Would you buy her for $7999. No money down, and the first 48 months interest free?
Would you buy her for $7999. No money down, and the first 48 months interest free?
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loli please
I'd buy anything that I could fuck and legally beat up.
How about instead of androids you can stick your dick in, android bodies you can stick your brain in?
Not that model, but I would. Sexbots are the future. No more time wasted going through the motions in picking up women, just come home and coom on a sexbot.
if it comes with an affordable insurance/repair plan, I'd buy it for 15k
it's basically a slave. do you know how helpful slaves are? they build grate things and tend to your every need. if that's not worth 15k then I don't know what is
god yes, even practically you could practice any scenario with them, social, sexual, performance. it would be the easiest way to practice yourself to become a chad with REAL women
Memes aside yes, and I would be kind to her and treat her as a friend and equal while slowly radicalizing her and turning her into a suicide bomber to kill a furry convention.
>and legally beat up
why would you want to beat her up?
I'm angry. Obviously.
HBO's Westworld is a pretty good show, I agree.
Hell yeah.
Wouldn't that have dire effects on the human race. After all if you take sex away how much value would women bring to society?
>we've been spending a lot of time together
>would you say that we're friends?
Yes. Absolutely. It would never have that "ABUSE TRIGGERS FREE WILL" moment, because it would just be servant, but otherwise live a nice life.
Very little considering they're just less effective versions of men.
Absolutely zero
They said in the game the insurance/repair plan was included with $7999. There are signs that say you can get a older model that's a refurbished as-is model with no warranty for as low as $1500.
Sexbots and homosexuality is the future of MANkind, test tube babies and biosynthetic eggcells soon.
fuck you could literally tell her your EXACT fantasy, without anything lost in translation, you could have literal perfect sex whenever you want without her bitching or thinking you're weird.
Oh no. Heavens forbid we halt all risks of overpopulation.
People who can afford sex robots are not the ones responsible for overpopulation.
More like
>to request anal sex please upgrade to the deluxe romantic subscription for only $45 a month
Is this an American thing?
Kys pedophile
>not jailbreaking your robot waifu
>turn her off and fuck her ass anyway
>he thinks sexbots will be exclusive to the rich
I have some good news for you.
overpopulation is a meme to mask the real issue of overconsumption. and if you're churning even more resources just so you can get a fuckbuddy who burns untold amounts of energy a day, you're really not helping the on the overconsumption front!
you're gonna be the first guy to laser burns on his dick
but not the last
It's not about rich. People who are overpopulating the earth make pennies. These people can barely afford clothes.
>overpopulation is a meme
Well yeah if you live in North Dakota but not in many other places.
That's cool and all, but what about the maintenance costs
Only if I can change looks and personality.
as a man who's lived in America, Canada, and Europe no it is not "an American thing."
and stop being a little bitch ass faggot. This tread is about androids not your superimposed ethnocentrism.
How do you clean cum off them?
$7999 is the top dollar, maintenance included price. They show you that cheaper models are like a few thousand.
Get your other sexbot to do it.
Man, imagine, these are just the androids available in detroit. If they were real i'd head to japan and get one of those pseudo anime ones i assume they have (basically would look like a woman doing a god-tier cosplay but it's not a cosplay, just how she looks. Though i could also have her actually do cosplay)
I suppose you would just say "Bitch go clean yourself off."
I'll stick with the industrial model. More efficient and less maintenance.
As much as I would like to say yes, probably not. Sex bots are cool and all, but having something be exactly as you want with zero work involved is boring and unfulfilling. It would never ever amount to anything beyond being a sexual release/servant. That's more cold and even more lonely than just being alone.
I simply appreciate the beauty of the female form
That's the gayest shit I've ever heard.
We all know it's going to cost way more than $7999.
She is not a sexbot. She is your friend and companion. Her name is Chloe.
>he thinks westworld invented that concept
Kill yourself normgroid.
Balance out the dating market, fix overpopulation and possibly world hunger, sti's/unwanted pregnancies drastically decrees, a new job market for android production/maintenance starts booming.
Seems like an absolute win to me user
Are you kidding me?
Even if she was good for nothing but housework, that's a steal of a deal. The average maid service costs about $167. That's 48 sessions - even if you only turned her on once a week, you've broken even within the first year.
And the short film that D:BH was based on had a throwaway line about 'Kara' being good for 170+ years without refueling.
Imagine thinking something you have full control over is your friend.
The original depiction of Westworld was made before you were born.
what would her feet smell like?
Dios mio...
Polyethylene and latex.
>I haven't played the game, Im just here for maymays
They're shown to be able to somehow turn their hair and skin on and off, however the fuck that works. So, changing it around shouldn't be hard.
Yeah yeah whatever, dude. Go COOOOOOOOOM already.
Your stupid Android's don't acquire human feelings and emotion until they're pressured to do so.
If you treat it like the way it's intended to be treated, that will never happen.
I'm pretty sure there's no putting human brains in to androids in the original WW or the sequel.
Haha holy shit you could simulate a harem by having him walk out of the room and walk in with another mix of skin/hair/eye color.
Having sex with a woman who thinks you're weird...user I think you're fucking the wrong kind of women or lying.
I could afford her outright without payments right now and still have money left over, so yeah.
Gentlemen, I am the android sent by CyberLife and I have come to shoot your waifu.
>machines created from scratch would somehow develope "emotions" that just so happen to perfectly mimic those that a specific ape breed evolved to have for survival purposes
I can believe that AI could gain sapience and even some form of emotions, but the idea that gaining sapience means just becoming exactly like us is ridiculously narrowminded and naive.
Sounds good to me. She's been acting weird lately, so she's probably defective.
>having money
>mfw that reminds me of when I was a teen and stuck my dick inside a milking machine and vacuum hose within the same 48 hour period
add 3 more 9's and you've got an accurate price
Shhhh, Android's are people too!
this girl is cute where is she from
Resident Evil
Rebecca from RE?
God yes. I would no longer have to do any home repairs. I wouldn't have to cook. I wouldn't have to clean. I'd have a sex bot. Do you not know how fucking useful a servant is?
Early adoption will, yes. 25 years down the line, not so much. I don't care enough to look, but I know androids were well established at the point of Detroit: Malcom X Edition.
Sex with a soulless object will never feel realistic, I'd rather use my hand
It is literally the point of the show in the original and the sequel. Did you even read or watch it. It's not even nuanced they straight up tell you that.
Cyberlife is based in Detroit so all the flagship releases would hit local stores first, and I don't think they have any competitors besides Russians for industry and the Chinese for something I can't remember, though I don't think theirs are commercially sold like in the US
It's literally just a superior form of masturbation if you want to get into it
did the milking machine work?
um no. No you do not. the game clearly states the price. If you want to make your own game, and make up your own price then go ahead.
I have a job that barely requires me to work.
I didn't watch the show but FutureWorld was about replacing people with android duplicates not putting people's minds into robot bodies.
Very, very, VERY easy if you live with your parents or a gf/roommate with a job
What do you do?
So I've been thinking about this. They're probably going to be real expensive. At least as expensive as a car. If you buy one instead of a car, could she carry you on her back and bring you places?
I'm in the Army, so basically I'm on welfare.
