Dark souls 2 bad

>dark souls 2 bad
>most maps
>most weapons/armors/magics
>most bosses

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Quantity ain't quality my friend.

>downgraded on launch
>shockwave bullshit
>no dlc promise before three dlc's released
>shit map design
It deserved all its criticism and more

>people tell me that the DLCs are fantastic
>its literally on the same level as the rest of the game

Mediocre desu. dark souls 3 is worse though, dark souls 1 will forever be king

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>and more
Like being played a fuckton of times?


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Yes, OP, most bosses, weapons and maps in DS2 are bad.

Dark Souls 2 is the only game that genuinely pisses me off that it exists

ugly cat

What this guy said.

Dark souls after 1 was a mistake.

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Whose cat is this and how does the owner feel that this is a Yea Forums meme

its my cat, actually

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no its not. i literally know whos cat this is u fucking liar.
yes they know, and theyre a hybrid normie girl

Prove it

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>most weapons/armors/magics
but 90% of that was all balanced and useable,
only 3 weapons ware somewhat OP but 2 of them had easy couterplay and last one was nerfed.
DS 2 PVP was the best in series as for the rest... yea bosses and map were mostly underwelhming

Oof. Your life must be real shit if the existence of games pisses you off. I enjoyed DS2.


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no its mine

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Mfw express myself with cats

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if you say so

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You are just zooming into the same question

>most maps/bosses
all dreadful besides for stuff in the dlc with some exceptions with bosses
>most weapons/armors/magics
barely any unique ones, most unique weapon for a certain type of build had a similar alternative for other builds. This plus soul memory encouraged every build to turn into a Mundane Hexer or else you were just larping

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i like all the souls games, ds2 was wonky but qt, many secrets compared to 1 and 3.

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Water zone gave me a cancer

Dark Souls 2 had the best combat/balance/weapon variety in the series. Shame about the rest of the game though, SotFS especially.