Are you HYPED?
Isaac purists get the fuck out
Isaac Repentance
Edmund should really just implement external item descriptions as an official mechanic, the game is so much better without having to alt-tab to the cheat sheet every time I see some useless item I don't recall.
also they better buff Cain
how am I supposed to be hyped if I don't know what to expect
I'm fucking done with buying the same game three times. I aint doing it, unless its a full 3d remake or some shit
>wanting 3D remakes
way to out yourself as an absolute pleb
it's Antibirth but with new content on top of it, I would say "have you been living under a rock?" but the DLC has been poorly advertised so far
i just hope it gets ported to switch :((((((((((((
>wanting the same game again
Good thing to know reddit didn't leave
It's DLC you mongoloid
I meant that 2D is more charming and soulful than 3D, retard
3D remakes just water down a franchise since it's just getting the same game but treated as a new one
Ports are fucking over
Edmund is done with Nicalis after Repentance
yeah maybe in like a year. fuck nicalis
Yeah that’s not why, Ed couldn’t give two shits about that stuff, it’s to do with his cut
im hype. isaac is my veg out game so more content is always good. based edmund etc etc
Just install item description mod.
you should be able to discern that through using the exact wording as the mod that I do use the mod
Oh, nevermind, I'm retarded,
nah you just got confused
Who cares?
Edmund should just make some new shit instead of milking Isaac for years.
So is this his version of slay the spire? Or is it closer to darkest dungeon
why do these shitters always get people who can't play the fucking game to save their lives, i get that isaac isn't the easiest game in the world, but come the fuck on
>same game
its dlc you fucking mong
He has been though? He made end is nigh, bumbo and that cat raising game
when is this ever getting released?
>Objectively great expansion mod being added on to the official game with extra content, vs. a literal trash connect-3 game
Yeah bro, it's gonna be sick bro
Within the next few months, probably spaced out a bit so it doesn't get in the way of bumbo, which also is supposedly releasing like next month
Then who knows how long to wait for the mudeth soundtrack mod
>ruining the game even more after the shit that was Afterbirth+
Try reading.
>bombs rocks when he could just shoot the fire
I'm mad
How fucking creatively bankrupt is Edmund
Jesus christ just make something new
The alt floors in Antibirth consistently kick my ass; I don't think I'm ready for this yet
I read correctly
You don't know what this expansion is
Just like the people who think Edmund is actually in charge of this
Repentance is Antibirth my guy, but oofficially integrated
And the guy in charge of the Antibirth team was hired for this right?
If so, I hope he goes over the previous items and balances them better and maybe adds an item toggle or some shit to thin out the item pool.
Why are they keep updating this game
they even updated the original isaac and ruined my 100% status
let it just die for once
Yes, whole P.E.N.I.S. team (Killburn and co) was hired to do it
They were also responsible for the last booster pack