It's game time

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Other urls found in this thread:

I give his chest hair a 3 out of 5

>Just got home from school
>grab a granola bar
>Sign in to Gamespy Arcade
>Call people niggers
>Oh shit its time for Xplay
>Queue up some Limewire downloads
>see Adam the gamer* tell me about all the hottest new releases
>bros Resident Evil 4 is going to be crazy can't play this on Gaystation 2 haha eat shit Tony
I was able to pay off my medical bills today.

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We trashed Morgan back in the day but damn I'd kill to see a girl like that again.

my nigga

I know that feel man

We probably wont even have this place anymore in a year so, since the underage shitposting became unbearable "lately"

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For some reason I like these threads even though i never saw the show, don't know the hosts, and have absolutely zero connection to the show. But the threads are comfy listening to you guys talk about nostalgia

you can watch X-Play on yt if you want to see what it was like before yt was a thing

>you can't go back

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For me. its Morgan Webb

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damn I forgot about that...

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She wasn't even the hottest chick on the channel.

I miss being 16, watching tech tv and logging on guild wars and playing with my uncle. Only thing I had to worry about was homework.

why op

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This might be up there with MST3K and Bob Ross as one of the comfiest shows of all time.

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yeah she was. she was pure, unlike the AOTS thots you're thinking of

Do you remember MSN Gaming Zone? I used to get on there with dial-up 56k modem we had in the house to play Jedi Knight multiplayer online.

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i think i played Age of Empires II on that platform

Shut up boomers

Nah, I'm thinking that one chick from Cheat. Her legs were ridiculous.

Fuck you G4 faggots. TechTV was actually based as fuck showing tons of upcoming technology, in depth reviews, great interviews, and even technical assistance. Then G4 came along and turned it into dudebro, mountain dew and Doritos the channel.

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You are now manually remembering the MSN Messenger new message sound.

and it was laggy af :)

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It all went to hell after 2005.

I kind of like not knowing

this is more of a millennial/gen x thing little zoom zoom

THIS is Xplay

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Aw, did you fee fees get hurt, cause you cant talk along, kid ?

yeah that's true. Kristen Holt was her name

>no more Aol AIM
>No more million mmos to choose from and try
>No more rage lobbies on MW2/Halo3
>no more Adam screaming about escort missions
>No more Morgan being the truest tomboy ive ever seen her names even Morgan

>tfw we wont get back that PS2 Xbox GC era where there was a whole range of games coming out from AAA to AA to budget and indie, with loads of licensed games of varying quality
You cant have a show like this work anymore without that constant flow of games

For me, it's Sarah Lane

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how does it feel to miss out on the golden age of being a kid and on the golden age of gaming? How does it feel to only have ruined franchises, microtransaction ridden literal casino games, and cheap chinese mobile trash left for you?

I miss X-Play


>Its a mister Money Ad
So did it actually help you make money or what?


people miss that cops skit was godly not cause of the skit itself but since the show was aware of how the network was turning into Cops reruns 24/7 and the skit was a deeper meta joke on the state of the network

he looks like he fucks shemales

No such thing as shemales. They're just males.

>he wasn’t born in 96

thanks for clearing that up for us

Feels really fucking weird having such a huge physical collection of lost media. Here's a link to rips of my Cinematech/Nocturnal Emissions collection uploaded by g4zdtechtv (god bless him)

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>he wasn't born in 81

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FUN FACT: Adam Sessler has not slept since X Play was canceled.

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>uploaded by g4zdtechtv (god bless him)
I love his channel, but why does he do it?

reminder for truly based old techtv fans to check out No Agenda, the politics/news deconstruction podcast with the cranky geek himself

Did you also save the commercials?

God I remember having episodes taped with my VCR where she'd wear shirts like that and made her tits look huge.

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>tfw getting on gamespy to play operation flashpoint or joint ops with my internet bros

I want to go back!

I was blocked by Adam Sessler for calling Antifa terrorists.

who here /lostanotherloantoDitech/?

>loans as low as 6.998%!
LMAO they can eat shit


>and made her tits look huge.
user... Her tits WERE huge.

You're right G4 ruined everything, theres a great video about it on you tube.

Because no one else will.

Medium at best nigga.

>pushing down on the table so hard, he's bending it

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i mean
Unless she's one of those girls whose tits REALLY vary in size during her ovulation cycle which could be and is a real thing but not all that common.

I miss the early 2000s so fucking much. Now I'm a fucking janitor for crying out loud. Take me back.

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is there any chance all the g4 uploads and archival would get taken down by whatever company still owns it or does noone care?

