List of cult following video games get smaller and smaller every year

>List of cult following video games get smaller and smaller every year.

Is gaming dying? Are we cursed to a cycle of loot boxes and unpolished game releases?

also what game you guys hyped for? I just finished Mother Russia Bleeds with some friends, was fun

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cult != good

It's a borderline meaningless term.

>Persona 4

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"Cult" and "Indie" are both meaningless in the context of video games. Even the lowest budget video games still needs fucking soulless cubicle jockeys to run the show and big name publishers somehow involved.

>Root Letter[217]
>Zero Time Dilemma[217]
what a fucking joke is this? Both of these VNs are the bottom scrap of the barrel

cults grow over time

Yes. Persona 4 is disproportionately popular/discussed/notable compared to the number of sales it got. That's why it's a cult product.
>i don't know what a cult game is

persona 4 was extremely niche until the anime adaptation exploded its (and the whole series') popularity.

literally no one played root letter you fucking idiot
there is zero fanbase for this game

Sorry you can't be hipster

it's sold half a million which is a shit ton for no budget VN shit.

Too young to remember it's original PS2 release, huh?

nah i think it's shit. therefore it's shit.
no one, not even you or the general opinion has any say in it.


Lots of actual cult games aren't even listed. Shit like Hajime no ippo on GBA.

Well there's no doubt Pathologic 2 will be in the 2019 slot.

>Pathologic 2 will be in the 2019 slot.

huh... kinda over looked that.
been meaning to play it for a while now, guess it's time to catch up.

Nice mention user.

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>all those citations

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Grow up fag

>against gatekeeping

I think the list gets shorter simply because digital distribution has allowed niche games to go mainstream, rather than becoming some obscure cult classic.

Who are you even quoting?

a single danganronpa game sold more and its discussed to hell everyday, same as ace attorney
Tell me how fucking Root Letter is more cult than Ace Attorney, I fucking dare you idiots. I bet that you didnt even play this shit

it's shit
there's no going around that

I really don't think the anime had that much influence, 4 just steadily gained steam over time on it's own.

What's Remothered Tormented Fathers?

>Fallout made the list
>Wasteland missing
Why is the internet so shit?

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>no cultist simulator
The fuck retarded cult game list is this?

>Tell me how fucking Root Letter is more cult than Ace Attorney,
Ace attorney sold too much to be cult relative to it's fandom. It's the same reason why red dead redemption isn't a cult game. This isn't hard to figure out you dumb weeb, why do you expect wikipedia to be even remotely accurate for something as subjective as what counts as a cult product? What does the citation on root letter link to?

Lost Planet 2

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I think if a game hits a million copies it should probably be removed from the list.
That is to say, that page needs to start with:
{{subst:proposed deletion}}

Rise of e-celebs showcasing every single niche title that comes out in a 20 minute vid will also stop gems from being hidden for too long.
This isn't a bad thing btw.

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kys idiot defending shitty VN that isnt even a video game

Games that sell over a million can still be a cult game if they are discussed disproportionately. Demon's souls is obvious a cult game. Cult literally just means it has a large fandom and is intriguing to those outside the fandom, but never sold enough to be universally known and respected.

I'm not defending root letter you brainlet i'm just pointing out your retarded arguments for why it shouldn't be considered a cult game.

Dude you just contradict yourself and have no clue abot the subject

>American McGee's Alice
God I wish that had got the sequel it deserved.

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Cult status is time tested.

>Dude you just contradict yourself
show the contradiction
>and have no clue abot the subject
it's doesn't require any expert knowledge, Yea Forums is just the lowest IQ and lowest average age board so they don't understand what cult means.

These are all the cult games from the past decade I haven't played. Please inform me which are niche classics and hidden gems and which are ASS

Bendy and the Ink Machine
Root Letter
Sunset Overdrive
Frog Factions
Resonance of Fate
Protect me Knight
Alpha Protocol
Remothered: Tormented Fathers

>a game that is considered the weakest out of 999 trilogy and outright shit even
Fuck off.

Why's that dog sad

Because you touch yourself at night

ZTD being shit is just casuals who don't understand it. The threads went to shit after the first week.

Why are you repeating some old Family Guy joke?

How is that a fucking family guy joke?


Same, it's one of my favorite games.

I don't have much hope for the third game either. I think playing AMA in virtual reality some day would be pretty great though.

Zoomer detected

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Seriously? Do you people not realize it's some old ass Family Guy joke from the 90s?

