Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in

For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky

Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Attached: 1569291244779.png (832x798, 417K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Rapier

Attached: 1569208643902m.jpg (845x1024, 69K)

>anchor post

REQ: some lewd art of Kate Denson from Dead by Daylight,on top of a Jigsaw box, with her jean shorts and panties (possibly) shucked down around one ankle, masturbating.
The Pig crouched next to her watching and sniffing Kate's panties through her mask.

- The pose in the upper and lower right is sort of close gives a ref.

Attached: kate bate 888.jpg (1710x1164, 638K)


who does this picture what the fuck
i cant even..

Are you a 14 year old white girl?

what's the problem?

Attached: 1554503593264.jpg (1200x1200, 293K)


Requesting more big booty boys



Requesting her getting throat fucked right as she starts to lecture you about why the choice you made was wrong.
Bonus points if she drinks piss after.

Attached: 1569011720234.png (669x678, 437K)

Requesting Katerina from Croixleur Sigma.
>naked ribbons
>naked apron and holding a cake
>erotic lingerie and holding a yes pillow

Attached: best genki collage.jpg (3953x3128, 1.63M)

Bros I've already fapped to this 4 times help me.

Requesting the mahjong cat dressed as Felicia or wearing the nyangerie.

Attached: ichihime mahjong soul.jpg (2258x1024, 509K)

Just some catfishing eurocuck who didn't want that delivery to get so many yous.

Go to sleep, burger

Requesting an under the stall, pants around the ankles shot of Elena from FF7. Cutesy underwear is a bonus.

Attached: 1566107642745.png (534x532, 188K)

Not until I steam Shulk's thick buns!

Requesting Princess Pitch doing a "Parry" like in SF or DmC

Attached: Pitch.png (1024x512, 106K)

Requesting lady Morag drinking some kinda fruity tropical drink

Attached: 1569278061165.jpg (901x1024, 188K)

Requesting this with Link as Remilia being defeated by chickens

Attached: 9c9.jpg (1307x528, 368K)

- from XCom Terror From the Deep.
- An Aqua-naught surprised by Xoidberg
"whoop whoop" whooping as he bursts out of a ship o UFO bulkhead door.

Attached: terror from the zoid.jpg (1068x878, 231K)

Requesting Helena Douglas ( DoA ) and Elizabeth (KOF) wearing their tight white leggings and jacket outfits posing like in the reference with Ash and Zack taking photos to their butts exposed.

Attached: 1557453436.jpg (3110x988, 815K)

Requesting the no way fag meme with Cloud and Tifa/Aerith

Attached: NoWayFag.jpg (1802x810, 300K)

Remember to vote for the fall collab!

Attached: fall collab.jpg (620x500, 155K)

Draw Poison.

Attached: Poison.jpg (1451x1738, 200K)

Requesting JC Denton meeting a very unamused Walton Simons at the Area 51 raid.

Attached: Deus Ex Raid.png (795x208, 251K)

Requesting Poison getting her hair cut into her new style.

Attached: Poisonprofile.png (420x346, 53K)

It's time

Attached: 800px-Yukimi_SS_SSR.png (800x515, 788K)

Requesting a masked Chloe furiously trying to pick a lock while a masked Max asks her if she still doesn’t know how to lock pick.

Attached: Strange Burglars.png (776x166, 173K)


She's finally voiced?

Requesting Angela Blackwell, Kathy Rain, Alexandra Rovias, Heather Mason, and Angie Prophet Re-enacting this scene from the Scooby Doo opening.

Attached: Group Shot.png (788x602, 453K)

Requesting Sheeva servicing 4 cocks, riding a cock and gargling balls at the same time

Attached: 1568757095885m.jpg (576x1024, 35K)

Requesting Akira from Live A Live stabbing thugs, bonus if he is reading their mind while doing that

Attached: Akira_tadokoro.jpg (451x639, 44K)

Requesting Queen Nancy receiving/giving headpats.

Attached: image.jpg (513x923, 73K)

Hello! I was the OR for that. Sorry that I missed your first post, I'm phoneposting and it must have gotten away from me as it moved between threads.
I'd like to say I love the delivery, and that silly was definitely the right way to go!
Thank you so much!

Attached: 0763.jpg (1000x1166, 145K)

Requesting Mona Sax seated while attaching a suppressor to the Walther PP pistol. In her usual attire, but keep the gloves.

