What the hell happened to the Sims thread?
Sims 4
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Sims are not Yea Forumsideogames, they are real life simulations
based janny
There's nothing real life about the Sims though.
Pretty interested in pirating that new magic dlc
>Sims are not Yea Forumsideogames
u retard?
Just post the interracial /ss/ already before the thread gets deleted.
Has anyone attempted to make him yet?
Thats just chinman at the end of the saga
>Why yes I did stock my neighbors and went through their trash. What gave it away?
Mods delete your threads because all you talk about is porn mods.
What else is there to do in the sims?
Oh now I feel bad
Sims 4 has finally become as coombrained as Honey Select to me, once I jizzed I have no desire to continue playing anymore.
Building houses and death traps
I'm enjoying this terrible murder mod. I'm trying to get her to hook up with Death but he only shows up for a few hours at a time so she has to keep killing people she meets at the bar. He's complaining about being so overworked lately but I think it'll be okay.
Fucking jesus christ this thread is cringe
God damn trannies
Sounds like a personal problem.
theres a /vg/ thread to spam this trash in
i play this game once a year or so as an architecture simulator. never even touched the sim part of the game.
You must be 18.
Is there any franchise that's fallen so far from soul than the sims?
Elder Scrolls/Fallout are probably close
Animal Crossing
They don't want peaceful threads about games, they want more shitposting and arguing.
Final Fantasy. Phantasy Star. Fire Emblem.
sim tits or gtfo
>sims thread on Yea Forums
Fuck off back to resetera with your trashy DLC infested game for girls
sims is like paradox games. no one on Yea Forums actually buys all the dlc since it's easy to pirate it
is the game enjoyable with dlcs and without modding? or it needs a shit-ton of modding? what can you do exactly apart from simulating life?
>is the game enjoyable with dlcs and without modding?
2 and 3 are. 4's xpacs are just pathetic.
i downloaded the wicked whims megaupload pack in the last thread and installed Sims 4 Seasons. The mod files are showing up when starting the game, i enabled scripts and mods, but i see no wicked whims symbol ingame, i cant enter the settings. any help?
>recreate myself and my gf and add mods for kinky time
>leave sex autonomy on
>she cucks me with not one, but TWO black guys
it's not fair
there are two settings to enable for mods and scripts, so make sure both are checked. also make sure mods are not too far buried in folders within the mods folder.
i enabled both settings, and i kept the folder structure of the megaupload pack (in the mods folder theres the Resource.cfg, and two folders: wickedwhims and wickedwhims animations. inside wickedwhims are 3 files that show up ingame as actived mods, in the animations folder are several more folders, inside are different package files
art imitates life they say
he's going to punch her in the face
can you post the link to the pack please?
Jesus Christ spoiler that shit.
Look at this fucking bullshit. ITs fucking anti-white FAGGOT shit. Plus they delete your comments .
>user hasn't see LIA
What's their problem? Why would they heavily market the game towards genetic puke and political radicals?
Because the new team IS full of them. Recently added pride flags and non simlish T-shirt of "It gets better". Oh and let's not forget the muslim update which was... Underwhelming? Like they added stuff but...You're telling me Muslim woman only wear 1 thing? Everyday? For every occasions?
cringe & victimpilled
Ohh yeah just like that
Ohhhhhh I'm gonna
whats the bitch on the left doing
Is wicked whims actually good as a porn game?
What the fuck is this bullshit? The Sims is not self insertion wish fulfillment crap. Does EA not spend any time on their own fucking forums? The majority of the fanbase has little interest in that crap. And looking through the gallery makes it quite clear they don't want diverse and ugly characters, they just want lots and lots of white hotties who are romantic, artistic and good.
Sims 5 ever coming out or it's over?