Monster Hunter


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Other urls found in this thread:

>no seltas queen
>no naja
>no yian garuga
>no daimyo/shogun
>no gogma
>no nakarkos
>no yama tsukami
>no fatalis
>no amatsu
>no alatreon
>no akantor/ukanlos
>no shen gaoren
>no lao
>no jhen

Iceborne a shit

Sup Faggots. Just letting you know, That I will never be topped as the hardest monster.

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is there a trick to the steamworks? do I just hold r2 or is it worth mashing the three buttons? why is it so fucking shit?

I have fully leveled up my cat in MHGU.
He's got everything i need now, i'm acing online hunts while everyone else is struggling using normal hunters, it's quite satisfying.

But that also means i've literally done everything i can do with this game.
I'll soon be bored with it and will have to take a break.

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>no yama tsukami
>no shen gaoren
these are good things. they both were shit fights that they abandoned along time ago. GU had neither. hell i dont think they have been in since FU.

Time for Iceborne grind.

Neither were in since fu
Its easy to update the fights

The only big monster fights in world are gold momma and sleepy mountain
Theyre absolute shit and weren't fun because they had no challenge, just a dps check.

>>no seltas queen
>>no naja
Good, they're shit

Garuga is there though, update your copypasta retard

>>no yian garuga

All of the big fights are like that.
Golden Harlot is the only one that is an actual fight.
Lao is one of the worse "fights" in any game. There is at least THINGS to do on Zorah.

>Diablos roar has more impact on a guard than the charge attack
God damn those things are loud

That's what lao and gaoren are

Seltas queen was one of the most unique monsters.
Im tired of the same skeleton

>mine zorah's back for 20 minutes
>he then dies
Hes one of the more boring ones

But gaoren is cute

Is there any way to just skip the steam engine thing and claim rewards from it all at once? I have over 30k fucking fuel for this and I really don't want to sit there mashing random buttons for 2 hours just to get a Celestial Ticket or two.

Unique yes but there's nothing to her aside from her seltas bitch who'll follow her anywhere. Other than that she's a pretty boring fight

>no yian garuga

I bet lao shan makes it in dlc.

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>he doesnt like the /m/ armor
>he doesnt like gimmick monsters
Yeah, you're a huge homo

vespoid queen

I hope not
We're supposed to get Alatreon

Christ just imagine the smell... honestly gagged a little at this scene

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dont forget cores and nergi.

while Lao and Gaoren are
>target body part that is reachable and not broken.
>hit it until it breaks. repeat.
they does not attack you directly. you just need to watch out for being stepped on. once in a while they might attack a wall of some sort.

they are just a smaller worse version so Zorah/P1 Kulve.

>be depressed
>no Iceborne on pc dialed it up to 10
>to the point wife showed up with an Xbox x and the game to cheer me up
>console camera management makes me dizzy as fuck
I'll probably kill myself later, thanks for reading

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What are the chances of him getting in? Outside of him they bought everyone i wanted in Iceborne. Even Yain Garuga.

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I completely forgot about her honestly.
Wasnt her armor shit though?

>he doesnt like being stepped on

>actually bringing in bigger monsters
Never ever

>he has not beat Iceborne yet

I miss pounding Akantor's face, would probably be nostalgic

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Is it just me or is the guiding lands a really stupid idea?

>Can't decide between full set of Shara alpha or beta
I'm gonna roll with free element charm for full memes and crack some fuckers with 450 dragon SnS.

Just play Frontier

Why? It's a fix to World's garbage endgame of 5 shitty EDs all in the same area

I sincerely hope they don't waste a title update on a giant siege monster.

>Yama Tsukami
>Shen Gaoren
>Lao Shan Lung
>Jhen Mohran
Big gimmick monsters and online final bosses rarely if ever come back in later games. You’d know this if 4U wasn’t your first MH game.

My first game was freedom 2 for psp
I want big ones reee

Sorta. I like it better than endless investigations.
>go to guiding lands
>SoS flare
>group fills up
>slaughter monsters non stop for an hour

It is perfect for a console/PC version of MH. you can sit down and dedicate hours to the game. Unlike the portable versions which always were meant to be played in small bursts.

>Get rid of the leveling up = leveling down mechanic
>Add a carting makes you level down mechanic so people stop abusing fortify or carting like crazy.
>If you're good at the game, you can have all zones maxed out then.

have sex

>It's a fix to World's garbage endgame of 5 shitty EDs all in the same area
Replacing one shitty endgame with another is not a good thing. It's just a massive grindfest, if they lowered the level cap to like 4 then maybe but I'm way too bored of fighting the same 5 shit guys just to grind up to a point where I can actually fight something new that will just 1-2 shot me

does anyone have a ds4 remap config so attacks use the right analog stick? i want to play a real monster hunter again

>beta has all the deco slots
>Alpha is super sweet and goes full Kamen Rider, which VERY FEW other female armor sets do
Send help.

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If you cart a thousand times then killing the monster becomes pointless since you'll basically have almost no rewards


I still can't decide if this guy's theme is horrendously cliche bad big monster ps2 midi trash with less personality than literally any other song in the entire franchise or actually amazing because it's really fucking good at pulling off the former and being fun to listen too regardless of anything I just fucking said.

It is a weird song, god dammit.

i do on a regular basis, let me tell you something, it doesnt help at all

They should rework it completely and make it sound more like old school Godzilla music

>the problem is just re-fighting the same 5 things because they tied all of the good shit to fighting the same 5 things
How about just getting fucking rid of random deco's and go back to constructing them out of monster parts like older games? RNG shit is absolute fucking cancer. And then properly assign a variety of monster fights needed to craft skills, as well as just not making an assload of trash skills literally no one would ever touch if they didn't come on some "GOOD SKILL/bad skill" dual deco.

>endgame is just a sandbox where you hunt for as long as you want
>still get rewards as if you're doing quests
I'll take this over starting new quests every time

tie a rubber band around your controller and check back every 5-10 mins

HBG sucks.

find a monster in an area that wont aggro you on sight. fallow them around collecting the tracks they leave. it levels them up faster than just hunting things.

it is still an improvement over base world.
>farm the temperd elder dragons non stop until
>event quests show up and you get those parts you need than never do them again.
>or farm Kulve non stop until you get the perfect weapon. once you get the one/s you want, you never touch her again.

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If you press R2 it does it automatically

Oh fug, really? The whole thing up to a full red bar, or just one 123 combo of presses?

All I want is more than 3 armor sets that don't make my femhunter look like a stripper that got lost at the furry convention

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Because World isn’t Gen 2 you retard.

Here's your (You)

The whole thing until it overflows. You get less rewards than doing it manually because it uses the same combination every time but FUCK using 10k++ fuel manually.

That's what you fags get for playing as girls. Hope you grow out of it one day.

it will go all the way. the numbers are always 123.
the correct input seems 100% random so i would not worry about it.
the only time i stop pressing R2 is when the bonus round with the cats shows up. they tell you the right button order.

it's gen 6 asswipe

This. Fuck all you fags who use the lame generic excuse "hurr I dun wan star at man ass"

>camera management

So use the option where you tap L to focus on the monster, you know, the one people have been using for years.

World/Iceborne is Gen 5.
Capcom went full CoD mode with gen 4.
4 games in that gen.

i miss old MH with my bros, where gathering hub and preparation mattered

>i liked sitting around not playing the game in a digital pub waiting for asshats to join

Naw im cool. I just want to play the game.


