It's not just a fighting game, it's Smash!

>it's not just a fighting game, it's Smash!
>anyone can jump right in and pick it up, but it's also played competitively
>literally the top reason to own a switch
So I bought the bullet the other day and picked this up and just don't get it. I played Smash 64 a couple of times when a friend rented it and haven't played a Smash game until now. It's immediately unintuitive and I have no idea where to even start. The closest thing to a tutorial is picking a character and fucking around on a sheet of graph paper in order to learn their move-set. And there's over 70 characters, yet everyone creams their pants about paying another $5 for some random new character. And why are there two jump buttons? Can someone just explain the hype? I honestly don't get it (though it was really cool when I got to a level with a character and music from a game I haven't played in 20 years, but at the same time I don't even know who half the characters are).

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Other urls found in this thread:

It’s okay, you just have a learning disability.

I have a PhD...

Oh god, it's so bad you can't even spell ADHD correctly.

I got a false diagnosis when Adderall was all the rage, but I'm more aspergers to be honest.


Seriously though, the hype obviously isn't just a meme, but how do you even jump into a game like this if you didn't grow up playing it in couch co-op?

It has Mario fighting Cloud Strife fighting Charizard fighting Ryu. If you can't see how that alone isn't a big enough hook for the majority of people then you're retarded

A PhD in Poor Taste

Im a big Nintendo fan but even i cant really get into smash that much.
I only bought this one because it felt like the peak of the series with the whole roster but after unlocking all the characters i just kinda put it to the side and never touched it again.

Yeah, I get that part. I haven't played a fighting game since the 90's when it was crazy if there were more than a dozen characters, and nobody actually learned all the moves for more than a few of them. How the fuck do people learn 70 characters moves and still beg for more? I haven't even found a tutorial on what the actual "smash" thing is; the AI is basically a punching bag 5 hours in but I'm literally still mashing buttons.

>Smash is unintuitive
Good lord, just stop playing video games. It’s literally baby’s first fighting game. Two buttons, no crazy inputs, simple as fuck rules.

>simple as fuck rules
>literally the opposite of every fighting game ever made

The game is mediocre as an actual fightan but it’s fun to fuck around with with people irl. I personally don’t understand how people justify calling this a fighting game or how there is such a big comp scene. I think it’s because the game is way easier to play than a real fighter.

There are things about this game that will feel unintuitive to people coming from real fighting games like a neutral that consists of throwing out random moves constantly and a lack of defined turns.

So was it a dumb purchase if nobody I know irl even knows I own a Switch? Apparently the online is shoddy as fuck.

>It went to university willingly

>And why are there two jump buttons?
I love you man

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The game has a surprisingly good amount of tech to work with
I think the only reason why anyone refers to smash as Not a real fighting game is because it's not traditional and the meme hatred people put on Sakurai and how he feels about melee and it's fans to justify shitting on anyone who plays smash just a bit more seriously then others

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Online can be fun if you play in arenas instead of quickplay. If you planned to play this game entirely on your own then it was a shit purchase though.

Stop being so elitist. I love fighting games, but Smash’s depth and influence from fighting games is self evident. Low skill floor, high skill ceiling, and several mechanics derive from other games like KoF, and character archetypes from SF2.

The biggest draw of the game, is the uncertainty of a “kill point.” There’s usually a good chance for comeback when you’re about to lose. In a way, this is similar to real fighting, where you don’t just drop to a jab cause you ran out of HP, but rather, it takes a decisive blow to end the fight, with the threshold getting larger and larger the more damage you take. Also, kills could happen early and they could happen late, this makes fights arguably more exciting than HP based games. Though those too also have their merits.

I was in a similar situation. I only played Smash 64 prior to Ultimate. Nintendo's announcement of K. Rool as a playable character was the selling point for me. He is currently the character I am focusing on to begin. I am not very aware of character demands at the moment since K. Rool was such an unexpected and welcoming surprise. I am still enjoying the chance the play as him.

Donkey Kong and Yoshi, my previous "mains" are much faster this time around since the 64 entry. These three characters alone are enough to keep me entertained in the new installment's various play modes, not even mentioning the rest of the roster.

>how people justify calling this a fighting game
It's really not hard at all once you realize fighting game doesn't have to equal street fighter clone. Fighting games is already a broad genre that's split up into multiple subgenres like 3D fighters, Airdashers, NRSshit, Tag fighters. it's really not that strange that Platform Fighter can fit in that genre too.