Dvorak is a complete fucking retard though
>Thought the invention of the computer mouse was a gimmicky fad
>Thought the same thing about smartphones
>Thought the same thing about tablets

The guys a dumb fuck.

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I doubt they care. In a previous thread someone mentioned how nbc universal refuses to sell the rights to anything g4 related despite not doing anything with it. All I can think about are the hundreds of lost episodes of series like cinematech rotting in a company archive, never to be seen again by anyone. I have almost all of Nocturnal Emissions in my collection, but I don't even have half of the original Cinematech.

It all started going to shit somewhere around 2007-2008, and it's been a gradual downhill slide ever since.

>tfw no 6.5/10 kind of doughy but still stacked gf that can tease me about how lifelike she is when I get home from a shitty day of work

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I know the feel. Focus on what you can do to better you and your life and don't dwell on things in the past.

I'm going to go out on a limb, and make a prediction that she's an ultra-feminist now who regrets doing that.

NBC owns all the rights but is doing that corporate thing where they don't give a shit about anything involving the material, don't even acknowledge its existence, but also refuse to license it to anyone. Why corporations do this shit is a universe mystery

What I miss the most are forums. They died when people realized they could just make a subreddit for free instead of dealing with the hassle of running a website. The internet is so fucking consolidated now. It's so lonely, man.

>she's an ultra-feminist
I don't think so, but she does complain that this gif "haunts her".

Trademarks only last 10 years if unused. I'm not sure when exactly G4 went off the air, but it's getting close to the point where all of that shit is just gonna be public domain.

user, I....
>A long time ago, Veronica Belmont was featured in a blooper reel for her old TV show in which she clowned around with a Cthulhu t-shirt, wiggling back and forth and saying "So lifelike." A creepy Internet person turned the moment into a GIF that has followed her around ever since, so that other creepy Internet people post it every time she opens her mouth online, and creepy Internet porn companies use it in their ads.
>In a beautiful XOXO talk, Belmont describes the process by which her identity was overtaken by a meme, and how the process has made her reflect on her own reflexive participation in negative Internet activity. As Matt Haughey puts it: "It’s a great talk that really drives the point home that sometimes the Internet can be a crappy place, but on the bright side, the Internet does let people hear the rest of a story, like this one."
It feels like all of the fun people from back then have been replaced with fucking pod people. Nothing is fun anymore.

perhaps they're preparing for the great relaunch of g4? Companies are retarded and out of touch but they have to have noticed all the streaming culture and nostalgia for g4

forgot the pic

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I used to play Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds on that all fuckin day

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>"I was literally raped because I shook my titties on a TV show, and people online responded to that."

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Dvorak is smarter than he lets on and smarter than you by a longshot. you've fallen for the memery of one of the oldest Memelords of the pre-Internet. he also got fired from PC Mag for writing a column outlining rbe possible dangers of 5G, and the column was replaced by another column praising 5G. he also does market podcast with a Jew and if you listened to that one too you could literally make money as I have.

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>tfw you'll never come home from school again and turn on G4 and watch a hot babe on X-Play talk about your favorite games

>tfw your parents were so fucking cheap that you didn't get to play xbox 360 or ps3 with your friends and you only had reviews to watch on TV

I miss my childhood, but then I remember that I scarcely had one.

Based cat.

hey whoever the user is who provided archives of cinematech, i just want to sincerely say youre doing gods work, i checked out an episode of nocturnal emissions and already i found some games that caught my eye that i would have never given a second thought years ago (like some fe clone called elvandia story on ps2) gonna binge these probably

>MSN Gaming Zone
that's how my first guild came together
2 guys ment on msn gaming playing chess or something and one talked the other into getting a good pc to play SWG together and the rest is history

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I'd like to second this. I have so much love for archivists and bootlegger types.

I hope not. G4 was the cancer that killed TechTV. Let it rot in hell.

It's become the thing I leave playing while I fall asleep, or have running in the background while I'm playing Borderlands.

where did her tiddies go, she must be one of those unfortunate girls where when she lost weight it all came out of her boobs

Enjoy sucking the cock of a retard I guess.

First of all, trademarks are considered abandoned after 3 years in the USA, not 10. Second of all, a trademark has little to do with intellectual property law in regards to television copyright and are really different things.

I'm glad you all are enjoying it. I got tired of waiting for someone else to upload episodes, so I hunted down the episodes themselves.To see that hundreds and hundreds of people have downloaded the archives and watched them on youtube brings me great joy.

