Should I bother playing metal gear solid or can I just jump to 2 and then 3? Is 2 SOL bad?

Should I bother playing metal gear solid or can I just jump to 2 and then 3? Is 2 SOL bad?

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Kuwabara, kuwabara.

Play 3, then peace walker, the V, then 1 and then 2 for the definitive experience

MGS2 will be a lot less satisfying without playing 1.
2 Sons of Liberty is fine. Most of the changes are additional modes. 3 Snake Eater and Twin Snakes is the ones you want to avoid. The HD collection is fine.

1 is still the best, don't skip it.

MGS2 will make no sense without playing MGS1.

MGS3 can be played and enjoyed on its own but you'll be missing a lot of continuity references.

Playing 1 is integral to relating to Raiden's expectations during MGS1.

Don't play them in chronological order btw.

play metal gear solid but before that, play the 2 original msx metal gears

>Should I bother playing metal gear solid or can I just jump to 2 and then 3? Is 2 SOL bad?
why ? it's still a great game. then follow with 2,3 and 4. then watch PW on youtube because there is no point playing it. then play V

2 is the best in the series

2 is the best one and anyone who tells you to skip it is a retard. Without 1, you'll be completely lost though.
Please just go in release order and don't consider skipping any games until you beat MGS 1-3

Nah, you gotta play 1.

You can emulate Twin Snakes if the first MGS feels too dated for you. Then jump right into 2, and play them in release order.

I'd recommend playing the series in release order, a lot of MGS2's impact relies on you having played MGS.

In my opinion MGS2 is the best entry in the of the best sequels ever IMHO.

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absolutely start with MGS1, definitely do not go straight to 2 because it's made with the assumption that you're familiar with the first game.

some people will say play chronologically starting with 3, but that's a load of utter bullshit. do NOT start with 3, start with 1 for the love of God.

Watch 1, watch 2, play 3, PW, watch 4, play GZ, V
Japanese games are always 10-15 years behind on game mechanics and if you try and play 1 you'll regret it.

Are the servers for co-op still online even on the PS3?

Start with Twin Snakes.

WTF MGS2 is amazing!

Which chronological order?
By release date or timeline/

MGS is the only one you should play.

Don't do this

Snake Eater is infinitely better than Subsistence.
Luckily, you don't have to use the dumb new camera so there's no reason to seek it out if you already have the other. Which actually makes Subsistence better since it gives choice.

PC release when?

Play them in release order, don't play them in chronological order.

Why is MGSV such a let down? Peace Walker was such a great game and all they had to do was copy it with better graphics.

Ah, what a joyful scene.

>Peace Walker was such a great game
no, stealth was broken easy and the bosses were terrible rocket sponges

If you can get MGS1 play it first, if not then it's not the end of the world. MGS2 will lack a lot of context though. There is a PC version or just emulate it, if you don't have a PSX/PS2/PS3.
For MGS2 and 3, the HD Collection is the best way to play it (for the story.) Some of the things like the Ape Escape crossover with MGS3 are removed, but the overall story is retained and it is wide screen 16:9 in 720p.
If you do play the PS2 versions, make sure you get Subsistence of 2 and 3. Especially with 3, because you get a new free movement 3D camera.
MGS4, PW, and V are optional. The trilogy is kino though.

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Start with the first one. If you want the self-aware shitpost version, track down a copy of Twin Snakes.

MGS4 was a turning point in the the stealth gameplay and gunplay, which splits the franchise in two. MGSV was a let down because both Kojima and Konami had problems. People like to shift it all on Konami, but Kojima was taking way too long.

>Peacewalker was such a great game
Autistic retard who wants MGS to be a corridor shooter detected

MGSV was better than peace walker

Most retarded post ITT honestly
Why would you watch playable, short games and then play PW which is an unplayable slog for anyone who didn't force themselves through it on release
PW is the only game you should watch because it's an unfun dogshit time sink with a terrible story and characters

The series is very much story intensive so I wouldn't skip any of the numbered titles. I'll admit I started with 2 but that was way back when I was little and just playing the new game my brother got. I played it so many times not knowing a lot of plot points, then I learned the rest later. Anyways if you absolutely have to just watch mgs1.

Why is this thread filled with faggots who won't play MGS1?
Get TS if you're that retarded

nigga, thats like watching season 2, 3 and 5 of lost without watching the 1st or 4th season.

>watch a video game

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Because they started MGS with 5, and think it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

>paying money for a brief acknowledgement
i dont get it, it's so pathetic.

It doesn't make sense. It's the easiest game in the series because of guard's low vision (entirely cone defined) and these obvious underageb&s still can't manage?

I think they just lack the means to play it, and too lazy to purchase the hardware or lack the knowledge to emulate it.
Even if the gameplay is basic and the controls are a bit archaic by modern standards, it easily has one of the most engaging stories told in the franchise.

I did play MGS1, just much later. Wasn't my fault we didn't have it, I was like 10 when I played 2.

Why watch 2 when it's pretty much just like 3?

Play MGS1, then 2, 3, 4, THEN Peace Walker. If you're on PS3 then you're good. This is the one series where you definitely want to play them in order starting from 1. The story and gameplay evolution of the games will be far more coherent than if you followed any other order.

Don't do this
Save it for a second playthrough

Remember the Alamo.

Pc port when

Can players today really feel the Raiden burn? The reason it stung so much is because Kojima hid it entirely from the public.

I like Metal Gear Acid.

2 is extremely dependent on playing the first. 2 will go completely over your head if you don’t.

>all these people saying start with MGS
>nobody says start with Metal Gear

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Play 1 first

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That shit aint important

No? It introduces Gray Fox and Big Boss. Why would you care about Gray Fox in MGS if you don't even know his back story?

Because they are fairly basic and straight forward stories, and only have deeper meaning based on retcons from the MGS side of the franchise.

MGS1 is absolutely worth playing any way that you can get your hands on it. I think Twin Snakes is ok but it definitely should not be your first experience of that game.
MGS1 also comes with a summary of Metal Gear 1 and 2 in the menu which is pretty important.
Any version of MGS2 is fine, but for MGS3 the Subsistance rerelease is the one you should play. The HD Collection has the most up to date versions.

Who gives a shit about back story lol

You'd just end up confusing them.

There, all the good Metal Gear games. Don't forget VR missions for PSX and Rising Revengeance if you like Hack 'n' Slashes. If you REALLY want a conclusion, play MGS4, but be advised it's a trainwreck and gameplay goes to hell after the second act

It's weird that Twin Snakes has never been rereleased now that I think about it. It seems like a no brainer to toss it on the Switch.

>Ghost Babel

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After the end of MGS4 the series was split into two halves: east and west.

This marked the beginning of the era known as...

I'd recommend skipping Metal Gear, but trying out Metal Gear 2 some time after playing MGS1. It's neat to see where MGS1 got most of its formula from.

Ghost Babel is kino, unless you're a turbo casual shitter who can't get into the msx games.
Still waiting for my Ghost Babel sequel Konami you fucking bunch of yakuza faggots

The best way to play games is always chronological

Not that user, but Ghost Babel is easily in my top 3 MG games.

Portable ops > peace walker

Peace walker is trash

Play MGS1, it's good even if it's a lot more dated looking than any of the other games. It's not a game you would want to miss out on, especially if you are interested in getting into the series. It's rather short too, takes maybe 2-3 days at most to play through for the first time at a very casual pace.

Ultra retard.

Yeah, but it is not canon. I'm not saying it is bad. But OP should obviously play the canon games first.