>look for female armor mods
>its all butchered "skimpy" armors
do modders have no taste anymore? i just want cool armors not a stripper armor

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Omg you brainlet. Gen as in MHG, not the generation of game. Fucking hell...

You disgust me. I honestly hate all games that use the right stick for combat. I really wanted to enjoy Death by Degrees, that Tekken spin off where you play as Nina, or that Too Human game, but damn I could not get down with analog combat.

As much as I like the QoL changes in World, I kind of miss it too

>i just want cool armor
>plays female

Me too. I dropped world after 50 hours and just play mh3u. Once they shut down those servers i guess im done with the series

I agree except for Rise to Honor, that game was fucking dope

>playing 3U
Fucking pussy. Real fans still play FU.

I don't know why
you are surprised.
lewd mods are always the first, most abundant, and popular mods.

naja looked janky as fuck

I wish I had bros to enjoy MH with

uhh yeah that was half the fun, seeing each-others progression, goofing around, helping one another

Why do people who haven't reached Iceborne's endgame get an opinion? News Flash: You're still doing tempered elder investigations/guiding lands once you finally hit the REAL endgame. And then you act like Iceborne won't have ATs or MR Kulve Taroth to pad out the game's lifespan.

His biggest problem is they were so focused on the iconic Cobra stance.

well theres 4, and G

And yeah you could play FU and MHP3rd both flawlessly on PPSSPP emulator

that's funny cause I was just thinking about how much I'd love for there to be more than 3 armor sets that made my waifunter look like a stripper that got lost at a furry convention

Nigga please if you had friends you'd be using the gathering hub anyways cause being in the same session together means you can join each other's quests.
You'd know this if you had "bros."

>"It's good with friends!"

Oh look, it's THAT excuse again.

i "miss" those times because they're all "cool" now and dont play shit anymore

That is gay. I want to play the game, not pretend to be people's friend while at a digital bar.

the difference, instead of being tied to limited investigations they are tied to an endless grinding area.

wish I had a wife

it's called having IRL friends and playing together in person locally

Doesn’t carting reduce your rewards? Or does it only apply to rewards earned up to that point, so you get two free fortifies right at the start then get to work?

>say you miss using thing with your friends
>reply that it's usable with friends
You're literally retarded and think randos on the internet are your bros.

>everyone should be forced to play with me!
kek, get friends, loser, no one wants to play with you in real life and no one wants to play with you online.

I do have a few MH friends and just like vanilla iceborn's mostly it's been an exercise in synchronized cutscene culling occasionally botched by everyone deciding they'll be the one to abandon quest and join the others' session

But it's true, multiplayer games are way more fun if you know the people you are playing with and are comfortable with them

Does Artillery affect CBs with Power Element Phial?

Except the grinding area offers worse rewards in return for no loading screens. Investigations will be strictly better on PC.

>diablos investigation
>run to diablos
>diablos roars
>hit diablos
>he roars again
>and again
>and again
>rathalos flies in
>rathalos roars
>diablos roars
>turf roar
>rath roars
>diablos roars
>turf war ends
>rathalos roars and runs away
>diablos roars and runs to the same area as rathalos
>they both start clipping into each other and hitting each other while my cat is in the thick of it getting his ass kicked
>mfw watching it from a distance

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Going by what people are saying about tempered monsters and my own experience farming regular G elders, I really wonder how much further you could inflate the numbers on these monsters while still pretending they’re even slightly fair

it's only good for portable consoles.
even than. i would rather us get in to the game right away than go though multiple load screens to fight the monster. yea it is fun, but everything is fun is friends. that is the reason they are friends.

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Investigations that don't have any of the endgame materials? Yeah. Great.

>Hardest monster is just a diablos that lost a turf war

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exactly, that's why i miss it, we'd be up hours on our shitty DS's with a full guid pulled up on the big screen TV all in our sleeping bags with snacks and shit. Later we even used to hop on discord and play the ppsspp emulator with 4 of us in mh3rd or FU

>earplugs 5 since low rank
I’ve never looked back and I never will

less rewards per kill.
more rewards per hour from the sheer amount you kill in the time you would be waiting in loading screens and running to the monster.

*pellets u*

Im using teegrex gear as a GS user, I feel like I should upgrade but I don't know to what.

You can still do that with Iceborne. I fail to see the issue. This is really only an issue if you rely on randoms to fill your groups.

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Tips on HH?

hit the monster

have a collection of horns that have different buffs for different hunts. keep up the buffs as much as possible. don't be afraid to get in there and beat the monster on the head with the hammer bro.

do people still complain about ls users?

>have a flying wyvern investigation while fighting Deviljho in the GL
>Diablos comes in to get buttfucked, they do the turf war and Jho breaks his horn
>Research immediately fills up from Zero and I get a Diablos lure
I don't know why I laughed so hard at that

you'd think that pretty much being forced to health 3 for MR tempered elders would have taught the 'lol just roll scrub' set some sympathy, but nope

I wish I got to play with some of those assholes sometime just to see for myself how good they are at rolling through roars in the wild. and to laugh into the mic in as irritating a fashion as possible every time they fuck it up

It's always complaining about LS and SnS users here.

Just because you're bad at the game doesn't mean other people are

That's not endgame. You should already have those materials by the time you ard farming tempered elders for jewels.

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Guiding lands is still fucking boring

Not everyone can fit ranks into flinch free in to their builds and LS along with DB (luckily there is almost none of them anymore) are fucking cancer

they will always.
>it trips endlessly!
so does most other weapons. i would rather have a fucking LS user over any range weapon.

>Weeb weapon!
perhaps, still better than CB/SA/IG.

You forgot the worst offender :
>no Ukanlos

no the issue for me is the opposite, my friends dont "like" video games anymore, theyre all too cool for school, ones a dirty bulker, ones a vegan, ones a literal math god too busy with finding a programming job, etc. Where here i am actually still obsessed with video games and going into game design. Like i'll message them about a new game theyre all like "man i miss that shit" then don't do anything about it

see, I don't really have an issue rolling through predictable noise. like the first time a monster roars in a hunt, or your response

It's there.

>farming for decos
>even though tempered monsters in the guiding lands have a high drop rate of jewels and all the augmentation materials
You really are retarded.

Earplugs is good for hammer and even better for GS. For those two it’s actually a damage boost. The faster your weapon is the more it goes from powerful to quality, average, and then a joke to shit like DB and SnS

when the tigrex arena unlock? the one for coins. i wanna make the guild palace helm. im mr 73 and have fought scarred garuga.

uhhh i am playing 3 ultimate on my phone because 2020 and i got the lvl 1 gather 10 royal honey quest, am i supposed to kill the bear monster too or can i just run around gathering the honey???

Oh yeah my eyes are playing me


when does*

Heard you talking shit, bitch?

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Not even that user but you’re fucking wrong buddy. GL shit drops one fucking deco most of the time of the lowest rank it can while investigations drop one for each reward box of various quality. That’s a fucking fact and you’d know that if you played the game.

Life moves on, times change. You must adapt to changing times.

There are just some things you can't do any more as you get more shit to handle in real life.

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Spam the Beyblade move on the head.

Not everyone is swimming in top tier jewels, luckshitter.

