Why does Yea Forums hate Skyrim, the best Elder Scrolls game?

Why does Yea Forums hate Skyrim, the best Elder Scrolls game?

Weird way to spell Oblivion



Attached: images.jpg (256x197, 3K)

Uh you mean Morrowind?

Oblivion and Skyrim is for zoomers who can't into RPG

>Zoomer game
The people of this place get more stupid with each passing day.

>Why does Yea Forums hate Skyrim
The contrarian culture
>the best Elder Scrolls game?
Morrowind of course. Any more questions?

Not only the best TES game, but the best rpg of all time.

Did your brother browse Yea Forums as well

I know you already got blasted, but I thought I'd dogpile on and let you know that this might be legitimately one of the dumbest responses I've ever seen. Not that I expect much from bethesdrones.

piss off millenial, morrowind is superior.

Other than the grafix, what makes it the best one?

I thought the quests were all bland and forgettable.

How do we fix Argonian lore since all of it is "well lol the hist...."

>big early gen 8 multiplat
>game any 8 year old born in 1998 could've played
>sudden increase in popularity in the last five years because "at least it's not skyrim"
>not a zoomer game
Oblivionfags are probably the biggest idiots outside of bungeefags who thought Destiny was going to be a new Halo

Except that image isn't publicly available, it's a Patreon exclusive. Only the clothed version is on generic websites like

Alot of red in the thread.

jannies fucking mad

>delete posts but not the thread

Attached: Ya want gum.jpg (680x544, 131K)

please respond anons

will it matter? bethesda seems too far gone for anyone to really care about anything they make

There is a patreon crack website

look up yiff dot party search the name and you'll find it

nice file, dumb dumb

Thread was nuked by jannies, dumb dumb

Janniturd is retarded.