislike epic

Why isn't this bannable yet?

Lies and Chink propaganda. The game bombed, especially on PC. Sent.

You don't belong here.

Attached: I'm literally shaking.jpg (898x1097, 85K)

>moves goalpost completely
>asks us to blindly believe statements in epic's interest even though there is no transparent way of gauging sales like steamdb can

xi jing ping tiananmen square massacre yada yada

>Hi r/fuckepic community.
Steamcels absolutely demolished.

Attached: 1563231714264.jpg (200x200, 38K)

It isn't, they're spreading lies. It hasn't sold well.

>Take-Two stock has risen about 23% this year.
Cope harder faggot.

>That cringe image

Attached: centrist.png (640x480, 14K)

I've seen discussion of Borderlands 2 constantly on Yea Forums and reddit the last few years, seems like the series has been gaining popularity over time. I don't remember much discussion of the 2 when it was released except some threads of Yea Forums sperging out because it included creepers. But I guess Minecraft is cool now so Borderlands 2 is cool

i'm guessing not

>pre-sequel was kinda bad so borderlands brand isn't doing too well
>randy pitchford is PR poison
>game on epic launcher where games typically sell like shit
>shit performance
>sequel fatigue
>not received that well by critics, barely anyone in the eceleb sphere playing the game

Steamdb doesn't list sales you stupid retard.

>moving the goal post

im not anti take two. what a kind of poster are you.

actual take two shill? very fucking rare nowadays.


>im not anti take two
Why the fuck not? They're one of the most cancerous publishers in the industry

>r/borderlands 260k member
>r/borderlands3 200k member
>borderlands 2 more than 13k players at any time since 7 years
What is so hard to believe about these sales numbers? Borderlands was huge and continues to be huge. People don't care as much about the god damn epic launcher as you think. No one cares about cp randy or stuff like that. People just want to play the god damn game and it's a good game at that. Yea Forums loved borderlands before 3 was announced and just hates on it now because muh sjws and epic. Face it not everyone is an abnormal autist like you guys and has fun playing games without all the politics around it.

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I expect reddit to fall for this fakenews but not here

We all know chinks make up numbers all the time, they are probably inflating it and buying their own games (like how Disney bought it's own tickets for Black Panther and Captain Marvel)

Cry about it.

The goal post is profitability, and Borderlands 3's announcement and release has bolstered Take Two's value by 20%.


im not interested in westacuck aaa devs. they will go extinct very soon. shit like this is also a prime example of their dishonesty and stupid optimism.

>Still not saying how many PC sales there were

>it's a good game at that
>Yea Forums loved borderlands before 3 was announced
Why would you do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

>We all know chinks make up numbers all the time

Take Two is not chinese you stupid retard.

>if you don’t seriously believe in either piss or shit then you have no serious convictions

What’s it like having single digit IQ?

Don't forget, a new Destiny expansion is also out in a week and that game is the only popular looter shooter. Given the choice between that and Borderlands 3, the people who actually like this genre were obviously going to stick with Destiny, which is a better game. Borderlands is stuck in the past, Destiny does it better.

It sold 5 million copies total. It's on consoles too you know dingus?

Many shit games sell millions at launch only to die off the following weeks. RE6, Dragon age 2, and Andromeda are some examples.

Please stop posting no one cares but you OP.

That subreddit is filled with consoletards

>>piss and shit analogy

Just as cringe as food. Stop thinking you're George Carlin, fuccboi

Both are shit and the whole looter shooter genre has just shoveled out mediocrity as its best work. Nothing's been good just acceptable.

>Nothing's been good just acceptable.
That's just been the AAA industry for the last ten years

Nigflot blorny quando floon

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that doesnt change the fact that investors are disappointed with it
whatever you say, epic bought most of the copies up. glad both the chink and mutt industries die soon. good riddance.

chinks dont know shit about modern western aaa business and trends and sjw thingies. they still believe its still working the same way as last gen.

Yea Forums was always tsundere for borderlands


>That subreddit is filled with consoletards
So what console is a bigger market. It's the same for every multiplat.

>Why would you do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
How is it a bad game? Explain that to me. You haven't been around for the borderlands 2 threads? Yea Forums always had a hate boner for this game.

But user, i only shop from GOG and i still hate Epic.