Ukanlos has the best theme in the entire series
Prove me wrong

thanks dude

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Yes? What else are you going to farm for?

playing on pc just got to luna. does she have to charge to start blasting blue flames over every inch of the world or is it something she can do whenever? I didn't see any charging moves so maybe I'm blind

gotta love the nod to night on bald mountain in the build up


...that speed!

I still can't beat Deviljho on MHW. Even changed from using SA to CB. The fucker moves so damn fast for someone so big. Even a seemingly casual tail swing hurts like a truck. Redpill me on this. Should I drop this? I was thinking of buying Iceborne but I can't even finish contents in World. I think I've reached my limit. Seeing some pro murder a tempered savage deviljho made me realize just how far the difference in skill. I respect you seasoned hunters. I've dumped 100 hours in this game. And I don't think I've grown or improved much from the start.

yes, she has 3 levels of charge, around the feet, mid body and full body

>bagel only ties against jho because he explodes in jho's mouth
Fucking lame

use windproof, use earplugs, use farcasters

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take a look at your gear and see what skills you have. there are tons of guides. i will suggest getting full earplugs.

you could get IB and come back with better gear.

>he explodes in jho's mouth

Did Zinogre's theme always have some of Yukumo's mixed in?

I fucking hate Lunastra so fucking much.

kinda going through the same thing with the first ruiner nerg encounter in iceborne at the moment. I'm not too worried, cause I know how this goes by now

for jho, shore up base and dragon defense as much as you can, whore that vitality and temporal mantle, and just keep trying. if you get frustrated, take a break. hunt something else, or put the game down for the night. I can't count the number of times I failed several hunts in a row one night only to beat it the first attempt the day after

in the long run, every monster in mh is doomed. they'll never adapt to your bullshit, while you eventually will adapt to theirs

new to MHW, how can i start hunting kulve taroth? i can see the tab on hub lass but its greyed out

Get Tigrex b head/chest/boots and Vaal b gloves/girdle.
gem it out to feel the missing holes. that will carry you til end game.

Monster Hunter is all about rewarding your practice. Sounds like you’ve hit a wall and now the thibg to do is keep trying until you know the fight so well you have no issues getting hit and can be more and more aggressive. That satisfaction is what makes MH so addicting and seasoned veterans even complain when it’s too easy. If it’s your first MH game that’s just how it is so don’t go on if that’s not for you.
That said, Jho is a bad one to quit on because nobody really makes him look easy unless they’re fully stunlocking him. He comes back even meaner in IB

yeah she's more annoying in MR
you either need Kushala set bonus or Wind 5 because Wind 4 will still stop you for a second and the firepits will catch alight and hit you
then you need at least Earplugs 4 because she doesn't stop after roaring when enraged or at aura level 2+, then she'll do some wombo combo and kill you before you can input anything

its an event quest right, meaning it only happens at certain points the year? also dont bother farming kulve. it wont carry into master rank, at least for now.

only shows up once in a while. there is an event calendar on the website and i they added it to the game as an option on your log in bonus.

also i dont think there is much point of doing her right now. you get much better gear from IB monsters.

I'll give that a go. thx

Nope, only his World's remix theme that has Yukumo's vibes

I used to frequent /mhg/. I even played on occasion. Not only did they complain about every buff monsters got (a huge meltdown over ATs and the Flash Pod Nerf), they also cried for days about Deviljho, Lunala, Behemoth and Leshen. Even recently half of them were having their shit pushed in by Barioth

What you gotta remember is that despite all the tough talk online most people here are scrubs with an inflated sense of ego. Altough I gotta say It's kinda hilarious to watch the tryhards with their max DPS set stolen from Team Darkside carting all over the place online, because they refuse to invest in their own survavility

>earplugs? that is for shit tiers bro! just roll that shit!
*misses 90% of his rolls*
>ah you should have seen the massive crit i got!
>the only hit he got in the last 5 mins

it's a nice touch
does Tigrex's have Pokke's

alright. thought kulve taroth weapons are top tier especially the hbgs. i've been using cluster with deviljho and spread with nergigante and wanted a good pierce hbg

/vg/ in general is like that for the most part.

hey whats your favourite endemic life, anonymous?
i like the little jellies in the coral highlands, myself.

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Jho isn't really fast in World, you're just overextending. Which is especially bad with SA, since it has no escape or defensive moves. Honestly, CB, or any weapon with a shield for that matter, would make the fight much easier. Lance is the easy mode vs World Jho. Try expanding your arsenal and use the weapons that's a better match up against the target monster rather than sticking to your "main".

I never use shield as a SnS, is this bad?

welcome back listfag

sns shield is for bashing monsters skulls in, not for blocking. if you're blocking that means you're not attacking and thats bad

If you wanna get in on the crit draw goodness go for Velkhana, but otherwise Tigrex stuff is fine since the set bonus is so good.

I don't think I ever use it for bashing either. Maybe I just don't know what I am doing.

MR kulve when?

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the entirety of the rotten vale gave me sent apathy.

vaal might smell like actual shit but the vale is probably a lot worse especially for how long you have to be in it.

>when Glavenus leaves Wildspire he burrows like Deviljho
I know it’s just a reused animation but imagining a burrowing Glavenus is fun. Deviljho getting around via digging in the older games was already bizarre enough.

hitting circle does the shield combo. check out the hunter guide. i havent used it much either but im pretty sure thats your biggest source of damage.

Hopefully never

They should bring it back and make it Savage's way of appearing out of nowhere

Why do you even want that slog back?

Directional circle is the bash combo. But "the biggest source of damage" is not the ground shield bash, but the aerial from the charged backhop.

I imagine that ordinary Vaal smells bad enough because he covers himself in rotten meat and is a breeding ground for all sorts of nasty bacteria, but the meat on Blackveil Vaal has gone fucking black and has fungi and mould growing on it. He must fucking reek.

What is SnS's bread and butter combo? I know you should use the new Rush attack on downed monsters but otherwise I don't know what is optimal.

Imagine how Deviljho's breath smells

Look how fluffy his fungal spores are though. Imagine taking a big old bite outta one and swallowing it slowly.

When the FUCK are we getting a hollow earth map in MH?

I want to see people seething about how the weapons they farmed so hard for are useless

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They did. That’s how he spawns in.

What would the apex predator be

I think the raging dragon element furnace that is his stomach would probably obliterate any bacteria or shit that could cause bad smells. That shit blasting outta his mouth would probably singe all the plaque and gingivitis off his teeth, leaving him with some nice pearly whites. What I wanna know is what Zinogre’s fur smells like after it’s rained. Wet dog is bad enough but he also lets bugs live in that fucking mess.

barring luck, I reckon the kulve grind is the more miserable and time consuming

>farm kulve uncountable times to get the weapon you want at a 0.02% droprate
>farm kulve Mk. 2 so you can upgrade the weapon at a 0.002% droprate

Hell yeah.

>Savage Deviljho has the cleanest teeth in Monster Hunter
It's canon now

I don't really use SnS that much myself, and when I do, I just do the longest one, which is R2+triangle, triangle, triangle, circle, circle, circle. Plus the directional triangle during the combo lets you turn around and restart the combo. But I've heard that triple circle plus direction change is better. Not sure, and you shouldn't really overthink that with fast weapons like SnS and DB. It's not about your "optimal rotation", but more about the sheer number of hits you can do. The MVs aren't all that different, but you benefit from element a lot, which is independent from the MV of the attack for the most part.

