Imagine thinking this game is anything short of a masterpiece. Imagine thinking it isn't kino...

Imagine thinking this game is anything short of a masterpiece. Imagine thinking it isn't kino. Imagine being so braindead, being such a stupid fucking nigger, that instead of praising this game for it's artistic and technical integrity, it's innovative, groundbreaking gameplay, that you do the opposite and dislike it for trivial things that are moreso your own personal problems than the games, such as "muh stress and anxiety", "muh crippling depression", "muh Boomer wait times". In fact, if I met any one of the retarded faggots making these whiney arguments, I'd punch them over and over then drag them by the hair until their face rips across the concrete.

Attached: !!e!U4VQ!WM_$(KGrHqUOKicE0)j3V4iVBNP30RJmzw___35.jpg (300x206, 20K)

It's a solid game, but has become incredibly overrated by fagboys like yourself. FF7 is the same way, everyone outside of casuals who only played one or two JRPGs & FF7 fanboys rate it appropriately now.

Imagine thinking the remake is bad

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Nah, FF7 was pretty dull, MM was great.

>Imagine _______________

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You're not welcome here

It's not bad

Worse than the original? Yeah, but it's not bad

based majorachad

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they improved a lot and whiny niggers like OP can't realize this

or you just have shit taste

they also fucked up a lot of things like zora swimming and water hopping

>frog poster
>objectively incorrect statement
Checks out.


seethe and CoOoopPE YOU FUCKING INCELS AHAHAHA you lose I win pooppie oopsies cope Copecope COPE ahahahah i win you lose diapy mammi xDDDD you lose i win COPE nigger seething good luck with that speech impediment AHAHAHA oh no no no I WIN YOU LOSE PFFF AHAHAHAAH boomer zoomer zoom zoom cope cope frogposter checks out cope nigger nigger OP based onions seethign onions big onionsoigger cope seething OH NO NO NO PFFF AHAHAHA

>Imagine thinking this game is anything short of a masterpiece. Imagine thinking it isn't kino. Imagine being so braindead, being such a stupid fucking nigger, that instead of praising this game for it's artistic and technical integrity, it's innovative, groundbreaking gameplay, that you do the opposite and dislike it for trivial things that are moreso your own personal problems than the games, such as "muh stress and anxiety", "muh crippling depression", "muh Boomer wait times". In fact, if I met any one of the retarded faggots making these whiney arguments, I'd punch them over and over then drag them by the hair until their face rips across the concrete.

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no u
seriously why enjoy the portable versions with QoL changes when I can just emulate the old one!
they improved the controls of swimming, and introduced a solid challenge to getting an extra bottle racing
water hopping is a nitpick, it's not broken at all

Just shut up already, you already got some (You)s.

I think people don't actually realize just how faithful the OOT and MM remakes are
The devs basically just built those remakes on top of the original games which is why they feel so similar to begin with
It's obvious just from playing them that Links movement and attacks are pretty close to being exactly the same as they were in the original
Grezzo also made the Link's Awakening remake that just came out but that game was built from the ground up

I wrote a whole big list yesterday for another user and I'm too lazy to write it here. but if you want more talked about points just look anywhere on the net. the remake is insulting if you're not a braindead normgroid

>slow ass swimming

shut the fuck up zoomer

There's nothing inherently wrong with the game, it's just inferior to OoT. It's padded a lot by the mask sidequests and most of the masks are largely useless outside of netting a heart piece or furthering other mask sidequests. The atmosphere is the most common praise for the game and it has it in spades, but it doesn't make up for the rest of the game's flaws.

I grew up with the original so my opinion is valid, you need to assemble a list and can't be bothered so gfys
you're retarded, you swam too quickly to control be default you can fuck off too

Game is shit, seethe more that BOTW is king doomer

I'm pretty sure MM is the only zelda game where you can kill a nonviolent human npc

here I dug it up for you fag. majora's mask gets carried hard by its atmosphere which is completely raped in the remake. this doesn't even go into how deku link feels awful to use, how the game is easier, how zora link swimming got thrown into the garbage or other obvious shit

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>BoTW is king

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It was a case of one step forward, one step back

Finer control over time travel
Better UI, portability etc.

Graphical changes - less dark, some have said it ruins the tone but I thought it was fine

Butchered Zora swimming

Save system is better in the new one
Song of soaring is an improvement
Agree that I don't like the changes to the bosses
Don't really care about the rest

>solves a longtime debate among fans
>optional hints for newcomers
>simplified saving
>improved notebook with better organization to track game progress
>bosses are expanded
I thought you said it was a list of flaws not improvements? wow.

They made the moon into a retarded angry Jew in the remake. That's all that needs to be said.

they also oversimplified ice arrows freezing water, you can only freeze glowing water spots in the remake

>Butchered Zora swimming
they made it easier to control that's an improvement user
Neutral should be full, there was a lot of needless changes like stone mask in pirate fortress

>>solves a longtime debate among fans
I bet you like the official zelda timeline too, retard

They also changed the boss fights for some reason, which wasn’t bad but just unnecessary. Except Twinmold, that battle is way too long.