Attached: Mona Sax Pose.png (897x702, 558K)

Requesting Big Smoke as the train. Thomas the Tank Engine style.

Attached: Big Smoke Train.png (885x275, 399K)

Attached: 0760.jpg (1400x1040, 366K)

Requesting Captain Falcon as a Fire Emblem character.
(for example as a Hero class)

Attached: Falcon Emblem.png (1300x1964, 2.96M)

Can I get this but with Aradia?

Attached: 1567038707785.jpg (1250x1000, 320K)

Requesting Yasuke posing like Ken-sama

Attached: 1569280570999[1].png (1200x1200, 1.18M)

Requesting koume with ghouls crawling into her mouth

Attached: D4AcCXWUYAAN1Si.png large.png (530x900, 220K)

why, man

Attached: 1567479759390.jpg (696x675, 262K)

That user was thinking of two Kirby's as the chicken's balls wasn't he?

Requesting a happy couple (user and Miyu Lynx) walking their dog (Fay Spaniel) in the park.

Attached: 1568460225776.jpg (600x574, 38K)

Requesting Mai Natsume from Blazblue sucking on a popsicle.

Attached: popsicle.jpg (3426x1600, 1.57M)

Requesting a parody of the Untitled Goose Game logo but with it changed to be 'Untited Geese Game' with Geese Howard taking the place of the Goose, and the Fatal Fury Team as the town people chasing it

Attached: UntitledGeeseGame.jpg (2940x2344, 761K)

Requesting Estelle Bright wearing nothing but her bike shorts and a white shirt that has turned translucent from working up a sweat.
Either stretching her arms, or sitting down to cool off from a workout.

Attached: Estelle.png (1688x2000, 1.83M)

Requesting madam Dronya Roasting some chestnuts over an open fire.

Attached: a08b960c4050bb63ba40446a21516cc4.jpg (454x672, 42K)

Requesting Haruka Sawamura from Yakuza dressed in just her hoodie, a pair of roller skates, and a set of headphones, while eating a lollipop.

Thanks in advanced

Attached: 1569283939316.jpg (1002x800, 106K)

Requesting yuffie turning the tables and wrapping her thighs around Tifa's face

Attached: 1569199452988.jpg (787x1024, 98K)

Requesting Makoto Niijima dressed as Shadaloo Dolls

Attached: makoto shadaloo.jpg (712x500, 108K)

Requesting noire with a womb tattoo of the playstation face buttons.

Attached: 1569212604899.png (744x1928, 1.01M)

Requesting this but with a vidya character, like Haru Okumura

Attached: 1569061478100.png (676x810, 610K)

Shit tastes.

Requesting Sig from Puyo Puyo, fuckin' his friend Amitie in a mating press

Extra tidbits:
>First, for clarification, Ami's hat has a mind of its own, so give it an expression with the eyes.
>And lastly, make it look cute. The most important thing!

Attached: 1569166944805.jpg (1024x576, 59K)

Requesting a Monster Hunter forcing another hunter to drink an HP potion.
Your choice in armor if you have a preference, I just have these as a suggestion.

Attached: Wide range request.jpg (2138x1049, 655K)

Requesting Yagumo from kabuki klash naked with a fan in butthole her(anal insertion)

Attached: yagumo_kak-288.png (466x325, 80K)

Requesting a picture of Annie Eilenberg in her pajamas

Attached: anniepj.png (1000x1174, 1.48M)

Requesting siren from dragalia lost trying to shake off stage fright before a show.

Attached: x01ks7zuuug31.png (1255x1362, 1.83M)

Requesting a parody of the center image but with Sora (right) holding the bag and telling StarBreaker (left) to get into the bag because she's garbage.

Attached: SoraGarbo.png (1286x597, 636K)

is this the IM GONNA FUCKING COOM general

Depends on how many are into that much flab.

Attached: 0762.jpg (1400x1383, 376K)

Requesting hat kid to have the same body+pose as the ref as well having her have a smug face with it this also includes having her nude

Attached: Hatkid ref.png (1280x1281, 821K)

Requesting Leia Rolando from Tales of Xillia without her jacket and only wearing her black underclothes.

