Why does Yea Forums still pretend that this image isn’t true?
Why does Yea Forums still pretend that this image isn’t true?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because you aren't the arbitrator of fun, dumb phoneposter.
Same reason /pol/ pretends it is.
>and are experiencing a false sense of fun
jesus fucking christ
jesus christ get a life
not everything is "muh nazi boogieman"
t. alt-righter nazi trump supporter
But none of these games are fun at all
t. delusional reactionary
have sex
These 3 are oxymoron
Stop forcing buzzwords that you made. You've made this thread so many times it's embarrassing.
What the fuck compels a person to list different kinds of fun they hate?
Because children are always wrong, and whoever made this image is a child.
>false sense of fun
oh shit nigger
probably because they're behind seven layers of irony and unable to have any fun
Because they are not having fun and think everyone else shouldn't either.
I'd classify all these games as bad
white-hot brain melting depression.
Notice how the image lacks any sort of reference to what OP finds fun. This is some crowbcat tier shit.
>Why does Yea Forums still pretend that this image isn’t true?
it's random bait.
BF4 tech issues aside has excellent core gameplay
Dota 2 is THE most competitive video game in existence.
W3 is the best jRPG of the last 15 years.
BOTW has some really good ideas for an open world game.
UC 4 is probably the best 3rd person shooter of this gen.
uhhh good games obviously?
Ahaha you fool! You've fallen right into my trap! Now watch as I make fun of your stated opinion, while you are helpless to retaliate as I never stated any of MY opinions! TRULY I AM A TACTICAL MASTERMIND
>W3 is the best jRPG
That's a typo, right user?
Your opinions are worthless unlike objective facts on OP list
>You've fallen right into my trap!
But I gooseposted.
This is almost clever bait
Notice how nu-Yea Forums try to out this as bait but lack any argument
Because NekoPara isn't a game. No one pretends "they're playing a proper game" when they put in a movie into a player and press play, and that alone is more "gameplay" that it has.
People who put new vegas into "nu-fun" haven't played new vegas. It plays nothing like witcher 3.
That’s the nature of nu-Yea Forums
People posting obvious bait
Soulless and unfunny at that.
Mental illness
Only trannies and sóygoy disagree with op
thank you for proving his point, showcasing your mental illness and inability to communicate without buzzwords
Define fun
I think posting this picture might BE Op’s definition of fun
Who else /nufun/?
Go outside you freak
I think I might /nufun/ ye
Undiagnosed clinical depression.
because its some bad faith shit a noob made to troll people
>W3 is the best jRPG of the last 15 years.
>OP thinks he’s an oldfag
>but he’s just a fag
>New Vegas isn't fun
>Undertale isn't fun (at least on the first couple of playthroughs)
>Smash isn't fun
Bad taste desu.
There's no such thing as clinical depression.
Just terminal unhappiness.
All paid shills
And those shills post specifically about NV being good and not FO3 because that makes sense
Clinical faggotry.
Every game you like is shit, faggot.
>not a single replies prove op wrong yet
Don’t need to:
Op is a faggot thus he is automatically invalided.
Sóybois are the worst though.
Odyssey's okay and Smash is good. Otherwise, whatever.
It’s bad faith crap.
Op loves taking dick
Fortunately for him, I love giving it.
Just curious:
Where would you by this amusing mental gymnastics place following games:
>Pathologic 2
>Prey (2017)
>Anno 1800
Literally no fun allowed
>What the fuck compels a person to list different kinds of fun they hate?
That would be a complex chain of things going wrong.
Lack of any personal identity, dignity or self-awareness: most likely caused by poor upbringing and insufficient basic, healthy social contact.
Very poor cultural surroundings that fostered the sad belief that one should define himself through almost exclusively negative sentiments: Dislike being treated as an automatic sign of "personal development".
Basic lack of social feedback through out majority of his life.
Basic lack of any form of relevant moral compass - again probably coming from both close family and wider cultural cycle (or lack of there off, instead being suplemented by almost exclusively living in "internet culture".
Basically, this is a product of a person who has never achieved anything, and probably was never even told that he could or should achieve anything, resulting in profound insecurity. Top that with delusions he picked up on the internet, and never questioned because he had no other form of social contact: And you have OP.
Asperger fun
>W3 is the best jRPG of the last 15 years.
2 in 1, that's good bait
>Doesn't show what "proper fun" is.
>Stop having fun: The Thread
If there is no true fun, then how can this fun be false? You have to show us a comparison of what fun should look like, otherwise this is all we have, therefore it is fun.
Thank you for proving that you can't answer without doing a boring, hundred times repeated joke.
That would open him up to criticism, and we can't have that.
Well put, user, but you forgot to make the usual recommendation: To suicide.
Why doesn't this have a fourth panel showing what actual fun is?
There are exactly two games that fall under that category:
The original Doom and the original Quake.
You'd have to be a really pretentious piece of shit to say that because I've only enjoyed two games ever, everyone else isn't allowed to enjoy anything else.
those 3 things barely have anything in common and the first one doesn't even exist you retarded leftist cuckold
The only games I liked in this image are Fallout 3, New Vegas and Witcher 3.
Am I part of the cool kids club now?
Is this what coping looks like?
I miss it
fuck /pol/ and fuck nazi larpers