I miss it so much bros, I have nothing else in my life
I miss it so much bros, I have nothing else in my life
Other urls found in this thread:
nobody cares. it's either another cockadookie (MP) or a shitty battlefield attempt (Ground War).
>reddit spacing
>that channel
It's like cancer has evolved to a point where it can type and make posts on the internet
weddit spacwing lmfao cope you idiot. you are worthless
I miss it too but I'm not pre-ordering, I will wait two months after launch to see whether the pc playerbase is still around and how bad the jews at activision monetize it.
I'm not trying to shill the game to you but it will be crossplay
I know it's crossplay, it's just a matter of whether they force it on consoletards when the PC playerbase is tumbleweeds.
This. If you guys didn't know, you could right click on some of the weapon attachments and change the look of them. Most notable was the M4's light barrel, you could turn it into a cool MLOK handguard. That's for sure one of the ways they are going to monetize the game. The other ways likely being operators.
I just play this same thing.
Had to cancel my preorder. It's not particularly bad but I've just seen it all before, if I ever get the FPS itch I can always play BF4. Atleast until that shit is deathly dead dead.
is there a reason why the PC version is not available for preorder on Amazon.. or anywhere else?
you can preorder on humble
chucklefumble doesn't offer ten bucks in credit or a discount for pre-orders, does it?
I feel like I crossed over to another dimension. Could have sworn there was a third weekend of beta.
Just play Medal of Honor: Warfighter
Didn't they just remake this game? Can't you just play the game they released like 2 years ago?
Honestly, same here.
There should be at least one more open beta.
I miss the a10 brrrrrrt's the most
Same man. No clue what I'm gonna do now. Might pick up that shitty new borderlands. Honestly though I really want to find a game to keep my fps muscle memory up. When I first started the beta I was getting railed with scores like 4-28. By the end day of the beta I was consecutively pulling nukes. I just don't want my skill to go into hibernation again during this month ya know?
>Just got Odens
>Beta ended
I had a good time with friends, first time Ive played a Call of Duty game since Black Ops 1, so to me at least it doesn't feel as average.
It's still CoD though, the ground war game mode is odd, doesn't feel natural. Small maps playing domination & headquarters is where its at.
I actually might consider picking it up. Crossplay alone will keep interest as a PC player, but the lack of any server browsing and no doubt monetazation of basically everything is a bit of a kick in the nuts.
play iw4x until mw releases
>go from trash to being a top player in half a day
Jesus fuck how casual is this game?
I'm not getting this game because they didn't fix the netcode and made cod even more casual with visual recoil. Fuck whoever thought it was a good idea to handicap the better players even more to give retards a chance. Why the FUCK do games keep doing this
as long as they dont lock decent guns behind a paywall I dont care. cosmetics are for shitters
I completely missed that. Now I feel retarded.
well shit
Skill-based matchmaking is fucking cancer and makes the game a chore to play.
>By the end day of the beta I was consecutively pulling nukes
sounds like camping scum. real talk though, the average CoD player is the dumbest motherfucker to touch FPS games. I couldn't believe how clueless most of them were.
If you get the right attachments you could negate nearly all visual recoil on a weapon. Depending on the weapon though it would take a bit over an hour of using it to get all those attachments.
>Skill-based matchmaking
But this game takes barely any skill whatsoever.
Sweatiest, campiest Call of Duty I have ever played. Was looking forward to it, too. I hope the campaign and Spec Ops modes will save Modern Warfare.
I'm more upset that the retard developers think rng roll of the die shooting mechanics are fun or fair in a shooter. Siege is not fun. Pubg is not fun. Battlefield 5 is not fun. Why do games keep trying to copy them?
Cod kids can't bare to play against anyone with half a brain cell.
already preordered
>Get rid of visual recoil
>Now take 5 years to ADS and get raped by spraying mp5s
Shit game
You don't need braincells to git gud at this shit. If you think you do you're just as dumb as those retards who thought Titanfall wasn't casual as fuck either.