Brute Wyvern with a metallic head plate, to mimic the appearance of a tinfoil hat. He swings his neck around wildly to build up momentum to launch himself vast distances in his low gravity subterranean home. When he lands head first, it generates a massive crater which usually kills his prey and occasionally triggers earthquakes on the outside world.

heres something i made in 5 minutes

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Status toads
Mini gobul from Coral Highland
Hotspring monkey
Hoarfrost Reach's penguins
And Guiding Lands' moles


Is paralysis a bad option for CB? i was thinking a paralyze would give me time to pull off a full combo but im not sure, also is the zorah set bonus worth it for CB in general?

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I love the Grandfather Mantagrels, but I had to swap them out for that sweet ass giant Jellyfish from Hoarfrost. I love all the spiders and beetles as well, but mostly I'm just filling up my house with all the rarest endemic life.

I love that I spent a good 100 hours or so not even hunting monsters in this game, just catching new pets.

Zorah is pretty much the CB set. 3 piece of that on any Impact CB, Damascus chest/crotch, then you just slot on Crit shit in your armor bits and thats your entire set right there.

T.Zam CB was really good back in 4U, because it had decent raw and sharpness in addition to para. And I'm pretty sure para and other disables lasted longer then too, so you could pull off a full CB combo. Probably only two axe attacks in World though, still not bad. CB is an okay status application weapon in the sword form, especially if you utilize the shield thrust, which is a two hit move.

It's not the impression i got, i played in /mhg/ rooms during iceborne and it seemed people were not bad, not failing quest and they'd stop playing with you if you carted. It was unfun in the end because i don't mind hunting a monster for 18 minutes but obviously these people mind a lot that it's taking so long.
And their characters were ugly.

Blacklisting someone for carting is pretty unfair. Honestly I have not played with Yea Forums in MH I think maybe since either Tri or 3U so I have no idea how people are here anymore.

Shen has been in Online and it's still shit even if it's a completely different fight. Yama is in Frontier and even they couldn't make it not boring.

Imagine how bad Shara Ishvalda’s pits smell haha. He’s been living inside his rock casing for who knows how long so he must have sweated and pooped in there a lot. Haha I bet when he shed his rock casing it wasn’t his roar that knocked everyone back but the stench being released haha.

When are we getting the Smash Ultimate of Monster Hunter? Everyone and every armor and weapon is in.

inB4 some turboretard says Generations Ultimate

As far as I am concerned you are the truboretard for mentioning it.

Reptiles don't sweat

Ah fuck, I got pwned again.

Give it some time. World is by far the biggest jump in quality the series ever had, and IB has already added most of the flagships. 6th/7th gen games are probably going to use World's engine, so they'd really only need to focus on porting the old monsters and maps.
Although I hope we'll never see dromes and shit ever again.

No it’s random. It’s shit and annoying. Could’ve been better if they added an element of skill.

It wasn't quite there, but it's probably the closest we're gonna get in a very long time.

It's the closest thing there is since it's literally a compilation game

>playing through FU
>absolute hell getting through G1 with HR armor, GS only
>just got Narga X and now *teleport behind u* to monsters
I don't care what DPS fags say, evasion GS is enormous fun and the only way I can see myself dealing with these horseshit hitboxes until I grind Rajang's set

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glavenus is fucking insanity, 40% affinity boost anytime you hit full stamina
(which you regain while charging)

They make the beta sets look way worse than alpha in so many of them. It’s to punish fashion hunters.

When are we going to get a transmog system? Shit would be fantastic and would encourage crafting tons of armor.

Reminder Capcom is currently asking for feedback on Iceborne and if you own the game you are eligible to send an opinion. Our best shot is there, altough of course be polite when asking for weapons and transmog, saying "nigger" over and over willl just throw your opinion into the trash

Not blacklisting just "he's the shitter hope he doesn't join your quest".
I knew playing with Yea Forums people was a mistake but i tried anyway, you guys are fine when you're just boxes with text in it.

Beta Tigrex is way better

I just asked them for Recess and Tundra regions for the Guiding Lands

Could've just posted the link too.


That’s your opinion.

>Hi nigger Capcom nigger I nigger would nigger like nigger a nigger transmog nigger system nigger and nigger more nigger unique nigger weapons nigger. thanks nigger.
what do you mean? this isnt respectful?

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avoid mhg at all costs, it's just a discord group nowadays who will suck the fun out of the game until you are as miserable as them

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'nigger' doesn't evoke in the japanese psyche the horror of the institution of slavery or the spectre of dehumanizing racism that persists to this day in the west in general and the US in particular. it just makes nips think you're comparing them to black people, which to them is infinitely more reprehensible

I mentioned wanting SnS advice and got roasted by everyone there with their extreme SnS hate biases.

SnS hate is not a bias though, it's objective.

It's not hate, it's genuine sorrow because World's SnS is horrible

Why though?

Explain so I know.

>It just works, Pard!

SnS is just a shitwep.

Use your words.

It feels genuinely terrible, your only way of doing any damage is spamming the shield drop unless you get lucky with the new combo

So the damage is just shit compared to everything else? This I can understand.

No damage.
No range.
No impact.
No flashy attacks.

The only thing it's good for is wide-range healslut builds.


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Something got our Tailraider spooked!

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I can take down any monster using the sword and shield, it used to be my weapon of choice to suceed those 15min teostra investigations.

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Deviljho can fuck off I'm tired of him showing up everytime I flinch or Stun any monster. Why did Bazelgeuse stop invading in MR?

I had Barroth in the Guiding Lands do that to dodge an attack just before it landed.

Things you miss from earlier monster hunters : non autistic edition

For me, it's that sound effects when catching bugs or mining. Also the menu navigation sound effects, fucking comfy

I read somewhere that seething doesnt pay any attention to dung bombs, big if true. Would be a fucking nightmare to deal with him AND Jho ignoring your shit.

>no yian garuga
That bird is in the game m8. Are you even trying?

>no yama tsukami
>no fatalis
>no akantor/ukanlos
>no shen gaoren
>no lao
>no jhen
These fights are all fucking shit and need to be completely reworked. Specially Lao and Shen Gaoren. They can stay in the shadow real in the meantime.

I can't for the life of me beat extremoth, fucking randoms carting left and right, I wasted like 6 hours on it already
>inb4 hurt durr what are you doing asking randumbs for help
I don't have any friends to play with me, I'm going to sleep now, godfuckingdamnit

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>Deviants are monsters that survived fights with hunters, even killing them potentially
Yeah nah that Diablos is a thundercock chad

>tfw Capcom returns to the Old World with MHW’s engine

Begone zoomer

I miss getting my fucking vouchers from simply using the fucking canteen, instead of the fucking arena or event quests.
Also, 4U canteen skill/HP+stamina boost system. It was perfect. When the ingredient freshness had no effect on the skill activation chance.

Any advice? Also you said use to, what do you play now?

Are you on console with MR shitters still carting?
I'm on PC and I answer regular Behemoth SOS often, but the quality of randoms has only been going down since the quest first became available. Because the decently skilled people have long beat it and crafted the full set. Same for the layered event. Now there's only the shitters left.

SOS was a mistake.

Literally nothing other than your own lack of friends stops you from doing exactly that in World too.
SOS is by far better than the old lobbies when you just want to farm one specific monster with other players. Instead of running "turn" lobbies where everyone just leaves after their turn is done and yours never comes.