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>mfw I've been on a torrenting tear recently, and have a comprehensive archive of Cinematech, Monstervision, Beavis and Butthead, Liquid Television, Mystery Science Theater 3000, The Maxx, Most Extreme Elimination Challenge, old Toonami promos/reviews/commercials, Viva La Bam, The Tom Green Show, Wildboyz, and Jackass.

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Don’t confuse underage with homosexuality

It's always hard for me to gauge why everyone's a little bitch now. Is it the trend of politicization of everything that's been going on high gear since Kanye said Dubya hated the negro?

I often think a big part of peoples' change in behavior is the unfortunate side effect that nothing ever goes away now thanks to the internet. This titcow clearly having fun shaking her cans with her friends was perfectly content to do so because the idea that a gif would exist for literal decades after viewed by tens of millions of people wasn't a thing. So now everyone's bitter.

>t. g4nigger who missed techtv in its prime

Thanks for doing it, man.

>Sure, I'll give you the cheat codes after you fuck me

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She hit the wall hard, don't look her up now. But fugggggg I jerked it to her so much in the 00s

Nice to see a fellow myspleen user on here. Thanks for downloading my cinematech uploads, it really means a lot.

I'm literally the one that's been calling G4 watchers faggots the whole thread, but OK. Dvorak is an idiot. I'm glad you enjoy him though.


I'm desperate for someone to upload old toonami somewhere

what was your favorite Anime Unleashed anime?

I have VHS tapes somewhere in my parents' basement of episodes of ROD The TV I recorded. sneaking downstairs to watch late-night TechTV and adult swim and teach myself HTML and RPG Maker 2000 on an old laptop after the parents were asleep during middle school was already comfy as fuck, but then TechTV showed ROD The TV on Anime Unleashed at the same time adult swim showed the Read or Die OVA sometimes, when not showing Lupin III or Cowboy Bebop...

I actually get her point, it reminds me of how no Brazilian can ever post something on Yea Forums without getting 5 guys posting "Huehuehuehue"

I'm actually on IPtorrents, but I'm desperate to get on myspleen. Is it even possible anymore?

It's the only site I know of that has the most recent Joe Bob's Last Drive-In season, and Shudder is already starting to pull episodes off their own site. I've started to turn into an archiving autist in recent years.

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I think the implications of her being remembered as masturbation fuel
over a job she needed to do is flying over your head. I know it's cool to be retarded here but hot damn you're too retarded

>he doesn't have a myspleen

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alright, admittedly based, I kept up with the old techtv crew in the early podcast days and they all ended up turning into various shades of faggot, especially Leo Laporte and Kevin Rose. Leo's podcast was terrible faggotry in retrospect and the only one who wanted to talk about anything remotely interesting is Dvorak, who Leo kicked off the show when Dvorak said he believed "Ahmed the clock boy" was a hoax on twitter. that's the exact kind of fag everyone became, because they all lived in the inflection point for all this shit, the Bay Area & surrounding CA. it's been a wild nearly couple of decades watching this shit go from the "innocent" days of early techtv as depicted in threads like these, to the entertainment world/modern culture of today. I've been meaning to try and dig up the old episodes of diggnation, it's sure to be a fine aged blend of cringe and based

I mean, she definitely wouldn't care if it didn't follow her around so much. It's pretty understandable, having a fun moment that people may see occasionally on a rerun is one thing. The internet sucks sometimes, I feel bad for people who get turned into memes. I would never want that kind of attention, or attention on a wide scale at all.


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cromartie by far, back then my sister used to fuck with me by going "you only watch it because you like the girl" which was true most of the time and this show had none of that but was fucking funny at the same time

Who's that?

stop raping her Agent Incel

I'm going to give your post a proper reply as soon as I finish this glass of water.

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Yeah, most of them did turn into faggots. But, I always just viewed them as entertainment. They're not actual tech geniuses, they're broadcasters. Laporte I'm the most torn on, as I absolutely love his voice and enthusiastic presentation style, but he's a legitamately shitty human being with the all the worst personal opinions. Although maximum keks were had when he accidentally showed his dick pics on a device during a live broadcast. Fucking priceless.

Fuck off toady

>so life-like :)

I used to really like Leo because yeah his broadcaster presentation style is obviously really good, professional, personable, all that. he was probably always kind of a dick in private but I'd imagine livestreaming basically your whole long work day for years would exacerbate that for anyone. but yeah he didn't realize how much everyone having a smartphone would change the internet, nobody wants a podcast network of vapid tech podcasts with one or two interesting ones anymore, and hasn't since people purchased new products with 'iPod' in the title. also didn't he Night in the Woods'd a young guy who worked for him? thought I read about it but it was long after I stopped listening

>also didn't he Night in the Woods'd a young guy who worked for him?
his name was Erik Lanigan

Not sure, as I haven't kept up with him either lately. The only "controversies" of his recently that I'm aware of was his dick pic, an incident where he showed his wife's pussy, and his off camera screaming at Sarah Lane.

