I am forgotten...
2 weeks later
>no cog gear, onyx guard, myrrah, skirted or even Baird as playable characters
>only 5 maps lol
>ranked is broken, it’s traumatizing to play it solo
>bugs everywhere
>campaign was hands down the most boring one of the saga
Fuck you Microsoft, you pay millions to ninja and you can afford making gears a decent game
>It's not about what you want, it's about meeeeee!
still seething I see
Game is an absolute retail flop, what is there left to seethe about
Campaign was good breh and it's not nearly as broken as you say though I did prefer 4s multiplayer. Shit was perfect. You probably think 4 is shit too tho
Cope harder my guy. Let me guess, hate boner for Microsoft and Xbox?
It's a flop and interest has never been so lowin the franchise, there's no way around it
I used to be an Xbox fan until Phil Spencer gave every game away like free candy
Maybe they should've actually worked on optimizing the PC port.
I had to refund this bitch after 15 mins because the game would crash non-stop for me, where I couldn't even get pass the menu screen.
>It's a flop and interest has never been so lowin the franchise
>biggest Gamepass launch to date
I'm enjoying the versus mode.
>$2 hobopass sales
>Wahh make me pay $100 per game daddy corporation
The state of Yea Forums seethers
Oh you mean like how Battlefield V is supposedly the best selling game of the franchise?
Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.
Gears has always had a small dedicated community. You see the same people online. You get to know them and play PVE together as new challenges come out. You compare skins and get excited for new updates. When it’s time to move on you move on.
Not every game is TF2 with a massive fan base of autistic gmod movie watching loners, faggot. The game will get the support it needs and we move on when it’s time.
>dedicated community of 20 scat fetishists loves this game
okay, m8
no wonder cause western shit is really forgettable.
>Muh titties and sexualised 14 YOs
The game is shit and Microsoft bit down hard on the SJW pill. MS is taking a huge fucking loss on this game.
Guarantee that on the Scarlett, first party games won't be included in subscription at launch... if they're good.
Forza games were included to sell subscriptions but Gears 5 is a total flop. People who have game pass probably downloaded it but it has probably not driven new subscriptions.
The original series is built on gore, violence, toxic masculinity, bro stuff, etc. Like Fast and the Furious movies.
The franchise is being developed by a studio run by SJWs who hate the original franchise and want to turn it into something else.
MS is not gonna have another hit game franchise until they stopped being cucked.
>Borderlands 3 a woke feminist game already sold 5 million units and is breaking records
>MS won’t make good games until they go full poltard
>Gears 5 flopped because woke.
What drug is this board on?
"woke"... not at all. Hoes die. Non-binary character is a fucking killer robot. Bwahaha. Grimdark humor. Midgets for laughs.
>Build entire franchise on Manly Death: Heterosexual Warfare
>Put some stupid bitch as the MC
Not sure what they were thinking, made the iteration look more filler than Gears Judgement despite being a mainline title.
trans pride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's crazy how i haven't heard shit about this franchise since the third one. It's like i skipped time or someshit. Didn't know there was a 4 let alone 5 until i saw this post.
This piece of shit was forgotten before release.
Why does online feel so clunky and slow
I like playing Fahz
git gud
it already came out?
Fucking died laughing when they turned JD into a child slaughtering Hitler for literally no reason in three seconds. What a dogshit campaign
well if it didnt run like absolute shit
Literally the exact opposite. It's one of the top 3 MPs in the series.
>coming to Yea Forums
>to actually talk about video games
nah, this is where people talk about retardedly boring anime spreadsheet simulators
Judgment was actually good (except multiplayer) and they at least made the girl in it hot to cater to bros
Escape is boring and pointless, same with horde, campaign was very very boring and pointless with terrible writing and characters.
Multiplayer is actually good though. Lacking in content a bit but 60 fps gears is always good. Much faster paced smaller maps, you can't just camp with a sniper like everyone used to do
>story is framed as a trial
this is never ever a good story telling device and has NEVER been done well
fuck you
this board is utter shit m8
Ranked is not broken and there arent that many bugs your just making shit up.
I havent finished the campaign, I'm literally on the first act and its entertaining so far
I will give you the rest though. The game has so much going on and at the same time feels like so little content.
couldn't stop laughing at evil bald JD
I don't know how they did it but they somehow made a campaign even more boring and pointless than 4
That's because 4 was also shit. You go from fighting Locusts to fighting robots with a team of twinks that spout shitty puns throughout the game
The new cast is absolutely insufferable they're Reddit personified
where are all the women and minority gamers supporting this game?
>people saying that this game isn't a flop
Did you pajeets forget that Microshit is now never mentioning any sales/revenue numbers from their gaming division anymore?
Oh hes mad
>facts = mad
Well, I liked the first segment where you're launching the HoD satellite, the second bit with the Swarm attacking Settlement 2, and the part in the snowy segment when they actually go into the history of Myrrah, the Locust, and New Hope, but then it takes a massive nosedive in the desert with Kait going full annoying cunt, JD going full cuck, and the objectives going full repetitive. The last battle part is ok too, if you don't mind the cinematic shit.
Gears used to be cool.
Pirated it. Playing through the campaign now, about to start Act 3.
Game is pretty fun apart from the open world shit and mediocre characters. It's still a Gears game through and through at its core. The small quality of life changes are neat.
