2007 was the peak, admit it user

>Halo 3 came out
>God of war 2
>The darkness
>Lego starwars complete saga

If you told someone from 2007, that this is as good as it gets they'll probably get super depressed. I mean what game that came out that wasn't just a plebbit game that was even noteworthy?

Attached: happy rick.png (1024x185, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:


a lot of good ones came out this decade

>leaving out the best game of that year
god damn it OP

2007 being good is part of the point of the 2007 meme. It's not that 2007 itself is shit, it's that 2007 was the beginning of the decline.


right before the 2nd vidya crash which we're currently still struggling with, so yeah

Also Rock Band and Mario Galaxy

2017 was better

OK, now back up your statement with actual info.

the bee movie?


Youtube Poop. Where there's smoke, they pinch back.

>Nier automata
>Hollow knight
>Persona 5
>Xenoblade chronicles 2

I wouldn't call 2017 bad either desu

1998 will always be the best. kys zoomer

The Surf's Up game, obviously
Super Mario Galaxy, you twit

>lost planet
>shivering isles
>sims 2 xpacs
2007 was better than i remember actually

2007 was a depressing year for me at the time. I had just graduated and went to some shitty college down the street from my house while a majority of my friends moved out of state to go to college. It was thwn that I started to spend most of my time talking to people on the internet. Looking back those were pretty comfy times.

Silly zoomer.

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nier is a reddit game
botw is fine
hollow knight is a reddit game
persona 5 is a weeb game
fortnut is whatever
xenoblade is most likely a reddit game.

user no

What even was the last big AAA game that had tons of pre release hype, released, then surpassed everyone's expectations and wasn't halo 3?

that is some awful shitposting, does no one even put any effort in anymore

In 2019 we got:

And Doom Eternal, Death Stranding and Luigis Mansion 3 are on the way. Pretty good year desu.

Halo 3 certainly doesn't qualify regardless, since everyone was disappointed it was worse than 2.

Nobody ran Crysis reasonably well in 2007.

Breath of the Wild
if you want to discount it because Yea Forums doesn't like it, you have to discount Halo too

kill yourself

Am I the only who hasn't touch his PS4 since last year? I was not interested in Spiderman so the last PS4 game that I played was God of War.

I ended up selling mine. None of the outstanding exclusives really appeal to me, and after I heard that the PS5 would probably be backwards compatible, I knew it would tank in value pretty fast.

>Halo 3 certainly doesn't qualify

Attached: duly noted.gif (480x360, 1.97M)

2007 was a good year for vidya, but in terms of overall pop culture 2005 was the last good year.

2007 overall was too far gone and inching into modern times already, with the start of Web 2.0, social media, johnny test, icrappy, economic meltdown, and Early Gen Z/zoomer kid culture in full swing.

Attached: 1552794149084.png (1101x1211, 794K)

That game was literally pandering to plebbit and those games didn't come anywhere near anything from 2007. in fact I know a couple of those games are in hot water for something egregious.

2019's Halo 3 will be cyberpunk 2077 but the rest of the releases are just gonna be shit except MAYBE call of duty (but it's gameplay better be more addicting than meth to make up for the imminent lootboxes).

what, I have a hard time believing that. I played it fairly recently and I can say it was certainly still a blast.

I only criticize Botw because my expectations were dashed and what I got after waiting for Zelda was an open world sandbox with no good ties to what made the series great
Halo is straight forward, doesn't radically shift in genre or content, is great
why would I waste any time rattling off all the games I personally like? go research your favorite genres, it's been over ten years since 2007 there's tons of fantastic titles out now, literally every game that's ever been released is out right now, don't be a contrarian and you can actually enjoy a good game once in a while

Your taste in vidya may be ass but your choice of televised entertainment is kino so I am forced to gift you gold kind sir

I've not played a single one of those games. Still an alright year.