>Saboteur on the list
I don't see it widely discussed, despite being one of my definite favorite games out there.

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That game was not nearly as bad as Yea Forums made it out to be. it was a miracle the trilogy ended while some edge lords were saying it would have been better if the game never existed.

>family guy is the only source for all any basic jokes.


Also people calling out and remembering family guy jokes, takes one to know one

ZTD is literally the BAD END route for the series. it's a meta game, you're best off considering the route that leads to VLR canon. If you seriously couldn't figure out that it was meant to be a wild ride you're most likely some 999 casual. They got rid of fucking brother off screen, the game obviously doesn't give a shit about the core story of the series. take the fucking hint. It's supposed to be ridiculous and it is.

that’s how cult followings work retard

Yeah the Alice Otherlands shorts took forever to come out and were dogshit when they got here. Don't know if American will be able to persuade EA to give him yet another shot, though judging by Madness Return's artbook they're the reason MR was underwhelming.

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Are you pretending to be retarded right now?


>The Witcher

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>Is gaming dying?
developers and publishers just refuse to make niche games anymore. every game must sell 20 million copies and have 12 billions dollars of marketing

No one knew or gave a shit about witcher, until 3rd

>Five Nights At Freddy’s
This is why they don't let you use Wikipedia as a source

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>ZTD being shit is just casuals who don't understand it.
>uchikoshi was supposed to explain things but didn't
>it's the player's fault they don't understand anything
Shit, there isn't even much to understand about ztd, it's pure shock value and plot twists without enough foreshadowing. Only D-teams story is worthwhile really.

What the fuck is this list? Tons of these games were hugely popular on release.

>Remothered: Tormented Fathers
I don't ever see anyone discussing this game.

>newer games are more unlikely to have a cult followings than old games


An homage to Clock Tower/Haunting Grounds type games. It's alright if you're into that sorta thing, not really my cup of tea.

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This list is fucking weird. Here's my "cult games":
Need For Speed before Und*rground
Phantasy Star 1-4 (the rest are great too)
Chrono Trigger
Tales Of (especially before Symphonia)
Chrono Trigger
Ys/Falcom in general
SMT (no persona 4 or 5)

>produced thousands of pieces of antique furniture
>modern day
>yet to produce a single piece of antique furniture

Is furniture dying?

Maybe not on Yea Forums,
but everywhere else people seems to be hyped about it.

Basically anyone who's into clock tower is already into this game.

>dozens upon dozens of Shakespeare works
>modern day
>no Shakespearean works
Is Shakespeare dying?

people stopped making chairs?

Damn I remember Xenoblade Chronicles being a cult game before Shulk make it into Smash Bros roster.

Now the fanbase is splitted in three groups (one for each game of the series) that fight to each other + shitposters that spam two-three threads a day when before we used to have comfy threads once in a while discussing how good was the English dub and LIVING IN A WORLD OF STRIFE posting.

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Extremely low IQ post. Again it's BAD END. They drill this in constantly SOMETIMES LIFE IS SIMPLY UNFAIR

if ZTD get's you cancerous casuals to drop the series and Uchikoshis later works it was well worth it. The only valid criticisms of the game are those against the puzzles and the actual impact of the writing itself,(stuff like the old man standing up is good BECAUSE it's silly, it fits the tone of the game, but it really isn't that interesting of a twist) not the silliness, omissions and unsatisfying ending.

Technically yes. Most chairs now are not made by people but machines.

liberals have removed all the fun form gaming.
now we no longer have fun stuff like fanservice or cool setting but just keep getting the same ugly women and sjw propaganda filled stories over and over again.
as a result there is nothing fun or memorable about modern games

Eh no. There will always be a group of intelligent people who delve deeper into mediums they especially enjoy, and practically go out of their way to shit on surface level stuff. As long as these titles remain accessible someone will play them. People like unique experiences.

I'm surprised you'd willingly bring to light your youth and that you were too young to remember how massive The Witcher 2 was in 2011.

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What the fuck is this Indie only list?

Indie has a meaning, people jsut travestited it a lot.
Most of indie games can easily work without a publisher, they get one for safety, but then technically they stop being indie.

Undertale is a cult game?

>being this new
good job outting yourself zoomer

EA is a terrible company that has ruined many games but I think American has said the dev team was mostly at fault for the issues with MR. They just wasted too much time on filler content and stretched what content they did have too far. The game still looked good though.