Yeah, honestly it was unless you’re actually underage and will sperg out over mario punching peach.

If you don’t primarily buy smash to play with friends I don’t know what you’re doing.

I agree on the lack of defined turns, as disadvantage state is significantly different from other fighters, and blockstrings basically nonexistent. However, neutral is not “just throwing out random things” at all. If anything, Smash places more focus on neutral than most fighters, which is arguably the most fun part of the genre as it’s when both players are engaged. Likewise, Smash makes sure you as a player stay engaged, even at disadvantage, contrary to other fighting games, where there’s nothing you can do when you’re in the middle of getting comboed.

That said, even coming from there, it’s not unintuitive at all. Character movesets are simple, with universal inputs, and the game has heavier focus on movement.

T. I play Guilty Gear, DBFZ, Blazblue, KoF, and SkullGirls, on the regular.

Movesets aren't that complicated, you just need to remember how specials & normal attacks behave per character... (and that's 27 moves per character on average, but none require Geese Howard or Zangief inputs)

Explain to me what makes this game have a high skill ceiling. B reverse is a baby stuff.

I'll try and be the sincere reply in an ocean of spergs. Use world of light and fucking around doing differnet characters classic modes to try and find someone you like. Then look up a guide on said characters combos and neutral game, and practice angaist cpus, and then online players. If you feel up to it, go to a local tournament and pay 5 bucks to hang out and play as many friendlies as possible, and ask what you can do better when you get fucking crushed by someone way better than you.

most importantly though have fun

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Why the fuck don't you just look this shit up OP? Why you gotta be so fucking stupid for? You got a PhD but you dont know how to research? Or is your PhD in bitching?

>If you planned to play this game entirely on your own then it was a shit purchase though
B-but they said I could put a solid 10 hours just into the spirit world.


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World of Light takes about 20 hours to complete, yeah but chances are you get bored of it after an hour. Find people to play in online arenas with, it's fun.


Mastering mobility. Stuff like B reversing is one of several tools that you may or may not need for high level play
Tons of characters have unique movement mechanics they can take advantage of as well, like Edge Cancelling. Couple that with character optimization, which is making the best of your characters tools, and remapping your controller to best suit your playstyle, understanding what stages are best for your character as yes, they do factor into competition, also, character unique combos and strings, as well as combos that only work at certain percentages, and understanding and setting up your kill confirms, and broad matchup knowledge on a roster with nearly 80 unique characters. There’s a lot there to sink your teeth into.

Sure, you can learn to spam Smash attacks and recover with UpB within minutes. But mastering everything else I just mentioned is a REQUIREMENT if you ever even wanna place in a tournament.

If he wanted to have fun he should have picked up another game.

I'm in my mid-30's and haven't even talked to anyone I used to play 64 with in at least a decade. I don't have any friends that play Nintendo games.

One thing I wanna correct myself on:

The game makes heavy use of INTUITIVE movement, as it uses analogue inputs, thereby making movement a lot less restrictive and a lot more natural than other fighting games.

Oh, and I didn’t even get into stuff like DI, SDI, Edge Guarding, Mix Ups, short hopping, and so on...

There’s a lot there.

I genuinely don't enjoy smash, but my friends arent really willing to learn any traditional fighters outside of MK. So I basically just play smash when they're around. Smash is like a few games in one, and I just want to play neutral. I dont like having do jump around and recover to the stage.

Don't tell anyone you don't like smash bros, they'll sperg out at you 100% of the time. Normies and mouth breathers alike.

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I dunno why people say this, level 9 cpu is more than difficult enough. Been playing since smash 64 (well I skipped meele cause I didnt have a gamecube) and the only time I played with others was for a few tens of hours in brawl. Since 4 the amount if characters makes matchup combinations high as fuck and if you ever really want to test yourself then do a team of 3 level 9 cpu and one of yourself

That's cool, user. What in?

i like ultimate for what it is but the gravity needs to be closer to melee's

All the actual combos are dirt simple for everyone besides wii fit. Mobility is legitimately really simple. Match up knowledge is one thing since the roster is huge but since everyone is so basic and most characters are very straightforward that isn’t too big of a problem. Most characters fit very nicely into an archetype and you only have to make minor adjustments. The one thing is that since almost none if the combos are real you have to make reads mid combo to continue. The game isn’t nearly as complex as smashfags try to make it out to be and the game is not technical at all.