Attached: Leia Rolando.png (883x766, 688K)

Make Kohaku (on the left) posing like the girl on the right. You might want to take her giant boots off.
Optional: Make her boobs as big as the reference

Attached: kopen.png (1372x1436, 1.22M)

Requesting Mai Natsume tied up in what's known as a 'Shrimp Tie'. Examples of it have been included in the reference.

Attached: MaiShrimp.jpg (3664x2108, 907K)

Attached: marth crusader.png (606x511, 170K)

Any oppai Saria request?


Legal-aged looking Oppai Saria trying to squeeze into her old outfit.

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi", giving one of her gloves to the viewer as a duel declaration, doing an elegant rapier thrust attack, doing that "shaking the dust off the shoulders" gesture after winning a duel/next to the corpse of her opponent or anything else related to elegant fights/dueling you can think off.

>Character reference:
>Weapon reference:'s_Rapier
(any other rapier is fine to)

Alternatively, doing that "cheers!" gesture while holding a glass with a bubbly liquid similar to "Champagne", but with an small arrow pointing to the glass and a message that says "Soda", since i dont drink alcoholic stuff.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: 6db5ac0b60e0d5aef2728497b2c4f49582c8d67aa990ed0e85b7bbf9d4b13e8f.png (349x488, 172K)

Requesting Celes and Terra in the Dirty Pair pose below

Attached: CCTB.png (740x1066, 644K)

Requesting destroyed or heavy battle-damaged Toaster-Aigis.

Attached: 1566099501720.gif (512x512, 1.77M)

Requesting madotsuki wearing a HEV suit.

Attached: Req M.png (1036x1027, 1.48M)

Requesting Alex doing a blowjob motion. Or just him smiling or something

Attached: alexref.jpg (1400x1496, 799K)

Requesting Byleth in a caped Fleet Admiral uniform. (from Legend of Galactic Heroes)

Attached: BylethLOGH.png (2060x1568, 3.95M)

Ragnarök Gypsy(male).

Attached: resized.png (1302x1842, 830K)

God. Fatfags are as bad as Bara fags

Requesting princess Zelda and Great fairy from Hyrule Warriors as in the imgur image situation:
Zelda as the scared girl/Marge and the Great Fairy Naked (showing breasts and face too)

Attached: maxresdefault.png (1868x712, 2.54M)
this but with Aigis or Aradia giving a throat fucked blow job

It's an open req and yet you still got shittier taste than me

Attached: you.gif (480x269, 3.04M)


Attached: is this nigga serious.png (872x632, 262K)

Requesting a picture of Haze from Anonymous Agony dabbing with a speech bubble saying "YE YE"

Attached: Haze.png (396x447, 150K)

>not boxer futa-attachment Aigis throatfucking boxer Aradia

Attached: 308.png (737x723, 144K)

Requesting Urbosa and Telma mooning as the reference

Attached: hmg.jpg (824x723, 278K)

Requesting this but with Link and Telma

Attached: a57d648d1b7d674813f316639b40980c.jpg (758x1200, 629K)

>Oktoberfest not winning anymore
Darn. Oh well, I'll just draw girls in bar maid outfits getting oggled by cool dudes in lederhosen while making merriment on beer and schnitzel myself!


Requesting Sakura from Fire Emblem wearing this outfits

Attached: sakura scuba.jpg (1307x951, 398K)

and i'm the king of england

Requesting Beach No Hanako from Yokai Watch medal wars being embarrassed when floating hands stroke and play with her wet hair

Attached: Beach no Hanako reference.png (2603x1406, 2.65M)

Attached: 0761.jpg (1200x1653, 250K)

Attached: AC0AF80D-DFF6-41A5-A11E-57D732D94429.png (1367x873, 288K)

Requesting Kamui herding sheep

Attached: Kamui Echoes.png (1376x1013, 1.84M)

Not asking for requests, I'm just blog posting, Your Majesty.

Requesting final dlc fusion

Attached: PicsArt_09-23-03.05.30.jpg (1832x1440, 292K)

Requesting these Nazis Blacked

Are you retarded? Fuck off.

requesting this but with spike from ape escape

Attached: spike.png (1280x642, 507K)

Is iggy bomb still working on that edith up pic?

Resquesting Bayonetta (long hair) [NSWF] doing double Fingering as in the reference photo as if it were a "Quick Time Event"

Attached: b.png (664x500, 353K)