> Arguably the greatest RPG ever for the first half of the game, rivaling Mother 3, Chrono Trigger & FF6
> Story suffers the biggest drop in quality in gaming history, and turns into FF8
How would you have fixed FF9's story?
keep zidane a lowly thief from Lindblum instead of some super alien monkey from another planet
Scrap the desert castle and keep Hades as the final boss as originally intended. I liked everything else for the most part.
> Kuja kills Garland halfway through disk 3 & becomes the main villain
> Have Kuja accomplish his goals & takeover the world
> The world is saved as usual, but Zidane, Kuja & Vivi all die at the end
> Remove Neclord completely from the game
There now it's fixed, the only thing wrong with the ending outside of Neclord was the fact that the generic happy ending was completely out of place. It should have been a depressing ending, which would have fit with the tone the story had going for it
cut out the rats
I probably would have Mist Continent stuff end at the end of Disc 2, rather than early on. It's the most populated part of the world, but it feels like it wrapped up a bit too quickly.
Also, while I like Zidane's selflessness, he probably could have used a bit more personal stake in what was going on sooner than the end of Disc 3.
This could've helped ground things a bit more. Though, would you still have Zidane and Kuja related?
What was wrong with the Desert Palace?
>It should have been a depressing ending
No, user. The game's main theme is about continuing to live and find meaning in life even when surrounded by death. That was the whole point of the Black Mages.
Zidane can die (and the other two undoubtedly did), but the ending should still be optimistic with a promise of a better future.
>would you still have Zidane and Kuja related
So basically Zidane dies with Kuja during the ending, Vivi dies shortly after. And the ending is with Garnett finally becoming a real princess & taking over for her mother?
Expand the lost continent and forgotten continent. There's pretty much nothing on them. Also tie in the Terra thing more earlier on since it clashes with the rest of the game pretty hard, going from wacky cartoony fantasy world to alien saiyans replicants made for genocide. I would also cut Necron entirely, completely pointless.
I'm pretty sure 9 is a meme. Itsthe only one I never got around to playing. I'm playing RIGHT NOW and just beat the life tree and my god is this game fucking awful. The battle system is ungodly slow and plain, the story is non-existant so far (and OP says I'm about to be where the game gets shit), the villains so far are so bare bones and one dimensional when surrounded by 6-10 (so far, but Kuja is the main villain and he's just been generic so far), all the characters suck except Vivi so far, the ability system is terrible.
Yea Forums only likes this because it isn't actually popular. Yeah it's a tribute to the FFs of 6 and down. But 4,5,6 are better than it. So why play a tribute that's worse?
Please tell me it gets better and how you people can stand waiting 90 seconds for every battle to start
Expand on Terra and Zidane's cute sister. Make the final dungeon an actual dungeon. Resolve Freya's story. Either remove Necron or rewrite him.
This blantant contrarianism, but i'll respond anyway. The only thing bad about FF9 is the horribly written story after Disc 2, the characters & worldbuilding are objectively superior to any other Square game except FF6
Contrarianism isn't asking a question about why Yea Forums pretends the ignored one is better than 7. You didn't answer anything either.
If you think IX's story is bad, then its thematic story telling was lost on you, and it's your fault for being too low IQ to recognize its genius. And no, it's not bait. I genuinely believe this to be true, and this is one of the few games with writing that comes even close to being on the same level as a great literary work.
This is pathetic
give freya some more story events, her story wrapped up way too fast, some events with the rat that has amnesia. I agree with necrolord being out of place, either allude to his existence prior in the gane or just drop him entirely. wouldnt change anything else
I like the 2nd half more than the 1st half.
>ff9 is on the level of the top literary works
Wrong image but just pretend it's not and the point is that you're as simple minded and retarded and easily distracted as that husky by literally nothing
Is keep it the same but get rid of disc 4
>Arguably the greatest RPG ever for the first half of the game
I really don't see how anyone could think this.
Yea Forums just suck 6 and 9 off to spite 7 and 8
>This blantant contrarianism
Really nigger?
It's the opposite actually, Yea Forums hates FF6 & circlejerks FF7 to spite the overwhelming majority of people on the internet who prefer FF6
Fix the gameplay first
>the overwhelming majority of people on the internet who prefer FF6
I will never understand why you people overrate this so much, I have far more fond memories of FF7 and 8 than 9.
Yeah, ff6 sure is more popular than 7!
why are 6fags and 9fags so fucking obnoxious anyway
Same people
>the overwhelming majority of people on the internet who prefer FF6
All FFfags are obnoxious, aside from the FF2 chads.
Nintendo fans mad that FF moved to PS
they love 9 now because it's goes back to muh roots and is on pc
Proved my point. Too low IQ. No reading comprehension. I said that it was close, not that it was. Video games as a whole are not even close. But FF IX is far and away better at intertwining it's themes into the very fabric of narrative, characters, dialogue, and even game mechanics than the vast majority of video games.
Xchads are kino too because they just enjoy their game and stay away from all of this shit most of the time anymore. Obviously it wasn't always like that but they don't need to defend their game it feels like, because they know it's the best and aren't insecure about it like 9 and 6 betas
this. they're mad about 7's insane popularity
Some small tweaks:
>Replace Freya with Frately with events that help him slowly regain some of his memories but he's still unsure if he's the same man she fell in love with
>Integrate more of the late game plot earlier in subtle ways. The story does kind of 180 itself.