Sure thing user. If the game is as easy as you say, feel free to join a local major and show us how good you are.

What name should I be looking out for so I can watch your matches?

>why are there two jump buttons?
Because the default controls are retarded and made to be rebinded.
Protip: You don't need to bind a grab button; shield+normal attack does the same thing.

That...doesn't sound fun at all. Everyone keeps saying, "hey, just have fun, user!"

Smash sucks but v/ sucks the jap jew cock for it

Play the most American platform fighter instead: BRAWLHALLA

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>local major
Smash baby shows they know nothing.

Every thing he posted can be picked up nearly instantly. You don’t need actual technical prowess to accomplish any of it. That’s the appeal of this game is that it’s so simple a toddler can play it.

Philosophy. I'm a chef. Just found out today that my grandma is in something called, "hospice care", which basically means that she's on her deathbed, so those student loans will be paid off sometime soon. ;_;

You need good friends and a competitive streak to have any fun with Smash for more than an hour. The kinds of people that are really into Smash are the kinds of people that will spend 1000 hours labbing their favorite character at their weekly local. Sorry OP, you fell for the meme.

I hope this is bait, Brawlhalla is literally "What if Smash was an objectively 1/10 flash game"

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Perhaps fighters aren't for you? Smash is literally babies first fighter/fighter for the old reflexes of a turtle.

Otherwise your questions seem to be why can't I insta learn this video game as soon as I pick it up. Which is as retarded as asking why can't I instantly get a PhD as soon as I pick up a textbook.

Listen if you don't like it return it. Easy.

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You can return digital games?

Shield + A is a few frames slower iirc, and more difficult to pivot grab.

Please feel free to elaborate. Why can’t you join any majors in your local area? There’s regional tourneys all over the world basically. I’m trying to save you the flight time/money. I avoided saying minors cause well... definition for “minor” can vary a lot. Beating some nobodies at a local bar isn’t exactly an accomplishment.

Please, show us your tourney results. If it’s so easy for you, you’ll dominate the top ranks easily. What’s your tag? Who should I look for in tourneys?

OP never said he bought it digitally. Also why would anyone buy any game digitally if they're not sure they'll like it?

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I am sorry to know that.

Is your argument really that Smash isn't easy to understand gameplay wise because people play it at tournments? Thats like saying there are zero games that are easy to pick up because not everyone can find out every glitch in the game to beat it in under 12 minutes during an AGDQ event.

How are the digital sales on Switch? I'm thinking of getting one eventually.

Look up mkleo.

Woah, stop using logic against smash babies!

Wait. Is the main issue of this thread is that you don't like smash because it doesn't play like most other fighters? And you already knew as much before hand? What?

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I am OP. I bought BotW, Odyssey, and DBFz physical when I bought my Switch. The last one was on sale for $15, had really good reviews, and I hadn't played a DBZ game since probably 1993, so I bought it on a whim and played for around 45 minutes before deciding to move on to the other games. Everything I've bought since then has been digital because it's really convenient and I have a 400gb sd card (which is full).

I never said understand, go back and reread my posts. I said “MASTER” if you got confused, then that’s your mistake, and you should retract your statements.

I said:
“Smash is a game with a low skill floor and high skill ceiling.”

Easy to pick up, difficult to master. Anyone can understand concepts like DI and Edgeguarding just by watching a 10 min Youtube video. But understanding something isn’t gonna mean shit in the middle of a match if your hands can’t consistently keep up your character’s movement. Same way I can understand Gogeta’s new combo routes in DBFZ, but until I get into training mode and practice it ain’t gonna mean shit as I won’t be able to do any of it.

Stop trying to argue Smash is an easy game to get really good at, it’s not. It takes tons of practice and dedication, it’s just got a lower entry barrier than mot games in the genre. If you disagree with me, well, feel free to show me your tourney results. Or better yet, play me online.


You’re not MKLeo.

>Shield + A is a few frames slower iirc, and more difficult to pivot grab.
The game doesn't technically have an internal "grab" command; when you use the grab button it's just the same using shield and attack simultaneously; that's why when you grab in mid-air you do an airdodge. It's the same thing as shortcut buttons in fighting games that press all of the punch buttons at once and whatnot.

>Bought the bullet
>I have a PhD...

There are pretty frequent deep sales on indies and ports, but for big proprietary titles you're more likely to find a physical at $10 off than ever seeing a digital sale. Though a ton of 2nd tier big games did go on sale during the last E3.

