
Should Link have just said fuck it and stayed in the dream?

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fuck, beat me to it.

Definitely not for a girl.

"Should Link have just...fuck.......he...r"


It doesn't work like that

He should have chased after the wind fish when he woke up and demanded his waifu back.

Staying in the dream would have meant dying

>Marin, Midna, Mipha
What's with there being so many tragic"seperated by fate" waifus in Zelda that start with M? Weirdly enough Malon escapes that and arguably wins her Link.

Are the names the same in Japanese?

Yes, for all those characters.

>Should Link have just said fuck it and stayed in the dream?

Hell yeah brother.

Been a long ass time since I have seen that posted

Fucked her eam?

Attached: marin.jpg (438x483, 206K)

God Marche must've been some tremendous faggot. He could've been constantly drowning in Viera puss but instead chooses boring reality instead.

That's Koholint for pussy

And that was a weird game for Link to get with Malon, since he had a seemingly strong bond with Zelda in that game. It's even Zelds who is mentioned as the Hero of Time's special friend waiting for him back home in Majora's Mask, not Malon.

Then again, Link has Epona and knows Epona's song in MM so he had to have a strong bond with Malon post-OoT as well.

He got sent back in time to before he saved the world at the end of OoT. If no one knows he saved the world he doesn't have the clout to marry a princess, so its time to go settle for the farm girl.

There was a manga where it discussed this exact predicament

>be a kid
>talk to a girl for a day and get a horse for free
>seven years later she doesnt remember you

what strong bond?


It's not like he even had a particularly good life IRL either.

Maybe if he was just some random Link who sailed for a living or was a swabbie on a ship, but LA Link is ALTTP Link, and he's dedicated to protecting Hyrule. He'd wanna get back there so staying on Koholint isn't an option for him

He was stranded in bumfuck nowhere in the ocean in the middle of a raging storm, in a dream world born from a gay looking whale that was being conquered by nightmares. He made the right call by waking up.

His body would probably die after a week of no sustenance.

Koholit Island is tiny as shit, and has like, 25 people on it.

I feel like he's go stir crazy after a couple months. Maybe if it were bigger, with like, 3 full fledged towns and a smattering of wilderness to explore.

Retarded posts like these make me realize that you dumb fucks cant understand even the simplest of characterizations.
Even in a Dream, Marin's entire thing is that she wants to LEAVE. She wants to become a seagull and fly around the world and sing. And she gets her wish. Its a happy ending for her and that's why Link moves on.