I'm not just trying to trash him for whatever reason but it seems like he's really fallen from grace as a game dev. He said he doesn't even really play games anymore and spends most of his time doing other things. Previews for the third game just make it sound like a remake of AMA. He made some card game a while ago that was just basically an edgy version of Uno, and then acting outraged on Twitter/Reddit after the Facebook ad for it with a dick in the picture was rejected. Almost kind of seems like what happened with Romero and Daikatana.

This is literally just a random list of games, somebody request deletion

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Are you saying that an open ending is a "bad ending" because Uchikoshi made the game just to fuck with people?

The entire game is BAD END. It's meta. It's still a fun game, but it's in the wrong timeline. Unironcially "subverted expectations" tier.

>Bendy And The Ink Machine
Come on this list is bullshit. The game has nice style but it barely made any significant impact. I dont know like half of the games on that list I think the recent years ones are just publishers editing these pages to push themselves.

A game being good or bad doesn't play a role for a game being considered a cult classic.

Deadly Premonition is objectively shit and is a cult classic.

Nioh 2 is what i look forward to, i can enjoy that the high damage and difficulty alienates the casuals and easymode-whiners which i am really happy about

Lots of confused anons in ITT. This list is all over the place and frankly doesn't even follow it's own definition of a cult video game, defined as:
>"Some video games, often those with unique concepts that fail to gain traction with the mainstream audience, attract cult followings, and can influence the design of later video games.
An example of a cult video game is Ico (2001), an initial commercial flop which gained a large following for its unique gameplay and minimalist aesthetics, and was noted as influencing..."
And applying that standard to their list of games highlights how bad it is. Am I to really believe that Undertale, Cuphead, and Killing Floor were not mainstream nor were commercial successes?
There are many more examples, but perhaps they should have just stuck with the term "cult following" as the only qualifier. Which is vague but still at least consistent.

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>resident evil 4

twin snakes should be on there

>an initial commercial flop which gained a large following
Seems like the list started out this way but then just became "popular but not the biggest". I don't think games from just last year can be considered cult classics, I think you'd need a few years between release and popularity for that to happen.

Maybe because half the games aren't even listed.
Like Rimworld, DF or CDDA

>Fallout, Life is Tumblr, Bendy, FNAF, Cuphead, Xenoblade, LISA and Undertale are considered "cult"
That's not how it fucking works. Cult is a relatively obscure game that is secretly a hidden gem that people are then attracted to and a small niche following happens, which then grows exponentially over the years the more the game is forgotten. All those games listed are the fucking opposite of that definition.
Also where's Pathologic 2 in that fucking list?

Earthbound counts because it was forgotten on release and then a small following occurred which then grew into what it is now. Earthbound only started becoming popular around the mid to late 2000s.
Again it counts because no one gave an ass about Witcher until Witcher 3.

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the way that dog is staring at those cigarette butts in that sidewalk crack you can tell he's a recent ex smoker

stay strong pupper. everyday it gets a little bit easier

Frog Fractions, Alpha Protocol and Resonance of Fate are the only games worth playing. I wouldn't call Sunset Overdrive a cult classic, but if it's your jam you should check it out. Ignore the rest unless they seem interesting to you.

I wouldn't be surprised if either developers/fans of the series or even the journalists themselves who wrote their articles for the source are behind some of the odd entries. I have no clue why a game like cuphead even could be considered a cult classic as it was everywhere upon release and sold a ton given its budget.

Xenoblade was a cult game though, it just had the benefit of being able to get into Smash, and then it got it's sequel as a launch title, which brought the series into the mainstream. the first title is still quite overlooked, much like you describe the Witcher in your post.

>games get more popular
>less games are considered "cult" popular and instead just regular popular

that's a bad thing.

LISA sold relatively poorly upon release and steadily got more fans.
Xenoblade had a rough start as well and was not even released in the US so American fans had to import it from EU or Australia. Operation rainfall might have caused this increased traction from the relatively obscurity.

>That's not how it fucking works. Cult is a relatively obscure game that is secretly a hidden gem
>big thing can't have a cult
Ur dum, dummy. Fucking forbnite has a cult so does, a bit unrelated but still, rick and morty.

>cult following
>list devolves into super popular and well known with normies list almost instantly
Seriously? The fucking point of a cult following is that it's a small but very dedicated fan base.

