Hitman 2 thread - Resort level release day

New patch notes
>Accident KO’s
>We’ve made a change so that NPC’s that were knocked out / pacified by an accident and then found by another NPC would cause the Silent Assassin rating to be failed.

Xbox One (Global) 13:00 UTC
PS4 (Europe) 13:00 UTC
PS4 (North America) 15:00 UTC
PC (Global) 17:00 UTC

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Other urls found in this thread:


>shill bumpers still asleep
>shills confirmed EU

C'mon they gave us the whole engine and mechanics upgrade for fucking free. A little shill won't hurt.

console bros will get the level earlier
the question is if there are even console players here

I am here waiting for it, 9am is to far from now

>We’ve made a change so that NPC’s that were knocked out / pacified by an accident and then found by another NPC would cause the Silent Assassin rating to be failed.
Wait, fucking what?! This is how I got most of my SA in the game, what the fuck. Why would anyone bother making it look like an accident, if you then still have to hide the body?
Or does it apply to NPCs, not the targets specifically? I honestly don't get it

I honestly think this is a typo

there is nothing more satisfying than completing a new location on your first run

me, ps4 hitman addict

Looks like it will be comfy to explore for the first few runs before you know everything about it

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there is a really big surprise, though
if you look closely on the trailer, you already know the level is not all sun and bikinis
I won't spoil it for you, don't worry

>We’ve fixed an issue where NPC’s that were knocked out / pacified by an accident and then found by another NPC would cause the Silent Assassin rating to be failed.
That's what it says right now. OP's either a retard or they just updated it.

I copied and pasted
They just fixed the paragraph, and probably lurking, BTW

Didn't know Hitman 2 had any DLC.

Is this the first and is it free if you bought the whole thing when it released?

No, unless you bought the gold edition or whatever. Hitman 2 released as a full game while the DLC for 1 was just the rest of the game being released.

Silver gets Bank level
Gold gets resort level, too, that debuts today
Season pass gets everything

>Tfw don't start my new job til next month and not getting paid this month

Enjoy anons

Im really glad I bought the gold edition on sale. Excellent value for money.

My day is saved.

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hey, devs and community managers from IOI lurking the thread:
are you going to show season 3 in the playstation bananarama event today?

I hope they don't kill Mr Edwards, I love they way he sounds/speak

>caring about the shitty story

Well I liked it, what are you going to do?

SASO your ass

Will it be bigger than the bank?

Hard to say. Im expecting zero verticality though, because it's the Maledives.

I hope there is a tunnel system under the complex

The bank escalation is quite kino. the bank's underground level is so well designed and they utilized it so well here

Eh, would be kind of hard to do in the maledives. Atolls are mostly sand anyway.

what if there is a ship

I dont think there is. There's a yacht in the distance, but it's probably just background scenery.

you may be missing my point, mate

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>Have to pay for new levels when NZ was half-assed as fuck
>Can't share items between systems
>Offline play won't display rankings

Nah fuck IO

>NZ was half-assed as fuck
It's a tutorial level you dumb cunt

>Offline play won't display rankings
That's systemically impossible you fucking brainlet

And the NZ is actually a fun little level.

postan kino

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drowning the target without even touching her was one of my favorite moments of HITMAN

How do you do that?

No shit. Hitman 1 gave us a tutorial level and six large missions. Hitman 2 gave us five large missions and a tutorial.

How so?

Hitman 1 also have use Colorado.

Yeah, but colorado and bangkok though

Was that English?

take down all the guards nearby and reveal yourself then keep follow her until she drowns herself in ocean
it's kino

Nothing wrong with Bangkok.

It's the second worst hitman 1 level for me.

STILL waiting for your response

HITMAN 2 maps are excessively bigger except for Whittleton Creek. and there's sniper maps, ghost mode, etc. it actually has more content

Vermont was such a letdown. C/P houses, flat and generally unimaginative. They really dropped the ball with that one.

> it actually has more content
Which you have to pay more for.

and the stupid fucking clue shit. it was neat the first couple of times, but it just kills the fun on runs after that. i dont know why they did it again when doing the mask shit and clicking on all the photos in colorado was just as annoying before they finally let you exit the level without doing it later on.

I didn't hate Bangkok, until I tried to SASO it.
There's a relatively easy way to do it by cheesing the birthday opportunity, but I wasted a shit ton of time following false leads before figuring it out.
Also, it was nice to learn that poisoned bodies found don't count against SA right after that mission and fucking around with Ken Morgan.

Just get it off a key site for like 15 bucks.
Problrm solved.

>C/P houses
I agree. at least outdoor enviroments were nice.