>be senior in HS
>stay up all night because I was locked into my uni and my parents didn't give a fuck about me by that point
>watch cinematech for the insane 3 hour block they had after midnight
>this went on to become cinematech late night emissions where all the games were jap porn games

>tfw sarah underwood went on to do playboy

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People have been saying that for well over a decade. We'll be fine.

i want to lick her freckles tbqh

>do the exact same thing even playing BL3 as well
kinda creepy realizing someone else does it

youre a cool dude

i fall asleep to g4 playlists too user.

>Make fun of morgan as a kid for being a 'fake gamer'
>She actually gave a shit about video games and told women not to be too shitty about dating games
>Adam was the whiny californian shill who never played video games before getting the job

One of my greatest shames.

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rabbit hole warning yes that's a whole blog devoted to people who still hatewatch twit for the drama. the main other drama thread you missed was, he cheated on his wife (whom he had a then-teenage daughter with) with a woman he hired, the dick pic was him sending it to the mistress. iirc there were more incidents like this, including something about a "sex swing." he has since been divorced and remarried. wild shit, like I said I used to listen to several podcasts on my old ipod in high school. found this all out in 2015 or so whenever the "ahmed the clock boy" story happened, heard Leo fired Dvorak, went down this twit drama rabbit hole, shit's weird man

what a tweeest

imagine being such a vindictive homosexual that you marry morgan webb and then tell her to get a breast reduction

This is why I don't like homosexuals. They perform evil deeds like this on society just because they can.

imagine being a kike that marries Olivia Munn and tells her to fuck up her face and body with plastic surgery

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anyone else remember when martin fucking sargent had a late night show

>Morgan aged like wine
>Adam aged like milk

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Do you think they **c***?

FUCK YES. I spent hours looking it up, but there is for an objective fact, an episode where the entire time he was getting hammered and not giving a fuck. He'd cut away to a segment, only to come back to a few shots and a mixed drink. Shit was fucking HILARIOUS

big sis is now mommy

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Morgan webb is only like 5'6 and towered over Adam. So no.

>God sends down dream tomboy who even has huge tits
>faggot convinces here to reduce them
>some dude out there saw huge tits and willfully told her to reduce them
no words can express my anger

wasnt it unscrewed or something, i think the word biscuit was somewhere in it too

>then tell her to get a breast reduction


Fuck sessler

yup unscrewed. I usually think black chicks are gross but his co-host with the huge tits and the non-ghetto personality was nice

Was Rahxephon on there? Probably that.

"Unscrewed with Martin Sargent"
as a kid I remember Sarge being great, like a poor man's Tom Green but more of my kind of autistic (techtv) vs. MTV's audience's kind of autistic. didn't the show have a brown qt

Can we get a gaming channel back on TV?

>talks like a white girl
>big tiddies

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I always imagine what current day would be like if g4 TV attempted to dedicate time blocks on cable/satellite for streaming. Imagine if Pewdiepie or something started out on that channel

Yeah I feel kind of bad for her
It's not like she did porn but she's known as the jiggle gif woman now

it must be seriously horrible having an unknown amount of strangers who are enamored with how beautiful you are

i like her smile
i like her tits
her body in movement is a pleasure to look at

what possibly could there be to feel bad about maybe if people were making fun of her but there not shes just in the one motion extremely pretty to look at

TV is pretty much on a death spiral. Look at the ratings for pretty much everything and it's all plummeted. Everyone has switched over to on demand shit like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc. Pretty much the only TV still doing well are the major networks like CBS, NBC, etc. And that's only because their main audience are geriatric luddites. Within a decade or so even they will be struggling. I can't see a gaming channel doing well at all in this day.

all of those channels aren't even doing well. I'm pretty sure Cable/satellite loses some 500k of subs every year

gib me coco mommy

maybe she should have done something else noteworthy aside from being a vapid cute host. aside from being "that one cute girl who was on tv back in the day on a channel almost nobody watched," she hasn't done anything interesting or important.