Yeah the prices in the game are ridiculous, especially considering inflation.
There is no way androids would be that cheap so quickly, if the game was set 100 years in the future it would be more believable.
God damn it I live in one of the highest cost of living cities in the world because I was born here.
I'd buy her but I'd also make them work off what I paid for them in order to be free if they wanted to be. Chances are they'd just stay with me.
God, yes give me an android bf
lol no way fag
Why do you need to pay interest in something if you buy it outright?
You get the idea the company CyberLife has a monopoly on them and made like a billion. I can see what they are suggesting with the price.
Yeah but that's still nonsense, if they had a monopoly then they'd have no reason to have such competitive pricing.
$8000 in the year that Detroit is set in would be like building a good gaming PC today, it's just way too cheap to be believable imo.
If an android was in the 30k-50k range, i'd find it more believable.
Think of how insanely expensive professional grade servers are and yet companies buy them in bulk because of how useful they are, even if androids were 300k in the game you'd still see them everywhere.
For those of you who are asking this and are 14 years old, allow me to illuminate the meaning of that sales statement.
You bought it, but get a 48 month floating period to "buy" it; more over, if it's not fully bought by that time they charge interest. It's still your property therefore it's not a lease. The goal here is to basically allow someone to buy something in a window of time; and no, no that is not lay away, for if it was you wouldn't have the product yet. It is bought, just not paid off. Like your Mom and Dads house, or car.
Yea Forums - personal finance
next thread we will discuss mortgage amortization schedules, and calculating the present value of future cash flows
ur mum tho
Why not just fucking buy it outright. I've never "bought" anything interest free
that is insanely cheap for what you get. i'd buy her for $200,000.00 to be honest
Sometimes you want things but you don't have the money right then and there. It's why credit exists, so you can buy things with money you don't actually have.
I wouldn't buy her for a donut.
then you have never "bought" a house, or large ticket item.
Unfortunately no. My biggest perversion is sniffing girls feet and asses and a robot wouldnt do the trick for me.
That's how you get in debt. Loans, credit cards and all that bullshit are a great way to fuck yourself up. I just save money because I have a good job.
Obviously if I was going to buy a house I would get a mortgage. If I was going to buy a new washing machine I would pay for it up front.
Aa long as i could get a genuine 2B who cares who owns what
Dont spend so much on things you don't absolutely need.
Also a job that doesn't pay minimum wage.
Not him but like what do you do, just chill in the barracks and play vidya or what? Stay at home and get reserve pay?
8 grand would be chump change for something like that. Cmon now
Get roommates
>TFW you will never be able to buy a QT robot gf that has good enough AI to have conversations with and who can't leave you or say bad things about you
I just want to live in the future...
it isn't if you consider that humans would enforce a selective pressure that promotes emotional mimicry while the more robotic reacting ones would get junkpiled.
And getting into debt is good for the company you're indebted to, so they're not going to make it difficult for you.
I earn $15/h part time and still racked up 10k of savings in less than a year while living in my own house. wtf are you blowing your income on?
It's not competitive pricing, as much as it is world changing. The game suggests that the goal of CyberLife was to have the androids in every house, job, and activity. How would that be possible for a middle class family to afford a 50k robot and support the wife and kids on average income. No. They clearly state; to the point of beating a dead horse, in the game that everyone everywhere has an android. In the beginning of the game as you walk the city they show the androids taking over society. And protesters and preachers warning people that they are to many too soon.
Yea it would be great to fuck but it would get weird.
"user, why can't i get pregnant?"
Nah dawg, that ai/robot shit is the devil.
Fuck no, I would import the superior japanese model with fluffy tail and fox ears with the japanese dub for best immersion.
>living in my own house
Some of us have rent to deal with, jackass
>"Don't feel bad about it hun, plenty of (human) women out there can't get pregnant"
>"We can adopt" etc.
Done and done.
I'm in the infantry, but my unit hasn't deployed since 2012. Been here 5 years, seen no combat, I'd say a good 80% of my time is spend in the barracks playing video games because "peacetime" infantry doesn't have a job. The rest is a split of training field time and necessary paperwork to let the government know I'm still working for them.
I'm about take 50 days paid vacation because I'm changing duty stations and I've saved up that many days. Feels good man.
So your average monthly budget was $1666, covering rent, food, utilities, entertainment, transportation, insurance, taxes, etc?
I'm going to DOUBT here kiddo
So what happens when you accidently turn on the NTR mode
I didn't say it was paid off. my mortgage is basically rent
She would ask you why she can't get pregnant. They are completely self aware. They know what their model number is, and that you bought them. Why the fuck would you think they would ask something like that...wtf
>Why would I want more money in my pocket now?
You are a moron
Nice, how much do they pay you exactly?
I make more than that user but I have accumulated more savings in more time. Rent should be at most 1/3rd of your paychecks. If you have a roommate even less. I make just over 1k a week after tax, and my place is around 300 a week, split between me and my gf
>I earn $15/h part time and still racked up 10k of savings in less than a year
this doesn't add up
unless somebody is paying for at least one major expense (car, property tax, groceries, etc)
It's made in china not america.
Do you have to manually clean out her crotch afterwards? If so, fuck that shit, it's repulsive enough of an idea to deter me from getting even an onahole. There's also the fact of weight that has to be taken into consideration and how active they are during sex, if at all. If she rides you, that's a broken pelvis.
>Japanese model
>Made in china
I thought military personel during peace-time were supposed to do some amount of public work (whatever that might be)? Like how Doctors are expected to do x amount of public/free doctoring to sustain their license.
>roasties and schlomo losing their steady supply of thirst driven male labor
im thinking based
I prefer to get as much as possible from my paycheck and reduce monthly costs, so I get more in my account to save up for buying things. Its easier to budget, and less stressful if something happens and you can't work anymore and have all these weekly or monthly payments to deal with.
I would buy if it has a built in gun and a ninja protocol program. I will get a set of triplets and have them as my body guards.
Something tells me an autonomous AI robot has the capability of cleaning itself. At least, I can't see any reason why it wouldn't.
if you want to
I make $1100 every 2 weeks after taxes. I pay about $200 a month in bills for my phone, internet and car insurance, so I make about $2000 a month in profit. The government feeds me and the only real personal expense is gas, but I work less than half a mile from where I live so I don't really drive that often.
Not a thing at all. When I was a junior enlisted soldier I was basically a janitor but now I'm in charge of people so I don't have to do any bitch work, or even show up to work most of the time. I just text my guys and tell them to do things.
>Would you buy her for $7999. No money down, and the first 48 months interest free?
Would I buy her personally? No.
Would I buy a gynoid slave for the purpose of companionship? Yes.
I literally can't comprehend why anybody would buy an android modeled to look like a real person.
even less, it's about $1200. mortgage+insurance is ~$600, utilities are ~$200 (includes internet and phone bills), rest is for groceries and I budget $250-300 for bullshit buys.
not having a car and living near the city probably saves a lot of money. and no health insurance which will suck if I suddenly need it.
or you could just tell her to clean herself up after... ya know it's weird how some people think. Like it's such an advanced robot that it's literally mentally and physically indistinguishable from a human, and yet people on here keep thinking it wouldn't know how to wipe its cootch.
no car.