Which monsters don’t give special arena quest for capture? These guides aren’t helping

>Are you on console with MR shitters still carting?
yeah, fucking chinks; I thought they were all good at playing vidya, but they played like they drive their cars

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I hope they add back village quest in the next game. SOS did nothing but create shitty randoms.

>poisons u

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every asian person ive played with would be a LS shitter, and thats coming from a LS main. they never counter, they never iai slash, they always get hit. its like watching a meat grinder. i dont understand why they suck so much.

Why aren't you running earplugs?

Horn Maestro 2

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because normally i use the LS counter and that works just fine for monsters that only roar once. the only monster i have a hard time predicting roars are monsters like anja and glavenus where they have almost no windup to their roar.

Akantor is fine.

It's a nice skill, but requiring 5 ranks of it is just way too expensive. They should just remove ranks 2 and 4 and it would actually be an useful skill.

Hey, as a MH newfag playing World I was wondering something. Is it just me, or is the aggro system in this kinda retarded?
I play H.bowgun and when i want to switch to sniper mode/heal/anything with slow animation I distance myself from the monster and begin my switch where all of the sudden the monster instantly attacks me.
The distance doesn't matter, not even if I attack him.
If I'm far away and don't do anything I don't deserve to be hit. Is this intentional?

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You look like Rita Repulsa (and that's a compliment)

dodge an attack and switch. that should give you enough time, or wait for your palico to aggro the monster.

There is no "aggro" in MH. But, like in every game, the AI is more likely to use quick, distance covering charge attacks, if their target is far away. Or ranged attacks, if they have any.
Although there might be some more explicit AI flags that are triggered when you heal etc. For example in World the AI will almost always prioritize certain attacks over any others after it knocks you down on the ground. Like Nerg's paw slam.

No, that is fact.
Only a select few mammals can sweat. Yes, only a few.

Used to because i farmed HR teostra like crazy until i was done with him. I still play that weapon as well as other weapons.
The advice is to keep attacking like for any weapon really. Stick to the monster like a fly, evade alongside the monster like you're dancing together that way you 're already close to him when his attack is finished.
The O O combo has surprisingly high reach so you can hit tails with this move if you need to. While using the new flurry move you can adjust your direction in the middle of it.
Have many different kinds of swards for each monster because elemental/statuses is good so use the right sward for the job.
I'm not saying s&m is the best weapon it's just a completly viable weapon.

What else other than that? I have access to any armor in MR3.

dont run too far back or you'll force the monster to lunge away from your melee party and ruin the pace of the fight entirely. any range is a blessing, dont get greedy with it

Seething doesn't fly around as much as regular Bazel, Never seen him actually fuck around with my hunts.

Savage Jho stops turning up to ruin elder dragon fights as soon as you beat him once, although I haven't encountered him in Guiding Lands yet, I heard he tears shit up there.

I wouldn't expect sns to be the best weapon.

Need to reach Rotten Vale level 6 and beat Brute Tiggy.
Tigrex arena has both normal and Brute by the way, though the latter doesn't show up until 5 minutes or so. Would recommend Hammer and lots of running around to make them hit each other.

I play with 2 other fags, no palicos for me
Weird. Guess I'm switching to minigun mode not to be so vulnerable but still, even if I was close by, Jho could fuck me over with literally every attack.

Is it just me or Savage Jho pretty much plays the game for you the moment he enrages?

Any of the piscine, any of the low tier fanged wyverns except Tobi, no Kulu or Tzitzi, no Elder Dragons cause you can't capture them.

Sitting waiting to start while some dork RP walked around emoting was awful.

Both Alantor and Ukanlos are the most fine of all of these.
But they still don’t live up to world standards.

It’s a bit like Savage Jho. There wasn’t anything particularly egregious about ut but still got a full rework nonetheless.

The wyvernsnipe is generally better than the wyvernheart, because you can quickly pop it and get full damage on the monster if you hit through all the length of it. While wyvernheart requires you to sustain the firing for a while to get the most out of it, since there's damage ramp up time after you start firing. So if you start shooting, stop to dodge, then start shooting again, you will not be doing the full damage. You need to down the monster for a prolonged time in order to unload the wyvernheart into its weakpoint.

well, you seem to think you should be able to switch to sniper while the monster is still aggroing but you should probably wait till the monster is stunned or in some sort of movement restricting phase like knockdown, paralysis or sleep to use it. the monster will let up the aggro eventually for you to reload or switch ammo types without much trouble.

Why is HBG so fucking fun? i just love it

Oh, I'm also not sure about variants, not subspecies. I haven't seen a special arena for Shrieking Legi or Seething Bazel, but I may have already done them.

what do you mean?

>Is this intentional?
Very much so. Actions like healing and sharpening attract aggro. So does being at low health, paralyzed, stunned, asleep or out of stamina. If you want to do shit uninterrupted, you will have to learn to do it while the monster is busy.

Back in the day, you had to wait patienly for the monster to attempt a move with a lot of recovery frames just to heal. You have it easy by comparison.

>If I'm far away and don't do anything I don't deserve to be hit
Imagine being so entitled as to think the game should play to your narrow psychology.

Yes they can. Drop something for it.

lolno, you just fucking zoned out to heal, old MH was garbage

If Savage Jho invades your quest, he just plays the game for you with his massive friendly-fire damage towards the target monster. Moreso when he enrages because he'll follow you everywhere.

Only shitters do that.


>not using mechanics makes you a non-shitter
do you play with the tv off too?

Sometimes I cant get the Orange extract

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oh. yeah you right. He constantly breaks parts on the monster you are hunting and knocks them over.

SOS is a fine system but it ruins traditional lobbies. I think they need to incentivise partying up before a hunt over SOS, with something like increased rewards for joining a quest the traditional way. That way SOS remains the convenient option it’s intended to be but traditional groups are incentivised and rewarded.

It feels random. sometimes its the legs that give it, sometimes the tail, sometimes the wings. a fun fact is that glavenus's tail gives you red which is normally a head thing which is neat.

You could do that, but that’s no fun.

Not even me.

>Alatreon is back

But wyvernheart is cooler therefore it's better.

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I miss siege mode

MH doesn’t have a traditional aggro system. Who the monster targets and for how long is mostly random because they’re meant to simulate wild animals. They can be biased towards certain targets but it’s still random.

The full Tigrex set and horn served me all the way to the final boss. It has native atk up, earplugs, speed eating, free meals.

The neutral upswing on circle is a quick and powerful move with great reach, make good use of it for head sniping

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>tfw Safe Landing
What the fuck is the exact use of this other than cool points, and I can't cancel the recovery with the roll either unlike the normal blowback

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To clarify:
We WERE supposed to get him and Oroshi Kirin because when the full monster rooster leaked they were in the list. We haven’t heard a word about them ever since and they obviously weren’t added to World.

Will Iceborne include them in a title update?, who knows, just don’t keep your hopes up.

I don't get this or why its spammed.

so anons, im currently playing the generations demo on the 3ds and im really enjoying it. i like the aerial greatsword style. is it worth a buy? it seems more fun than 4U.

I figured out what Arginesse and Elscarad are good for!

They're for Blackveil Hazak's DOT

if you have a decent computer you can emulate all the 3ds games with better performance

>Play 100 hours of lance only
>try the gunlance for a hunt
>moveset is garbage


Dumb fuck

Fatty came back
White fatty came back
Amatsumagasutchi came back
Ukanlos came back
Akantor came back
Alatreon came back

Seriously go fuck yourself 4U baby

>he doesnt know the triangle+circle, triangle, triangle quick reload combo


Those are not big gimmick monsters moron.