>back on TV
You're like those tards in youtube comments sections telling some lad making vids about cars/video games/hobby machine 'whoa dude u should be on TV'

That would be a step back. TV Is done. It's outmoded, why people keep holding it up as a step up is relic thinking

Knowing that you're associated with porn banner ads probably isn't a great feeling

latter-day TechTV leading up to the merger was soulful as fuck senpai take me back TAKE ME BACK

well instead of being remembered as the adorable chick with a rack that shook her tits, you could be known as the weirdo coke headed fuck whit like adam?

You kidding?
Most guys could live off that kind of high for life.

Shit, I'm looking for this as well. Got a torrent of you joe bobb archive?

shes not in porn dude its not that big of a deal

I said leading UP to the merger not postmerger faggotry g4 zoomlet

(CLICK ON THE LINK. It leads to a mega playlist)

People have been saying that for years
Anyone with sense fled this place for greener pastures long ago

holy shit sorry, based

Who are those people?

>Who are those people?

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I wonder if he’d go back in time and cancel himself over “toxic masculine behavior” if he had a time machine.

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>ZDTV comes out and is the uber geek channel, no fucks given for casuals
>It becomes TechTV, still an extreme geek channel but now with a more friendly, fun, yet still professional vibe
>It morphs into G4, Mountain Dew and Doritos for everyone!
>It's rotten corpse has become a literal soap opera

Clown world confirmed.

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Absolutely Mommy-tier.

Man, she is so fucking annoying. This is the main reason why TechTV/G4 went down hill

this is something I've thought of actually. He employed such an SJW personality today, I actually wonder if he realizes his career would have been destroyed had the climate been the same back then

Are you at least a janitor at a high-school so there is something to look at?

>no more Adam screaming about escort missions
Shit man. You actually made me feel, and I thought I was dead there.

I love Adam, but that God of War review really broke my opinion of him. It was so fucking dishonest. Even lying about what happens

I remember that episode he proved some internet tablet could beat a breathalyzer and it worked

>No more Morgan being the truest tomboy

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holy fuck thank you. My mind just exploded.

>Girl on the top left on her phone
Get off and walk, you skank! Can’t you see how tired those horses are of carrying your lazy ass around?

yeah imagine you looked up to a MMA fighter in 1999 now 10 years later hes commentating WWE

gaming icons for a very specific demographic of mostly white American 20-30something nerds who grew up in a middle-class household with access to the obscure television station "TechTV," which started out as "ZDTV," or Ziff Davis Television, ZD being a publisher for things such as PC Magazine. the image epitomizes this specific nostalgia for a time where TV that was filmed in California and Bay Area tech culture in general was -- for lack of a better term, pre-iPhone, pre-app startups, pre-hipsters, pre-"SJW" (in its current form). watching this growing up, we had immense optimism about technology and society and where things were headed, even in a post-9/11 world

did you just write this yourself?

yeah it's late and i'm having nostalgic feels even tho we see this thread like every other day fight me

well put

i wanna fight....
lets fight!

how has nobody posted this yet

great, now it reminds me of the coomer.
Thanks a lot Yea Forums

Is tlou the most pretentious game ever?

oh no no no no

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It was so crazy watching Sessler throw away an entire decade of "cred" he built up in those several months that terrible Rev3Games start-up hosted him and he revealed himself to be an absolute hack that was, and is, nothing without really good writers feeding him a personality and a Morgan nearby that actually knows what she's talking about.

tied with bioshock infinite, except bioshock infinite has a nonzero amount of (weird) soul. tlou is pretty soulless

Don't know if you're quite as much of an old fag as myself, but if you are here's a shot of ancient nostalgia.
>waking up at 5:30am before school just so I could watch the the fantasy of dashing through a store of NES games covered in velcro and slapping as many cartridges as I could grab onto my body in a wet dream shopping spree while eating a PB&J sandwich.

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Reminds me of drew scanlon, instead of bitching about it, he turned it into a literal financial fundraiser for a good cause, and made something like $150k for I think childs play. maybe eff.


Has SJWism really been fagging everything up for this long already holy shit.

2013 wasn't that long ago. But yes, SJW as we know them today were around even then.

The Sixth Slave was published in 2010 newfriend

Since 2007, when TBBT started airing, if I recall. That's when "geek" started to be "chic."

True. Especially with the release of Portal. I was in high school at the time and it was the most "chic" game since Resident Evil 4.
The cake xD Lie!!!

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I wish that i could turn back time

Hey man, where can I get this? I'm interested myself.