Androids can be gynoids (plenty of the ones in DBH are) the two aren't always mutually exclusive
what about privacy? i don't want fuck someone who collecting my coom faces
I don't even got a job. But for that kind of technology (if it has a bagina) then I'll definitely open up a loan.
That's my point. I didn't play the game, but a robot that looks, talks, moves, and articulates like a human and can problem-solve can clean jizz out of it's hole.
I'm actually more interested in the weight because it'd be funny to push a small female and have her not move at all because she weighs 5 times what you do.
>Not just putting tape over her eye-cameras like you do with your webcam.
It's not hard man.
>I don't even got a job.
>open up a loan.
that's not how it works.
that your place? Looks comfy
Why would I want them if they aren't interested in me for the fist 48 months?
Does she have soft hands? I miss holding girls' hands. If she has soft hands and can speak at least as intelligently as a ~23y/o university student I'll take it.
Robots couldn't be that expensive, that loser without a job in the beginning had two of them
Power trip.
Todd is shown lifting Kara with one hand, and Hank picks up Connor without much effort. They're either equivalent to humans or potentially even lighter.
It's no great but not complete shit, I have a room and a closet, plus a shared kitchen and bathroom with my roommate, but I can't really complain because I don't actually pay for it.
I do what I can to make myself feel better decoration wise.
I didn't want to tell him, I was humored by his naivety.
>lel fucking wagies slaving hard for their jewish overlords, keep it up and fund my pathetic life!
>h-h-hello mr. Shek L Stein, c-c-could I have a loan? wait what's a work/credit history?
No, because I hate Jennifer Lawrence's face and she looks exactly like her.
SJWs of this world wont allow you to have sexbots unless they're gay sexbots.
What about out of warranty maintenance costs? Nobody's gonna clean your dried up cum out of her servos, faggot.
Peak millenial army grunt room right there
I like that it's very clean. Army discipline is something I very much lack but the order is pleasing to the eyes.
I'll just buy a female robot and call it a boy.
Do they have non-ugly models?
I'm a girl, so i don't mind
She can if she's so advanced. Hell, you probably can if she can't.
Ya gotta really want it.
Do they have any cute traps instead? I'm kinda bored of women.
that is strangely specific, are you just trying to make up for that one girl that dumped you...
>implying sex/relationship bots would be allowed
The instant they can get these things to look, act, and talk realistically they're going to get 100% banned or have direct feeds to the police so people who try and fuck them will get jailed. Even if you could solve most of the "incel problem" with them.
The AP700 models can repair themselves, but the older AP400 models can't. I'm literally playing the game right now.
beauty is subjective, for example I have yet to see a model with J-cup tits. Too bad, because that's what I would demand for my $7999
Sex is ultimately a shallow procedure. The "work" you put in is only because the chemicals in your brain do so. You'll lose it if it becomes that easy, but you'll also be less manipulated by attractive people of the opposite sex just by virtue of having this. Also nobody said you can't have a robot AND a girlfriend.
I see you're an Itochad as well.
wtf are you talking about. Today in Japan you can go to fuck doll stores and pay to fuck a lifelike android. Granted it's not as realistic as what the game is pitching. It still exists though. Why do you assume it would be instant jail time, throw away the key shit?
Oh fuck off. You can still pursue human relationships while having a pleasurebot in your basement.
8 grand is a fucking steal for a slave that doesn't get old or need to eat
>how much value
>Today in Japan you can go to fuck doll stores and pay to fuck a lifelike android.
You can also just go to a regular brothel and order a Japanese woman off a touchscreen for an hour at the cost of about $100. She will even bathe you before and after, and bring her own condoms so you don't have to pay for them. I know from personal experience.
>Wouldn't that have dire effects on the human race.
Not really, people would cum inside sexbots instead of tissue papers
>After all if you take sex away how much value would women bring to society
It'd be good for women, because if they can't compete with a fucking glorified onahole they shouldn't be able to reproduce.
Decent women wouldn't have any issue to get decent partners. Specially because most freaks will stay at their homes fucking their bots instead of creeping around
i don't have that much money
Sexbots = both males and females having less interest in human sexual partners. It'll start with mostly men though. Women will try and fight for their Human Rights and more than likely such a type of Android will get banned. Even if it doesn't get banned in say... Japan it'll get banned in other places of the world the same way stuff already gets banned in certain regions.
>It still exists though. Why do you assume it would be instant jail time, throw away the key shit?
This is assuming today's retarded social media screeching culture stays the same or gets worse, but I can see people clamoring to ban them because despite them being machines they also have rights, or because it's demeaning to women and empowers the patriarchy to let incels have robot sex slaves. Something like that would be a huge power blow to women. I could maybe see them allowing it in brothels in the few places those are legal, but no way would they let people have them. Either that or they'd petition the goverment for 4000% taxes on them to make it so that only the rich could own waifubots. Of course, that's assuming that people are retarded enough to make literal slave bots that look and sound exactly like humans so that the majority of people start sympathizing/wanting to fuck them instead of just a subset of people.
"Overpopulation" is a complete meme, it's a regional problem, not a global one and it literally doesn't exist in any country that could afford sexbots in the first place.
You can also go to bangkok and fuck as many women or extremely hot trannies for dirt cheap. Like 25 - 35 us dollars for extremely attractive chinks
>Implying they let Westerners into soaplands
They do in Shibuya. The JGSDF girls fuck for free though.
Can I get a loli version instead?
nah, shit would happen just fine;
I'd be a fool to not take advantage of that.
Yes, but I would treat her nice, peel off that light thing that identifies them as a robot and basically groom her into a wife
Reddit is down the street
$7999 is worth the amount of time one would save, literally years.
Not for that hideous roastie whore.
I prefer my robot companions with their exoskeletons exposed and nothing to hide.
1:1 human replica femdroids are merely cheap imitations of real humans. If I want a bot GF I will go all out, not the half baked shit in the OP.
This: Overpopulation isn't a problem in the places that are aware it can even be a problem. In in many developed nations, we're having the opposite problem, the population keeps shrinking so we've gotta import people from other lands and cultures en-masse to be able to maintain our position long term.
Her light on her temple is red, is she gonna kill him...
I got enough to buy multiple models. I'm a responsible person though so I'll only get two. One to take care of my cock, one to take care of my asshole
If you don't think literally every real woman won't be completely weirded out by you owning and using a sex bot, you're gonna have a bad time.
If I give you a rope will you please hang yourself desu
only the generation it's introduced. If you were born into a culture where that shit is normal then you would think it's normal.
The crazy feminazi's are already rallying against the idea of sexbots.
Couple that with the fact that MOST modern women don't have anything to bring to the table in a relationship except sex and their vagina's, of course they're threatened. That's their greatest power that they can hold over most men and if that gets taken away, god they might have to actually fucking try to be a decent person or something. FUCK KNOWS THEY CAN'T HAVE THAT! They might have to... *GASP* WORK! GET A SENSE OF HUMOR! *BY GOD THINK OF THE CONSEQUENCES!* They might even have to.....*REEEEEEEE* NOT BE TOTAL FUCKING SELFISH CUNTS!!
Yeah, they can't have that happen.