I'm just saying why these shitters are sperging out that they can't drop nukes on autopilot vs little timmy who just got his first fps game. They seethe whenever playing against literally anyone that isn't a drooling retard.
>How to be good at modern warfare
>Camp with claymores
>Don't move around much. Just stay butt buddies with your team! Moving around means you'll get shot from 5 different places at once at any point in the map by people running butt buddies due to bad spawn momentum.
>Don't ever really worry about aiming or managing recoil either. The rng gods will take care of that for you!
At least you had to somewhat aim and control recoil in cod4. This games a joke
cod had no recoil
yes, another zoomer fag who will try to defend siege like shit tier rng fests
Search and destroy with resurrection is pretty fun. Good idea. Hope they don't get rid of search.
Is the campaign co op?
>implying I play siege like a zoomer faggot
Unironically used to be really good at fps games. Just getting old and my reaction times have me worried especially with most my life take up with lab work.
The game forces you to play with players that can play as well as you can. They usually judge you through your KDR.
If you keep destroying people, they'll put you in matches with people like that.
But this retarded ass mechanism will guarantee that you can never get more than a few kills per life,which means you're not getting those killstreaks and destroying the point of the game in general.
Siege is a whole different issue.
The game hasn't been fun ever since they ran out on creativity and made every new operator a hybrid or a variation of the operators before them.
None of the new operators changes the meta significantly, nor do they introduce new ways of navigating a map.
The new maps themselves are a fucking shitshow too. Increasing the map size =/= fun.
The old maps, when they first came out, had ways you could circumvent an entire area to flank as a defender, either through verticality or some form of shortcut.
The new maps since Year 3 are all fucking indoors, with limited flanking routes nor fun ways for attackers to go in.
Not to mention e-sports turned the entire game into cancer.
Everyone in higher ranks all use the same setup meta and pre-fires the shit out of every fucking corner.
I'll agree with you on the rest.
>play cod
>Campers every game
I almost fooled myself into thinking that I was having a good time
People are retarded. Every claymore I set got a kill.
Everyone who understands how cod plays thinks the game is trash. It's some soulless COD/Battlefield hybrid. Only brainlets who think the animations are good like it, it's bottom tier cod, alongside WW2,ghosts,3 and advanced warfare.
I will never buy a cod game that isn't a remastered version of the 6 golden age games (if blops 2 even counts with the horrible lag compensation)
Battlefield has also been absolutely trash since 4.
the weird hybrid just makes me want battlefield to get their shit together and be good again
So fucking sick of these new trash games that handicap all the good players so the retards can feel accomplished too. Nonody is doing that well in this game it's like socialism. Everyone has roughly the same amount of kills literally every game unless they're a huge massive faggot camping literally the entire game
Battlefield was always casual kusoge. the novelty wore off after 2.
This one seems like a camper's paradise. I love it.
Advanced warfare was a pleb filter
What's wrong with it?
Imagine actually playing call of doody
advanced warfare was a mess and blops 3 somehow salvaged the boost jump mechanics to make something decent before the DLC weapons rolled in. Infinite warfare is so shit I forget about it and just consider that year cod4 remasted year.
It was on by default for console players.
please go back
What's wrong with it?
If you want something along the lines of the old battlefield games I'd suggest getting the latest Rising Storm game for like 2 bucks. It's got GOAT gunplay without going overboard with the realism like SQUAD and other LARP shooters tend to do. It strikes the perfect balance between realism and arcade.
I don't like it
If you're a casual brainlet absolutely nothing.
Why don't you like it?
Everything. Maps are nonsensical with millions of sightlines and flankroutes everywhere, the game is too dark so everyone is invisible indoors (which there are too many indoor areas) and you can't adjust brightness to fix it, weapon handling/balance, clunky movement regressive design (shit like MW3s streak system, attachment system is just more restrictive) adds nothing notable to the series, bad hit detection, bad netcode, skill based matchmaking, animations causing glitches like ADS time taking longer than it should, there is nothing good about the game, it's a fucking mess. I seriously don't know how any casual is hyped for this obvious kusoge, it had potential during the 2v2 alpha, but the beta proved it was garbage.
literally me
After the first day I was barely matching with consolets except for the 32v32. I suspect most opted-out for obvious reasons.