Use the chandelier/lamps for the lawyer and abuse the coins to isolate no Jared Leto on the top floor. If you time it right you can push the lawyer into the river if you rush towards him.

Just having more houses accessible and having different interior layouts wouldve improved the map tenfold.

Colorado is actually fun to fuck around in 2
Bangkok is the worst shit on the other hand

Colorado is the antithesis of proper hitman gameplay.

>did the audio opportunity on Bangkok via going SASO

I know it's divisive and I used to hate it too.


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i seriously thought this was a bug the first time i did it. i was doing shinobi stuff and she just ran out of the house instead of going to the panic room. i thought oh shit she's gonna try to get away in one of the trucks on the beach but instead she ran to the ocean and just stood there. then i approached here and she said "no way!" and then tried to swim away and failed. what a mission.

If you wanna go rambo it's far more fun to do it on the 'regular' levels desu.

Umm, hey can you check what this noise was please?

Wait, is it possible on Master? I couldn't access Dexy Barat's safe, so I figured it's barred on highest difficulty.


why can't I active ansel?
where's the button?

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active what?


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I swear of god it used to have the ingame button

Some dumb goyvidia photo mode gimmick.

it never did, if you want to change the shortcut you have to use the config tool for it.

can anybody confirm or deny that the amount of npc is fixed on every map or it depend on the situation?
let me try to explain it more thoroughly. so i was fucking around in mumbai and i went to the open top and assassinate the woman with a silencer.

of course all the guards rushing to my place, the AI isn't very smart so i can just stay on the beam behind the roof wall and mow them down 1 by 1, then siren start sounding and it seems like endless guard keep coming for me, after a while it feels like i must have killed 50 of them and they are on a pile. so that is what i wanted to know, are they just coming out endlessly or it is just all the guards in the city?

Nice to see the community manager is finally here
Give us some leaks, mate, come on

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What's on the menu?

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what's your favorite suit?

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no update right now but here we go

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ET map i guess, or something close to the snowball hokkaido event

the new yorker, black winter, midnight black, raven
im not a regular active player also i got both games late after release so i missed a ton of ET and suits

I told you there was going to be a ship, bois

Signature suit with gloves and the classic all black.

>mastery level 20
then that should be bigger than the heist i guess, that one is max at 15 iirc

cowboy suit. i love the guards saying "howdy partner!" to me and the high noon duel standoff idle animation.

Until pic related becomes available, it will be Classic All-Black for me.

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It's out on Xbox, mates

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I have nearly 400 hours into Hitman 2. Level 625 or so (I'd have to check). But I plan on spending my day in the Planet Zoo beta. Honestly, I feel like I'm constantly being teased by Hitman 2 and their updates. There is never enough content. The updates add far too little. It's frustrating because I want to keep playing but there's just nothing left to do. And when they add stuff, it's just 30 minutes once a week. It's like having a hot dyke room-mate that walks around nude with her tits flopping in your face all day.

I kind of liked the business model at first. But now I get this sort of WoW vibe from it. Where there are doing their best to keep you on a leash, but never giving you enough food or attention to actually be happy. It bugs me that it's taking up 140gb on my SSD because I never know what levels the next little update are going to need.

>4 hours
I'm going to bed

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The Hitman forums are amazing. I've never seeing a forum like that, in terms of how the website works. Cool stuff

There's a room that's being cleaned on the second floor. On the balcony, is a drain pipe. Climb it to the top. Go in,hang a right, and your inside the bathroom right next to the sound-proof booth. Just 2 music techs (whatever they're called) to pull into the bathroom and incapacitate (cupboard in bathroom to hide them) then go into the soundproof booth and pop him. That's how I did it my 2nd time. My 1st time I cleared the whole fucking wing which was quite a lot of fun desu. But time consuming.

Should Hitman have a thread in /vg/?

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When I first started playing, I thought the guards spawned when things got out of hand. I could swear they did. There's SO MANY of them. But, no, there are no spawns or respawns. Whatever the levels starts with, is what you get. I post this picture all the time, but this is nearly every guard in Colorado. I just sat at the top of the steps and kept killing them as they ran up them. They do eventually stop coming.

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hitman threads are alive only once in a month at best and if some big dlc gets released

the island best be fucking good.
I enjoyed the bank but cant exactly do much in it

Mumbai is my favourite to give you a clue on my opinion


>most of hitman 2 levels are smaller than in the first game
>less mastery levels
>half of the unlocks are the same as in the previous game but mk2
>expansion pass levels are a bank and a tropical resort, both locations which can be put together by reusing old assets
I love hitman, but this one just reeks of laziness. Isle of Sgail was pretty kino tho

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the hitman thread only lasts while the ioi people bump it during new DLC launch
in a matter of 3 days, it's forgotten again

holy shit, remind me of the time when i kill like 5-6 of them with the car in the garage since they keep coming if they are near it

did the same thing with the socket and hose near the greenhouse.
why are the guards continuously stupid enough to walk into water where a pile of bodies are?

not most, just the half
the other half is miami, mumbai, santa fortuna
and mumbai is the best level out of two seasons
but I agree that budget cuts are noticeable, hopefully in H3 it will look better, IOI is financially stable again

Aight, there has been a thread in daily fashion lately. Guess it got my hopes up.