>he doesn't know how bad things really are

Yes, but registering two buttons will cause the game to read your shield input before going for a grab first. At least that’s how I remember it in older games like Melee. Dunno if it changed.

You’re repeating things that anons have already disputed and btfo. It makes sense that you play dbzf and smash. Both are very low skill floor babies first fighters. Keep repeating the same talking points that already got disproven.


Never played enough of the other games to know anything about their internal workings but I haven't felt any disadvantages to using two buttons instead of the dedicated bind in Ultimate and I'm usually pretty perceptive of framedata differences between moves. In other words, works on my machine.

Once again user. Stop being butthurt. If it’s so easy, please shut me up by showing me your tourney results. Where do you rank. If you haven’t tried, from the sound of it, you’re a prodigy. Game’s “easy to master” right?

I literally posted my tourney name.

You’re not MKLeo. Try again.

Okay. Prove it by showing us your EVO2019 trophy with a timestamp. Go on.

Believe whatever man, but i am mkleo.

>yet everyone creams their pants about paying another $5 for some random new character.
>I don't even know who half the characters are

>Can someone just explain the hype? I honestly don't get it

One of smash biggest appeals are the characters. If you don't know most of them or care for them I question why you even got the game.

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you're literally repeating r/kappa talking points, proving that you're both a poser and garbage at fighting games, and literally everything you say has been btfo by actual pro players from literally every scene

Tsk tsk, that’s not how it works. Burden of proof is on you, shitposter-kun.

Timestamp pic of your EVO 2019 trophy or fuck off. Anything less than that is an admission that you’re a shitposting retard who sucks at the game. You got yourself into this corner, and that’s the only way out.

I personally like the game because of how easy it is. It’s not even a fighting game but for some reason people consider it on. It’s like if mario party had a comp scene.

>Smash isn't a fighting game

Oh. This was a bait thread the entire time

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That's disappointing. I'd only be getting a Switch for those big titles, everything else I get on other systems.

I sent my trophy to my mothers so she could have something to out on her shelf. I can prove it in another way, i main joker in smash ultimate.
>Baby fighter player also browses reddit

Not even bait, smash isn’t a fightan. If you honestly think it is your probably a special ed

>If you don't know most of them or care for them I question why you even got the game
I owned every Nintendo console from the NES to the 64... It kind of skipped my mind that 20 years had gone by. I was a huge Zelda fan growing up but when I bought Hyrule Warriors it felt like I didn't recognize 90% of the characters.

Ok retard.

Shoulda quit while you were ahead, least you coulda kept your dignity. Now fuck off.

OP you just put fucking pause, watch the attacks then play some fucking world of light or train you with a bot.
I never touched a fucking smash in my entire life and only play ultimate at my friend house and even I learn how to play it.

I'm not sure if you got your PhD under the desk because you're sure is whinning for shit

Everyone with brains:
>Smash is a fighting game, platform fighting game to be precise
Brainless retards:
>sMaSH iS nOt a FiGHtinG GEym!!! >:^(

At least OP isn't ESL.

>you're literally repeating r/kappa talking points
You should probably go back.

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Yeah, he’s an EOP, which is even worse.

Your personal opinion doesn't matter.

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Is naruto a fighting game? You do fight in it!

Which one?

The Ultimate Ninja series? Yes. They are, retard. They’re called Arena Fighting Games. They’re not designed for competitive play, but they’re still fighting games.


>smashfag uses reddit
You should stay on redd*t!

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Is punch out a fighting game?

>they’re not designed to be competitive
Woah, just like the entire smash series!

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literally the most asked for Character in the smash 4 ballot thus the reason he was included in ultimate

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Sure. Let’s ignore all the changes made in ultimate specifically for competitive play.

>like Edge Cancelling
sounds like my technique for a longer fap

Do you VS against other people in multiplayer? No? Then, no, not really.

Oh ok. So wii sports boxing is a fighting game.

As a matter of fact, yes it is

Yes it. It’s the precursor to ARMS in fact.

Yes? This is not complicated.

punch out is a boss rush game

Kill La Kill IF existing proves that Arena Fighters like Tenkaichi, JUMP Force, and Ultimate Ninja Storm are fighting games too, just that no one ever bothered to competently design and balance them till KLK. Or are we gonna discredit Street Fighter because of Shaq Fu existing?

>The best way to practice is to try random characters

That's how you find which ones you like. Honestly the best way to improve at the game is play against other players at or above your skill level, but it sounds like it isn't for you dude.