Won't a lot of that get ironed out by release? I noticed terrible hit detection when I used a shotgun.
This trash wouldn't even launch due to it telling me I didn't have the correct GPU driver installed despite having updated to the latest one.
Reading the comments now makes me glad it didn't launch. Fuck this shit.
Oh no, I miss COD #15903810985731908518 with a game mode that's literally Battlefield.
Since when do games change from their beta?
>Won't a lot of that get ironed out by release?
No when the fuck has this ever happens with cod? and they can't "iron out" fundamental flaws like the map design. The game is fucking finished, beta testing is only to find bugs as they don't want to pay playtesters, they even said they aren't going to balance the weapons for example. The only thing they did change was no minimap because they were such incompetent devs they never thought it would be bad design for players to not know if the footsteps they are hearing are the enemy or a teamate.
One of my friends played on par while the rest of us played on PC. Most of the lobbies had console players in them.
I'm still not sold on it. These games never have a large playerbase on PC.
99% of the console community doesn't visit reddit. It's just tries to match you with players from the similar system first, and obviously there was an abundance of those duing the shrot beta period.
you are beyond retarded if you find the recoil in this game difficult at all
he got pleb filtered, notice how the unaware fool think blops 3 is anything but absolute garbage and the worst cod game ever made. low IQ treyarch baby, just ignore him
it's also not even an actual beta. The game is out in a fucking month, everything is already done, the beta is just free playtesting to get knowledge of minor bugs that may or may not be patched by release.
>shilling this hard
>buys every yearly cod game
wrong website
>Maps are nonsensical with millions of sightlines and flankroutes everywhere
Except for this one I agree with on you on the rest.
Maps with a lot of sightlines and flankroutes just means you get more ways to kill the faggot that sits in a corner with a sniper for the entire game, which I definitely like.
Ah yes, I forgot that you COD shills keep rotating your arguments.
If the game coming out this year is Infinity Ward's, you shit on Treyarch, if it's Treyarch's you shit on IW.
COD has the most obvious marketeers ever.
>Maps are nonsensical with millions of sightlines and flankroutes everywhere
the shitter complaint
NVG mode was so kino
no idea why I would buy this game
seems like R6 without the strategy and you might be like WELL THAT SOUNDS FUN but trust me it's just fucking boring as shit
what they need to do is set it in WW1 or WW2 and give everyone bolt action/semi auto rifles... and unfuck the spawns so you're not spawing on top of eachother... and make it all about sick flick shots. and get rid of iron sights ffs
I'm still surprised BO4 did as well as it did.
That game was absolutely dogshit.
>first time COD innovates since COD4
>it's literally Battlefield: the game mode
>meanwhile, Battlefield is becoming more and more like COD
Are military shooters the most creatively bankrupt genre?
Is the CoD playerbase just all scrub mentality kids?
>waahh camper you have no honor
I had not played a CoD since 4 until this beta and I found it quite harious how well you can do by just camping and waiting for people to run into you because nobody fucking checks corners or slice the pie.
The game hugely rewards you for being cautious yet the playerbase abhors it, talk about game design failure.
This. It's so fucking nice. I probably will commit that to my default tdm mode. I fucking love night vision.
literal NPCs
>Except for this one I agree with on you on the rest.
>Maps with a lot of sightlines and flankroutes just means you get more ways to kill the faggot that sits in a corner with a sniper for the entire game, which I definitely like.
you are extremely low IQ. Endless sightlines mean you can't rush because you can't cover all angles. The map design promotes randomness, even camping won't be effective once people are aware of common building people try to hold down (as they can't hold them down effectively, too many ways in) The map design promotes lots of random low skill kills and deaths, the only way to compensate is seriously having a whole team of players coordinating which no one takes cod seriously enough to do.
