If you remember this, your childhood was awesome!

If you remember this, your childhood was awesome!

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If this was your childhood, get off my board

I remember this but my childhood wasn't as awesome as you might think. I wasted my youth playing video games and not having fun adventures with friends.

Fuck off reddit

Sucks for you. I remember beating my friends with sticks when I was 11, definitely more fun than any vydia

I was like 25. God I really shouldn't come to Yea Forums anymore. I thought that everyone on here turned retarded, but I'm slowly coming to the realization that most people on here are just really young; hence, seem retarded to me.


That isn't a Sega Genesis where the power-port was janky and you had to put a small book on it to keep the powered.

I remember this and my childhood was awesome but there's a 15 year old gap betwen both.

>if you remember this your childhood was awesome!
Anyone whose childhood was this isn’t old enough to know about this ancient meme

I don't really remember anything about my childhood, honestly. Vague memories at best. Even today I'd struggle to tell you any specifics of what happened last week, let alone something even a month back or from years ago.

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I can say with some certainty that 360 was the best system of that console generation

the patrician console route for early zoomers was PS2 > 360 > PC

>ps2 and 360 on the same gen

If this was your childhood are you even old enough to be here?

literally the ugliest interface in existence

Fucking newfag

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This is now an XBOX360 thread.

Anyone remember that marble game? i forgot the name but i played it alot

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Halo 3 was my childhood.

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>he didn't have both
lmao fucking loser

I'm still mad this had to be a 360 exclusive. No way to play it today without actually buying the console again. As much as I loved it it should have gotten a ps3-pc release like AH

kill yourself

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This was my childhood and I'm 25.

You can also play it on Xbox One

god i miss the blades, I still consider them the best interface.

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But I’m not stupid enough to have bought a One after the 360 generation

Your loss then. I got one during launch and while the first few years were quite rocky, I've gotten more use out of it than from my PS4 that only has a single game I play.

I miss it bros.

This was far better

>blades, hexic HD, and RROD on christmas morning
good times

Ah, the childhood.

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