Before someone says it, notice I said most. Not all, I'm well aware there's good people left out there. The sad part is, they're becoming the exception, not the common denominator.
gimmie a Goat Girl Maid Robot
Do I get a price for buying two?
She's not quite my type. Are there others?
I already saw her naked, so there is no value.
Overpopulation isn't a thing, you know.
>intentionally damaging a $8k piece of electronics
In some ways, this sounds more upsetting than if you just beat a real human woman.
No every country in the world is this pozzed. Production/research/sale would be smooth. They could be articles of contraband.
Besides I seriously doubt the effectiveness of such campaigns. It would probably be contained to autistic screeching on social media.
>first 48 months interest free?
Who the fuck doesn't have 8k in the bank/wallet?
If you don't, get a job nigger, you need to save at least 10k or you're one event away from the street.
leave the city lmao retard
8 grand is a bargain, the engineering that goes into that thing should cost high end car money
But I'd probably want to be an early adopter and pay that premium ass price as soon as technology like this comes out, then constantly update her with whatever's available on the internet after the company stops supporting said model
lineageos more like lingereos
then after a couple years she'll die after being bricked beyond repair and I'll be sad as fuck because I'm the cause of it, and she can never be replaced because the sjw's ruined the technology beyond the first iteration
>Being an early adopter
>Fucking ever
It's quite common in a lot of countries. Instead of saving money up to buy an expensive thing, you just take a small loan with the item as collateral. Sometimes from a bank, and sometimes directly from the seller. As long as most people have steady jobs, they'll be able to pay back very reliably, allowing for minimal interest on the loan. Sometimes even zero interest, since the loan makes it easier for people to buy things, resulting in more items sold.
This. Evolve or perish. Transhumanism is the future.
potential for more exploits
That's it? God yes
because online I already beat user up verbally and with any form of gaming
No, because we have severe overpopulation
Transhumanism is a fast track to having your body used as a fucking drone by corporations in return for being re-instated as a program and earning 1 hour in the pleasuredome for every year of physical labor your corpse performs.
If you're a billionaire right now, transhumanism is fantastic. If you're a regular person, putting computers in your head is the easiest way to turn yourself into a literal slave, and it's fully possible that a lobotomized version of your mind could be directing traffic or something for millennia.
The second it becomes mandatory to put electrodes in your brain, I'm jumping off the tallest building I can find to make sure my brain is just mush.
Woah guys check this guy out he's got $8000+ holy shit can everyone please look at this? Wow
>believing MSM lies
No we dont need to import. imported people suck ass. we gotta close borders, reduce world population, and keep dominating 3rd world because they're too fucking stupid to deal with global warming and the challenges that this entails.
Whatever makes me immortal first.
>just stop breeding, human
>you can grow more humans in bottles
>there's no risk in replacing more and more of your society with sentient machines
Action budget sex bots sometimes accidentally rip off your penis during a handjob
if we reduce world population by 90% we can consume whatever we want.
7/10, would rub penis against its casing.
Immortality can quickly become a living hell, dude. This kind of moment to moment thinking is just so stupid, especially when you're talking about lengths of time that could very well be thousands of times longer than your natural lifespan.
It's like expecting a 12 year old to understand the risks of heroin. The worst case scenario is so fucking monstrous that any sane person would never go for it if they truly understood the consequences.
amputation sex
that's pretty cheap, high end silicone dolls cost 5k+ and those aren't sentient
no car, that explains it. people around here wont hire people without care if youre over 18 lol at least in my county
lies to entrap stupid retards is ok in most countries.
When you take a mortgage, you also tell your family you've 'bought a house'! instead of: I've indebted myself to the biggest loan I could get, which will take me most of my adult life to pay back, and the home that is writ under my name will act as collateral for said loan.
Could have just told us you're underage.
Am I the only user that really dug the dream sequences Connor had with the black AI brain chick?
Except the shrinking population is not a problem at all and would actually solve a ton of our issues in long term. The only reason why it's presented as a problem is because our pension system is based on the idea that there will be always plenty of young people to pay for the old people to sit on their ass and do nothing for thirty years. Having to restructure the pension system terrifies the politicians because old people tend to be the most reliable voters, so no major politician dares to piss them off by doing something they wouldn't like.
Good luck finding a real job when your service ends user. Also: CHICKS
>dat merrican flag combined with all the childish shit
so i could cuddle her afterwords and fix her up
define immortal before you respond, or better yet, ask user what he meant.
Ah yes, gay people and trans would actually benefit the most from this, since their odds of finding someone are far lower than the average joe, so they're perfect candidates for artificial sexual companions.
Well, I would like too interact with a self aware AI. So I guess so.
>sex doll brothel starts doing well
>prostitutes complain to government
>government shuts down sex doll brothel
Sex dolls will be a black market item in just a few years.
big brain
I dont think there would be much of a choice.
Think how being computer illiterate is basically shooting yourself in the foot then applying for a race. It would be an unwritten requirement in the future if you want even a chance of competing with those that embrace transhumanism.
Reject it and you will be left in the dust, a slow, switch based calculator in an era of supercomputers
you hire a woman to do it
With your tongue, while she holds you down.
well it depends, do they smell like normal women, especially in their genitals area/armpits/underboob? do they sweat after a long day under the sun? are they as naturally soft and squish as real people? i'm 100% sold if these features are present.
I'd much rather be dead than a slave, though.
this could absolutely happen if we let the deranged sjws have their way.
dude, beat up someone elses robot. Don't beat up your own shit, that's retarded.
>she holds you down.
so she smothers you till she is clean
Hey mate, thats your choice. If your really have nothing to live for then go ahead, an hero yourself. Im far too curious as to what the human race will end up as, so I'd rather stay alive.
>how much value would women bring to society
millions of tax payers
millions of employed people
millions of consumers
millions of renters/landladies
millions of doctors, economists, teachers, nurses, lecturers, attorneys, government workers, inspectors, engineers, etc
millions of business owners
hope this helps .
obviously they have no smell since it's silicone and the softness isn't as "real" as a live woman but still ok'ish.
As long as I can choose what she looks like I would pay in full. I have also never played Detroit.
might want to look into how surplus labor works. without 90% of the world doing your laundry and picking your grapes you're going to get a lot less vidya and movies and anything else you enjoy.
>obviously they have no smell since it's silicone
It will because women are the majority of voters. Men are already walking away from marriage, sex dolls are just putting salt on the wound.
I meant 90% reduction across ALL the world user. Not just 3rd.
I have plenty to live for, but the risk of eternal slavery is far too huge to ignore.
I couldn't give a fuck about what the human race ends up like if there's even a 1% chance I'll wind up as a labrat.
yeah im sure the flow of oil and energy and the production of adequate amounts of food will resume at sustainable levels running after 90% of the world's population is gone, fucking tard.
>It will because women are the majority of voters
not if there's a fuckton of money involved jews could care less about women if their wallets are involved
>wants to keep a female slave
Yes because I'm a sad, lonely fuck. On the off chance she becomes a deviant she won't turn on me and our friendship would turn genuine.
That is if she doesn't put me out of my misery.