Not to excuse rating a game lower because of "muh morals", but he's right in the fact that GoW has always been frat-bro tier mindless combat. Anyone that actually likes GoW are the same people that watch South Park. I.E. people that never stopped being 12.

this was before my time by like seven years but my neighbor had an episode his mom taped for him on VHS. I haven't thought about this in years holy shit

this is awesome user, how did you come across this collection?

>the maxx
I just read through that comic again, and watched the series. I'm so disappointed it never got a full adaptation into the tv series. The art was literally perfect adaptation of the comic art, but they only did like that half arc. It sucks.

Cool time that was. *sip.

Tell me about it. Internet mobs and meme spouters are just like pod people.

It and "Captain N: The Game Master" was maximum morning cartoon for us 80s fags. A great time.

Get out, dogfucker.

someone steal this as pasta the next time this thread gets made

>Look her up
>She's hotter now than in that pic
Dude what?

why did you remind me that that cross over existed?

he knew his soi loving owner had to be put down.

>thinking you didn't have a childhood because you didn't get to play the latest overpriced wallet-draining tech with your spoiled faggot friends
Come on user

Fact: no woman with fake tits is hot. I'm not saying she's ugly. But, plastic surgery isn't hot. Ever.

Violet Berlin was born to be prime MAMMY

>Adam used to be funny, cool, cared about games and most importantly: had hair
I wanna go back

at least Morgan is still hot

>cared about games
He never did. He just had the interns do all his reviews.

The cat stopped him from doing the soi face

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Respect your elders

Mother of God

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>Britbongs have an incest fetish
Wow, what a shocker.

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I love people like you

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Why did you have to post this and remind me of days gone by? I miss playing Gunz: The Duel for hours on end with Xplay.

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Oh wait no I'm thinking of something else. It was a gaming app with X in its name, fuck I can't remember it.



Dont bother, the breast reduction meme is just a retarded rumor that gets perpetuated despite zero proof.


Are you gay by chance?

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What greener pastures? Niche imageboards have zero activity and resetera is heavily censored. Discord is trash as well.


That's it! I remember that shit. I also remember going to my local netcafe back in like 05' where everything was dark with soft green or red lights and D&B was playing while everyone was playing anything from Counter-Strike to vanilla WoW. I used to go there every weekend to play some CS, Diablo, C&C, or WoW. Man I miss it.

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I've been subbed to him for a year now, it's a fantastic channel for unwinding. Let him know we appreciate everything that based bastard does.

>Catch us tomorrow night
>We're here every night

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fuck man that got me into tf2!

I remember staying up near midnight, and the trailer 1 and 2 played. Shit blew my god damn mind.

She has nothing to be ashamed of with that gif. The harder they complain and try to distance themselves, the worse off they'll be. If you want to get over something, lean into it.


>get home from school
>turn on G4
>log into WoW
>Spend the rest of the night doing both only stopping for dinner

Congrats on paying off your bills. I hope you're able to enjoy having a bit of extra cash now.
My diagnosis just came back the other day that I possibly have cancer and now have to have more tests done.

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Know that feel.
Got diagnosed with cancer when I was 13. shit sucks lol.

I guess that crazy phase she had before becoming popular really fugged her up.

I'm more bothered by the fact you presume I'm a Br*t than implying I've an incest fetish

>the only games that exist anymore are new triple-A games
Boomer is starting to have brain rot

>TV 14 VS
what's it up against?

they're using syfy for all their nerd culture shit including video games because it has a marginally higher public opinion than G4

The things I’d do to her

Coom after 30 seconds? I'm sure she'd appreciate that.

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>being excited for e3
>drinking all night while playing rainbow six vegas and call of duty
>playing america's army on pc
>not having to worry about anything

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Daily reminder that Reviews on the Run > Xplay

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oh shit

totally forgot about those 2 guys! both of them knew their shit

True. But Tommy was the most faggot of faggots. I wouldn't be surprised if his fridge consisted of nothing but gallons of HIV positive jizz.

fapped to infinity and beyond to this

Not him but that was my introduction to G1 back in the early 2000s. I don't remember much of it but was it really that bad?

They were simpler times

being born between 1995-2015 makes you a zoomer, retard

You don't even know what simpler times means little baby zoom zoom.

Victor Lucas put Electric Playground on YouTube and uploads daily. Check it.

Based liquid television and maxx poster, Mr. Gone till this day is one of my favorite characters.

>xplay more like XDOODY LOL
lmao soul

I remember when stuff like MSN gaming Zone basically had zero moderation. Also Ants. Fuckin ANTS and Rogue Spear all day. It's criminal that this competitive light strategy game is totally dead.

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Lol this nigga never liked any game. Show was kino.