Sad to see we've gotten to the point where Yea Forums not only has nostalgia but also bitter veterans for fucking Cawadoody. Depressing.
You had to see the marketeers, their tagline for that game was
And then on Twitch it barely managed to get above those games on launch day, and then started falling apart.
No, just don't play boring AAA trash.
>thinks the map design is good
casual who doesn't understand map design detected.
They have more options, but people don't like them. If you try something that requires skill you get Titanfall.
They trying to be fresh without alienating their audience. Their audience is very big.
As opposed to literal bots?
Giantbomb likes it so that means it's good.
CoD (at least for the last few years) has attracted the lowest common denominator that doesn't know how to adapt to literally any other play style
I really enjoyed Cyber Attack.
I played cyber attack a lot. My friends and I just stayed by the attack thing. We won most of the time killing everyone with claymores.
There was one game where people kept climbing a ladder and getting one shot by me. Very silly.
Been a long time since I got hate mail.
It always has, though lately Battlefield has been stealing that crowd away from them.
imagine calling someone low IQ when you find memorising more than one sightline hard
cyber attack is just snd with bad pacing.
damn pc virgins really are autistic
>Why do games keep trying to copy them?
'cause they are popular and sell well, and that's all that matters to these companies
Being able to cover all angles as a single player is what made the sniper meta such a huge thing to begin with.
Every fucking faggot just runs off the a key choke point and sits there with his sniper the entire game, because there weren't any fucking ways to counter it in a 3 lane map reliably unless you bum rush that faggot with more than a few players.
I resd my friend 3 times in one round. It's funny.
My post has nothing do with these yet you replied to me calling me a shill, I fucking wish I was paid for this, but I understand how a brainless turd like you would get triggered by it. Protip: hide threads about games you don't like or post in them, you massive retard NPC
All in all I genuinely enjoyed it and it's my first CoD since MW2
The 10v10 headquarters mode was pretty cool and the gunplay is rather satisfying
>memorizing sightline
lol you fucking retard. You can't look at multiple directions at once you stupid faggot. The game has lots of spots where enemies can see you where you can't see them as you are focusing on or moving to a particular power point.
snipers were never good, they were and are just random, it's just a weak version of something like noob tubes. Sniper autism should be put into a containment playlist.
meant for but also appropriate
Domination had absolutely terrible spawns. Sometimes I would spawn in front someone. It's crazy.
>Protip: hide threads about games you don't like or post in them
or not be such a faggot beta bitch and make fun of people who make and post in shitty threads.
more often then not this achieves nothing. I noticed that in general the team with more aggressive players won because they weren't being passive little faggots and were actually playing the objective. then again you would sometimes play a team so dumb they will continuously feed kills and not even try to flank. fuck this playerbase.
>I had not played a CoD since 4 until this beta
lying shill.
>Maps are nonsensical with millions of sightlines and flankroutes everywhere
yeah this was my biggest gripe. i hadn't seriously played cod since blops2 so i was a bit excited to get back into the fun for a little while. immediately noticed i couldn't rush quite like i could in mw2 or even blops2. going mid on any map was a death sentence so pretty much nobody went there.
they've completely ruined the point of a cod game, in favor of some weird rainbow/battlefield mix except with far worse map design since it's literally impossible in some cases to cover all the angles. there's practically no reason to play it since we have so many better alternatives that handle map design far smarter. seriously, why would you buy a cod game just to play it like cs?
agreed or ground war or whatever
don't understand why these people can't create a competent e sport I mean even blizzard managed with overwatch and they're a friggin MMO/RTS developer
>micro transactions are ok if it’s cosmetics
Kill thyself
What kind of post is this?