Imagine hating something just because too many people like it.

how is this a flaw, it assists newcomers, and they weren't used for anything outside those areas
it looks creepier but that's subjective

BASED. Zelda has been shit since alttp. Botw saved the series and Nintendo


>>simplified saving
read: Casualized to allow soft resetting if something goes wrong, and no more iconic "Dawn of the First Day" when you boot the game up
the notebook changes give away way too much and the pausing takes too long

Fair enough, a minor change but it does take away from some of the puzzle-solving. Don't see it as a huge deal but I understand why some might not like it

I disagree. They shouldn't have tied fast movement to the magic meter. In a perfect system they would have had three modes - slow, fast and fast with magic. Of the two we have, I prefer the older system

There are a lot of strange changes I didn't go over, I agree.

It's true. The bosses on the whole are better in the older game. Twinmold is a lot better but the other ones are worse.

Cope, i like these games. But they are still massively overrated

>"Dawn of the First Day"
whenever you play song of time
>Casualized to allow soft resetting
it's a portable game
>the notebook changes give away way too much and the pausing takes too long
nitpicky, it allows you to track progress easily
I like them

Okay, so please explain to me, as an user who haven't played it, what is it that make it kino and a masterpiece, without spoilers

You need context from ocarina of time to appreciate it but
>game design we have never seen again to this day

>Great music
>Great atmosphere
>The storytelling is literally embedded in the gameplay
>Iconic characters and areas
>Fun and unique transformations that offer extremely versatile gameplay.
>Time mechanic is like nothing else in any other game, ever.

>Imagine relying on your predecessor's problems to be considered good.

Seriously without Ocarina Majora's Mask would be seen as shit and it's flaws would be horrible. Same the other way around. They like two halves of the same game that you pick one if you want the extra content and side quests or the other for the main game. Both are dated and aged poorly but nostalgia fags keep getting off to them because they can't separate them and see their flaws.

It's bed time zoom zoom.

Time system is pretty unique and it irons out a few of Ocarina's kinks. It also gives fuckloads of of Ocarina's no name NPC's official names and more than three lines.

I can;t really describe it but if someone came to you on Ocarina's launch and told you possibly the most important/iconic character in Zelda was some grinning guy who made you sell shit to people in a optional sidequest it would sound completely insane.

What other games use Majora's reset system?

OoT/MM matter more to me than anything else in life. And it is entirely a feels based thing. You either get it or you don't.

To add to the other people's points, I'd say it also shows what the perfect Zelda sequel is. Sticking to what made Zelda so appealing while experimenting with new and interesting ideas that make the game unique in the franchise

I hold in in the same regard as Ocarina, but for different reasons. It's actually amazing how different the games feel despite the same engine/assets.

>game design we have never seen again to this day
What aspect are you talking about

Weakest 3D Zelda.

Hypothetical question: The moon is going to crash into Earth irl and you're effectively Link - you possess the power to reverse time and save the world. Do you do it?

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Yes. But only after I squeeze as many titties as I can

Do I get three days as well?

>it's just inferior to OoT

This. I feel like a lot of MM hyperfans just don't understand how great OoT really is or how ridiculously refined it is.

Like, MM does tons of extremely clever things and make the work together, but in OoT absolutely every element of the game is co-ordinated into a total experience to an absurd degree, and I don't even really understand how to properly express this unless you've experienced this feeling for yourself.

I mean, with MM, is relatively easy to *point out* all the clever things it does, what they mean, how they work together and how they contribute to the larger experience. Hence its much more conductive to all kinds of deep meta-analysis and all that. With OoT I couldn't even begin to try to talk about how it achieves what it does. It's just too difficult.

MM could have been something on the same level, I can see how it might have transformed into an experience of the same caliber were more time given to its initial development, but its flaws really are far more significant and impact on its merits much than the fans will admit. It is far from the almost crystalline diamond OoT is.

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Why did they make Twin Mold take so long to to fight?

I'd probably spend hundreds of cycles enjoying myself. Maybe after I'll try to see what I can do about the issue

>no more iconic "Dawn of the First Day" when you boot the game up
You do know you could save at the owl statues right? That still happens if you play the Song of Time to save.

The side quests are the appeal of the game though. If you're just into games to beat the story and be done, then sure it's not for you.
Comparing them is foolish, I think of them as a package. One enhances the other.

You can only quicksave at the owls in the original. In the remake it's full on savescumming. Also, song of time no longer saves in the remake.

it's a masterpiece of game design
>artistic integrity
nintendo themselves have admitted none of their games have any artistic integrity; they don't really come from an honest and personal place, with the exception of earthbound. And that's ok. Video games aren't a serious art form yet, but they can be appreciated for what they are

take your meds, faggot
also: it's a shit game

>You can only quicksave at the owls in the original
You can't save at the owls in the original, you're thinking of the soulless gaijin version that allowed you to savescum.

>temp saves for taking breaks that automatically quit the game and are deleted upon accessing again
Imagine being this retarded

Considering how they fucked up the remake and didn't understand what made the original good, and Aonuma is on record saying he regrets MM entirely because it came from a bad place and he thinks it's shit work, I'd say it counts

>some have said it ruins the tone but I thought it was fine
Cremia and Romani's house went from a barely furnished hut to a cute little house filled with expensive frills and such. They are a poor farming family with barely enough money to keep their ranch, on a good day. Romani is the kind of down-to-earth girl who would rather sleep in the barn with the cows, and Cremia is a young woman forced into the role of an adult, willing to deny herself all luxuries in order to improve romani's life even a little bit. And both of their rooms are filled with cute little dolls. It's a complete mismatch.

OoT is a very comfy and iconic game that sucks
MM abuses that comfy for an unsettling and interesting atmosphere, and doesn't suck, but has less original structured content