>can cast magic
>all the spells are just variations of different colored projectiles
Can cast magic
>is the most advanced, beautiful and humane race
>everyone hates them
Stop playing Skyrim
source pls reverse image search failed me
>eat green paint
>COOM still isnt green
their noses are too big user, how is that beautiful?
Success breeds jealousy
where did her nose go
>fantasy world has mages
>only mages can use magic
>non mages can still jump super high, dash super fast, cleave monsters in half, go invisible etc
>wait how do they do that?
That's why she's confused
>Fantasy World has mages
>They are the niggers of the setting
Are they advanced? Aren't Elves usually just immortal super-humans? Being born a certain way is not an achievement.
>Being born a certain way is not an achievement.
watch out, you gonna make /pol/ seethe
>Can cast magic
>All the spells are variations of magical type coupled with variations of magical property (eg. fireball, ice cone, water beam etc.)
>Elements have rock-paper-scissors qualities
>Elements also have one or two additional properties (burning, freezing, drenching/knockback etc.)
fun fact: pokemon were originally called "magic beasts"
Probably not. Non-whites are inferior for a million other reasons that are all tied to their actions, which they are fully responsible for.
>Immediate seethe
Not according to republicans
Do you even know what that word means, or are you just parroting memes?
shouldn't you be making another "hurr games r bad doomer.jpg" like you do 50 times every day?
>it's the you just happened to be born x meme
It's not an achievement but it's not nothing. You have parents, they had parents, they were part of larger and larger groups that extent into the past and out toward the nation. This hyper-individualist shit is so toxic. If you don't care where you come from why care about anything? Fucking retarded. And call your parents, you never know when you might never get to hear from them again.
>/pol/ already seething
Like clockwork
Republicans are brain addled retards who've been gaslight by kikes their whole lives. Past a point you're more or less victim blaming when you whine about what they say.
And what does this get you?
A good laugh
And what else is magic supposed to be?
That's a pretty low bar.
it's fun
The bar of this site is pretty low
Orc on Elf rape exists because Japan likes to see white women get blacked
Please stop.
fair 'nuff
>Karate chick thing
>it's not footfag material
post more cute geros
what's happening to her, Yea Forums?
flowers and bees, only this time around the flower is the anus of a young brown girl and the bees are the fingers of some old perv
elemental attacks like fire, wind, water, earth. summoning creatures, enchanting weapons? are you an idiot?
What’s your favorite depiction of a fantasy race.
>Orcs - Orks from Warhammer 40k
BTFOs every other orc depiction
>Elves - Thalmor from Skyrim + Feanor
Jew elves are fun also nothing is more cooler than Feanor
gamer is a word for true gamers
Orcs - sexy rat beastman from the jungle
longer lived humans would actually be less advanced than regular humans, as they would evolve more slowly
That's why I love the old D&D spell list.
Actually felt like something randomly found by some reckless mages over centuries of experimentation, and not something engineered by a game designer.
You came to the wrong board if you genuinely wanted to discuss video games.
You've earned this (You) and a based from me, user.
I've seen people bitch about this on tumblr with regard to people talking about politics with anime and porn avatars. Like shit if you're a normalfag you might be caught offguard seeing people discussing shit while dropping porn but that's more or less how this site IRC and shit was for god knows how long, so why start a stink here and now, especially when you could go to legitimately any other gaming discussion platform and not have to worry about that? Why try rob this place of it's novelty when you could be easier served anywhere else?
i come to Yea Forums for interesting random threads and smut
*cough*white people*cough*
>file deleted
Yea Forums a shit
Elves are second best waifus. So I don't hate them.
>Why try rob this place of it's novelty when you could be easier served anywhere else?
If you think the 'novelty' of Yea Forums is jerking off with a bunch of other fat autistic guys you're a fucking retard
if you think it isn't you're a fucking retarded newfag and you should leave
What the fuck is going on with moderation lately?
get ready for the new batch of jannies with no consistency whatsoever for a few weeks, then they get tired, leave and we're back to near zero moderation again
need sauce
I've been here since 2006
The novelty of Yea Forums is that you can have open discussion about niche hobbies with other manchildren that you don't have to patronize because they actually care as much as you do.