>Gothic I[citation needed]
>Gothic II[citation needed]

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I would say it's qualifying. It has sold between 500k and 1m units on steam and there was a lot of talk about it at some point.

that list makes no sense.
Also you can argue making a list defeats the whole purpose of "cult"

Fuck the both of you faggots. A cult game doesn’t mean it’s a “hidden gem” nor does it mean that it just has a large following. It’s a thing that, despite its obscurity has a large or dedicated fan base. It’s has nothing to do with it actually being good or any actual quality of the thing it self. Usually it’s niche since niche things by nature don’t appeal to the masses or most people in general although it doesn’t have to be.

Why would there be modern games on a list about cult games? The point of cult games is that they’re not popularly know or niche. You won’t hear about them until years from now.

Fair enough, wasn't aware of that, I remember seeing Xenoblade get a lot of sales in my country so maybe that just wasn't the case in the rest of the world.
LISA didn't sell as poorly IIRC, it got popular roughly around the same year, maybe I could be misremembering but I remember it getting a decently sized following for a no-name indie game.
That's not what the term cult means you facking redditor.
I should've said Niche actually, you are correct in that. That was my bad, it technically doesn't need to be necessarily a good game, but most of the time it is a hidden gem, but there are exceptions so the term niche fits in more.

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>Fatal Frame III: The Tormented [no citation]
That's a weird one. I'd say the whole series is cult, but not sure why someone decided to add 3 there specifically.
Fun and weird list overall, but it's also missing some glaring cult shit like THE FUCKING TOUHOU SERIES, which probably has the deepest cult following of any vidya.

this. fucking nailed it.

i played it and it was pretty comfy

What kind of colossal turbofag would curate a list of "cult" games on fucking wikipedia of all places? What the fuck went wrong in their life to suffer such an existence?

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I went and played Frog Fractions after reading this post. That was quite the interesting experience.

>alpha protocol
i remember when some user gifted me this game through steam but i abandoned it right after the 5min mark. i don't understand it's a bad game

It's pretty hard to judge a game after 5 minutes, wouldn't you say? The game is filled with jank, but it has a lot of really great ideas. Your choices really have consequences unlike games like mass effect.

It's not really cult in Japan, would that disqualify it?

>cult following
the fuck
also all the citations are just articles that demonstrate what, that the game exists? how is the list even maintained, seems like 100% up to the editor's personal taste

DDLC has a massive ironic weeb following. It is THE ironic weeb VN.

Persona 4 is a God damn mystery. It's a late PS2 game no one gave a shit about until years down the line, like near the later half of the 7th generation consoles, but well before the anime and the PS Vita releases. The game just suddenly blew up.

It's one of the only games ever made where your choices actually matter. The game is great if you're willing to look above the jank.

Where the fuck is metal gear

Actually a lot knew the Witcher series because of 2 ( me included). It was actually a pretty big title.

What about Bloodborne? It has a big cult following.

Ib is probably the best of the nip 8-bit horror games in regards to narrative. Which is not much, but you can finish the thing in an afternoon anyway. Good for a rainy day when you have nothing better to do.

> No Anachronox on the list

Is the download at vgperson's page good?

hope the dog is ok

It got a lot of talk and shitload of fan content like animations and songs.

Well at least I know some of my favourites are getting sequels and still get love even today. Mount and Blade, STALKER and Kenshi. Everything else be damned.

I honestly expected a new Xcom at last e3, Xcom 2 is actually decent now with WotC.

>resident evil 4
>all versions of the game sold 7.3 million copies.
wikipedia being wikipedia... probably a tranny edit

>Samurai Showdown 2
>Guilty Gear
No Tekken, Soul Calibur and KoF.

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>Cult x is a phenomenon that specially happens with low balling things that eventually get a following
>Why aren't recent things getting cult followings?

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Cult games are just flops if you don't take time into account.

>Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
Imagine thinking that list has any credibility or value whatsoever.

>Majora's Mask, Dragon Quest VIII and Luigi's Mansion in the list at all AMONGST MANY OTHERS
>While proper cult games like Tingle, Moon RPG or Chulip are nowhere to be seen
This list screams not only casual, but USA brand casual

nah it has an autistic following on Yea Forumseddit, completely different

I really feel sorry for that Labour. Looks so sad.

You’re too casual to play real cult games, they exist but nobody wants to play them because by definition they only have a cult following.

>Cult Video Game
>Mr. Bones

How is this not a popular game that's regularly mentioned on Yea Forums? It's spooky as fuck.

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It's a Sega Saturn game. Nobody has a Saturn.