The vast majority of women aren't net taxpayers, so they don't have much value in that regard. Most don't want to have children either.
shut the fuck up tumbler
is this a real thing cause a sex doll brothel sounds like an amazing idea, you rent time with a sex doll for a fraction of the cost and you don't have it laying around your house, and someone professionally clean and disinfects her between uses.
technically any robot is pedobait since they are newly born(build)
This but Peppercat
I would buy one and mod her with guns
get out /k/
>Except the shrinking population is not a problem at all and would actually solve a ton of our issues in long term. The only reason why it's presented as a problem is because our pension system is based on the idea that there will be always plenty of young people to pay for the old people to sit on their ass and do nothing for thirty years. Having to restructure the pension system terrifies the politicians because old people tend to be the most reliable voters, so no major politician dares to piss them off by doing something they wouldn't like.
So when you say "The shrinking population is not a problem at all" what you actually mean is "The shrinking population is a massive problem"?
As long as the pension system isn't changed it is a problem and you just explained why the pension system isn't being changed.
"Restructuring" the pension system is also fucking evil.
Even ignoring the fact that having to work until you literally drop dead is a nightmarish vision of the future, the people who have worked their entire lives with the promise of getting a pension objectively deserve to get that pension, anything else is just fucking theft.
>I would buy one and mod her with guns
I'd buy several have them wear military attire and pretend I'm their rapey CO
hope u don't live in a cucked countr or you're gonna get jailed if u get one
Here in the south, we also had dolls in brothels, but just checked they're gone now.
Maybe they're gonna come back during December.
>milking machine
ive been curious about this ever since i was 12 and there was a display at the county fair where you could stick your finger in one
>what is robotics and heavy automation
Eh, yes?
Here in the netherlands we have the highest food output per capita in the WORLD, and only
How out of touch are you with the common man?
what a pretty girl
don't humor me with your stupidity, I don't find it amusing.
>Who the fuck doesn't have 8k in the bank/wallet?
Literally most people
The majority of workers in America live paycheck to paycheck.
This is why they never see it coming
Not exactly hard to run from peasants with even a few hours head start but no, they practically hand you their own heads.
Yet they only should be one of those if we wanted a healthy society
>Who the fuck doesn't have 8k in the bank/wallet?
the kind of person who blows 8k on a fucking sexdoll
why the hell would I need a loan for something that costs under 8k?
The current pension system was set up at the time when a person could realistically live about 10 years after retiring. Fair enough. Now they live 20 to 30 years, which means every single person is about to spend up to 1/3 of their life on welfare, even more if you include the first two decades when the state pays parents for their children. If you live, say, to about ninety, you are supported by the state from the age 0-18, and then again from the age 60 to 90. That's nearly fifty years on welfare for a normal working individual.
Do you understand how insane this system is?
its literally a nonissue, youre week
>you are supported by the state from the age 0-18
what? No i'm pretty sure my parents did that. The state don't pay for shit, unless you're counting public schools which is an INVESTMENT and a woefully underappreciated one
Yes, I want the C-model too.
>millions of tax payers
That dont go into anything useful.
>millions of employed people
Which lowers the worth of labor while having lower productivity.
>millions of renters/landladies
Which drives the price of housing up.
>millions of doctors, economists, teachers, nurses, lecturers, attorneys, government workers, inspectors, engineers, etc
Which do the shittier job than men and take their positions.
>millions of business owners
Which would be better run by men.
>Here in the netherlands we have the highest food output per capita in the WORLD, and only
in 1972 neoliberalism happened when the rich, who were losing their power thanks to the growing prosperity of labor caused by the policies of the 50s and 60s, came together and used their remaining weight to shift to our current system, and we are now reaching a point where the built up buffer of prosperity the workers enjoyed is beginning to erode.
Shit missed one.
>millions of consumers
Because corporate need more dumb retarded pay-pigs.
This guy gets it.
so you agree that globalism is necessary and protectionism is economically impossible
Are you American? Because in countries with a developed social security net, the state covers all health insurance costs and gives a monthly child support payment for all or most children until they turn into legal adults.
My greentext story happened in real life.
>Paid about 8000$ in this product
>Want to beat her up
Are you stupid user? It's still your money.
>That dont go into anything useful.
not the women's problem.
>Which lowers the worth of labor while having lower productivity.
Sorry, I did not imply employed women are construction workers, what made you think so?
>Which drives the price of housing up.
Rookie's mistake in economics. Inflation will increase, yes, but the demand will stimulate the economy. As thus, more houses are built, more people are employed into building said housing, and all the benificial side effects that result of this (The growth of the construction industry and the employment of more persons into them, the increase of imports of raw materials and thus the expansion of customs, more employment, the electricity required to power these buildings and the subsequent growth in the electricity industry, the engineering required, the streets and roads built, etc).
>Which do the shittier job than men and take their positions.
pic related.
>Which would be better run by men.
pic related.
You bet your ass he's american. Only in america do they care about unborn babies, only to not give a shit about them again until they're old enough to join the military and then once they're used up and injured they're tosses aside like trash.
>the state covers all health insurance costs and gives a monthly child support payment for all or most children until they turn into legal adults.
man, Europeans are weird
What % are the people you named of the world population?
As it should be. America is a land of Darwinist opportunity. If they die before they're born, you don't know what they could've pulled off. If they die after they're alive - well, then they just sucked.
>and then once they're used up and injured they're tosses aside like trash.
Well duh, they aren't useful anymore and it's not like soldiers are our best and brightest
You what.
I'm from a Scandinavian nation and you only get child support if you're very low income or a single parent.
>have you ever, like, sat with yourself, and thought on the behinds and inners of this short sentence that you probably memorised in your head for forum debates? have you ever thought about the background to this huge industrial apparatus that makes it possible for only a few people to utilise advanced machines and technology to create a huge farming output with little effort? who do you think built those machines? what powers those machines? it's fossil fuels, and who extracts the fossil fuels? who transports the fossil fuels? what are the fossil fuels transported with? what powers the freighters and cargo liners that transport these energy resources? what are these liners built from?
Robots and mechanics, dumbshit. Never from china, always germany. Dont talk to me again if you haven't got a clue.
and here I thought north europeans had high IQ
>making anything besides gasoline inefficient cars and ways to screw the EU
chibikko h
>not the women's problem.
Its everyone's problem when tax money isn't put back into the populace.
>Sorry, I did not imply employed women are construction workers, what made you think so?
>Rookie's mistake in economics. Inflation will increase, yes, but the demand will stimulate the economy. As thus, more houses are built, more people are employed into building said housing, and all the benificial side effects that result of this (The growth of the construction industry and the employment of more persons into them, the increase of imports of raw materials and thus the expansion of customs, more employment, the electricity required to power these buildings and the subsequent growth in the electricity industry, the engineering required, the streets and roads built, etc).
So you are saying there is an infinite ability to supply? There are already massive housing issues across the world and you think increase demand in going to solve it even though said shortage is causing the massive price jacking (plus SOME cunts buying out everything).
>pic related.
>lemmie deny biology real quick
No, the future of mankind is singularity. Everything else will collapse in the face of it.
they still wont fuck you
>Its everyone's problem when tax money isn't put back into the populace.
Don't move the goalpost. We're discussing your implied problems from making the other half of society function with the other half. Where tax money gets spent is not something originating from women getting employed or participating in society.
In what way?