>be 22
>/fit/ and handsome as fuck back then
>completely bluepilled not a care in the world
>fucking hottest girl at uni who would bake me delicious choc chip cookies on command
>playing basketball with buddies every day, could dunk easily
>learning jazz guitar and getting into tons of music
>straight A’s senior year of college and professors telling me I should go get a PhD in Lit or MFA in fiction because I was a badass writer
>lived in comfy old southern house converted into apartments, entire second floor was ours, kino as hell
>getting fucked up every Friday at the local Mexican restaurant with my musician buddies, one of them was a rich 30 year old boomer who would always pay for everything and we’d get drunk as fuck on margaritas and then go jam for hours
>zero woke culture or metoo or feminazi psychotic anti-white shit just a handful of feminists who knew their place
>no instagram no twitter just peak comfy fb without the news feed and without old people or normies
>played guitar hero and was freakishly good at it and mogged anyone who tried to compete against me, was a legend in local vidya circles because of this game
unironically, equivocally the absolute peak and pinnacle of my entire life. It’s hard to believe that I am even the same human being 12 years later. What a failure I am and how utterly fucked the world has become in such a short time...

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I dunno, take a look at all the low-effort wojaks constantly being posted on this site, and decide for yourself.

what went wrong?

Ten years too late.

Attached: 1997.jpg (1000x1240, 633K)

there are like 2 good games in this picture

Tomb Raider and Gran Turismo?

throw yourself off a cliff

Mario Kart and Pa Rappa The Rapper?

>Believing 2007 is peak. You are 10 years born too late OP.
Take 1997 for example.

Attached: 1997.jpg (999x1410, 653K)

Or 1998...

Attached: 1998.jpg (3266x3531, 1.74M)

Lets jump a few years ahead.
2004. You can notice the decline. But its still very good stuff.

Attached: 2004.jpg (632x5129, 661K)

Now 2007, year OP claimed is peak.
Great games in 1 year for sure. Especially if you compare it to now.
But peak has long since passed.

Attached: 2007.jpg (1198x903, 285K)

Omake 1: 1990 - 2010

Attached: 1990 - 2010.jpg (2100x1227, 677K)

Omake 2: 2018 lol

Attached: 2018.jpg (1200x675, 267K)

Uhh why has no one mentioned CoD4?

>amazing graphics that still hold up
>custom games
>fantastic community
C’mon dude.

2004 was still the peak for video games, it wasn't that much before 2007

2007 was objectively the best year in gaming, period.

Supreme Comander - best RTS ever made
STALKER - best FPS ever made
Mas of the Betrayer - Planescape Torment clone, and one of the best written and stories in gaming
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption - worst of the trilogy but still a kickass game, held back by the shitty Wii hardware and motion control gimmicks
God of War 2 - meh, whatever
Bioshock DX10(PC) - masterpiece
Crysis DX10 - revolutionized graphics and became a meme, unironically amazing gameplay
Halo 3 - finish the fight
Call of Duty 4 - don't care for it personally but it was a huge success
Mass Effect - new IP, the start of one of the biggest 7th gen franchises, best space opera series in gaming
The Witcher - new IP, the start of one of the biggest 7th gen franchises that will propell a small Eastern Europe developer into the pantheon of the greatest devs in gaming
The Orange Box - greatest compilation in the history of gaming, the last chance we got to play as Gordon Freeman. One of the best multiplayer games ever made in TF2

Literally the best.

>Halo 3 came out
bad game, worse series
Good game
Good game
Good graphics, nothing else
Good game
Awful game
Overrated shit
>God of war 2
Alright game
>The darkness
Good game
Good game
>Lego starwars complete saga
Lol are you serious?

Wow OP what a good year...

2000s were such a good time, I was young, Internet was young, the world was full of ambitions and ways to go, now I’m dead inside old fuck with no hopes in life
God I want to go back

2007 was peak western civilization, been saying that for a long time

right before the recession, peak video games, peak internet, amazing music, sad we'll never go back

HL2 was 2004 zoom zoom, Episode 2 was 2007

stop pretending so much

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>>Halo 3 came out
Alright. Given

This is 2004, and has been overshadowed by everything that came after.
>>God of war 2
>>The darkness
I don't even know what this is. Probably shit.
>>Lego starwars complete saga
Forgettable fluff.

Pretty weak year, if this is the best you got.

He got married.

2004 was better
the 7th gen fucked everything up forever

>The Witcher - new IP, the start of one of the biggest 7th gen franchises that will propell a small Eastern Europe developer into the pantheon of the greatest devs in gaming
How can one user be so wrong about this, and so utterly right about everything else?


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