Oh and I'd increase the ttk by a third or so
That'd flow better with the more open mapdesign
post by someone who recognizes infinity ward or activision or whomst' ever is desperately trying to capture my attention, but is also pretty well aware of what I don't like about their games, namely, their chaotic run n gun nature
Apex is pretty gud, though the ttk and general fight approach is way different
I bet this game will fool the scrubs into thinking it's higher skill with the recoil system, which typical of nucod games is just 0 recoil for the first kill and then jumps up to crazy levels to prevent skilled players from being able to take out multiple enemies at once.
Seriously, what is with current gen cod and the emphasis on RNG gunfights? this shit was not the standard in true cod, 90% of the time it wasn't two people shooting each other at the same or near the time.
>faggot beta bitch
Didn't took long for you to expose yourself huh (but I knew from the beginning), congratulation you had your attention now crawl back to where you came from
You know. Memorizing sightlines are just the beginning you fucking shitter. You add that to noticing where your team mates are and determine if the enemy is still even spawning in the direction your facing, and checking the map, and something I doubt people even used in conjunction with all that is the fucking compass with gunshots. Its not just knowing where you can be fucking shot from.
>rng gunplay
>those games
You what
They largely have recoil patterns that you can practice with only slight variations
What other games are you comparing them to
I don't get it. Are you trying to be one of those random schizophrenic posters?
no, I'm just explaining my problems with this COD title and the series as a whole
The TTK is fine for me as is.
I like being able to kill at least 3 person per mag dump.
The maps need more work though.
Hackney is absolutely fucking cancer.
quality post user updooded
>underage jojo fag
>low IQ post that isn't even relevant to cod
>like bro just have a competent team and spawn trap the entire team right away and forever haha
>Oh and I'd increase the ttk by a third or so
Why? Everything already bullet-spongy enough.
It's mostly ARs that stick out a bit, the M4 in particular. You can easily lazer someone on the other side of the map in the half second it takes him to cross a road
You're very bad at it.
never said that my smooth brain friend
you wot m8
Fag retard lmao
that sure explains a lot
t. seething codlosers
They spoke alot about the maps before the beta and they were nothing but a disappointment, also on Hackney Yard I swear I just constantly spawned in the same spot for an entire game several times.
TTK is too long, mainly due to damage drop off being way to fast and too high outside assault rifles. What this game considers a long shot is a joke and it should never take a cod weapon 6 shots to kill at any range with any weapon.
They got ttk without stopping power right in black ops 1 and then fucked it up forever. Cod is always better with 2-3 shot kills, at the very least it gets rid of getting killed when you turn a corner and makes the instant deaths from lag as one thump of bullets less noticeable.
Boring as shit, I can't believe I used to play the old ones for entire evenings at a time. It's just throwing yourself into a meat grinder
are people actually such poor fags they are hyped for cod because it had an open beta? this is even more pathetic than being hyped because of the flashy animations.
Yeah me too user, thought we could still play this weekend
Hackney is the worst map I have ever seen in a shooter.
> at the very least it gets rid of getting killed when you turn a corner
How would reducing the time to kill improve this, what the fuck
Less bullets to die means even less time to react after turning a corner
People saying TTK is too high must be some console shitters trying to snipe with mp7.
HQ gamemode is decent though.
No, you just don't communicate like a human. I mentioned that the spawn system was terrible. For some reason you bring up Overwatch and esports. It doesn't make any sense.
i just plain dont like incel kpoopers
>People saying TTK is too high must be some console shitters trying to snipe with mp7.
Either that or they play in potato ranks and have potato aim themselves.
It is true, I moved from promod to battlefield and then titanfall. I'm not gonna buy the game though, it's quite shit as it is and I don't think it can be fixed.
I think TTK will go down, and aren't there perks for more health & health boosts that weren't in the beta? I don't really play cod since blops
>this low IQ once again in a cod thread
Because if you die as soon as you get hit you rarely get to turn the corner. When the game takes 5+ shots you can often get around the corner, and then you die anyway because of how the netcode works. You WERE all the way around the corner on your screen, but not on the enemies. Better that the rare time you get away after getting shot you fell lucky than the many times you die after getting around the corner you feel like you got robbed.