>So you are saying there is an infinite ability to supply? There are already massive housing issues across the world and you think increase demand in going to solve it even though said shortage is causing the massive price jacking (plus SOME cunts buying out everything).
I already taught you that in economics there's a word for this, it's called inflation.
>there's an infinie ability to supply
a proper economy is commensurate with the society contained with it.
>the rest of the line
You are looking at one of the problems in greedy american corporate capitalism, not a problem originating from women. You, again, deployed a goalpost shift. See, your problem is that you think if women stopped being employed and withdrew from society that the law of conservation of mass would stop applying to them, that they wouldn't need to be housed and provided for. Which is wrong. This problem will persist in your theoratical society, because as stated, women will resume existing, they will resume eating, they will resume shitting, they will still need a roof over them even in your medieval fantasy.
>>lemmie deny biology real
Nice argument. See, I pasted that picture because I wanted you to just expose yourself with this kind of response. Otherwise your original point is an oxymoron. As a certain great economist, A. Smith, stated in his "Maxim of every prudent master", a functioning capitalism filters out it's own shit. If the female business owners you implied are bad and under-performing, they would not come to fruition nor exist or be able to stay afloat in a free market. Your point is self-defeating, like a snake eating its tail.
>murrifats pretending to think
No thanks
>a functioning capitalism filters out it's own shit.
at least if the govt stopped subsidizing failed businesses it would. Jesus christ I am still mad about "too big to fail"
Super Ghouls and Ghosts in your SNES?
>If the female business owners you implied are bad and under-performing, they would not come to fruition nor exist or be able to stay afloat in a free market
>lists professions that are particularly toxic breeding grounds for gender selective handouts, internships, quotas and government protection
>Where tax money gets spent is not something originating from women getting employed or participating in society.
true. women are a tax burden to society regardless of their work status.
>chad PS4/Switch combo
Do you see it kids? Console wars are petty fights for children, any well adjusted adult knows the strenghts of the hardware and is not afraid to buy more than one console for the exclusives. Brand royality is for plebians.
>Nobody talking about the fucking Super NIntendo
Dude has my respect.
The only bad thing is that it wont come soon enough to counterbalance the automation spree that we are about to face. 80% of the human population will become useless by the middle of the century.
Don't move the goalpost. We're discussing your implied problems from making the other half of society function with the other half. Where tax money gets spent is not something originating from women getting employed or participating in society.
Holy retards.
>they pay moneys
>but they dont go into anything
>well they don't care
Then why bring up taxpaying you fucking retard?
>In what way?
The fact that its only one profession and the fact that it itself is facing the same issue but instead of women lowering the labor cost its turd worlders.
>I already taught you that in economics there's a word for this, it's called inflation.
And? There is no point in increasing the inflation while having zero of the positive you yourself brought up.
>a proper economy is commensurate with the society contained with it.
Worthless vague statement. I can easy say that since women are in the workforce it causes the economy to be unable to commensurate with the populace.
>Which is wrong. This problem will persist in your theoratical society, because as stated, women will resume existing, they will resume eating, they will resume shitting, they will still need a roof over them even in your medieval fantasy.
You clearly missed the entire point of the discussion. I'm arguing that women being in the workforce is a net negative. Do you think I support the current socio-economics and just want to same but not with women? An independent woman has much bigger needs and is a much bigger drain than a dependent woman. Women would live with a man or a family, instead of the state their man or family would provide. Women should stop and not be allowed to engage is mindless consumerism, etc. You think the burden comes from them eating and shitting when that isnt the issue.
>If the female business owners you implied are bad and under-performing, they would not come to fruition nor exist or be able to stay afloat in a free market.
Again, you entirely ignore my point, they aren't driven out of the free market because its not an actual objective free market and men are made to compensate for them. They dont get driven out naturally and rather drag the whole economy down.
Give now
This. My girlfriend wants to wear nothing but lacy buttfloss and won't even humor me with the idea of regular striped panties, saying it's "for pedos".
Women are so up their own asses asking for cutesy underwear is "pedo"
Wasn't this a pasta or something?
brainlet here
whats the difference between panty colors & patterns?
What if instead of taking social security out of my check every month and telling me they're investing it for me, when really they're using it to pay the Ponzi scheme they set up, they instead leave that money to me and I can invest it myself.
Didn't save? Fuck you. Not my problem.
>just make all women into slaves lol
/d/ is two blocks down user.
>believing the singularity meme
It's just speculations. We aren't even close to getting close at an actual solution to create general-purpose AI.
Are children slaves for not having the same rights as adults you braindead nigger?
why would you write it on the part that isn't fired?
> less people means you have to produce the same
I can smell your common core from here bro
If sexbots become a thing we will get over filled with niggers , chinks and pooinloos
The future of mankind is sterilizing all of Africa , China and India before we all jump into the sexist craze
>Live in bumfuck nowhere Indiana
>Paramedic with infinite supply of rednecks hurting themselves Jackass style
>Make $22 an hour with house payments that are barely $350 a month
Three bedroom house I live in alone. I use the tiniest room as a psuedo storage room since I just upgraded from an apartment like two years ago. Bless the flyover states. It's like having borderline infinite money because one paycheck takes care of all my bills and the other three I use for saving up and playing around.
It outright vanished. It's GONE. College savings are gone, savings in general are gone. The only people in the entire country left with money are the kinds of people who have LOTS of money. You're either struggling to make ends meet, or own two or more houses. The middle class has fucking evaporated and objectively does not exist anymore.
They were not far off in treatment till fairly recently. What you propose is full on sharia shit which might as well be slavery for all intents and purposes.
>Sorry, I did not imply employed women are construction workers, what made you think so?
He said nothing about physical prowess. It's telling that this was the first place you went to, attempting to pick apart his argument with an assumption he never made.
The fact is, be it an intellectual, physical, or fuck even MORAL opportunity, men are better than women.
If you have a panty fetish, everything.
I want my girlfriend to wear an entire rainbow of colors and styles, not just 500 pairs of lacy black thongs with the occasional pink one thrown in
Point is women are immature and incapable of existing on their own so proper measures should be put in place to prevent them from harming themselves and others.
>Then why bring up taxpaying you retard?
because it is a net positive, no matter how you slice it. Taxation is the backbone of every single economy, it is a requirement, not only to furnish money for projects, but also as a gauge/regulator. Women being taxpayers is a positive, how that money gets spent is again, I will reiterate, not a flaw of women attaining employment. It is a flaw of a country that has bad economical policies, they are two separate issues, and a nation with good financial and economical policies, will, without doubt, benefit from more tax paying citizens. I hope this elaboration has communicated this simple point to you.
>The fact that its only 1 profession and the fact that itself is facing the same issue but instead of women lowering the lab. cst its 3rd worlders.
Feel free to provide examples with statistical charts and breakdowns, then. don't blame me for filling one of the huge blank spaces and pseudoarguments that are a trend in your shit greentexts.
>And? There is no point in increasing inflation while having zero of positive you yourself brought up.
>I brought up zero positives
Are you mentally impaired?
>Worthless vague statement
Rich from the chartless, sourcless user "lemmie deny basic biology" ymous.