I still think the soundtrack to advent rising is fucking amazing. It's a pity that the guy stopped doing music for games for the most part.


lol hope you die soon

forgot Starcraft?!

>how does it feel to miss out on the golden age of being a kid
Not him, but the golden age of being a kid was before the internet became a big thing. It's just progressively gotten worse since then.

three out of five of those things do in fact exist
which is an average score on x-play

that'd be nostalgic

i want to die

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>haha, i love this show, it's so fresh and edgy. it's about this balding manlet who's the butt of every joke and the totally cool, totally hip Gamer Girl™ who shows off her sweet thesaurus skills and is totally a Badass Girl™ while demeaning the balding manlet! so fresh and edgy!


Am I the only one who sometimes watches old X-Play episodes with the commercials and gets nostalgic and super comfy?

Morgan was a competent tech and known for gaming before X-play ever aired. Bitches don't know about the true beginning of all this- Tech TV.

>A creepy Internet person turned the moment into a GIF

t. I'm fat and nobody finds me attractive. I am offended that someone finds that girl attractive.

No, because somebody has been reposting all the episodes on youtube recently. Most of them don't appear to have the commercials cut out.

Oh, she was a "competent tech." That's cool, do you have any citation for this other than your fantasies?

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This is pure faggotry, get fucked zoomer.

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Do you know what "The Screen Savers" was?

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They do but moved on and don't go here. Usually.
I would call you underage but I forget that you could be here after the year 2001. Shits crazy.

HAHAHA nice cope faggot.

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forums still exist user
a lot of people do seem like faggots which makes generally using that insult ironic

Yeah, I recall Leo, I had a crush on Sarah when I was young. What does any of this have to do with Morgan being competent? Olivia Munn was on a tech show too.

user... do you not know about the existence of Toonami Aftermath?

lol based

Fucking christ. In 2007 when that show premiered, I was already out of high school for 3 years and longing for better days. Now It's been 12 years since that and I'm longing for the time when I was longing for better days.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

>So fucking based.
Still remember fapping to Morgan during the Breakfast Club episode.

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who cares what she appreciates?
pump her full of seed and move on like a man

X-play was more about the interns and sketches than about Adam, Morgan, or their game reviews.

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This. Morgan has huge tits and showed them off every day, and while people still remember her for it, she was legitimately a gamer and had her own opinions, so it's not the only thing we remember her for. That other chick is literally just a pair of jiggling tits in a Cthulu shirt.

If you're a whiny pussy, yeah, probably.

Basically the good cop/ bad cop show of G4.

>worshiping some canadian feminist with a man jaw

What happened to you, Yea Forums? You were the chosen one.

Well that had to be around the time cracked went to shit.

>woman sexy = bad not good
how the fuck does this happen, were you a dumb idiot or something?

I remember Veronica when she moved on to that PlayStation Network show Qore. Not sure what happened to her after that.

only been here recently then?

More like good mistress/bad cuck. That show was built on self-deprecation and pretending girls are better gamers. It was the precursor to the modern game """""journalism""""" cancer.

Is this from Morgans show before X-Play? God take me back to 2005.

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Don't shake your tits around if you don't want people looking at them, especially on fucking television you vapid cunt.

I would like to think this can be done

Finish your homework zoomer

Get insurance nigger.

Never saw the final broadcast, that's depressing.

I've got the DVD boxed set of that. It's absolute garbage, but it reminds me of better times.
What the fuck was wrong with Mega Man holy shit he's not even blue

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Blessed be this cat.

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>vote for obama
>get promised if i like my doctor i can keep my doctor
>get promised free healthcare
>get obamacare and instantly find out my premiums are too high to get sick
>find out i can now only afford walk-in clinics in ghetto areas

I sure am happy that 70 percent of my paycheck goes to taxes and health insurance. Golly, I can't wait until the next election cycle to vote in even more democrats!

Based Morgan. One of the few women on video games that didnt end up crazy, an SJW, or a tranny.

apparently the creators played megaman on a broken crt so they thought he was green

It’s a shame they’ll never release X-Play on DVD. I know it would be hell to license and wouldn’t sell anyway, but it would be nice.

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Just popped in to say you guys are pathetic for missing those days. They weren't good and Morgan Webb was never talented, your lives are just atrophied and going nowhere.

If you miss yesteryear, your life isn't moving forward.

>Buying a health plan from the marketplace

If had to choose working for a faggot employer that can't provide insurance vs being unemployed and get Medicaid Im always gonna go with the Medicaid option.

Absolutley based, god I hope these Xplay threads never get deleted.