Headshots seemed like one hit kills. Was refreshing.
>this much of a newfag
you could "snipe" with the UMP45 user. Classic cod was all about mid-long range engagements. damage drop off is insane and the game is kusoge as nothing can compete with the M4 at point blank.
People saying TTK is too high are jetpack children who started playing cod with advanced warfare.
They are also the ones who die to claymores, like honestly throughout the whole beta i died to a claymore maybe like 5 times in total.
I've seen people kill themselves on the same claymore multiple times in a row.
Like come on dude? Can't you just check? Maybe throw a grenade?
The claymores are OP if you don't have flak jacket. they explode instantly which was never the case in real cod.
>People saying TTK is too high are jetpack children
>the people who play cod games with the longest TTK are the ones who think the game that has a faster TTK than them kills to slow
>classic cod
fuck off console faggot.
>Maybe throw a grenade?
nearly every game i saw at least half the players on each team chuck their grenades in the general direction of the enemy spawn in the first 3 seconds of the game
what about this doesn't make sense to you? Overwatch is a better E Sport than COD. Overwatch is.
Sorry you console plebs missed it, but cod 2 and cod 4 were the highest point of both casual and pro side of cod.
I wish it didn't take half a year to ads with the AK
cod 2 was on 360 you fucking brainlet.
I loved smoking sniper's views as I crossed streets and took objectives. God I never felt something so useless be so well, useful. And hell, near the end of the beta it was really fun getting into a kerfuffle, popping smoke down then switch to a rocket launcher and nail them through the smoke. I can't fucking wait for it to come out.
They already nerfed them by the way. There is a delay. They just need to add a clicking sound when they trigger.
just kill yourselves retards, you haven't done anything worthwhile or grown these past 10+ years since you became a neet
I only mentioned spawning. Not run n gun. I didn't mention esports either. It's nonsense to say that.
Why does being a better esport matter even? Blizzard killed their game by making it a "proper" esport. They forced it onto everyone until it became a thing.
Your replay to me was nonsense.
they're trying to see if anyone will notice, doesn't seem like it
What makes you think i'm a neet
Yea Forums isn't that old, neets are mostly those who finished university and aren't looking for a job or did nothing after highschool. Average age of Yea Forums is 15 and falling.
You think current console players were even alive at that point? lol.
well, because no one on PC wants to play a dogshit chaotic deathmatch like COD is, and the spawns concern you mentioned is just one of the more noticeable reasons why it's such an unpleasant gamemode
>comparing one casual shitcunt game with another
at least cod dosnt have to boost its viewership through shady stream embedding tactics.
You have incredibly shitty taste
>maps way too big
>guns have no recoil die instantly
>washed out grayish color to the maps looks like absolute shit
>female front line soldiers
>captian price voice actor is different
>muh nuke without realizing this shit was done 10+ years ago
This game is nothing new or cutting edge. Stop buying the same shit over and over again. This game is a meme twitch shooter. Get gooder.
noobtubes are in there as well but they decided to make them underpowered because people still remember mw2.
I wish you could get more ammo, because one grenade is not enough if they're that weak.
You are an AI chatbot.
cod is a console shooter that doesn't work with a mouse. Why the masterdisgrace plays games that are skilless with a mouse and become point and click trash is beyond me. Mouse works for shit like quake 3, obviously games like cod or halo will be busted and easy with a mouse. I guess they are so delusional they think using a control method the game wasn't designed for makes them good at the game.
I don't know why I expected a better level of discourse than this from codfags of all people, the literal bottom tier refuse of the FPS genre. How's it feel that Overwatch is a more respected title than your dogshit franchise?
true and I'm aware it's a console shooter, it's just with this latest campaign with shroud, the battlefield imitation and whatknot it's so painfully obvious they're trying to recapture the PC audience, so here I am explaining why it's not going to work. They don't even seem to realize how unpopular BF is with PC gamers.
cod is a pc franchise
Not anymore. And it was trash regardless, just like games like red orchestra that are not balanced around a mouse.