Punch out isn't a fighting as you don't have a set of moves or can really dodge. The ennemy are created to be stronger than you but leaving weak point wich doesn't appears during a normal fight in a fighting game. It's more a rhythm game with a boxing style than a fighting game

Punch Out is not a fighting game for the mere fact that it doesn’t have a VS mode. It doesn’t even need to be properly balanced. Poorly designed fighting games exist. Tons of them. Or did everyone conveniently forget all the cheap Street Fighter ripoffs? Those are all still fighting games.

It’s literally a sports game. The game is literally called wii sports. Damn smash babs are fools.

>Can someone just explain the hype?
It's a rosterfag's dream fully realized. The gameplay has more to it when you approach it in a competitive light, but the majority will just be rosterfags sperging about which shitty character will be next, only to touch the game for 5 minutes and close it after that..

I’m sorry. You said Wii Sports BOXING. Not Tennis or Bowling. Last I checked Boxing was a COMBAT sport, you braindead retard.

Damn, you’re really going to double down on being a tard. This is the mental power of an adult smash fan.

I’m not the one arguing Boxing isn’t Fighting.

Now yer moving goalposts. Interesting.

Why does it have to be combat? Couldn't Puyo Puyo multiplayer be a fighting game? It's 1v1 battling, wherein each player may attack their foes while defending themselves against attack.

>I bought the bullet

Actually yes it is since you fight and that is the only criteria!

Dunno. I’ve never played it. But as far as I’m concerned it has to have combat.

Strategy games have battling, but they’re not fighting games. It’s not fucking rocket science now...

Ironic coming from you.
>Is Naruto a fighting game?
>yes, it’s an Arena Fighting Game
>shit! That didn’t work, let me t-try a again, is Wii Boxing a fighting game?
>ahahaha! N-no it’s not, Boxing is a SPORT!!

>bought the bullet

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if you wait 10 seconds on the title screen a tutorial for noobs plays

Because puyo puyo is a puzzle game. You mainly play by yourself and can't even control how the garbage falls

Ultimate is my first smash game, literally, I had trouble at first too, but I just changed the controls a bit and now I don't have any problems. The inputs are the same for every character so trying everyone to see which you like is easy

I never said that naruto wasn’t a fighting game. Idk why you would assume i thought it wasn’t. You know what they say about assuming, asshole!

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That should not have made me laugh as much as it did.

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Idoit, it’s a fighting game, you fight in it!

>t-that wasn’t me!!
Nice try retard.

Then what is toribash? It's a game where two players fight against each other in unarmed combat, but it is controlled by taking turns moving individual muscles. That makes it turn-based, which I thought was agreed upon to not be part of fighting games?

>10 seconds
The into looks amazing but it feels more like 10 minutes with that cringe as fuck song. I've honestly never actually sat through it long enough to see the tutorial. Kind of a neat throwback to arcade games.

I don’t know. I’ve never played it. But it could be experimental. Yomi for example is a turn based card game that simulates the fighting game experience. For Honor is also a new and experimental fighting game. There’s tons of room for growth and new things. Fighting Game =/= Street Fighter clone. Many of the concepts that stand at the foundation of the core of the genre can be done away with. I think the most important thing is that it retains the connection to real life combat sports in the mental game, which fighting games actually do. Both are surprisingly similar to each other. Meaning it retains things like Neutral, Footsies, Advantage and Disadvantage states, and MAYBE Combos. If it has those things, even if poorly designed and balanced for competitive play, it’s a fighting game.

Damn, you’re brain is slow. I never said that i never brought up naruto. Read my post again anyone with a semi functional brain would see that I implied that the naruto games are fighting games. You are so dumb, so so so dumb.

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Since you’re obviously a brainlet i’ll link my naruto post. You seem to need to be spoon fed.

First off, nice job linking to the wrong post retard.

Second off, why would you ask if Naruto was a fighting game if you weren’t being sarcastic by saying it was? What does that accomplish?

You wanted to argue that it wasn’t cause it’s balanced for shit and casual as fuck, but forgot that Arena FIGHTING GAMES, are a thing, so you switched goalposts to Wii Boxing. But THEN forgot Boxing is a COMBAT sport.

You’re an utter moron of epic proportions. Nice job providing the whole thread with some decent entertainment with your stupidity.

It’s called conditioning. If you actually knew about fighting games you would have understood what i was doing. Get out played, you trashbag.