Red is generally at the part that is associated with attacking, since Glavenus attacks with his tail, thats where you get it. White is generally at the part associated with mobility.
Orange is pretty janky though, it's usually the body

Jhen Mohran is a gimmick monster and came back as a subspecies.

no, because XX on 3ds never got localised and is far better than Gen

Don’t forget the full burst on the slinger ammo stake for that extra bit of spice.

I think that’s why he said ‘rarely if ever’ because it does happen but not commonly.

I do wish it happened more often though.

Man I just want Alatreon in Iceborne

Flinch Free is ONE (1) slot, Hammerfag

Agreed. Some of them are shit and shouldn’t come back but some are worth it. Ryozo did say that one of his long term goals is to get every old monster remade in the World format, so we might be lucky.

Grug was pleased with your wyvernblast mines.

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You can install the translation patch if you have custom firmware. Also you can allow crossplay with switch users via action code. Citra can play at steady 60fps with much higher resolution though. It's a pick your poison situation I guess.

>If you're holding forward while attacking your character launches themselves
I just can't get used to it

I replayed that too, was a bit of a wakeup when a g rank garuga oneshot me through 150 hp on a fully stoned set of hr fat crimmy.
Check that one oldschool pastebin of monster damage types, shit like tigrex does dragon damage on his bites and charge attacks for whatever the fuck reason.

That's your most important move by far. Not only does the move allow you to close the gap, but it also gives you one of two angles to shell depending on if you cancel the run into a shell or not.

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Here, take this

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I know the importance of the move, it's just going from maining lance to trying out GL is so difficult because you have to adjust to having that move in your arsenal, since the lance's gap-closing move is hard to do by mistake


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This may sound like a dumb question but all my friends are going to start playing together and are maining Gunlance, IG and DB, what weapon should I go?


Ya know what? I feel you on that. I was a gunlance main that struggled to pick up lance for a very long time prior to World. I never liked the idea of choosing between not attacking so you could counter or move, or go for the third poke and commit to it until you're able to hop.

World made turned one of the hardest to learn weapons in the game to the easiest.

Pokke village... home...

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Neither. Blast is fuckin terrible in World. There are no good status blademaster weapons in World. If you want GOOD status, then pick up World bowgun where all your status shots have low recoil and xbox hueg mag sizes.

Hunting horn or hammer

Switch axe

>absolute retards spamming flash pods on Behemoth so he can cart people more frequently instead of just taking the free damage on his legs?

Why are people so retarded? Why does the guy that gets Charybdis keep attacking the leg instead of just running towards one of the walls? Why is there no mandatory tutorial that forces you into Tank, Healer, 2 DPS roles like the fight is intended? The fight isn't even bad, it's just made worse by the average MHW brainlet.

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I like the concept behind the Guiding Lands but I wish it applies to all the maps in the game, like you could level up the Coral Highlands proper not the region in the Guiding Lands. It could tie Investigations into the endgame too.

Greatsword without question. All three of those weapons are notorious for tripping teammates, and GS has innate armor that prevents you from staggering. As a bonus, you'll never have to deal with long sword faggots ruining your day.

very helpful last night when he flashed Coral Pukie like 4 times. thx flashboi

Switch axe or greatsword
If you're playing with 3 others then I probably wouldn't recommend hammer or lance since their attacks will flinch you pretty often

Objectively Luna.

My DB and Gunlance friend both have a bad habit of tripping or flinching the fuck out of me so yeah, a weapon that would prevent this and not add to the issues would be nice.

To be fair, Behemoth is not a very well designed monster for tanking if you're not using Taroth Glutton or Mightning. His head hitzone is tiny and it's a pain in the ass to hit because he is constantly turning his entire body around to attack people. Your only good opening is during charybdis cast and even then it's no good if it's extremoth or you're unlucky enough to be targeted.

This is what bothers me the most about Behemoth. He's one of the biggest damn monsters in the game, but hitting him for any sort of damage is a chore because all 4 of hitzones are constantly being moved around.

CC helps a lot, 2 CC attacks grant you enmity

>tfw you never beat extreme behemoth because of all the brainlet players that don't know how the fight works

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>Why is there no mandatory tutorial that forces you into Tank, Healer, 2 DPS roles like the fight is intended?
because you can unga bunga him with 4 dps under 10 minutes

All of these are good suggestions.
>Hunting Horn
Buff your party and work as a tightly knit unit.
Be KO king and down the monster for max DPS. Almost as strong as GS but way more mobile.
Damage out of the ass. Be able to fight airborne monsters better.
Damage out of the ass, but up close so you won’t be called a little bitch.

Make sure you inform your friends about head priority. IG and GL mains have no business attacking the head as they either have long reach for tails or can hit any part of the monster with no damage penalty. DBs are a bit more complicated. Yes, they are cutting weapons that can cut tails super fast because of their high DPS, but their abysmal reach prevents them from even hitting tails on a downed monster if it moves too much. Just tell them to go for claws or the opposite side of the head as yours.

>The head is mine, MINE, this weakspot is all mine because I get like one KO per fight reeeeeeeee

Shut the fuck up Hammercancer. Use Flinch Free or fuck off

Just go to /mhg/
I mean, it still took a couple of tries, but we did it and now I get layered drachen to hide away all the mismatched pieces of my clownsuit. It really is very handy, specially in the Garuga pants meta.

What about those others by the head I will knock around? Will they use Flinch Free too?

Not him but what if I'm using a Blunt Kinsect for KO assistance

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yes? flinch free is a must have. just dont do fucking uppercuts when hes knocked down.

Things next game needs;
>ability to level any armor set to the same level once you hit end game making all sets viable
>more housing customization options, a la animal crossing style where points or Zenny can be spent on your home so we have use for that shit in the end game.
>explore this idea further and get rid of the gathering hub and make the hosts home the main gathering area
>make lower tier monsters more end game viable with second or third sub species being just as strong as the elders giving us variety for once
>fully layered armor
>risk reward end game feature, the lower your total armor and weapon score (similar to destinys light system) the better your rewards will be upon finishing quest. Certain items can only be obtained by being under a certain armor level

Flinch Free is a must-have for MP playets, and most people use it except Hammergrugs for some reason that think they are entitled to the head and don't need Flinch Free

I would also like to add to this gentlemen's post that Hunting Horn is still a strong KO weapon in its own right. In fact, there are many monsters that HH has a much easier time KOing than the hammer because its long reach lets it reach places the hammer otherwise couldn't without some prior setup. The most important tip anyone could ever give a good HH main is to be aggressive. Think of your notes and songs as attacks first and buffs second. It's better to wait for a good opening for several head hits on a song than to rush out your song and not hit anything with it.

t. played HH towards the tail end of 3U. Hella sad Barroth's horn isn't here.


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can i have the list of the best HBG's and what type of ammo they're good for?

compared to the movesets of most other weapons its still garbage

I'm not saying bringing this up so you faggots don't hit me. I'm saying this so I don't stunlock YOU with spread shot. I know for a fact that you're not using flinch free.

>that bowshitter that stunlocks everyone regardless of what part of the monster they go for

This is the worst though.

Make Zinogre and only Zinogre. Every other HBG except maybe Deviljho isn't worth your time.