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doesn't look that small, it's decent
3 more hours boys

>plastic surgery lab
it's a Bog level, guys

I don't know why, but... Dead Island

give gestalt

>Xbox One (Global) 13:00 UTC
>PS4 (Europe) 13:00 UTC

I play this game pretty much every weekend doing nothing but planting traps for guards

quite cathartic

>it's a Bog level, guys

Quick rundown, now.

I really want to do a run where I kill all but one guard without being spotted and watch how long it takes him to bag and dispose of every other corpse.

update ready on steam
but it's al small one, 500mb, probably just the game update


This accurate?

there it is

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>still offline

Yes. It's out in 20 minutes for consoles
PC has 4 hours to go, but sometimes they fuck up and upload earlier

yea I can't play it yet even in offline mode, they just added the bookmark

yeah like said
just for the lay out first
the actual mission probably out later and bigger

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just try to update from my ps4, got a version 1.20 and 1.21gb

stop being poor
also the game is more enjoyable on pc, feels more like a sandbox you can do anything in

browsing hitman forum and r*ddit and still nobody posted any screenshots
guess most of hitman players are pc owners

its not available on console until 2pm BST (14 minutes from now)

oh shit Yea Forumsros someone is streaming offline haven island

>brother play on ps4 while i have my own pc
>buy it on ps4 so we can both play the game and talk about it
>faggot on Yea Forums try to bring his consolewar bullshit into the thread because he got triggered somebody else enjoy the game different way
how about you fuck off

>6 levels
>that size
oh shit this looks good

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He's objectively right.Stop getting triggered so easily.


Im leaving the thread now. dont wanna get spoiled too much
thanks for the info anyway. gives me hope of a great level

>casually mention about the update size on ps4
>some faggot went off and calling me name and how it is the wrong way to play
>somehow im the one that is easily triggered
I would have thought hitman fans would like to talk about the game than all of these dickwaving bullshit about platform, but I guess not

It looks really good

He's still right.
Stop getting triggered.

is it me or his brightness is really fucking bright and the color is all washed out

I just stated that nobody posted anything yet and deduced that screenshots will start popping out when pc version gets released, I didn't mean to offend anybody
stop being autistic

look at the HUD font colour, this guy has some weird colour setup
it looked good on trailers

I assume that's the streamer ghetto setup

If you want to shit up the thread then sure, im all for it. Keep replying

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Santa Fortuna's vibes mixed with some sapienza
I'm closing the stream
I want to explore it myself
It looks really good, guys, and pretty big

Completely possible, you just need to trick around the level and knock out Dexy for the safe combination.

it looks way bigger than the bank and it's beautiful, pure kino is back on the menu
can't wait to play it myself, in the meantime I'll keep watching the stream and spoiling everything, I don't care
I will play it multiple times myself anyway

>Tuxedo With Gloves
>New Yorker
>Classic All-Black
>Blood Money
>Winter Suit

I reckon this doesn't apply to the target, just other NPCs. Otherwise they'd use the word Target

When's it coming out, lads?

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It's out on console right now

17:00 UTC for PC, it's out already for consoles

I wonder how big Hitman 3 will be. Hitman 2 with DLC from the previous game and the season pass is already an 'impressive' 134gb.
If Hitman 3 is "backwards compatible" like Hitman 2 then I'm scared it'll be upwards of 200gb.
Hopefully Hitman 3 will have coop on both new and old maps, then I'd definitely buy it.

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I'm honestly surprised with the level
Not only is it huge, but it looks very well designed

it still doesn't look as huge as main levels but it's an improvement over the bank
looks like something that will make it to the top of my most replayed and most favourite levels

>C/P houses
That actually makes it more immersive as those soccer mom villages are made by some company putting up 200 identical houses.


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I want to love it because hotels just remind me of traditions of the trade which has always been my favourite Hitman level.

>Wanted to play some Hitman 2 whil ewaiting for the update
>NOPE! fuck you!
This is why anybody who defends this shit should be brutally beaten to death in public.

>tfw only have Hitman 1 GOTY so I can't enjoy Kinoman 2 whatsoever
enjoy bros, I'll join you someday

It's on sale quite often