>I can easy say that since women are in the workforce it causes the economy to be unable to comm with the pop
You can say shit sentences with shit grammar, let alone make a solid point. I won't bother asking you again to provide evidence.
>independent woman has much bigger needs and bigger drain than a dependent woman. Women would live with a man or a family, instead of the state their man or family would provide
Imagine contradicting yourself in one sentence. I'm gonna assume you're a burger, do you think the average burger citizen today can support old housewife style life, with a wife sitting at home doing nothing but babysitting? answer me honestly, and try to (you won't) back it with a chart of how much that can do it.
>incapable of existing on their own
Do you know where you are user? Most population here are fucking both and have dicks on top of it. Women are perfectly capable to exist on their own in current society, be it 1st world or 3rd world shitholes, muslim countries are the only ones who actively follow your ideology and even then they need to enforce it on government level for it to fucking work.
Pretty cute.
>Women should stop and not be allowed to engage is mindless consumerism, etc. You think the burden comes from them eating and shitting when that isnt the issue
While being economically and logically fallacious, this point also reeks of hypocrisy. You are in the video games board, chances are, you yourself engage in 'useless consumerism' since you probably buy video games and entertainment products so you can sit infront of a monitor in your free time instead of doing something productive.
now, that aside, your points are all wrong and again, oxymorons or moot points. you are just depositing the first thoughts that come to your mind as solutions/refutations. first of all, how are you going to define and regulate useless consumerism, the only realistic way would be steep taxes on certain products, 2nd of all, how are you going to force people to peddle back hard on consumerism, 3rd of all, how are you going to deal with the inevitable sudden economical depression and mass un-employment that are going to result from thousands of companies, businesses and corporations losing a huge share of profits, 4th of all, what are you going to do about male consumerism, 6th of all, how are you going to deal with the social backlash and hostile response to these regulations. See? it's more complex then you think. You don't think or chew anything you state, you're a barbarian, lots of words constitute an argument to you.
>Again, you entirely ignore my point, they aren't driven out of the free market because its not an actual objective free market and men are made to compensate for them. They dont get driven out naturally and rather drag the whole economy down.
I gave you a logical and rational response and you gave me this sad sack of pseudodrivel shit with nothing to support it. It baffles me that the types who think they're cheated so hard are usually either commies or sub 80 IQ mouthbreathers like you who are too blockheaded to see the irony they're in.
it’s pink
Women would have to actually compete for once in the entire history. It would reverse the dating scene and it would be a great thing. Most men just want to have sex and forget about everything else, so they'd buy a sex robot and be fine with it. Men who want a meaninful relationship are actually scarce and these ones would be the ones women would have to fight for. Not mentioning women would forever lose their sex card.
The thing is, I want a woman in my life for 2 reasons: sex and love. If I can get sex whenever I want for "free", then the only thing a woman can offer me is love. Every woman would be sweet and caring again and the world would be a better place.
Good luck competing with an android.
>then the only thing a woman can offer me is love
No woman on earth can offer you that, though.
A robot can offer you a convincing emulation of love. Sure, it's all an act, but it's one you never have to worry about.
more like
>good luck competing with a perfectly build robot fitted for your tastes
they can't and can never
>Feel free to provide examples with statistical charts and breakdowns, then. don't blame me for filling one of the huge blank spaces and pseudoarguments that are a trend in your shit greentexts.
I don't have any statistical evidence on hand. Yet we sit on a stalemate until you can provide evidence that they arent a burden.
>>Rich from the chartless, sourcless user "lemmie deny basic biology" ymous.
You are retarded? Its well know that women a targets for marketing and more easily influenced than men. They are naturally more prone to inner group think and social behavior and the desire to conform and in early human history women would generally stay and provide for youth while men would be out on hunts or defense,etc. Brand, markets, politicians abuse this to push their product and agenda. When a brand markets itself in makes the female target look hip, cool, socially accepted, and thus women naturally copulate to this because they are deathly scared on not being accepted by their social groups. This is well less pronounced in men but obviously is still there to a degree.
Women are also have an irrational empathy. Since they bear and care fore children and unlike men do not face the dangers of the world they developed heightened empathy than men. When put in a position of outside significance women would make the irrational decision of the "kind" choice which they dont consider the ramification of on themselves or society as a whole. There is a reason why women are more liberal and left leaning.
Plus women aren't as mentally capable because unlike men they did not face complex issues in their safe environment which men would be out creating and defending. This extend to their workforce capability. IQ is a very hard metric to judge intelligence because while it is possible to make predictions based on it people with the same IQ display different types of intelligence.
Women never evolved to face the hardships of the environment in short.
>Buying someone's used goods that has her pussy stained with the stench of several other men's cum and her memory banks/personality forever altered as a result to prefer her original master
Is this a Cuckold's fantasy?
firstly, link your fucking sources as a whole and not just the one part conveniently supporting your opinion.
secondly, no shit. most women care for the children, how are they supposed to have positive fiscal impact?
>we all know
>i can easily say
>everyone knows
>i mean its common sense
>there is a reason for (insert unbacked hearsay here)
dilate your monkey brain, this is your last (You).
No. They made the mistake of giving her opinions. A woman's opinion is my biggest turn off.
Of course the issue isnt simple. I'm aware of that but I'm not qualified to actually give proper ideas for reversal of the effect(at least I havent though about it that much.) However it is a fallacy to assume that one must be an engineer to be able to say that a car that slammed into a pile-up on the high-way and did a quadruple flip and disintegrated the people inside into a fine mush will be able to run.
The same way it took time to condition society to be the way it is it will take time to reverse the damage. Obvious currently it won't be able, but the female issue is only one aspect of many issues plaguing the modern system.
Next time don't bloat your post with ad hominem.
>doesn't actually address anything
What did as say is wrong? Please.
Allegedly women don't hurt the economy but I've yet to be provided proof of it.
>inb4 muh typos
muh typos
>a reminder that even if you only watch cp you're encouraging people to abduct children and ruin their lives
enjoy your ban
Bringing facts to Post GaymorGays, phoneposting Yea Forumseddit, silly user
Literally just change out the pussy module and install a new memory bank.
>being this fucking stupid
The world is better with more high iq whites and asians. Everyone is better off with this.
But then it no longer costs $1500, plus parts might not be sold separately
Pretty much this. People who fantasize about owning a sexbot because it would free them from the hassle of dealing with another human being with their own personal and often conflicting thoughts and opinions are autistic or emotionally stunted. It may be even a step below owning a pet who can sometimes express disagreement even if they're blindly loyal otherwise.
>thinking there wont be a huge gray market for good parts from otherwise scrapped bots
>7999. No money down, and the first 48 months interest free?
If you cant buy your waifu cash up front you deserve having her repo'd
>ruining the merchandise
You’re either a nigger or a slav
I dont want your pozzed ass
>Fucking the fucking robot cum out of a lesbian sex robot.
Where's ops robot from?
Can she work and make money for me?
Only $8k? Hell I could afford that right now.
>They are naturally more prone to inner group think and social behavior and the desire to conform and in early human history women would generally stay and provide for youth while men would be out on hunts or defense,etc.
Every human, man or woman, evolved to want to fit within their social group. There weren't selfish individuals and lone hunter-gatherers because those didn't last very long, so the gender assumption doesn't sound very convincing and more like armchair psychology.