To be fair, it used to be... I wouldnt think about it like that anymore.
nobody's playing quake though
I don't like CoD. I've never mentioned liking CoD. In fact I enjoy the game you keep bringing up. I have hundreds of hours in Overwatch. I wouldn't compare the two. I didn't compare the two.
You seem completely unable to read and understand conversations. I would like to believe humans can't be that incompetent. I hope you're an AI chat bot.
because the master disgrace has shit taste and no skill now so they all play mobas and other free to play pay to win shit. I'm pretty sure they let arena fps die because shitters thought they had good aim all of a sudden playing "realistic millitary shooters"
>I have hundreds of hours in Overwatch
So you're only marginally better than some swagfag wigger hopped up on gfuel?
Game is fun but ARs and SMGs are too op. Would love to use the Mk2 Lever Action but it needs two shots to kill at ranges >20m. Meanwhile an M4 kills in 3-4 shots from anywhere in half the time.
Maybe the single player/spec ops will be good
if you don't like CoD, why are you so offended right now? Why wouldn't you compare the two? Why do you keep trying to "diss" me instead of having a normal conversation?
>not getting it day one with a discount and enjoying the first 2 months of pure bliss it will offer
Do you guys even think before you post ?
ARs and smgs are underpowered, everything is underpowered so the truly shit weapon types can't compete. The m16 or ACR being a laser doesn't really much in pubs when you can still kill with a "bad" weapon in 2-3 shots and the game isn't based around close range gun fights.
it's really just the M4, it needs either a range decrease or a horizontal recoil increase
>enjoying the first 2 months of pure bliss it will offer
you mean buggy lagged shit like ever cod game at launch? at least wait for black friday you fucking moron, if not january.
it's needs a damage buff, range increase and recoil decrease, as do all the weapons. they only nerf it actually needs is the hipfire spread, as it kills way to fast and easily at point blank.
>posting anime
You obviously don't even think.
>guns needing buffs
If you honeslty think even lower ttk in a game with absolute ass netcode is a good idea I don't know what to tell you
I don't know if its JUST the M4. The M13 is strong, and all the SMGs shred you.
I just want the Mk2 to not have such drastic damage fall off. Why is an SMG more effective than a lever action at 40m?
less bullets needing to register is good for games with bad netcode and hit detection.
>there are people who find the recoil hard to manage
>there are people who can't comprehend more than one sight line
>there are people who can't check a corner
how is the fan base this bad at games
No its not because then you end up in situations where lag compensation shows your body way before you actually peek, and you die even faster then you normally would.
CoD has abhorrent netcode and lag compensation. No fucking thanks
>ARs and smgs are underpowered
Sometimes I wonder if we even played the same game
Do you want everything to die with literally one chest hit or something
>there are people shilling the new cod game
>there are people that don't understand cod fundamentals after over a decade
>there are people who can't check a corner
like look at these obvious casual boomer platitudes about cod, it was never about checking corners autistically and literally camping in the corner.
It was shite
>Do you want everything to die with literally one chest hit or something
I want them to die like they are supposed to in call of duty, which is how they did with stopping power or at least in blops 1. Clearly you are too young to remember. This is the site where fucking black/white 2 was most peoples first pokemon game.
the game's changing you'll have to adapt :)
>Clearly you are too young to remember.
You'd get shittalked off the board for even mentioning CoD around that time you filthy casual
The alpha and beta were more than fine, I have no doubt it will be fine at launch.
Or just not play it, as has been the norm for half a decade.
how is that meme shit relevant to not knowing how they played? (most threads just wouldn't get replies and even then you could still have normal threads when the games first came out)
Yes, it's a japanese anime style game. Try and make an effort to stop being retarded.
>omg I dumped half a mag into the guy and he didn't die wtf pls fix
>5% accuracy
why is Yea Forums such garbage at video games
no one plays your dogshit franchise bro