>Why did Bazelgeuse stop invading in MR?
who knows but thats a good thing

>all my friends are going to start playing together
None of my friends want to play with me.
I feel angry, envious and i detest you for having the thing i desire the most.

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embarrassing post

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Intimidated by the Chad Savage

I am a solo player, and I mostly just use online for Behemoth and Kulve. I make sure to always have Flinch Free because I don't have the IQ of a hammerfag

whatever the fuck you want

>implying I need FF as an LS user
sorry virgin, too busy doing DAMAGE over here to get tripped

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Now you have Savage Jho that literally won't stop being enraged and follow you and your prey relentelessely

You will never flinch if you store your charge and then go into a charged attack. In this state you have natural flinch free during the charge, the attack itself and its recovery frames. In fact, you can go from there into your big bang combo and you still won’t get flinched not even if there were a thousand long sword users also going after the head. Whoever complains about getting flinched in World should try and relearn the weapon.

IG is one of the least disruptive weapons to play with. They can go after the head alongside a hammer and share it with no issue. DB can also share the head with careful positioning due to its poor reach. Of course, it depends on how well players coordinate.

Gunlance users should just go after the legs because they are the best at tripping monsters by a long shot, they CAN go after the head but they are just better off focusing the legs.

This is coming from someone whose main weapons literally are Hammer, Gunlance and IG.

You can fuck off. The head isn’t property of the hammer, but it is very much its natural habitat.

So I want 1 rank of Flinch Free and I am fine for Online?

You can convert Tempered materials into regular Guiding Lands materials at the melder. However, the reverse is impossible.

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Fucking this why did they remove them? That and the cooking meat jingle.

does flinging shit at jho not work? last i checked dung pods were a thing

There's sadly nothing actually busted for multiplayer like the Tigerstripe DBs but there's still good shit like Garuga or awakened Acidic Glav weapons if you wanna mess with status

>is very much its natural habitat

It's also a very important weakspot. Slot Flinch Free, Hammer Subhuman

Holy shit just solo the fight you little bitch and don’t bring your cat along. Fuck these newbies man, get some fucking dirt on your boots solider.

yep. the only thing that can hit you are uppercuts from the hammer and GS, bombs, and i think gunlance wyvern fire.

>Literally cannot go out of rage mode
Savage is unironically crazier than all of the crossover shit monsters

I use lance and FF level 1 doesn't always cut it for some reason which is pretty annoying

When he’s enraged it stops working. And he gets enraged very easily.

Secret zones

Because some heavy hits need more FF to not knock you on your butt, like
>IG's tornado slash
>hammer's lvl 3 charge

I actually like how the Temporal glows such a bright yellow that basically informs everyone that he's using it, you can even see it from a long distance on another part of the map.
I'm not judging, I use it too on elders, just thought it was an amusing design choice by the devs

1 point prevents flinches
2 points prevents trips like from a GS charge hitting you
3 prevents knockdowns and launches

Why did they decide you have to farm decorations instead of crafting them? Is this the trade for not having to farm charms?

IG main. Blunt kinsect is a meme to begin with. 90% of the best kinsects in the game are sever types.

But if you insist you don’t actually need to attack the head to help with the KO, just mark it with your glaive. Not that you shouldn’t, because it’s fat damage, but if you genuinely want to help with KOs bring an impact mantle because kinsect blunt damage will do nothing on its own.

It also never calms down unless you beat it out of it

It's their way of saying "point and laugh"

gotta artificially extend peoples playtime somehow

>need bunch of element skills and crit to play bow
>need focus to play GS
>need artillery to play GL and CB
Yep, Im going thru Iceborne with LS and HH.

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>every weapon should use the same exact clownsuit

>need artillery to play GL
why do people fall for this meme?

> monster decides to roar everytime I'm mid helmbreaker

Yeah never taking earplugs off unless I used a bow gun

post your Extremoth proofs tough guy

>Monster gains a new move in G-Rank
>It has a huge tell and/or it's extremely easy to avoid and punish
>They use it frequently enough that it makes the fight easier than on High rank
What's its name?
For me, it's Dreadqueen and her explosion bite. It's even worse considering that if you get hit by the initial bite, you won't get hit by the explosion anyways.

Again, only scrubs need flinch free with the new charge storage mechanic regardless of how many people are attacking the head.

Actually read my post before replying next time.

Just get some super op bowgun and laugh as behemoth tries to hit you and fails

Brachydios' old boxer dash
When you fight him solo he'll just randomly sprint away to the other side of the room and then turn around and run back
That plus his more set in stone combos while enraged always made him more predictable in G Rank

Starting over on console for IB what weapon should I learn to soften the grind back?

Already learned IG, SnS, DB, LS, SA, CB, HH, and good ol hammer.

Id I can solo unites bullshit I can solo anything world has.

it's a trash move and leaves her open for some hits after the recoil. looks awesome though.

How do I HH

Still not seeing any prooves tough guy

Something ranged I guess

You want proof?
I’ll give you proof.

press buttons

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Gunlance is really cool and has multiple playstyles in one weapon. GS is better than ever in iceborne and it was already better than ever in base world. Bow despite the hate is the most fun ranged weapon in the game and HBG can be very satisfying if you like decimating the monster population.

Not an Extremoth solo, nincels btfo

Why do you still live in the 4th gen?

Best lance? Its also bullshit we have to wait until Jan to play Iceborne, i'm getting bored af

Teo stopping to detonate his blast clouds manually instead of letting them drift all over the room legit makes G version more predictable with more openings than HR.

>p-please compromise your build to cater to my inability to play the g-game...
fuck of faggot

The only one being compromised is yourself Hammergrug, I'm doing DPS while you're reeeeeing in the corner

>tfw you join an SOS as an HH main and there's 3 other HH mains in the quest

Taroth Crest "Claw"
Fiendish Tower
Empress Lance "Styx" (has more slots than Jho and built in Razor Sharp which frees up build options)
Garon Dhara
Elder Babel

In roughly that order

Virgins gem in Flinch Free.
Chads upswing everyone around the head.

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Gruglancing is a stronger build than shelling/fullbursting, the new move doesnt put it ahead and shelling isnt necessary to use the weapon as its the weakest offensive aspect.

I wish the Training Area comes with automated swinging dummies that simulate the 7 different kinds of flinches/blowbacks so at least I know which weapon moves will be affected by which kind of jab attack

Send them to space, brother

That was actually just me and one other HH user. We both had cats with coral orchestras and I was using luna blaze to refresh all song buffs.

>need artillery to play CB
why do people fall for this meme?

IB CB doesn't even use artillery in BOTH its impact and element sets, savage axe for the former and art doesn't do a thing for the latter's phial explosions
At worst craft an art 3 charm

You're just plain wrong.

Any tips for playing HBG?

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>t. never played any GL with wyrmstake blasts in IB
>never tried long 6+focus 3's lightning fast charged

nice thanks la

you're entitled to your opinion but thats objectively wrong too.

Aim at the monster and shoot.

HH tips? Just got the game on PC, want to try out a new weapon before going with my main (Lance)

Finally soloed AT Nergigante, using fucking Wide 4 GL. Does his damage change during fight? I swear I start destroying his ass, but when he is close to die he OHKO me without even trying. The image telling me to wait for Iceborne after you killed it made me mad.