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>for honor is new.

That’s not a thing in smash.

not the intro
the title screen, where it says the name of the game

lmao this is just hilarious

Can you explain conditioning to me? I have never heard of it

No, that’s not conditioning. That’s called being a retard. Disagree? 1v1 me in one of these:

Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator
Blazblue Central Fiction
Sam Sho 2019
Smash Ultimate
Any Fightcade Fighting Game

I’ll show you what conditioning really is you dodgy bitch.

>not a thing in smash
Do not be surprised when you hit a wall and stop improving

I bought this on WiiU and pirated it on 3DS and I honestly don't get them.

Is there a story mode with any sort of progression or is it just mindlessly playing one fight after another?

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Even though I played every game since 64, I never actually "understood" Smash until about 400 hours in Ultimate. I never put any effort in until this game, I'd always buy them and play the single player content for a week because no one I knew gave a shit about Smash besides 64 when all the neighborhood kids would come over.

The only fighting game i play is pubg. You do know there is combat in it, right?

There is no story mode. It's the most half-assed Smash released thanks to the development time required to make two games and the limitations of the 3DS. It was an alpha for Ultimate.

Idk how you can be good at fighting games when you get baited so easily.

Would explain your IQ.

All jokes aside what system are you on i’ll spank you in a fightan.

You literally start with the same roster as 64 and smash has always had at least 2 ways to jump

PS4, PC, and Switch. Pick your poison.

>hit the enemy really hard
>Don't get hit
>get back to the stage if you fail step 2

It's not a difficult concept to grasp.

I’d also prefer DBFZ this f I had to choose, as that’s the one I’ve played most recently outside of Smash.

There are actually four jump buttons along with stick jump in 64. OP is just retarded.

W-why is everybody laughing at me?

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I just unlocked a character name "Captain Falcon". It says he's from F-Zero. I played the shit out of F-Zero and have never heard of him.

He’s literally the main character.

feel free to try this instead then if smash is too hard to grasp then

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Forgot to mention my main point: I keep playing but literally don't know who won and/or how they won until they announce it.

Really dude?

Go to the pause screen. Don’t press any buttons. Watch the video that starts playing, explaining the core mechanics.

Alteratively, look up the How to Play video in the video reel section of the game, or tutorials. It’s not hard.

You hit your opponent, the more you hit them, the higher their damage counter goes up, and the higher it goes, the further they fly back when hit. Goal is to knock them off the stage. There are two basic rules for scoring, survival and time. In time, you get 1 point for every time you knock someone out, and lose one every time you get knocked out, match ends when the timer is over. Survival, you have a set number of lives, each time you’re ringed out, you lose a stock. Last man standing wins.

>I haven't even found a tutorial on what the actual "smash" thing is;
The tutorial literally plays if you do nothing on the title screen. There are also multiple moveset lists, tips, and tutorials in the game's various menus.

Add dragonslayer. We can play dbzf

That's actually really helpful. I kept wondering why it went to sudden death when the other guy clearly had more damage when the time ran out.
I've watched it and still don't know how to perform a "smash"...

his car was the Blue Falcon, which is the one your cursor starts on in the F-Zero character select screen

Flick the right analogue stick. Hold it to charge.

That's what I thought, but the tutorial told me to use Yea Forums.

Then you have a learning disability. And from the rest of the thread, you are clearly just shitposting. Bye.

Says I can’t add you cause of your settings. Add me instead.

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That’s for specials.

There’s an alternative input method for Smash attacks, but most beginners struggle with the timing.

It’s basically the same way you do the normals, but you “smash” the stick in the direction you want at the same time as you press A. Basically, you know how to dash? Same pressure level as that.

Well,smash is Indeed not a fighting game

Well,Naruto games are Arena Fighters, but you are still rigth ,Smash is not a fighting game

Actual brainlet

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Beginners should use it to grasp what a Smash attack even is instead of just being that thing that happens accidentally when you attack in a different direction. But of course eventually the right stick should be changed to tilts, it basically becomes mandatory. Smash attacks are easier to perform with the left stick than consistent tilts.

What’s wrong man? How come you never added me? I was actually looking forward to beating you. I even warmed up by wrecking some scrubs in ranked.

Smash bros you need to get in here NOW!

Imagine being this discord tranny.

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and i have a medical degree, in fashion, from FRANCE

Are you actually retarded?

he's baiting you brainlet

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