Your posts stand on their own merit, unlike forums and shit like reddit where your clout and post history has more of an impact than the content of your posts.
The novelty of Yea Forums is not having to deal with that kind of shit. You just talk, you have conversations. Ideally you would talk to each other without giving a fuck about who they are IRL, because all that matters is what they have to say about the topic of the thread.
You could completely embarrass yourself earlier in the thread, but at the same time make a great point later on and people won't even know you said something stupid 50 posts prior.
If you don't come to Yea Forums to talk about your hobbies, but you still visit blue boards, you're the cancer. You're part of the fucking problem.
If the best part of Yea Forums to you, is that you can give status updates on your boner and jerk off session to a bunch of fat guys, while they also tell you about how their stroking is going while you all post off model lewd fan art and tell each other about how horny the pictures make you, then you should just go to a fucking NSFW board. There are plenty of boards specifically for that, you're a fucking faggot if you go to the hobby boards and shit those up with jerk off threads.
>Yea Forums
>not a pit of obese autismos
And what do fat autismos do huh? Eventually you learn to turn a blind eye to it. Call it the price of admission to not have to deal with the people who use facebook.
newfag detected
It's nightfall in Australia and fucked up o'clock everywhere else. You do the math. Other than that it's business as usual. the Wordfilter is actually something slightly proactive for once.
>le simpsons
>reeeeee anime reeeee lewds
back to Yea Forums you go reddit tourist newfag
>deleted, deleted, deleted
>thread is still up
Guess mod feels funny today
>And what do fat autismos do huh? Eventually you learn to turn a blind eye to it.
Or how about I just keep reporting it because its against the rules on blue boards, and the mods will keep deleting it, and they'll keep seething about how the mods are apparently idiots for not letting them jerk off together on blue boards.
The thread is about vidya though, why should the whole thread be deleted?
uh oh announcing reports is against the rules, now you messed up you hypocrite donkey
You sure showed him there
>talking about you hobbies
>on the board for that hobby
That's your first mistake, every board's userbase is calibrated to specifically inhibit that as best as possible, you want to talk about videogames? you have to go start a thread on Yea Forums, same as if you want to talk about comics on Yea Forums, you have to come here and make an off topic thread about it. You can't even talk about /pol/ stuff on /pol/.
Saying "Haha I reported your post" is against the rules
Saying "I report posts that break the rules" isn't breaking any rules.
You should read them yourself some time.
go back to /qa/
>following rules
>enforcing rules
>Yea Forums
Pick fucking 1. That has never not been the case.
You have the mentality of a shitposter.
The board will never get better again if everyone thinks like you.
I still come to Yea Forums to talk about videogames despite the faggot kids coming here just to shitpost because they saw le funny screencaps and think Yea Forums is just a place to act like retards.
I've been talking about my hobbies on this stupid website for like 13 years, I'm not going to just stop or become a shitposter because a bunch of faggot kids try to tell me I'm using the website wrong by not jerking off with them and seething over liberals.
Other boards do it just fine.
Yea Forums is just full of literal children that actively want this board to be shitty.
Contributing to the board being shitty won't help.
Says the candyassgot who is too new to recognise pasta.
Go fuck yourself.
You're announcing that you're reporting posts in this thread though. Not to mention that spamming wojaks and words that got filtered is against the rules too.
Well golly it seems like you don't actually care about the rules just try to use it as an excuse to ban things that you don't personally like. How curious.
heh, sneed, for you, am i right fellow 4channer ;)
which video games have fun to play magic?
>game has multiple ways you can combine magic for spells and items for alchemy
>remove this in later games for simplified baby shit
This is the future you chose, you could've chosen the route that Yea Forums and /jp/ went where they ban every wojak, pepe, politics and off topic shit but nah you wanted those because muh vidya goobergate culture. Now you reap what you sow, this board is for shitposting, turf war between discord groups and anime lewds.
