Game I dislike sells a lot of copies

>game I dislike sells a lot of copies

How do I deal with this folks?
I'm 35, but I still get unreasonably angry when it happens

Attached: 1567454456673.gif (720x312, 1.74M)

Other urls found in this thread:

dumb people are more easy to scam into buying trash to be quite desu

Mashiro is such a good girl

>make anime full of sex goddesses
>add a gross goblin for comedy relief
>weebs all wanna fuck her

>that doujin of her with double penetration
Good God. Nut of the year.

Its her voice. God, I love her voice


Mating press her mouth!!!

This, enjoy the smug satisfaction of knowing you are superior to everybody that likes it.

>I'm 35
I'm 25, OP. Can I sit in your lap?

Guess that's why there are no deaf lolicons

No, you are too old

Look what I found

You're really old, user.

I like loli but real pedos fucking scare me

it's not unreasonable to be dissatisfied with how the world works unless you dont get over it and dwell on it

Honestly if you're being genuine you're a fucking autist front and center and should go get counseling. It literally doesn't matter. Go outside, or just look out of a window and realize how little this shit matters. Or better yet, get angrier and kill me because I'm tired of living

I used to be this way but I just realized that it probably won't stop any time soon so I just learned to get over it. Let people enjoy whatever, so long as I get the games that I want. If they want to play shitty games because they're too dumb to have any taste, let 'em.

Get over the delusion that your tastes are superior. Taste is subjective. People like DIFFERENT things than you do; not WORSE things.

Let people enjoy things.
Your opinion is not objective truth.
You too have shit tastes somewhere between 1% and 99% of the time.
You can dislike something that has merits to others but not to you, as you can like something that has merits to you but not to others.

She looks like she just experienced her first orgasm.

Both can be true.

I don't like racing games, puzzle games, RTS games but I don't hate racing/puzzle/RTS enthusiasts or think the genres shouldn't exist.

I don't like walking simulators, "story driven" non-games and any cancerous annual (FIFA, Asscreed). I would unironically push a button to delete these games and their fans from the earth.

>everyone plays whatever
>there's more money in it
>the games you love get dumbed down to cater to the retards
>happens with literally all media

Capitalism is the death if art.


More like
>make anime full of gross old hags
>add one sexy loli

She is fucking nine and wants his DOG brother to FUCK a high school girl

Have sex virgin

Vidya isn't art

I volunteer.

It's literally impossible to make it to 35 and still be a virgin.

Try having sex

Take of your pants, faggot.

why is this gif so lewd

>35 years old
>still browsing Yea Forums
>still watching anime
>seethes when other people likes things he doesn't
i would unironically just kill myself if i was as much of a loser as you lmao

hold my beer

I've made my peace, the series will forever be western movie game shlock from this point forward. I really tried to like it, but it's just fucking garbage, they completely ruined gunning.

Benio is best girl.

That's actually a pretty good point. It's why I try to vote with my wallet.

she's such a caring and considering girl

THE CLOSING SONG IS ABOUT SAYING HOW SHE HAS BIRTHING HIPS AND TO GET IMPREGNATED! What kind of a fucking nine year old says this to a High School girl?

This. She should've said that about herself!

What's the point of this article? Give me a brief summary because I don't see it in the abstract.

Brainwashed murrican sheep.

she has no hips user

Based and /thread

She has the sexiest hips.

she just loves her brother soo much and wants the best for him
a very nice little sister


Have sex

It is a word filter senpai

Just focus on the pain of a game you love selling barely any copies

Attached: 1545372498516.jpg (368x308, 22K)

>I'm 35, but I still get unreasonably angry when it happens
Your hope died about 10 years ago lol, you're already dead
Pic related it's you

Attached: 1500245691988.png (512x512, 227K)

Imagine if Sakura hadn't died and would have gotten pregnant. GOD

Do a Chie version

bomb the studio

Same bro, I just fap to cunny to blow off some steam.

Attached: 1538672108513.png (486x542, 321K)

Ew! Gey.

Nothing gay about sitting in your friend's lap.

it's a small research paper of a faulty correlation between being deaf and being a pedophile probably made by some psych professor that needed some quick money

if not us then Benio will fuck her and homosexuality is evil

So like dry humping a loli isn't bad right

Of course not idiot, we've been through this.

Perhaps not, but it can be beautiful. Not when a game, for example, has gigabytes of dull and uninteresting skins and items as "loot" just to make the "epic" or "legendary items" harder to obtain or better in comparison, in an attempt to draw money from the gullible, the young and those with too much expendable income and too little sense.

Dry humping a milf isn't rape?

Is dry humping an user gay?


You’re right, because all of them would have killed themselves before they hit 35.


>I'm 35

>I'm 35, but I still get unreasonably angry
goddamn imagine having such a sad fucking life getting angry with every petty thing at your age

On what?

I'm 32 and I get the same way when I hear the new FIFA, NBA or other lootbox fiesta sold well.

How cute/feminine his penis is.
If it's someone like Giga Chad, then it's pretty gay.