>Remove Amarant
>Flesh out a few areas that didn't have much in them. Like some late game areas and a few towns with some more sidequest stuff and bonus scenes.
>using kino
shut the fuck up please
> Popular = Critical acclaim
Imagine bejng this retarded, Gamefags & famitsu are the only places that still give a shit about FF7. Everywhere else has been circlejerking FF6 as the best FF game for years, you see FF7 at the top of every most overrated games list now whether it’s from journalists or redditors. It’s gotten incredibly hard to find websites that have FF7 ranked higher than Ff6 on any best FF game ranking
thanks for proving my point
if you pad out some of the gaps and slow points in disc 3 and 4 with character development and continuation for Freya, Amarant, Quina, and maybe Eiko.
garnett nude scene and playable Beatrix
the entire theme of the game is that your origin does not define you. Vivi, Garnet, and Zidane are all proof of this. And technically Kuja too. I don't think removing Zidane out of this equotation is a good idea. Also the soulless are hella cute.
wtf are you talking dumb nigger?? when you discuss a game you just dont go "but X did it differently". discuss a game and raise valid points are shut the fuck up
They know their favorite games sold like shit and nobody except for bitter nostalgiafags really likes them. This makes them even more bitter and miserable.
>hot springs scene with Garnet and Beatrix comparing t&a
Seriously. I wish I had that image from like 10+ years ago comparing VIfags and IXfags to the other games in the series.
Niggas are so goddamn obnoxious , holy shit.
mad about 7 and 9 straying too far from MUH SOURCE MATERIAL
also mad that 7 and 8 sold more than them
This reply doesn't even make sense, since I clearly explained why I thought the game was bad and asked for opinions on my opinions while you just splurged out like someone incapable of having a conversation
drop the DEEEEEEEPness of it. it felt so forced.
Fuck that, I want the epilogue to explain how Vivi and Quina had sex.
For starters, don't have an out of nowhere final boss.
It needs explaining more. Maybe some more hints of its oncoming arrival and the theme of worldwide entropy caused by Kuja and Garlands actions.
But I dont think thematically its a bad boss. Its basically just a force of natural order brought forth and the crew are having their last stand against it to earn their worlds right to carry on existing.
That's actually pretty cool.
They could make it like, Kuja summons it, intending to merge with it and live forever as a true god but it rejects him after he falls in battle to Zidane and the crew bad he has to lie there, dying and helpless, watching his brother fight for life and living and as he dies he understands that life is more than pain.
No. Are you fucking stupid? Read my post again.
>ask this on /vg/
>people lose their shit
Freya is my wife!
are all IX fans furfags
I liked 8 more
Nah, for me, it's Eiko.
six years old
so furries and peds
no wonder you faggots are so obnoxious
I do not have naughty thoughts about her and simply like her as a character.
she's fucking awful
> cloud of darkness
This game only needs two things to improve it vastly.
1. Make the battles move faster. They are so good awful and slow it is comparable to someone ripping a scab off just slow enough to where it hurts the whole time.
2. Replace the boss battle theme song with an actual good song. This game is where boss battle tracks started sucking until XV finally put a good one back on again. Boss battle songs in these games tend to be the best, and 9 was the first of many fuckups.
There's literally nothing wrong with Necron
>Remove Amarant
Him joining the party never made any sense to me. So butthurt over being rekt by Zidane that he follows him blindly? What?
He's supposed to be a piece of shit bandit but the story does nothing to show him changing his character.
They did.
>Though, would you still have Zidane and Kuja related?
I think this could be done fairly easily.
Gaia and Terra are twin worlds, so instead of being clone brothers Zidane and Kuja are "twin souls", Kuja is the Terran "version" of Zidane and Garland/Kuja want to track him for some reason or another that's to do with that connection.
Actually read a book, nigga.
Should have had Lani as a playable character and not him
"You might have your favorite Final Fantasy. Well, so does series creator Hironobu Sakaguchi. He likes Final Fantasy IX the best."
And he is so right FFIx is a masterpeice
Retard made the spirits within. His opinion is worthless.
>And FF6
7 > 6.
I feel like he was a character they put a lot of effort into but the story changed focus and he became increasingly less important to the plot and they couldn't really see how they could introduce him earlier in a meaningful way so they kind of just ham fistedly shoved him in near the end as a PC.
You forgot to tip ur fedora
SW is a good FF movie.
Make Christopher Lee the main villain. Instead of having terl from battlefield earth go super saiyans, kill Kim off, and become even more petulant.
And so is yours apparently. Shit taste BRO.
9fags get legit furious if you badmouth the game. It's very bizarre.
With each other?
For a god-like being who controls all life and death, he's an absolute pussy compared to Ozma.
FF8 junction system, more item complexity
the junction system was so broken though. a couple of hours into ff8 and you can already hit max damage by abusing str/magic junctions and limit breaks
You're not wrong. IX is the most generic FF.
Your first Final Fantasy huh? it's shit.
wrong game, bud
>Killing is bad unless the killer is related to you and super duper sorry.
>the hero gets the girl at the end.
Truly a work to rival Dickens.
Hey, I didn't write this.
Well yes, they are husband and husband/wife after all, and Vivi had kids at the end.