>spamming wojaks and filtered words
I don't even know what you're talking about now you autist, are you just mad that I pointed out how gay waifu and lewd threads are or something?
Surely you must have realized sooner that its basically the gayest and most pathetic thing you could spend your time doing after the 50th time you jerked off while describing to a bunch of guys
Crystal Chronicles.
I'm fucking pumped for the Switch port to come out. I love the game as a kid but never actually got to play multiplayer because of the stupid GBA link cable shit
>teehee i don't know what you're saying ;) even though I replied to a post talking about wojak spammers
Now that is the most pathetic thing I've seen, if you gonna be a spamming cancer then at least own it up instead of this constant pitiful hypocrisy
Bullshit, if you were here for that long you'd have made peace with this state of affairs and wouldn't even respond to me.
No, he honestly didn't have the choice, this was the future everyone else but him chose. There was nothing he could do to stop me and everyone else that shits this place up for fun in between talking about the shit we do actually want to talk about.
Jesus christ user, go take your meds or something.
I haven't posted a single wojak in this thread and I have no fucking idea which filtered words you think I'm constantly posting.
I think you're confusing me with someone else and getting really smug about it for some reason.
>Bullshit, if you were here for that long you'd have made peace with this state of affairs and wouldn't even respond to me.
People like you is the reason the world is failing
You want to know the hilarity of it? That shit would have disappeared in a week or two if people had have been allowed to talk about it. In the end Quin never actually got a review out of the dudes she fucked and without the blowup surrounding it from trying to shut it down everyone would have shrugged and went back to goldface posting.
>Bullshit, if you were here for that long you'd have made peace with this state of affairs and wouldn't even respond to me.
Things will never get better if I never speak up and let newfags tell other newfags "Haha its Yea Forums!~ Its supposed to be bad silly billy, just toggle your data and you won't be banned anymore! :3 Its oodles of fun! Trust me, this is REAL Yea Forums, its just like the old days except instead of raiding other websites we raid ourselves all day every day! The fun part is how we shit up the board constantly and never let anyone talk about anything! Don't try to talk about vidya though, thats cringe bro, go to reddit or 8ch for that. Yea Forums is just for funposting!"
Its fucking obnoxious how many people come here unironically thinking Yea Forums is fucking Yea Forums
Yea Forums is so god damned slow now too, its basically just a really shitty porn board with no theme.
I don't fucking understand why these retards don't just go to Yea Forums to talk about random shit and porn if thats what they want from Yea Forums.
I don't see him sperging in the pepe threads so this is a 100% what he chose. He wants shitposting, just not the kind of shitposting that bothers him. That's not how it works though, if you open the floodgates then everything comes.
Well I'm also an advocate for that everything should be just allowed on Yea Forums and let people sort it out themselves. Not hamfisted half assed shitty moderation that just makes every problem worse.
I want to exterminate every last one of these pointy eared fuckers
cool reddit buzzwords you got there mate, I guess you gonna play this little pretend game for the rest of this thread, have fun with your wojaks in the next one
oh and by the way, cool video game discussion, you totally aren't off topic shitposting right now
nice bait
I like Ampharos
I'm just a symptom.
You pull apart everything that makes up a place and lo and behold, people stop having a reason to care.
Double hillarity, 8ch Yea Forums was actually a good place to talk about videogames it had a good balance, but that was largely due to its smaller size. Yea Forums gets something like 50 million users per month and you're trying to keep a lid on that with volunteer staff with an anonymous system. It's more than just that though. If i had to put a finger on it I'd say it's the lack of interaction with the Staff. Once upon a time moot actually used to talk to people here and so did the mods. Now nobody is allowed to thanks to his dipshit decision after GG and theFappening, so now moderation is just some abstract thing that you have no insight into without probing it yourself as a shitposter to see how they react.
I just want a game where I can be a cool ice or lighting wizard.