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Hit the weakpoints for massive damage

Not even him but you're wrong
>160 charged shelling that takes half a second + 70 from the blast
>can literally spam this from anywhere and it'll still proc the blast because of long's range
>mfw not giving a fuck on any shitzones

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Which weapon has the lowest iq requirement?

Hit the monster, don't be a corner horner.
And specifically for World - you can play all three queued songs quickly one after another if you don't cancel out of recital. And encore will double up all of the songs played in the previous recital.

One last Kushala, just one last run i need 1 wing. I can do it just one last and then goodbye flying nigger.

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It's not just AT. Nerg does the more damage the lower his health is. Or the more he roars. Although that's more or less the same thing.




3-way tie between hammer, GS and DBs


MH math proved long shells were a meme a while ago, you still get more damage out of grugging especially since you can make anything into a literal weaksone in iceborne now

Zaboazagil and giginebula are not popular, please understand

Please show us your working and then go and play GS so you stop grugging on the GL and giving its users a bad name

Slapstick combo leaves you open longer.
And the claw does not make any random hitzone as good as hitting the monster's actual weakspot. At best it makes you not bounce.

What are some good HHs to get in MR?


But user, that's not Azurebolt Astalos.

I can't stop crutching on tigrex armor

Being higher damage on math doesn't mean its better, doing only melee combos would leave you more open to hits, and you need to ONLY hit weakspots to make it worth it, and you know sometimes you just can't hit the weakspot. That is the advantage of shelling, you ignore armored parts, and long charged shell are better to make the monster trip. You need to take a lot more in consideration than "the damage is better because math".

>MH math proved
Your proofs?
All the fastest beta Velkhana kills with GL are wyrmstake blast and shelling spam.

You already did that with your awful meme build.

While the argument against slapsticking is valid in some cases its an even bigger point against Full Bursting too, which requires Artillery and is a style that requires shelling. Softening up a part isnt as good as an actual weakspot but it certainly does raise damage by a considerable amount.

You can play a ranged weapon then instead of resorting to a meme build, everything youre trying to do is better done with a heavy bowgun.

>math proved it
Math in MH is useful, but it's still an action game, people tend to forget about that.

>Beta kills
I think the guy you're replying to is retarded but come on

Monsters which are completely endemic to one region contribute more to the region's leveling progress.

Conversely, invading monsters contribute the least because their leveling rate is divided across four regions of the Guiding Lands.

The more you know, pard.

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I'm waiting for the PC release, so I haven't been keeping up with the autistic scene since the beta. I'm sure it's the same on live though. Wyrmstake blast pretty much doubles your damage. Those kind of numbers are impossible to reach with a slapstick.

>everything youre trying to do is better done with a heavy bowgun
Well, by your logic they should just delete GL then. Since there is weapons that does more damage.
Long charged is not meme, you can watch on youtube people chain tripping monster with charged shots on monster's feet. I prefer Wide poke/shell style tho.

jesus how is this even an argument

>t. hasn't played GL in iceborne

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Gigginox is disliked by the Nipponese for being a Khezu ripoff (first gen is sacred, they love how cancerous it is and hate when Capcom try to fix it) and Zamtrios’ skeleton isn’t in the game. They’re adding Rajang and there are no other Fanged Beasts in the game though, so we could see him if they decide to buff him into an endgame monster.

>Conversely, invading monsters contribute the least because their leveling rate is divided across four regions of the Guiding Lands.
Doesn't each monster get assigned a "home region" on spawn in GL and only contributes to leveling that one? Including the invaders.

>hunting something
>jho comes in
>beats the shit out of the monster
nice guy

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Slaplance is probably better in this completely optimal scenario the guy is imagining that happens 1 in 50 hunts where you don't just get bodied because your combo leaves you wide open for 10 seconds. whereas shelling will just be better for general hunting in most cases

So... no proofs. You concede then?

This is pretty much the case, GL is already a meme and shelling is the lowest tier of memes.

>hunting something
>jho comes in
>beats the shit out of the monster
>decides to chase me to the ends of the earth to beat my ass too
Nice guy indeed

>hunting something
>savage jho comes in
>beats the shit out of the monster
>doesn’t ever leave

Odogaron set is too thighliciously lewd

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I much prefer the MR a+ set, shows off the tummy and inner thigh

>Wyrmstake blast pretty much doubles your damage.
provided you actually set the thing up and hit that certain general area with shells and that the stars align, etc....

Do you even hear yourself, user? How's hitting the monster twice in the same general area is something remotely challenging for you?

>Doesn't each monster get assigned a "home region" on spawn in GL and only contributes to leveling that one? Including the invaders.
Yes. But monsters with less home regions to spawn in will contribute more to leveling up.

Post it

You sure it's because they're endemic, and not because they're just higher tier monsters?

if you can do that why not just hit a weakpoint with a big gl swing more than twice then?

What's the first required mat for rarity 12 zinogre HBG? I can't seem to find it

I don't have a good screenshot on me right now but here's what I could find

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>I want big ones reee
The big ones we got are way better than shit like Lao Shan Lung.

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why do all the armor sets look so gaudy and uncomfortable

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Why not put the wyrmstake in a weakpoint while you're at it and unload your shells after a grug swing to triple your damage?

>seltas queen

Forgettable monster


cool design but annoying fight


are you trolling?




would be out of place


could have been in the Rotten Vale true

>yama tsukami



he'll be there




not that fun to fight, besides we already have too many big ass monsters

>shen gaoren





There's no Great Desert in the Old World

Meant for

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Xeno's lame, AT Xeno was alright
I hope we get a good MR version

You can do both

Xeno is pretty good as far as giant monsters go. People seem to compare Xeno to smaller flagships. But really Xeno should be compared to the likes of Mohrans and Lao.

wyrmblast doesnt do 1:1 shelling damage

What a fucking disgrace. Sure, Gigginox has the same concept as Khezu, but the execution is so much better it isn’t even funny. Khezu is just a bad attempt to pull off what Giggi masterfully does.

You're just nitpicking now for the lack of real arguments. It does infinitely more than 0, which would you be getting out of just grug combos without shelling.

Nergigante goes apeshit when he does the special roar animation and his wings spread up, it's Ruiner's standard state

>and Zamtrios’ skeleton isn’t in the game

Attached: elehp.jpg (400x400, 53K)

>actual fact about a move



Every monster type except Snake Wyverns and Bugs/Spiders has their basic movement animations present somewhere in World or Iceborne by now, usually in endemic life

play shotgun hbg with spread 3 ammo

I was gonna say that the spider animations were in until I remembered what the Scavantula walking animation looked like. If you want a laugh then go have a look at the little shits yourself.

>be black
>make a character that is suppose to look like you but doesn't
>the main thing that triggers you is how the character runs

He just doesn't run like a black person

Attached: qD3J9UR.png (400x400, 12K)

How do black people run?


>greatly exaggerates the damage wyrmstake does
>complains of nitpicking when told otherwise


Chest out, upright not like a running samurai

What about black samurai?

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Hunters all run like fucking weirdos don't worry about it too much. It's all exaggerated mocap.

zinogre triple slam bullshit is carting peopole left and right

So the panic run basically?

Zinogre is why I made an ice lance even though i don't play lance
I might not do any damage but I'm sure as fuck not getting carted
Now if only ingredients for Ironside Charm V existed

Huh? I thought it's slower and doesn't have bullshit tracking like before.

It's the discharge from the claws that;s getting people
Those bugs really fuck you up after the electricity trips you

Yes, MHW needs more cops.