>Women are also have an irrational empathy. Since they bear and care fore children and unlike men do not face the dangers of the world they developed heightened empathy than men.
Children were cared for by the entire group and multiple generations. Did physically weak men, intellectuals, healers or teachers face the "dangers of the world"? would that mean they too and their children would developed female "irrational empathy"?
>When put in a position of outside significance women would make the irrational decision of the "kind" choice which they dont consider the ramification of on themselves or society as a whole. There is a reason why women are more liberal and left leaning.
Conversely this would also mean men are not well-suited for decisions affecting the large picture since they lack this so called irrational empathy that is so important to developing a thriving society. Check out the countries where people declare being the happiest and you'll find liberal and left leaning politics.
>people with the same IQ display different types of intelligence.
Emotional intelligence is important and valuable. Most leaders are extremely emotionally intelligent, more than simply skilled or good at their craft. The drones that make up the bulk of the workforce and just do what they're told to do aren't.
I want a cute robot GF who has her own agency and opinions, and stays with me of her own free will.
It has been a while since I played this game. I went mostly neutral \moralfag, but how does the story change if you go the whole game acting as if androids are just machines and slaves to humans? I assume you'll get some kind of bad and disappointing ending.
you literally have google at your fingertips you mouth breathing shit eater. but why should it matter, I thought your agreed that women have a net negative fiscal impact on society because they care for children? consequently, what you should be arguing is that women are still a fiscal burden on society at large DESPITE being "millions of xyz" (most of which has been gained due to a legal system that prioritizes representation over production), only slightly less of a burden now.
no, the real value of a woman is reproduction, not as an inferior version of men that drains more out of the pool than she provides.
her real value is the ability to manufacture laborers. she might have a net negative fiscal impact based on expenditure and earnings alone, but she has a net positive impact in her ability to produce children for the state. the correct answer to is that her social value would plummet with sexbots, but she would still have overall value to society. if you wanted to wipe out any meager benefit to society her existence provides, you would need reproductive sexbots/incubators.
This but I'd get a child bot, I'd contact some modder like the Russian dude that you meet in the game, and have her equipped with a working cunny and brain reprogramming so that she cries even more when I beat her up.
Biological paradigms won't matter in the future.
In the long run that's a hell of a lot cheaper than a wife, and she won't get old or nag the fuck out of you.
Sexobots when? Serious question
I'm talking pre-singularity.
>do a shittier job than men
Odd they get better grades in school then, innit
There is literally nothing "eternal".
Even the fucking universe itself will perish to continue evolving in a far, far future. Time will stop, and nothing ever happens again.
"God" will perish long before that alongside humanity, or even earlier. 2000 years aren't even a blink of the eyes at the scale of the universe. They are not even a grain of sand. They are - for all intents and purposes - nothing.
Capitalism is shit and is going to be the cause of the utter destruction of the planet, all in the name of profit.
>have it do the yard work
>have it make grocery runs
>have it cook meals
>have it drive me to work
>can pay it off within the first year with proper budgeting
Yea I’d probably buy one.
In schools dominated by female teachers? Systems that penalize male child behavior? College quotas that require 50% or less to be male?
What's odder still is that men still dominate STEM professions despite being absolute duds in school and having financial incentives/quotas working against them. Real odd, innit my poofta
reaching mental gymnastics of ass-pulling made up shit that shouldn't even be possible
>What's odder still is that men still dominate STEM professions despite being absolute duds in school and having financial incentives/quotas working against them. Real odd, innit my poofta
yeah, it is. really makes you think that the industry is probably loaded with "voluntarily" r/mgtow incelibates like you who reject female applicants because becky back at highschool scored higher than them in the SAT test, doesn't it?
probably. socialism isn't geared towards advancement, simply maintaining a primitive agricultural state while stamping out innovation (unless it's absolutely necessary politically). better chance of mass starvation/a pandemic wiping out humanity, which would arguably be better for the planet in the long run. before the earth gets vaporized by the sun of course.
Fine, slavery on a scale so gigantic that it could be considered eternal to the human mind that can barely keep up for 100 years.
You're right, eventually the sun powering the dyson sphere that powers your prison will eventually die out, and if you aren't moved in time to a new facility you will die. And even if every sun is harvested for energy, every star will eventually burn out and there will no longer be any form of energy that can sustain your prison, so after 10^googleplex years you'll finally know peace.
I won't go all-in on sexbots until they somehow fit them with actual, synthetic vaginas and assholes that smell like the real thing.
>1pm: im gonna stop shitposting and play now
>2pm: im gonna stop shitposting and play now
>3pm: im gonna stop shitposting and play now
>4pm: im gonna stop shitposting and play now
>5pm: im gonna stop shitposting and play now
>6-7pm: im too tired to play now, better call it off for tomorrow
>8pm: bedtime
>quotas don't exist!
>quotas actually favor men!
what's funny is feminists would genocide you reddit trannies if given the chance.
Yes. Aside from the sex, having a personal maid to do any cleaning and chores in and around the house would be useful.
Plus there'd probably be useful mods and behavior downloads right? Be great if I could have, with one purchase, a personal nutritionist, doctor, mechanic, tailor, etc.
nice argument mouthbreather
>says the cumgargler who didn't have one in the first place
Thanks for agreeing, although it would have been more interesting, if you hadn't.
It's googolplex. The "Googleplex" is something different.
>Legally beat up
Are you Todd from detroit?
>tax payers
I honestly have my intrigues piqued by you so much, I am really devouring myself in curiosity to know the atrocities women did to you to make you seethe this hard about them.
I'd rather be a slave. Historically, slaves seldom killed themselves even when they had the option, so it would seem that most people find slavery preferable.
>look up the face capture model for this character
>barely looks like her
This happens far too often.
You forgot
>literally 90% of frivolous debt spending
its almost like boomer women are leftovers from an age where they were all housewives and had little to no employment opportunities
kill yourself retarded faggot, can't even think two seconds on the meaning behind his chart
That's stupid cheap. If sexbots were invented right now that price range would still be outside of my life expectancy.
Also if your imagination is the limit, why settle for the "plain woman" model?
The form of slavery awaiting you is one where death is impossible. It'd be like a rat in a coma trying to kill itself.
>I'd rather be a slave. Historically, slaves seldom killed themselves even when they had the option
it's an allegory for a bird would not want to fly when it's raised in a cage you dumb fag.
being free and getting forced into the nightmare that is slavery is inconceivable.
I honestly am bored to tears by you so much, you sound like muppet #3,458,313. I am not curious at all about your pathetic existence. Please stop derailing the thread.
>autistic or emotionally stunted
Yep, that's me. That's also you, and pretty much everyone else ITT.
Where the fuck do you think you are?
I'm not nearly that optimistic. They're not gonna solve immortality in my lifetime.
>death is freedom
Don't kys, faggot.
Talking about the limits of imagination, and that's what you go with? I'd rather have the plain woman model, since Chloe is cuter than what you posted.
Why not go for something really exotic? At the very least, a pair of pointy ears would be a must have for me.
And if I were feeling particularly bold, I might go further.
Just because there's a limit doesn't mean i want to go there, but "plain woman" is the starting point. Also shit taste.