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>Giga Games was the hottest shit in 2004
>on tv each day from 22:00 to 0:00
>can only watch it secretly because I have to be in bed by 22:00
>if you watched it you were the coolest dude in school
God I loved that show, it was so ridiculously funny. Every one of these guys was great.

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>live in Canada
>free health care

I don't get this either, why are women so vindictive over others perceiving them as attractive
it's like the female version of men giving a shit over what words are slung at them
it's like you've got a certain standard to live up to in order to interact

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all the more reason to get interesting stuff on the air, I find it unbelievable so many people liked game of thrones, it was a shuffled retelling of roman history

>X-Play on DVD
>No fucking shit, it would be impossible to license.

Just hope niggas on youtube keep uploading old episodes on youtube. Hope they never get taken down since G4 is gone.

Attached: X Play Season 2 Episode 117 - Resident Evil- Outbreak, Blowout (G4 Rewind) .jpg (480x360, 12K)

>remember starting a quakeworld, or maybe quake 2 clan with this one crazy ass american dude (I'm yuro) I met through fucking ICQ
>we even made a shitty web-sight and custom player skins
>as time goes on memories get fuzzier and fuzzier
>soon they will basically not exist
for some reason some memories are fresher than others, I distinctly recall searching for mango and animu pictures to print and paste on my notebooks, and downloading muffled animu OST in mp2 or rm I would then transfer to cassette tapes

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Nobody even remembers Xfire.


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>Holy fk the glasses
>Jesus Christ, imagine being Sessler and falling in love with her on set. Then still seeing each other once a year at Cons.

Why are we still here, just to suffer?

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You seem really dumb.

>short hair blonde Morgan

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Based morgan poster, never stop posting

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All the times ive seen this clip and never noticed that. Jesus.

Watching the first G-Phoria show, this had the makings of a complete disaster but it turned out to be a relatively not awful first try as far as early 00's gaming shit goes.

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I’ve never seen her on a porn banner. Ever.

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>when she lost weight it all came out of her boobs
I want to force feed her ringdings and chocolate milk until she gets her boobs back.


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>blooper film reel
How is she vapid? I wouldnt want to be known as titty shake girl either. Youre thr vapid one if anything, reducing her to a shaking pair of tits.

Its ironic how much self awareness here people lack.

>fuck my shit up haircut
Jesus Christ I hope Sessler isn't haunted to this day by Webb. God speed nigga

>my heart

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Look. Creeping over someones tits isnt the same as finding them attractive. I dont think anyone wants to be known as a jiggling pair of tits. Dont be retarded.

>huge tits

Wanna know how I can tell you're a pathetic incel who never gets laid?

Wanna know how I can tell you're a newfag?

Reminder: TechTV=chads G4=virgin soifaggots

since we are on the health care topic
>you have an ear infection and your GP is fucking useless?for only 39$ you'll get to see a specialist! 3months!
Love me some free European health care!

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Theres more than of us mate.

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>>vote for obama
>>get promised if i like my doctor i can keep my doctor
>>get promised free healthcare
>>get obamacare and instantly find out my premiums are too high to get sick
>>find out i can now only afford walk-in clinics in ghetto areas

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>hurr why is a woman ashamed of being sexualized
God the fucking incels here are retarded. For people who constantly point out the differenced between men and women you cant fathom why some women dont want to be sexualized?

I dont get it. Wouldnt that make her a whore? Wouldne she be LE ROASTIE. God this site is so fucking gay now. Just admit you want to suck dick and hate women
>b-but white knight
How many men have fucked you for your valiant dick sucking?

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i still post in gaming forums. never stopped and theyre still active too

The Sessler, HERES TO YOU!

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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the Beatmania review yet.

Last one from me for today, yall keep this thread alive and comfy. Stay safe

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What compels someone to post like this?

God what do I need to do to get a guy like Adam

You blame G4 and "pop gamer" culture, but it was social media and smart phones that dragged everyone and their mother on to the internet. Attack of the Show still objectified women and did dumb shit. It was a fun show. Women and literal Boomers over 50 getting on to the internet through Facebook is what fucked everything up. Anyone can google "Yea Forums" and write a blog about being called a nigger and get quoted on CNN. That was not the case a decade ago.
Attack of the Show was stupid, but it was fun. It's been gone for over a decade and I remember it fondly. They literally had Olivia Munn eating hot dogs for entertainment on Television. We don't get stuff like that any more. RIP

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victor aged well

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*ruins your favorite game*

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It truly was a different time. She was so god damn gorgeous.