Post those we couldn't save

Post those we couldn't save.

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>nerfing good weapons instead of buffing bad ones
This is how you make the game less fun

BFB is so fucking useless


>can't fix our game?
>nerf something fun that added to the complexity of CP maps and gave the Scout an actual interesting option into the ground instead

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It's how you prevent power creep.

Literally why would they nerf it

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It's still great

What did they change with degreaser?

Haven't looked into pyro for ages.

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Fuck minicrits. Ever since they were included basically every weapon involves them as a buff or debuff, it's fucking boring

Way back in 2015 switch speed and afterburn were significantly nerfed. Then Jungle Inferno took a massive shit on the combo playstyle in general.

List of objectively shit nerfs
>Baby Face's Blaster
>Your Eternal Reward
>Sandman though the cleaver combo probably needed to get weakened a little, a full on crit was probably too much
>Sydney Sleeper
>Soda Popper

huh... didn't know that, i thought it was just the afterburn.

So fair i've just been pairing it with the Panic Attack, the switch seems(?) to be fine.
Or maybe i haven't noticed it that much.

on that note i kinda miss the old gimmick for panic attack. It was fun while it lasted i guess.

Holy fuck I honestly forgot Atomizer was in the game until you reminded me. What a trash fucking nerf lol

It's not fucking fair bros

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>seething spy/scunt mains.

Nah, it's just bad pubs. The kind of pub that can't get a kill with anything but a crit rocket, the kind of pub that thinks Heavy standing still behind a corner is OP, the kind of pub that can't even comprehend how to play Demoman but bitches about stickies anyway. I've met/dominated this kind of pub before. I remember dominating an entire server once with the phlog. These kinds of things should not happen.

Valve's adventures in over-nerfing shit that didn't deserve it:
>Beggar's infinite jumps had to go, but why did we also need an AoE penalty later?
>BFB breaks the engine? Ok let's just make it useless instead
>Caber nerf was supposed to prevent oneshotting medics, now it doesn't even oneshot snipers
>Literally who ever complained that old shortstop or loose cannon were OP?
>Hahahahahahaha righteous bison

I think the shortstop one was because of the stupid set it was a part of and then valve forgot that they did that scummy set shit and kept the gun worthless

The worst fucking part about the BFB was that the whole hitbox issue was perfectly fucking fine with the release version since you literally couldn't jump/double jump without losing ALL your boost, which meant that your movement was generally pretty fucking predictable even with the fucked up hitreg. Then they buffed it THREE TIMES before suddenly deciding it was a massive issue and nerfing it into the fucking ground.
Fuck Valve.

reminder that you can still hit people on the other side of certain spawn grates with kamikaze

Jarate is still the same as it was at launch, except now extinguishing teammates lower the cooldown.

What the fuck was valve thinking?

The cleaver combo was just for shits and giggles. Any scout worth their salt could get a lot more done by just moving closer and using the scattergun.

As far as I can tell I think the whole "outrunning the hotbox" and "hitting the speed cap of the engine" is a load of hogwash based entirely off rumor and hearsay. I remember enemies in Half Life 2 and so fourth that moved way faster than that which you could still reliably hit. It alsp doesn't make sense to me when you take into account source mods or custom servers. It Being an engine limitation just makes no sense to me.

What did they do to the fucking shortstop?

I remember raging when I joined a server, and like half the other team were sticky jumping caber demos, landing behind me and insta-killing me with it. I had no fucking clue how they were even doing it at the time, to me it felt like they literally *telports behind you*. The whole match they were doing that shit.
Eventually I decided to buy one so I could do the same...but then after trying it, found out that by the time I got it they had already nerfed it.

If it's a case of one or two things standing head and shoulders above the rest then it absolutely makes more sense to bring them back in line with everything than trying to raise everything else to their level. The more changes you make, the more risk of creating new imbalances

>buying weapons

I second this but with a few additions of my own.
>Vaccinator (Uber no longer applies if you switch away from the Medigun, severely hampering your survivability and removing one of the main features of the Vaccinator).

>Gloves Of Running Urgently (The progenitor helping to introduce the trend of 'Global Damage Vulnerabilities' when equipping a weapon or when having it deployed. Just why.)

>BASE Jumper (literally only nerfed because of 6v6fags and E-Speds sperged about it endlessly being 'Overpowered' despite the likes of Kamikaze Demomen, DemoPilots, Ghost Soldiers making use of being able to deploy the chute multiple time, they used market gardening soldiers as the excuse)

I used to play a lot of degreaser pyro back in the day and I recently played a little tf2 again and man it just feels awful now

Airblast and afterburn in general as well.
Why they continue to nerf the worst class in the game but leave in shit like Black Box + Conch and other soldier bullshit is beyond me

Did the Righteous Bison get it's nerf undone, or can it still not pass through targets?

I wanted the caber, but never got it unlocked. Since I'm not some poorfag, I don't mind spending some money to get a cool weapon.

Why is it always scout? It’s literally the hardest class to play as and is really limited in play styles so why destroy the good things it had?

So that leaves us at

>Baby Face's Blaster
>Your Eternal Reward
>Sydney Sleeper
>Soda Popper
>Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
>Loch n' Load
>Chargin' Targe
>Tide Turner
>Loose Cannon
>Base Jumper
>Gloves Of Running Urgently
>Dead Ringer
>Short Circuit
>Rocket Jumper
>Sticky Jumper
>Bonk! Atomic Punch
>Beggar's Bazooka
>Air Strike
>Righteous Bison
>Market Gardener
>Quickebomb Launcher
>Eviction Notice
>Fists Of Steel
>Rescue Ranger

I think we got all of them

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You can trade for it, craft it, get it as a random drop, etc. There is never a reason to buy weapons in TF2 ever unless you want something off of the community market

Point is, weapons in the Valve store are an absolute scam. They charge you like 2 bucks when common weapons are worth 1/4th of a cent.

to this day I still hop onto TF2 realizing the only reason I hopped on was to caber people, then quitting shortly after because it does nothing

Go back to overwatch

no blizzard nerfs something good and then buffs something that didn't really need it to replace it for a few months
it's there way of keeping interest in a game

They have nerfed litteraly every weapon that good, non w+m1 pros use. Someone at valve was mad after getting worked by proros too many times. Reserve shooter was my secret weapon in Pyro v Pyro battles and those bitches took it from me.

Jarate (and the Sydney Sleeper by extention) and the Buff Banner are fine, they're as far as they should've gone with using minicrits. A weapon that marks a target with minicrit, and a weapon that gives a bunch of nearby allies minicrits. Having multiple weapons across multiple classes that do essentially the same thing, like the Fan-O-War for instance, or using them as a cheap way to balance a weapon is boring and lazy.

sorry meant

Even Pyro’s mechanics got nerfed, airblast and afterburn are worse than ever. It’s like if valve nerfed the shit out of rocket jumping or scouts movement. Why the fuck did they think that nerfing both was a good idea?

>mfw notice tf2 update

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Lmfao of course I bought it off the community market. Why the fuck would you think I bought it from Mann Co?

they ruined it for me

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