PROTIP: If you have 2 monitors and want to split screen coop with a buddy you can use AMD eyefinity or NVIDIA display setup (or whatever it's called) to stretch the display so you can have a screen each.
Did this over the weekend and it worked great.
>Gears 4 has fun gameplay, but the story really doesn't go anywhere and is mostly set up
>Gears 5 gameplay is even more fun, but it feels like the writers are actively trying to piss me off with the story
>one shot kill/down enemies
>sections of the game you can insta-lose without dying
It's like the game actively didn't want me to enjoy the campaign for too long. Didn't touch multiplayer because that shit has always been way too autistic for me.
As long as I didn't crank up the motion blur, I got a solid 4K60 with everything else maxed on just a 2080. I've certainly player worse optimized games this year with the same setup.
why? Because you say so?
Cope harder microcock, Gears turned into Queers after 2 and is now exclusively played by Cletuses and Pacos
Absolutely assblasted
>rank is not broken
I just played KoTH yesterday and a guy on my team had 168 points the whole match. He had no kills, caps, or breaks. He was playing and trying.
SJW cancer kills yet another male oriented franchise
It was always homo-oriented franchise.
There are black midgets literally called "NOGS" in BL3.
Look I know it's fun to pretend and play like we are the paragons of virtue within gaming, but Borderlands was and is insanely popular, there was no way a proper 3 could fail. People were playing 2 and streaming it to actual audiences a decade after release.
I am straight man though, I do not enjoy looking at burly men sitting in covers.
How can one person be so mad
Do we have any data if this is another example of get woke go broke?
Dead franchise after 3
maps suck wieners, weapons are placed, randomly, I assume because it's made by TC (who made Microsoft Kinect Games and a Facebook game) ontop of the entire stat board being absolutely fucked
that's not even mentioning the characters or the banners / arcade or any other of the dogshit they decided to add and keep focusing on, like Ferg is back on the team and he helped make 1 - 3, but most importantly he helped produce 3.
idk i didnt play 4, heard it was ok, not like judgment bad, but ok - 5 seems bad.
Clearly not manly enough if all you see and think about is gayness.
Don't worry though when you'll come out of puberty, maybe you'll learn about brotherhood
Shit story, shit characters, and shit weapons. Bring back delta squad and the good weapons.
>I do not enjoy looking at burly men sitting in covers.
normal straight guys don't have sexual thoughts about burly men in a video game
They undervalued their own product. For being multibillion dollar company Microsoft is fucking retarded. If you value your own product at $0 (ie, anyone with game pass can have it free) then the audience will also value it at 0. There is investment, monetary or emotional. It's just like, a game, sitting on the floor being something or other but in the end you'll play games that have value to you an value themselves.
Yes, but you have to be literal faggot to enjoy boring cover shooter with said men occupying half of the screen. I have no other explanation of this series popularity.
>not being attracted to masculinity
You're a gay woman.
>Barely do anything interesting with the new characters
>Anything that would better help define these characters happens of screen
>Writers still kill of one of them
Seriously fuck these writers.
The only way they could elevate the whamen character is to make the white dude character a civilian killing asshole out of the blue. Also the based black sidekick is devoid of any flaws as a character. Really subtle writing.
>white guy bad but now remorseful
>black guy always rational and good
They do lay it on pretty thick, huh?
I also love how they made him "the smart one".
They don't even give JD a chance to defend himself, or explain his actions. They could have written it in such a way where there were shades of gray, and he could almost have been considered justified (but still kind of fucked up) for making that call, but no, the plot just decides that he's an asshole out of nowhere, until it decides he's not an asshole anymore. They didn't even have the balls to go all the way with his heel-turn, and have him be some kind of sub-antagonist who is sent by Jinn to bring Kait and Del in or anything.
Open world was kinda boring
TC never made Kinect or Facebook games, what in the fuck did you smoke?
It came out two weeks ago?
the game is great. no amount of sn*y asspain will change that
but the "innocent civilians" were throwing flame grenades. JD was in the right
I like the MP as someone who hasn't played a GOW game since the second one came out on the 360.... I enjoy playing it but got sick of it pretty quickly, game needs way more maps than it has, some old and some new, then I'll probably play it occasionally
>playing the campaign
>heel turn
hit the showers ya simp... you're not in the bizz so don't use their language
Me and my Gears buddy tried playing Horde for the first time and we got to wave 37 before wiping. Fucking hell, I forgot how cancer that shit was.
MP is fun as shit though.
It's okay
Needs more maps
Needs waayyyyyy more characters
>No Baird
>No Carmines
>No Dizzy
>No Cole Train
>No Anya
>No Queen
>No Dom
>No Locust (I think? I know there is RAAM)
I know they are "coming later" but like what the hell were they thinking?
>No Sam who is still alive
Who cares about these characters?
>drip feed content in a game that people aren't even sure about buying in a franchise that has mostly fallen out of popularity
>not making characters that are present in the campaign playable in multiplayer
What could go wrong?
They wanted to do the shitty everyone has a overwatch ultimate for the cog. No excuse for swarm characters.
I'd be interested if they put gears 2 and 3 on PC. It's weird how 1 is, then apparently 4 and 5 are? Just put them on PC, I don't want to go through the series only to have to downgrade to 360 on the second game.
Okay, sure. That still leaves
>A Carmine
>B Carmine
>C Carmine
>Lizzie Carmine
>Cole Train
You and I both know the roster is lacking
Get Woke, Go Broke