Dead Space 4 when?
Dead Space
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Once EA becomes desperate enough to start pillaging corpses
When EA stops sitting on the IP and lets somebody else make it. Really though, would it even be any good at this point without a reboot?
Negative Atmosphere is trying to be a spiritual successor but what I've seen of it is pretty bad.
if it's going to be developed under EA i hope never
Let it fucking sleep we don't need another fucking reboot or remasturd game. Just make another spiritual successor to RE4.5.2
>current EA
>Dead Space
Why would anyone want this?
Never, EA made sure of that.
People need to stop this obsession with sequels. Not to say there aren't good ones but most aren't.
doesnt the last bit end with everyone pretty much turbo fucked by the mooninites?
It can't be as bad as 3.
I wouldn't put anything past EA.
What the fuck were they?
Just large moon beings with telepathic power that wipes out advanced civilisations?
>EA bad
yeh i forget what the whole thing was exactly but it might as well be that
Do you really want to give them a chance to attempt to? By today's standards I'd say 3 is alright, not that that's saying much.
Prove us wrong.
How are they not?
>EA were the ones demanding that DS2 be more action based
>EA were the ones that made DS3 entirely action based with co-op and loot boxes tacked on.
If I want to play Dead Space 1/2 I should buy them on GOG, right?
Makes no difference. The developers wouldn't see any of it.
>make coop buddy some literal who
>turn girl from second game into a plot device for a half assed love triangle that makes no sense
>turning the unique ammo types into a generic universal ammo
>that stupid scavenger bot as well as micro-transactions in a single-player game
>never getting to curb stomp that pompous faggot Danik
>muh moon monsters just knock off reapers
The Moons aren't Reapers in the slighest.
i cant believe they killed the main character in a teaser trailer
I don't get it. Why didn't they make Ellie your co-op partner?
I loved 1
I loved 2 except the ending
I loved 3, because I played the entire game with a friend on 2 screens in 1 room. But I understand the flaws it has
I'm so sorry user...
Weren't allowed to make a female player character in a co-op game. Nobody would want to play as the girl except trannies who weren't the target audience.
never ever i doubt they would fuck up even more than the third but knowing ea i rather not take the gamble
>ruins your 2nd game
How would they even handle a 4th game from a lore perspective? How could Isaac and Carver possibly do anything against, let alone escape from 4 giant necro-moons?
>Wanting there to be 20+ ammo types
>Pretending that pay to win cancer items weren't in the first two games
>Didn't stomp Danik corpse and kick it off the cliff
>Thinks Brother Moons are the same as Reapers
Holy shit user how did you fuck up this bad in just a single post
Lexine was immune to the marker signal which means the moons can't mind rape her. Ellie also seems to be immune so the story would probably be about them
Devs said if they could make a fourth game Isaac and the other guy are dead, Ellie is the new protagonist. As for what can she do to 4 giant necro-moons? This is a universe which has ships that literally tear entire planets apart.
A process that takes significant setup, and generally doesn't have the planet in question trying eat you.
Moons are cool
so are the Tau
Clarke needs a reason to not say fuck the world and go help. If him and ellie were together and the necros attacked they could just fuck off and have space babies on the ass end of the galaxy and live in peace while the world went to shit. By having ellie care enough to get involved in stopping the necros it forces clarke's hand in getting involved due to his feelings for her. It's a common low effort beat.
That doesn't mean they couldn't have been broken up and coop partners
banter between them would've actually been good and not just "oh did you see those toy soldiers on the walls Issac?" "no?"