Memes aside, should I actually try playing Undertale?

Memes aside, should I actually try playing Undertale?

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Of course, try any game you are interested in user!

Of course, try any game you are interested in user!

Of course, try any game you are interested in user!

Of course, try any game you are interested in user!

Of course, try TO FUCK THE GOAT user!

nope /thread

If you think you'll like it you probably will.

You can beat it in like three sittings, if you really want an opinion on it just try it

Sure, its a pretty fun time. I thought it was just decent until "You're blue now" and then I realized I was playing a great game.

Just keep in mind that the correct way of playing the game is never killing anyone at all and gaining 0 XP. Because subverting the tropes etc. You get a shitty patronizing ending if you ever beat anyone in combat. You're supposed to dodge their attacks and talk them down.

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It's incredibly overrated and the fanbase is absolutely insufferable, but the game itself is fun and charming enough to warrant at least trying it

Never be afraid to try anything new user.

since you get the neutral ending either way the first play through its not a huge deal to play however you want the first time around, since you replay maybe 2 hours.

gonna be honest guys

i couldnt finish the tutorial, i got stuck at some part after you fall down, i never finished the game after struggling for 2 hours

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You might actually be sub-100 IQ

>play however you want the first time around, since you replay maybe 2 hours
If you kill anybody you have to go back and do the whole thing over after unlocking the ability to get the true ending.

The tutorial quite literally holds your hand, what the fuck are you possibly stuck on

Only if you're playing it mostly blind. If you know a lot about the game beforehand, the magic wears off.

Yes. It's a good game, better played blind.

it's been a few years since I played, but after beating it with no kills, didn't you still have to do the friendship with undyne and the entire sub-lab quest line? Isn't everything before that a small amount of game to replay? I honestly don't remember.

You can do everything except for the lab stuff in the neutral playthrough. The lab stuff should only take about 30 min at most

Yes, its genuinely a good game user.

It was literally designed so children could beat it

The game tells you never to fight enemies from the very first battle with the dummy and the whole advertising schtick was "the game where you don't have to kill anyone," it should be easy for anyone to figure out you can win every battle by acting

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If you can grab it on a decent sale, absolutely. It's not mind-blowing despite what all the media says but it's a fun little bullet hell game with an interesting setting and a large cast of unconventional characters.

Yes. At least pirate it.

Unironically one of the best games of the decade.

If you already know what the point of the game is, then probably not. If you somehow hav nt had that spoiled for you, I'd say probably yeah, though it doesn't always click.

I mean uh, of course, try any game you are interested in user!