Again, he doesn't say "we don't buy copies"
>paid sales to customers
Doesn't rule out buying copies, if a company buys copies they become a customer
>revenue guarantees and payments don't contribute to these numbers
Again, doesn't rule out buying copies.
>We guarantee you revenue from selling 200k copies, a payment of $50M and we'll buy 3M copies, they don't contribute to the revenue guarantee
This type of agreement would include buying copies and make Tim's post still technically true. C'mon, there are so many jews everywhere you should start to wise up to the tricks

>You haven't been around for the borderlands 2 threads?
Yeah, I have. Where it's constantly pointed out that the game is shit, with bullet sponge enemies and boring gunplay.


How did you play Sekiro? RE2 Remake? DMC5?

>>Nothing's been good just acceptable.
>That's just been the AAA industry for the last ten years

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the looter shooter genre seems more or less fundamentally shit. the only point is to find an item that has bigger numbers than your last one. the only reward you get from doing this that you can continue killing enemies the same speed you did before for an hour or so until you find a new weapon and the cycle repeats. it just feels so pointless to do 50 hours of this bullshit.

i don't really know how you'd "fix" this genre so it was actually fun.

Okay crack when?

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>ablooooo you're technically wrong
yeah ok you know i meant steamspy

>Yeah, I have. Where it's constantly pointed out that the game is shit, with bullet sponge enemies and boring gunplay.
Exactly no one liked it tthat's why we had so many fun BL 2 threads, beside all the shitters and this game has a somewhat active general on /vg/ since years. Just because you autists try to kill every thread, doesn't mean there are not enough people here who played and liked borderlands. I'm amused about your schizo crusade every few months. Will be the same with shenmue 3 and all the other epic exclusives that are to come. It was also the same with MGS 5 which was a great game.

>people make threads about games that means a majority like it!

I never said that you retard, just that there are enough people here that play it and like it. Take epic store and randy out of the equation and pretend it launched on steam. Suddenly you autists would get off your hate train. Face it you are on this crusade because of exactly these things.

>in 2019 big sales somehow equal good quality
fucking toddlers lol

I mean, isn't this kinda a normal number for AAA games?
Anthem objective was like 6 million copies, and it was a title with pretty low expectations
MHW and even Kingdom Hearts sold 5 million copies in less days

Daily reminder
this game is shit kill all epic staff members kill the boss praise steam

>Story is poorly written lore breaking trash
What the fuck happened bros? How did they fuck up so bad?

Massive amounts of steamie cope in that post

I love steam i would kill you if gaben asked.

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this is good, i'm stealing it.

>I never said that you retard
>>Yea Forums loved borderlands

So much for the boycotting, you spineless tools

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>I never said that you retard
>Yea Forums loved borderlands
I wrote Yea Forums always had a hate boner for it low iq retard.

i said that and it's true. Yea Forums liked borderlands 2. face it steamdrones.

Attached: NiceTry.png (600x600, 173K)

And if they don't like BL2, they like Tales of Borderlands, which is even worse because it has 0 gameplay.

i dont support the valve sjws at all you chink faggot

bla bla bla i have a vagina.

nice me lady, can i sniff it? you lost the argument so by the old laws of my country i'm allowed to bed you!

Yes please do.

Randy is too based to be defeated by basement dwelling neckbeards. The right man won.

Is it even worth it to put the game on Steam?
It's obviously doing great on EGS

Attached: 1546987511207.jpg (296x263, 37K)

Yea Forums was wrong about this game being a flop (especially on EGS), yet again.

I'm not buying it.

it is a flop it's shit.

egs bought the copies up for sure which doesnt mean consumers did, you fucking chink

its "sell in". take two just sold it to an online retailer which is epic.

What did Steamies mean by thsi?

Attached: rfuckepic reddit.jpg (1010x811, 184K)

PC numbers, where are they?

>its "sell in". take two just sold it to an online retailer which is epic.
>Yea Forums schizos believe this
Steamcucks on suicide watch

sauce? reverse search found nothing and i need it for research

>seeing everybody always linking to that faggit
>follow him
>2 days passed
>every retweet is soiboi certified hillary drumpf BS
>he even whiteknights
suddenly I don't give a fuck about what this guy says

Within its first five days of launch, 50 percent more consumers purchased Borderlands 3 versus sales of its predecessor – Borderlands 2 – making the title the fastest-selling in 2K’s history, as well as the highest-selling title for the label on PC in a five-day window. In addition, Borderlands 3 has sold-in more than 5 million units in its first five days, leading the Borderlands franchise to generate more than $1 billion in Net Bookings and becoming the second franchise in 2K history to achieve this milestone.

they literally sold the digital copies to epic store. whats so hard to understand?

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Your goddam right i'll give my money to steam.

I'm wondering if they are counting the money that Epic paid for exclusivity against those purchases.

literally a redditor. holy shit.

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I wanna taste you're insides.

Kek, Randy got BTFO

Take your meds. There is nothing in your quote about it.


huh. cant you even read, chink

Point it out. There isn't anything about it schizo. Take your pdoc appointments seriously.

Give them to me now! j-j-j-jam it in my asshole!


Attached: RAWWWWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.jpg (1128x936, 120K)

Stay mad samefag. Your little conspiracy isn't real.


Attached: 1561457853213.jpg (458x1018, 165K)

Sir i am in need of my meds. You must provide them and insert them one by one inside my ass.
(Do it or your mother dies)

Attached: 1568673985990.gif (350x335, 1.17M)

Okay i give you a (you) if you keep doing this. I just can't stop laughing. Just imagine your life bruh.

I don't want (yous) I WANT MEDS GIVE THEM TO ME NOW!

You get pennies on a resell. The digital convience outways the resell value several times over.

I have your mother you have two options jam them inside my ass or your mother is dead as a alternate i will accept you a kiss on my balls.

Piss off ESL.

By the way i have no idea what the fuck your talking about nor did i even read this thread lmao

How many "fastest selling games" have their been,lately, it feels like a few. This feels fabricated like it's an intentionally constructed statistic to hype the game.

It's okay keep going. I'll check back in an hour.

This means based Pitchford will stay in business and continue making quality games in the future.

>Trusting 2K
Uh huh
Which leg did they break to force you to make this post, Xyanglyang?


It's over Steambros....
Acting like a little bitch didn't save us....


How can we ever recover? Damn i install epic launcher now that steam is dead soon. Fucking chinks won.

I've only played EDF 2025 out of that entire series but would that be considered a looter shooter?

>7 years of anticipation
>Can only barely outsell one of the most reviled open world games this gen
Also Take Two's stock fell because BL3's sales were considered disappointing.


Seething Steamie

>Has no argument

>taking twitch content as a selling reference
>half the viewership as borderlands 2

Maybe alone because vidya streaming wasn't that popular then as it is now?!

Well.. absolute state of gaming, people.
Boycott 2K, they can stick their troll basketball and Epic cock in their ass and be happy, but without my money. Fucking retards.


>has no arguments other than being a seething steamie

It's exactly what the exclusivity contract with Epic is about. They are basically buying the games in such an amount as it could have been on all other platforms together, with a cherry on top.
At 2K / Bordlerands 3 size, they theoretically got at least 30000000 $ (after all, other AA and Indie get about 10 mil$).
If you now take 5000000 imaginary Epic sales, where the game costs about 60 $, you get the 30mil $.

So, how many got REALLY sold to ACTUAL Customers (aka Idiots) who bought over Epicstore, only Epic knows and will likely never make public.

EDF has a lot of difference with the average looter shooter though. Rng is far less of an issue for exemple unless you're trying to grind every single weapon.

the resetera bl3 thread is as small as the control thread. chink shills say resetera doesnt matter but its a fact that at least both Yea Forums and resetera dont have any big enthusiasm for this game.

It's always funny to see Yea Forums (/pol/ tourists) BTFO.

you lost sjw tranny leave

No it's because the new basketball game is a flop steamie

> Less manufacturers
> Removed a whole weapon type.
Why? Did they not have enough time?

>Console series changes PC distribution platform
>Console players who make up 95% of sales still bought it


>4.5 million in 7 days
>5 million in 5 days
are you fucking retarded?

Attached: 1481848376462.jpg (1219x1600, 561K)


>MHW sells 5 million in 3 days
>nobody cares
>Kingdom hearts sells 5 million in 6 days
>nobody cares
>Borderlands, a much more mainstream franchise, does the same

Why do trannies and weirdos like Borderlands. It's a bland fps with colorful weapons

That picture it is weird, but wholesome at the same time.

>Borderlands 3 has sold-in more than 5 million units in its first five days, leading the Borderlands franchise to generate more than $1 billion in Net Bookings and becoming the second franchise in 2K history to achieve this milestone.
>leading the Borderlands franchise to generate more than $1 billion in Net Bookings
Can someone translate that bit? They sure as fuck didn't earn 1 billion on copies sold unless they sold for over 3 times the regular full price.